Republican Senator asks for CBO score of Sanders' Single Payer bill

Sanders wants taxpayers to cover all healthcare costs for all illegal immigrants with the single payer plan.

Can we cut foreign aid to Central and South America to pay for their healthcare?
Where does he say that?
in 2015 we spent as a nation $3.2 Trillion in health care, broken down by sector below.

Federal 29% and State 17% ...governments combined already, right now, through our taxes pay for 46% of that $3.2 trillion, which is $1.5 trillion of that yearly spending in health care! Which is our tax dollars...except the State portion will vary by state...

Plus the individual citizen household thru insurance premiums and out of pockets and anything not covered by insurance etc., pays for 28% of that 3.2 trillion in health care spending, which is $896 billion of the health spending

The employers in the private business through paying for their employee's health care insurance etc pays 20% of that yearly health care spending, which is $640 billion

Health Spending by Type of Sponsor1:
• In 2015, the federal government accounted for the largest share of health care spending (29
percent), followed by households (28 percent), private businesses (20 percent), and state and local
governments (17 percent.

also, as a side fact, the report on 2015 health care costs broken down another way, said that what the insurance companies are of that $3.2 trillion is 33% of the total cost of health care yearly...

the report is interesting, but it is PDF that you have to go in to....hope this link works;_ylu=X3oDMTByOHZyb21tBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzcg--/RV=2/RE=1505613504/RO=10/RU=
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Good. I wonder though what they'll compare that cost to? Current expenditures on health care overall in society? I don't have much confidence that single payer will reduce our overall expenditures. Inefficiency exists now and it probably would become worse with single payer. I could support a public option if someone proved to me that costs would go down. With public option private insurance wil always always find a way to offer private options. Either as substitutes or add ons. So this argument of death panels is stupid since you'll always have the option to opt out if you have the money. Just don't trust the government to reduce inefficiency and cost from what we have today.
Who will be able to afford the "private option" when they are paying 20% of their income to support the "public option?"
I will. Right now the average American pays $10K/year. If there is any reduction at all in that number, then people can use some of that for add on or substitute policies.

Having said that, as I posted above, I am not at all convinced that the public single payer system alone would reduce the overall expenditure of $10K/year. Someone would need to convince me that the single payer system would reduce the 10K. The only way to do that is not through the insurance coverage, but through reducing the underlying costs of health care. In some senses, Congress is arguing about the wrong thing. More competition among providers should reduce costs. More transparency.

In any event, I would never support solely single payer. There would always need to be competition from private insurers. The money is out there, we just need to spend it more efficiently. The market is the answer.

Ooops. Edited to add link: Here's how much the average American spends on health care
I'd like to see a reduction in the beurocracy of the system of the repeated back and forth of charges and allowable charges.
I think employers would love to get out of the healthcare business
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
Senator asks for CBO score of Sanders's single-payer bill

Sanders made sure not to mention anything about costs in his presentation a couple of days ago.
Let's see how much this thing is gonna save us and how much our taxes will have to be raised, etc.
your taxes will be raised, but you will no longer have your monthly insurance premiums to pay.... will be interesting to see how it actually scores...
You actually believe that?:lmao::cuckoo:
Who will be able to afford the "private option" when they are paying 20% of their income to support the "public option?"
I will. Right now the average American pays $10K/year. If there is any reduction at all in that number, then people can use some of that for add on or substitute policies.

Having said that, as I posted above, I am not at all convinced that the public single payer system alone would reduce the overall expenditure of $10K/year. Someone would need to convince me that the single payer system would reduce the 10K. The only way to do that is not through the insurance coverage, but through reducing the underlying costs of health care. In some senses, Congress is arguing about the wrong thing. More competition among providers should reduce costs. More transparency.

In any event, I would never support solely single payer. There would always need to be competition from private insurers. The money is out there, we just need to spend it more efficiently. The market is the answer.

Ooops. Edited to add link: Here's how much the average American spends on health care
I'd like to see a reduction in the beurocracy of the system of the repeated back and forth of charges and allowable charges.
I think employers would love to get out of the healthcare business
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
See how many Americans over 65 want to give up Medicare
I will. Right now the average American pays $10K/year. If there is any reduction at all in that number, then people can use some of that for add on or substitute policies.

Having said that, as I posted above, I am not at all convinced that the public single payer system alone would reduce the overall expenditure of $10K/year. Someone would need to convince me that the single payer system would reduce the 10K. The only way to do that is not through the insurance coverage, but through reducing the underlying costs of health care. In some senses, Congress is arguing about the wrong thing. More competition among providers should reduce costs. More transparency.

In any event, I would never support solely single payer. There would always need to be competition from private insurers. The money is out there, we just need to spend it more efficiently. The market is the answer.

Ooops. Edited to add link: Here's how much the average American spends on health care
I'd like to see a reduction in the beurocracy of the system of the repeated back and forth of charges and allowable charges.
I think employers would love to get out of the healthcare business
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it

Good for your mom, she has probably worked a minimum of ten years to qualify for Medicare.

My mom worked around 12 years, my dad paid Medicare from 1965 till he retired

Considering the alternative of old people going on be insurance free market to get is a Godsend

Can we open Medicare to all? I'd like to investigate it. We are going to need something after Republicans do what they can to kill Obamacare
The only way that should even be considered... 100% voluntary
I will. Right now the average American pays $10K/year. If there is any reduction at all in that number, then people can use some of that for add on or substitute policies.

Having said that, as I posted above, I am not at all convinced that the public single payer system alone would reduce the overall expenditure of $10K/year. Someone would need to convince me that the single payer system would reduce the 10K. The only way to do that is not through the insurance coverage, but through reducing the underlying costs of health care. In some senses, Congress is arguing about the wrong thing. More competition among providers should reduce costs. More transparency.

In any event, I would never support solely single payer. There would always need to be competition from private insurers. The money is out there, we just need to spend it more efficiently. The market is the answer.

Ooops. Edited to add link: Here's how much the average American spends on health care
I'd like to see a reduction in the beurocracy of the system of the repeated back and forth of charges and allowable charges.
I think employers would love to get out of the healthcare business
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
See how many Americans over 65 want to give up Medicare
Make it 100% voluntary for those under fifty, thats the only fair way...
here's the other breakdown on healthcare spending

Health Spending by Major Sources of Funds:
• Medicare (20 percent share): Medicare spending grew 4.5 percent to $646.2 billion in 2015,
which was a slight deceleration from the 4.8 growth percent in 2014. The slightly slower growth
in 2015 was largely attributable to slower growth in Medicare enrollment, which increased 2.7
percent to 54.3 million beneficiaries following 3.1 percent growth in 2014.
• Medicaid (17 percent share): Total Medicaid spending slowed slightly in 2015 to 9.7 percent,
but continued the strong growth that began in 2014 (11.6 percent) State and local Medicaid
expenditures grew 4.9 percent while Federal Medicaid expenditures increased 12.6 percent in
2015. The increased spending by the federal government was largely driven by newly eligible
enrollees under the ACA, which were fully financed by the federal government.
• Private Health Insurance (33 percent share): Total private health insurance expenditures
increased 7.2 percent to $1.1 trillion in 2015, faster than the 5.8 percent growth in 2014. The
acceleration in 2015 was driven by increased enrollment and strong growth in benefit spending.
• Out-of-Pocket (11 percent share): Out-of-pocket spending grew 2.6 percent in 2015 to $338.1
billion, slightly faster than the growth of 1.4 percent in 2014. The increase in 2015 was
influenced by the expansion of insurance
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
My parents love it too! But in fairness, my parents also have TRICARE which pays their 20% share...

My mom's been on it too for 20 years, sees all the doctors she wants. We have a supplemental plan over the top which is why I think a public/private blend can work. But I would need to be convinced that the public option wouldn't increase costs of underlying care and of bureaucratic hoo ha in coverage.
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
My mom's been on it too for 20 years, sees all the doctors she wants. We have a supplemental plan over the top which is why I think a public/private blend can work. But I would need to be convinced that the public option wouldn't increase costs of underlying care and of bureaucratic hoo ha in coverage.
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Actually, that's a good point. I kept mine too.

Actually, over 90 percent of Americans kept their insurance and doctors. So at worst, Obamas claim was only ten percent wrong

But why is it nobody holds the Republicans to their claims?

Obamacare did not kill Sarah Palins baby
The economy was not destroyed
There were no death panels
There was no government takeover
it's been a boom for jobs in the medical fields!
...and millions want nothing to do with it, will never use it and can not possibly afford it...
I'd like to see a reduction in the beurocracy of the system of the repeated back and forth of charges and allowable charges.
I think employers would love to get out of the healthcare business
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
See how many Americans over 65 want to give up Medicare
Make it 100% voluntary for those under fifty, thats the only fair way...
I could see that

Opt out and pay for your own plan
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
My parents love it too! But in fairness, my parents also have TRICARE which pays their 20% share...

My mom's been on it too for 20 years, sees all the doctors she wants. We have a supplemental plan over the top which is why I think a public/private blend can work. But I would need to be convinced that the public option wouldn't increase costs of underlying care and of bureaucratic hoo ha in coverage.
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
See how many Americans over 65 want to give up Medicare
Make it 100% voluntary for those under fifty, thats the only fair way...
I could see that

Opt out and pay for your own plan
I would enthusiastically give up everything i have paid in up to this point, just to get away from any form of socialized medicine in the future.
My parents love it too! But in fairness, my parents also have TRICARE which pays their 20% share...

My mom's been on it too for 20 years, sees all the doctors she wants. We have a supplemental plan over the top which is why I think a public/private blend can work. But I would need to be convinced that the public option wouldn't increase costs of underlying care and of bureaucratic hoo ha in coverage.
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
My mom's been on it too for 20 years, sees all the doctors she wants. We have a supplemental plan over the top which is why I think a public/private blend can work. But I would need to be convinced that the public option wouldn't increase costs of underlying care and of bureaucratic hoo ha in coverage.
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.
Oh yea, its just so terrible under socialized health:
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.
Oh yea, its just so terrible under socialized health:
If socialized medicine was worth a shit it would be 100% voluntary. Forcing people into shit they do not want nothing to do with, will never use and can never afford is all about control.

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