Republican Senators Are Losing the Fundraising Battle

Oh, and notice that Trump is now making no pretense about not being involved in running his businesses. Before, he lied and said he put them in a blind trust. Remember the table piled high with stacks of "trust documents" he had signed? He never opened any of those files folders or showed us the documents. Now he claims that lots of Presidents ran their businesses and the country at the same time.

Looks like he's doing a very bad job at both.
I understand you must cling to some thread of hope as your reality seems bleak for at least another 5+ years. I admit I don't actually feel your misery but can hear it in your words and know that I would much rather you not be suffering. Still, as the old Chinese proverb goes ... better you than me. :D

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Denial Number 2 chimes in as predicted
OK, I didn't want to exacerbate your suffering but evidently you enjoy it...
Dems just can't face the truth or the oncoming 2020 Trump Train. Instead they've hitched their wagon to socialism and can't seem to get it off the tracks. BOOM!!!

Rather than use polls - which as we know struggle to measure Trump's support - Moody's and others employ scientific models to predict the future, and every one I've read says Trump in 2020 ... BIGLY. No wonder the Dems are so hot to impeach.

Trump in a landslide? This historically accurate model predicts exactly that
According to Moody’s Analytics, Trump is headed toward another four years in the White House. And, if the numbers are right, it won’t even be close.
Earlier scientific modelers came to the same conclusion as Moody's.

3 forecast modelers predict Trump will win in 2020
The big picture: Trump wins all three modelers. Economists predict that the tailwind is large.
  • Ray Fair, a professor at Yale, "found that the growth rates of gross domestic product and inflation have been the two most important economic predictors — but he also found that incumbency was also an important determinant of presidential election outcomes."
  • "Mark Zandi, the chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, has looked at 12 models, and Mr. Trump wins in all of them."
  • "Donald Luskin of Trend Macrolytics has reached the same conclusion in his examination of the Electoral College."
Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020 are trailing their democratic competitors in fundraising and are also underwater in their approval ratings. The Trump affect is in full swing. He's dragging them down along with his own sinking ship.

Trump devotees will, of course, ignore these signs, just like they did leading up to the 2018 midterms when they lost 40 seats in the House and seven governorships. They'll pretend Trump's high level of disapproval among the American people mean nothing and will foolishly claim polls only tell the truth when they show him doing well. They will continue to do all of this to the detriment of their own party and will be left in shock and awe on election night when they get swept across the board should things not drastically change over the next year. If a radical extreme leftist like Warren or Sanders ends up being president you have only yourselves to blame.

I said back in 2016 when Trump got the nomination he would be a long term liability for the GOP and it's playing out exactly as I expected it would.

Key incumbents are losing the money battle as 2020's top Senate races heat up
Lol democrats are running in killing babies, open boarders, taken out a elected president, ignoring the thousands getting shot in their own neighborhoods..

Democrats will always raise more they are more involved in urban politics.. more democrats in urban areas..

But warren can’t win the middle of America. You have no one.
Oh, and notice that Trump is now making no pretense about not being involved in running his businesses. Before, he lied and said he put them in a blind trust. Remember the table piled high with stacks of "trust documents" he had signed? He never opened any of those files folders or showed us the documents. Now he claims that lots of Presidents ran their businesses and the country at the same time.

Looks like he's doing a very bad job at both.
The reason Trump didn't open those documents is because they were blank pages.

Theater for the rubes.
Lol democrats are running in killing babies, open boarders, taken out a elected president, ignoring the thousands getting shot in their own neighborhoods..

And most of them are polling double digits ahead of Trump despite all of that.

Democrats will always raise more they are more involved in urban politics

False, they don't always raise more

But warren can’t win the middle of America.

She doesn't need too. The Republicans are losing the suburbs.
Lol democrats are running in killing babies, open boarders, taken out a elected president, ignoring the thousands getting shot in their own neighborhoods..

And most of them are polling double digits ahead of Trump despite all of that.

Democrats will always raise more they are more involved in urban politics

False, they don't always raise more

But warren can’t win the middle of America.

She doesn't need too. The Republicans are losing the suburbs.
Yea show me a poll not run by democrats,, democrats almost always raise more money then republicans, except for trump, he’s had raised a little bit more in the third quarter then dems..

I think when 99% of the media is anti trump many in the suburbs are leaning towards Democrat but just wait until Trump starts pumping out commercials in their area and comes to visit them .. they will realize dems are not an option.

Warren won’t win the suburbs in middle America
If a radical extreme leftist like Warren or Sanders ends up being president you have only yourselves to blame.

Nonsense. If that happens it will be because of our broken education system and a corrupt media.

No, it will happen because Trump behaves like a child instead of a world leader. The media has been biased for decades and our education system has sucked balls, but that hasn't stopped the GOP in the past.
Sure it did. We got Obama, the most unqualified president ever. All because he was the anointed one, according to the tingly legged media that is.
Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020 are trailing their democratic competitors in fundraising and are also underwater in their approval ratings. The Trump affect is in full swing. He's dragging them down along with his own sinking ship.

Trump devotees will, of course, ignore these signs, just like they did leading up to the 2018 midterms when they lost 40 seats in the House and seven governorships. They'll pretend Trump's high level of disapproval among the American people mean nothing and will foolishly claim polls only tell the truth when they show him doing well. They will continue to do all of this to the detriment of their own party and will be left in shock and awe on election night when they get swept across the board should things not drastically change over the next year. If a radical extreme leftist like Warren or Sanders ends up being president you have only yourselves to blame.

I said back in 2016 when Trump got the nomination he would be a long term liability for the GOP and it's playing out exactly as I expected it would.

Key incumbents are losing the money battle as 2020's top Senate races heat up

Like I said before the 18 midterms...I believe Mexicrats will continue to win local elections as candidates are able to speak to the wants and needs of the local electorate. Local candidates are not stupid enough to promise to make Americans pay wetbacks to fuck up their nation...etc etc.
Don’t make the mistake of tying local elections to Trumps campaign or his agenda for the national electorate.
How will Senators Warren and Harris fare? If they blow the nominations, will their constituents turn on them?
Is this inane stuff the best news democrats can come up with when the clown car is laughable and Trump fields thousands of people in every rally?
Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020 are trailing their democratic competitors in fundraising and are also underwater in their approval ratings. The Trump affect is in full swing. He's dragging them down along with his own sinking ship.

Trump devotees will, of course, ignore these signs, just like they did leading up to the 2018 midterms when they lost 40 seats in the House and seven governorships. They'll pretend Trump's high level of disapproval among the American people mean nothing and will foolishly claim polls only tell the truth when they show him doing well. They will continue to do all of this to the detriment of their own party and will be left in shock and awe on election night when they get swept across the board should things not drastically change over the next year. If a radical extreme leftist like Warren or Sanders ends up being president you have only yourselves to blame.

I said back in 2016 when Trump got the nomination he would be a long term liability for the GOP and it's playing out exactly as I expected it would.

Key incumbents are losing the money battle as 2020's top Senate races heat up

We will know when the election is over.

Not really worried as I look at most races...some are in question however.

The shitstorm the democrats have created will soon factor in (one way or the other).
Republican Senators up for reelection in 2020 are trailing their democratic competitors in fundraising and are also underwater in their approval ratings. The Trump affect is in full swing. He's dragging them down along with his own sinking ship.

Trump devotees will, of course, ignore these signs, just like they did leading up to the 2018 midterms when they lost 40 seats in the House and seven governorships. They'll pretend Trump's high level of disapproval among the American people mean nothing and will foolishly claim polls only tell the truth when they show him doing well. They will continue to do all of this to the detriment of their own party and will be left in shock and awe on election night when they get swept across the board should things not drastically change over the next year. If a radical extreme leftist like Warren or Sanders ends up being president you have only yourselves to blame.

I said back in 2016 when Trump got the nomination he would be a long term liability for the GOP and it's playing out exactly as I expected it would.

Key incumbents are losing the money battle as 2020's top Senate races heat up
Trump is exposing how totally corrupt and dishonest the Democrats really are
People should ignore Democrat Hate Machine.
They have been supercharging their lying.
Lol democrats are running in killing babies, open boarders, taken out a elected president, ignoring the thousands getting shot in their own neighborhoods..

And most of them are polling double digits ahead of Trump despite all of that.

Democrats will always raise more they are more involved in urban politics

False, they don't always raise more

But warren can’t win the middle of America.

She doesn't need too. The Republicans are losing the suburbs.
polls are nothing more than a toilet roll to soak up tears of demofks who are still crying. boo fking hoo. polls. Really? I thought you were more educated than that. Really?


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