Republican Plan for Voter Fraud

The swamp of Trump lies are catching up to him and his army of henchmen;
The only fact around Jim Acosta is he's a big sissy bedwetter. But it's not at all surprising you believe him.
It isn't Acosta running his mouth. It's Trump and his henchmen who are lying. But, what are you going to say? As predicted, you attack the messenger, who only relays what has been quoted in the past, by others, that turn out to be lies.

And what did you do? You really made your post about yourself. How? You revealed that you are a coward.

You couldn't challenge the lies that Acosta was reporting. That makes you a loser, because you failed to prove Acosta was wrong.

And you know something, losers like you suck. So quit wasting our time continually proving what a pussy coward you are.
It isn't Acosta running his mouth. It's Trump and his henchmen who are lying. But, what are you going to say? As predicted, you attack the messenger, who only relays what has been quoted in the past, by others, that turn out to be lies.

And what did you do? You really made your post about yourself. How? You revealed that you are a coward.

You couldn't challenge the lies that Acosta was reporting. That makes you a loser, because you failed to prove Acosta was wrong.

And you know something, losers like you suck. So quit wasting our time continually proving what a pussy coward you are.
...says the guy gettin' all bowed up on the internet. :auiqs.jpg:
I'm not near as much of a loser as a guy gettin' all tough on the internet, pretending he's all intimidating and shit.
The truth is intimidating, and it isn't in your favor. So you do have a point.
Republicans are going to claim voter fraud anytime a republican loses...often times before election day itself!

This is now one of the planks of the republican party. They have lost 7 of the last 8 popular votes dating back to 1992--now covering 30 years. They passed voting reform at the state level many times already--most recently in 2021. Most would look at that winning percentage of 12.5% and realize their message isn't working. Instead, the cries of non-existent massive fraud will continue anytime they lose an election.

Strange how there are no threads demanding an audit of the election in Virginia a few months ago.... weird.
Republicans are going to claim voter fraud anytime a republican loses...often times before election day itself!

This is now one of the planks of the republican party. They have lost 7 of the last 8 popular votes dating back to 1992--now covering 30 years. They passed voting reform at the state level many times already--most recently in 2021. Most would look at that winning percentage of 12.5% and realize their message isn't working. Instead, the cries of non-existent massive fraud will continue anytime they lose an election.

Strange how there are no threads demanding an audit of the election in Virginia a few months ago.... weird.
Eventually this election fraud nonsense is going to get a really cold shower, once the grand jury for Trumps attempted steal of Georgia is put together. By the way folks, this is a slam dunk case, which is why no Republicans wanted to answer questions.
Eventually this election fraud nonsense is going to get a really cold shower, once the grand jury for Trumps attempted steal of Georgia is put together. By the way folks, this is a slam dunk case, which is why no Republicans wanted to answer questions.

I doubt Trump will ever be indicted for anything. The concept of equal protection under the law/no one is above the law in the US is laughable at this point. Cuomo should be on trial right now for the shit he pulled with his own employees. He/Trump are two sides of the same coin.
I doubt Trump will ever be indicted for anything. The concept of equal protection under the law/no one is above the law in the US is laughable at this point. Cuomo should be on trial right now for the shit he pulled with his own employees. He/Trump are two sides of the same coin.
I respectfully disagree. With this level of illegality, and the sheer number of illegal acts, something has to be done. Just look at what he was planning with the U.S. military. He really thought he could just up and do anything he wanted. Trump had no statutory authority to call up the military and seize voting machines. Morning Joe | MSNBC Morning Joe Live with Joe Scarborough

The point is, what happens after Trump, when another wanna be authoritarian dictator tries to do the same thing? We are allowing a Banana Republic if we let it continue. Just because Trumps stooge base thinks he's God, and can do anything he wants, that invites Banana Republics. We will have made a grave mistake without prosecution. Trump and his base are imbeciles. Do we want to be ruled by an imbecile king, who's a criminal, along with his cronies? I do not. Can you imagine the cluster fuck that would be? Trump can do whatever he wants, and that's totally fine with his idiot base, while we stand by and do nothing? That's not acceptable.

We "HAVE" to prosecute to save this Democratic Republic. We have no other choice.

As for Cuomo, the wheels of justice are slow. If he's guilty, which in my opinion he is, it needs to be investigated to the full extent, and if found guilty, he needs punishment just like everyone else. There should never be special favors or exceptions for politicians. Ever!
I respectfully disagree. With this level of illegality, and the sheer number of illegal acts, something has to be done. Just look at what he was planning with the U.S. military. He really thought he could just up and do anything he wanted. Trump had no statutory authority to call up the military and seize voting machines. Morning Joe | MSNBC Morning Joe Live with Joe Scarborough

The point is, what happens after Trump, when another wanna be authoritarian dictator tries to do the same thing? We are allowing a Banana Republic if we let it continue. Just because Trumps stooge base thinks he's God, and can do anything he wants, that invites Banana Republics. We will have made a grave mistake without prosecution. Trump and his base are imbeciles. Do we want to be ruled by an imbecile king, who's a criminal, along with his cronies? I do not. Can you imagine the cluster fuck that would be? Trump can do whatever he wants, and that's totally fine with his idiot base, while we stand by and do nothing? That's not acceptable.

We "HAVE" to prosecute to save this Democratic Republic. We have no other choice.

As for Cuomo, the wheels of justice are slow. If he's guilty, which in my opinion he is, it needs to be investigated to the full extent, and if found guilty, he needs punishment just like everyone else. There should never be special favors or exceptions for politicians. Ever!
Lets leave politicians aside for a moment...they are just the most visible of offenders....

Amber Guyger was charged with murder and convicted of 2nd degree murder. Her sentence? Ten years.
That was in Texas. She fucking killed someone and got 10 years. Here is her listing on their Prison website:


Meanwhile a guy whose family I knew from back home.....


Both are serious crimes to be sure...but I think burglary of a habitation is not 4X more serious than murder!
If there was justice for Botham isn't reflected in the sentencing.

As for the Banana republic...the congress is not re-asserting their constitutionally given power so yeah, a banana republic is on the menu. We're relying on the courts to solve the disputes between the hyper aggressive executive and the feckless legislative branches.... When the judiciary is impartial...that is not going to work because it takes they 9 months to make a ruling. Now that we have a judiciary that is (largely) in the pocket of whomever appoints them... the concept of equal justice under the law is on life support.

As for the courts... Cuomo should be in jail or free with restraining orders and an ankle monitor keeping him away from anything with a vagina. He's a sick fuck and that is not against the law but what he did to his staff is!!!! Trump? Will there ever be a trial? Nope. Because the system is such that if you have the money you can just delay and rebuff any inquiry. That is just where we are at right now.
Lets leave politicians aside for a moment...they are just the most visible of offenders....

Amber Guyger was charged with murder and convicted of 2nd degree murder. Her sentence? Ten years.
That was in Texas. She fucking killed someone and got 10 years. Here is her listing on their Prison website:

View attachment 592153

Meanwhile a guy whose family I knew from back home.....

View attachment 592152

Both are serious crimes to be sure...but I think burglary of a habitation is not 4X more serious than murder!
If there was justice for Botham isn't reflected in the sentencing.

As for the Banana republic...the congress is not re-asserting their constitutionally given power so yeah, a banana republic is on the menu. We're relying on the courts to solve the disputes between the hyper aggressive executive and the feckless legislative branches.... When the judiciary is impartial...that is not going to work because it takes they 9 months to make a ruling. Now that we have a judiciary that is (largely) in the pocket of whomever appoints them... the concept of equal justice under the law is on life support.

As for the courts... Cuomo should be in jail or free with restraining orders and an ankle monitor keeping him away from anything with a vagina. He's a sick fuck and that is not against the law but what he did to his staff is!!!! Trump? Will there ever be a trial? Nope. Because the system is such that if you have the money you can just delay and rebuff any inquiry. That is just where we are at right now.
We'll, I think it comes down to faith. You make many valid points, but, at the same time, this country has come a long way. We all know at the end of the day, in our hearts of hearts, and of our souls of souls, we know we cannot have a stable civilized society, if we do not pursue what is right. Do we always get it right? No! More times no than yes, but we know what we must strive for. And your two conviction cases you illustrated, point to that continuing struggle. Those two conviction cases are the symptoms and evidence of our struggle that tell us we still have a long way to go. We can still get that right. Let's keep pushing, talking, debating, scratching, fighting, whatever it takes to achieve what we all know is right. We may not get 100% participation, but we know what needs to happen.

You know, as sickening as it is, if you go all the way back to 1607 in this country, and revisit the atrocities the European settlers imposed upon other races of people, even their own, it's always been a fight and a struggle to get things right. We aren't finished getting it right. And somehow, we continue working towards making it right, even if we take a few steps backwards. That has been my observation, and I think our subconscious knows this. There are those, who, in my opinion, fantasize about Banana Republics, criminality, an unfair justice system, an unfair playing field, or anything that pits their interests above others. But even they know that is not the path that serves the populace or the world in the long haul.

Just look at the Roman Empire. It eventually fell. How? Because those who were trying to live out their fantasies of power and control, eventually lost to the masses. They lost to outside tribes, overused and abused farmlands, inequality, injustices, slavery, etc. The very same things a small percentage are fantasizing about doing again. But, I think we might be better tooled, educated, and prepared to push back those fantasies this time.

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