Republican Plan for Voter Fraud

BWK refuses to not proof that 2020 election interference happened. Thanks BWK and MSNBC.
Duh. BTW, How many fraudulent votes have been cast in Nov 3rd 2020?
How in hell would anyone be able to say? Your crew are STILL fighting every attempt to investigate that election. Save me the rhetoric about all the proof being insufficient. It wasn't investigated at ALL... it was summarily rejected by asswipes you support. You'll need a lot more than lying media to do it again. Choose well...
Prove it. It's very clear that dumb people voted for trump, and believe every lie he has tweeted or spoken.
They believe every truth he as spoken. You need to prove moron eggplant resident should be there.
BWK refuses to not proof that 2020 election interference happened. Thanks BWK and MSNBC.
You are incapable of challenging the findings. You lose.

You can't play ball. What a weakling.
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If Republicans cheat then throw their butts in jail. If Democrats cheat......well, that's fair.
They will be thrown in jail for trying to steal this election. The evidence is right in front of us.

Remember all that stop the steal nonsense by Trumps idiot base? They were right, except they had it backwards. They were the one's doing the stealing and got caught.
BWK refuses to not proof that 2020 election interference happened. Thanks BWK and MSNBC.

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