Republican Senator asks for CBO score of Sanders' Single Payer bill

Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
The government helping people get insurance is not socialism
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
The government helping people get insurance is not socialism
Sure it is... federal government always has ulterior motives
I will. Right now the average American pays $10K/year. If there is any reduction at all in that number, then people can use some of that for add on or substitute policies.

Having said that, as I posted above, I am not at all convinced that the public single payer system alone would reduce the overall expenditure of $10K/year. Someone would need to convince me that the single payer system would reduce the 10K. The only way to do that is not through the insurance coverage, but through reducing the underlying costs of health care. In some senses, Congress is arguing about the wrong thing. More competition among providers should reduce costs. More transparency.

In any event, I would never support solely single payer. There would always need to be competition from private insurers. The money is out there, we just need to spend it more efficiently. The market is the answer.

Ooops. Edited to add link: Here's how much the average American spends on health care
I'd like to see a reduction in the beurocracy of the system of the repeated back and forth of charges and allowable charges.
I think employers would love to get out of the healthcare business
Yeah, putting government in charge is the best way to reduce bureaucracy. Everyone knows that!
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
The plural of "anecdote" is not "data."
See how many Americans over 65 want to give up Medicare
It would be shocking if they did since they built their whole lives around it.
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
The government helping people get insurance is not socialism
Yes it is.

Your description of socialized medicine is laughable.
Medicare has been around for 50 years
My mom has been using it for over 20 years and she loves it
My parents love it too! But in fairness, my parents also have TRICARE which pays their 20% share...

My mom's been on it too for 20 years, sees all the doctors she wants. We have a supplemental plan over the top which is why I think a public/private blend can work. But I would need to be convinced that the public option wouldn't increase costs of underlying care and of bureaucratic hoo ha in coverage.
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
I didn't want coverage for sex change operations or substance abuse.
My parents love it too! But in fairness, my parents also have TRICARE which pays their 20% share...

My mom's been on it too for 20 years, sees all the doctors she wants. We have a supplemental plan over the top which is why I think a public/private blend can work. But I would need to be convinced that the public option wouldn't increase costs of underlying care and of bureaucratic hoo ha in coverage.
ROFL! You are so naive.

Remember this quote: "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
I kept my doctor
Did you lose yours?
Millions lost theirs and the coverage they wanted, and in turn received shit they did not want anything to do with, would never use and can not possibly afford...
I didn't want coverage for sex change operations or substance abuse.
No doubt, The fucking federal government knows what's best for everybody and whats the right coverage for everybody… Fuck that. fuck them assholes... lol
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
The government helping people get insurance is not socialism
Yes it is.

Your description of socialized medicine is laughable.
What do you call socialized medicine

Love to hear it
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
The government helping people get insurance is not socialism
Yes it is.

Your description of socialized medicine is laughable.
What do you call socialized medicine

Love to hear it
A load of shit
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
The government helping people get insurance is not socialism
Yes it is.

Your description of socialized medicine is laughable.
What do you call socialized medicine

Love to hear it
I call it socialized medicine. "State run medicine" might be a more descriptive term.
A non-partisan group already calculated it at $32 TRILLION over the first 10 years, that's a tax increase of $24,000 a year for every family in the country. Liberals suck at math, told you so.

Bullshit. It doesn't cost 24,000 to insure a family and we already are paying for almost all the "free" healthcare programs.

Use your head.
A non-partisan group already calculated it at $32 TRILLION over the first 10 years, that's a tax increase of $24,000 a year for every family in the country. Liberals suck at math, told you so.

Bullshit. It doesn't cost 24,000 to insure a family and we already are paying for almost all the "free" healthcare programs.

Use your head.
It would cost me over $1,600/mo for me to purchase an Obamacare policy equivalent to what I previously had through my employer. That comes to about $19,000/yr.
A non-partisan group already calculated it at $32 TRILLION over the first 10 years, that's a tax increase of $24,000 a year for every family in the country. Liberals suck at math, told you so.

Bullshit. It doesn't cost 24,000 to insure a family and we already are paying for almost all the "free" healthcare programs.

Use your head.
It would cost me over $1,600/mo for me to purchase an Obamacare policy equivalent to what I previously had through my employer. That comes to about $19,000/yr.

Stop bullshitting, you are prime for subsidies and probably get disability
A non-partisan group already calculated it at $32 TRILLION over the first 10 years, that's a tax increase of $24,000 a year for every family in the country. Liberals suck at math, told you so.

Bullshit. It doesn't cost 24,000 to insure a family and we already are paying for almost all the "free" healthcare programs.

Use your head.
It would cost me over $1,600/mo for me to purchase an Obamacare policy equivalent to what I previously had through my employer. That comes to about $19,000/yr.

Stop bullshitting, you are prime for subsidies and probably get disability
Wrong, asshole. I don't get checks from the government like you.
Yet 20 million more people ended up with insurance
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
Everybody gets medicare when they reach 65. Big government intrusion; the elderly losing their right to be denied coverage.
A non-partisan group already calculated it at $32 TRILLION over the first 10 years, that's a tax increase of $24,000 a year for every family in the country. Liberals suck at math, told you so.

Bullshit. It doesn't cost 24,000 to insure a family and we already are paying for almost all the "free" healthcare programs.

Use your head.
It would cost me over $1,600/mo for me to purchase an Obamacare policy equivalent to what I previously had through my employer. That comes to about $19,000/yr.

Stop bullshitting, you are prime for subsidies and probably get disability
Wrong, asshole. I don't get checks from the government like you.

Government healthcare and Obamacare subsidies are not "government checks". Maybe I'm mixing you up with someone, but either way 24,000 still makes no sense.

Currently Obamacare marketplace pricing reflects risk that is not there on a national level, because those pools are more volatile and cover sicker people than non-Medicare general population.
Last edited:
What Percent of Health Insurance is Paid by Employers?

In 2015, the average company-provided health insurance policy totaled $6,251 a year for single coverage. On average, employers paid 83 percent of the premium, or $5,179 a year. Employees paid the remaining 17 percent, or $1,071 a year.

For family coverage, the average policy totaled $17,545 a year with employers contributing, on average, 72 percent or $12,591. Employees paid the remaining 28 percent or $4,955 a year.

All those expenses, for both the employee and their employers, would go away under a single payer system. YUGE savings!

In addition, the tax exemption costs another $260 billion in federal revenues each year. That expenditure, too, would also go away.

So what you are saying is that our taxes would go up at least that much, and then even more to fund the Department that would oversee it. Now how would health care be rationed? Merely first come first served? Or would we award points if the person isn't a racist or whatever?

Before you say that would never happen, remember that arguments about how the First Amendment doesn't cover everyone are going on, the IRS is apparently free to target Conservatives, and the FBI is focused on the RW. So what are the chances that medical care would be rationed by political reliability?

Do we base it on Medicare where Seniors have hundreds of dollars out of pocket for prescription drugs? Do we model it on the VA where service is if we get to you before you die?
A non-partisan group already calculated it at $32 TRILLION over the first 10 years, that's a tax increase of $24,000 a year for every family in the country. Liberals suck at math, told you so.

Bullshit. It doesn't cost 24,000 to insure a family and we already are paying for almost all the "free" healthcare programs.

Use your head.

Don't get mad at me or the non-partisan Urban institute, its Bernie Sanders dumb fuck single payer plan. The Urban Institute has studied the cost, you have not, fact.
Who is supposed to pay for those peoples coverage?
No one should be forced into any sort of socialized healthcare program...
Do you know what socialized medicine is?

It would help if you could explain
socialized medicine is government control medicine.

So that would mean the doctors work for the Government, they tell you which doctor you can see, approve your treatment, pay for treatment out of your taxes

Doesn't seem anyone is proposing socialized medicine
No, it's one of the ways the government controls the population is through health care.
The federal government should have nothing to do with the peoples health care… Government control of healthcare is absolutely unacceptable
Everybody gets medicare when they reach 65. Big government intrusion; the elderly losing their right to be denied coverage.

The were denied their right to choose coverage when they started working and paying Medicare taxes.

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