Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Yes I can. Iran supports Syria. Have you noticed what Isis has done to Syria. Isis will move on Iran after Syria and Iraq.

What ISIS has done to syria? Are you that fucking stupid? Do you have any fucking idea what assad and his masters in iran have done to syria? Their barrel bombing of whole cities has killed 50 times more people than ISIS EVER could.

And since you c-nts like to mention Israel, why did you bastards screech about Israel killing 2K terrorists last year, but have remained silent with assad/iran slaughtering TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND? Is it because you are clueless liberal brainwashed trash too stupid to think for yourselves?

ISIS is fighting Syria who is supported by Iran. So naturally Iran is fighting ISIS.
Okay let's look at their history. Everything I've seen Iran doing seems designed to defend themselves from being attacked. I don't see them amassing troops, preparing for some sort of invasion somewhere. Do you? The fact is that Iran has never started a war in the past 100 years. They were attacked by Saddam Hussein in 1979, and responded by defending themselves in an all out war with that country. Can you blame them for wanting to defend themselves? So what war do you suppose they want?

I am tired of educating stupid, lazy people who post garbage like this. They are either really lazy and stupid, or on iran's payroll, since no one reading the news in the last ten years could even try to make this point.
Well, fraudscholar, pissing you off is always a good thing, don't you think? Try a little less profanity in your posts....that may make you look a little less desperate and, of course, less stupid.

Shit for brains, I have yet to see one single leftist - including assholes like you who started the insults - offer a rational post against war with iran. None of you can defend obama's lunatic position, none of you can defend your own positions, all i see are juvenile trolling deflections and personal attacks, the requisite last fallback position of the mentally defeated and exhausted. The left has zero credibility on iran, none, zip.
A rational reason not to go to war?

How about the fact that it took us 9 years to defeat a bunch of insurgents in Iraq whose numbers were measured in the tens of thousands? They had little training, no formal army, no navy, no air force. And Iraq is 1/3 the size of Iran.

Then there's the fact that Iran has neither attacked us nor threatened to.

Lastly, why would you want to give them a justifiable reason to nuke us?
They lowered our standing in the world and showed us as divided and weak. I bet Putin is very happy. Who elects senators to make us look weak on a world stage?

Well, as we're painfully finding out, it is not just voters who elect and select our DC representation....rather, elections seem to boil down to money and influence.......

The wackiness of Tom Cotton is being "nurtured" by none other than Bill Krystol (yeah, the same nut who nurtured Sarah Palin).....Krystol and the American Enterprise Institute see in Cotton the potential for a true Manchurian candidate they can manipulate and mold to their wacky and dangerous agenda.

The Iran letter was just a first test by Krystol in seeing how Cotton's reputation could be nurtured.....Obviously this first test failed.....but they'll be others.
You can't blame Tom Cotton

In that 47 Senators there are dozens with the experience and understanding to know better
    • In 2007, newly elected House speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Syria to meet with dictator Bashar al-Assad. At the time of the trip, the Bush administration was seeking to isolate Assad, whose regime was supporting insurgents in Iraq who were targeting U.S. troops. Pelosi disregarded the administration’s request to cancel her trip. Instead, she appeared in Damascus and reassured the world that Assad was eager to be a constructive player in the region and wanted peace with Israel.
A Contrived Controversy The Weekly Standard

Don't forget that pelosi called assad a "reformer" - as did john kerry several times - over the past several years.

There was another event where jimmy carter inserted into the n korean situation and the sitting president was none too pleased...

Former President Jimmy Carter s Mission to North Korea

Carter Visit to North Korea - Whose Trip Was It Really -
Then there's the fact that Iran has neither attacked us nor threatened to.

Lastly, why would you want to give them a justifiable reason to nuke us?

You stupid fucking idiot asshole, do you have any idea how many american soldiers those fucking bastard iranians injured or killed in iraq? THOUSANDS. THE US SHOULD HAVE PULVERIZED IRAN years ago, and iran has lived and enjoyed a position of war by subterfuge, proxy, and terrorism for way, way too long.
chrL 10962239
I posted a couple of polls which state that Americans do not want a nuclear Iran and do not trust Iran

You keep playing word games with polls that don't support your wild claims and accusations - so here is the record of most of your posts through Post 1887 page 289

Americans approve of the negotiations and making a deal that allows Iran to have nuclear peaceful energy.

You claim they don't.

You have not provided anything to counter the two years of polls that show that a majority of Republicans Democrats and Independents support the nuclear deal being negotiated between P5+1 and Iran.

h, so IOW, you are intimidated by Iran's threats? Lol. This figures. You liberals are a bunch of pussies.

Kudos to those who signed the letter. At least somebody is thinking.

Your concern that Obama is making a mistake has just become absolutely irrelevant. The five permanent members on the UNSC have just stepped up:

That does not mean they cannot express their disagreement on the matter and to let Iran know that most American citizens do not agree with Mr. Obama. Even if it doesn't do any good, they will be shown to be correct in the future.

Why don't you post the entire thing? Now, this says nothing about how Americans feel about Iran becoming nuclear.

Nearly 60 percent of Americans have heard at least something about the open letter, and 42 percent say it was inappropriate, while 28 percent find it appropriate and the remainder aren't sure -- a divide similar to views on the invitation for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress, which 47 percent of Americans said was inappropriate.

I don't think I was born yet then and don't really care. What I do care about is Iran having nuclear power.

No, HERE is something to think about . . .

Along with setting off a mad race to attain nuclear weapons that would involve Saudi Arabia, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that a nuclear Iran would arm terrorists that would strike at the United States.

This brings to mind the recent Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador in Washington, DC. The plan called for setting off weapons of mass destruction.

While there is disagreement on what should or shoudn't be done there is general agreement that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.

Which raises the question, How would the world change if Iran goes nuclear?

As stated above, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other oil rich states have said they would do whatever they needed to do to acquire nuclear weapons. Imagine, multiple nations becoming nuclear powers overnight. As Secretary Hague said, the proliferation of nations with nuclear weapons would unsettle the world order. It would increase the likelihood of nuclear weapons being used, stolen, and falling into hands of terrorists.

Can Iran be stopped from attaining nuclear weapons?

Edit: Oops, forgot the link. Exclusive Analysis Would a Nuclear Capable Iran Change the World - Secure America Now

Nope, they haven't. A lot of people are glad they spoke out against this ridiculousness

Mod Edit: The sheer volume of quotes cut and pasted here is ridiculous and an abuse of space. Please pick a few pertinant examples next time. Post shortened.
Last edited by a moderator:
    • In 2007, newly elected House speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Syria to meet with dictator Bashar al-Assad. At the time of the trip, the Bush administration was seeking to isolate Assad, whose regime was supporting insurgents in Iraq who were targeting U.S. troops. Pelosi disregarded the administration’s request to cancel her trip. Instead, she appeared in Damascus and reassured the world that Assad was eager to be a constructive player in the region and wanted peace with Israel.
A Contrived Controversy The Weekly Standard

Don't forget that pelosi called assad a "reformer" - as did john kerry several times - over the past several years.

There was another event where jimmy carter inserted into the n korean situation and the sitting president was none too pleased...

Former President Jimmy Carter s Mission to North Korea

Carter Visit to North Korea - Whose Trip Was It Really -

Former presidents have no power...
So your argument is that ISIS is supported by Iran at the same time they are giving them a shellacking on the battlefield? Wow, your compartmentalization of duplicity is, in a word, astounding.

It is your credibility that is nonexistent. Iran and its poodle assad have been avoiding fighting ISIS in syria while they concentrate on the more moderate FSA and other rebellious groups. Facts much?
    • In 2007, newly elected House speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Syria to meet with dictator Bashar al-Assad. At the time of the trip, the Bush administration was seeking to isolate Assad, whose regime was supporting insurgents in Iraq who were targeting U.S. troops. Pelosi disregarded the administration’s request to cancel her trip. Instead, she appeared in Damascus and reassured the world that Assad was eager to be a constructive player in the region and wanted peace with Israel.
A Contrived Controversy The Weekly Standard

Don't forget that pelosi called assad a "reformer" - as did john kerry several times - over the past several years.

There was another event where jimmy carter inserted into the n korean situation and the sitting president was none too pleased...

Former President Jimmy Carter s Mission to North Korea

Carter Visit to North Korea - Whose Trip Was It Really -

Former presidents have no power...

That is naive nonsense. Former presidents have connections and influence, otherwise, why would so many foreign governments donate to the Clinton Foundation?

Government service has turned into an influence-rent-seeking racket, and that is a form of power.
So your argument is that ISIS is supported by Iran at the same time they are giving them a shellacking on the battlefield? Wow, your compartmentalization of duplicity is, in a word, astounding.

It is your credibility that is nonexistent. Iran and its poodle assad have been avoiding fighting ISIS in syria while they concentrate on the more moderate FSA and other rebellious groups. Facts much?

Iran is helping Iraq take back Tikrit as we speak...
Do you honestly believe that Iran doesn't understand what would happen to their country were they to acquire, and then use nuclear weapons in the Middle East? They understand what is at stake far more than you do. That much is obvious. They fought a god-awful war with Iraq that ravaged their people. And the current sanctions have bankrupted and impoverished their country. They came to us, asking for discussions. They would not have done that if the sanctions weren't working. You people are too fast and loose with the cannons, and never think of the consequences. That makes you right wingers far more dangerous than Iran will ever be.

I had hoped you'd be the one leftist who could intelligent debate, you proved me wrong. Iran's army and intelligence units are ALREADY running 4-5 other nations in the region, they are already at war. They have moved right up to Israel's border in the golan, and are planning a massive regional war to expand their shia crescent wider. Had you any sense instead of idiotic talking points, you might have been a decent commentators, but instead, you chose the path of stupidity, sadly.
    • In 2007, newly elected House speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Syria to meet with dictator Bashar al-Assad. At the time of the trip, the Bush administration was seeking to isolate Assad, whose regime was supporting insurgents in Iraq who were targeting U.S. troops. Pelosi disregarded the administration’s request to cancel her trip. Instead, she appeared in Damascus and reassured the world that Assad was eager to be a constructive player in the region and wanted peace with Israel.
A Contrived Controversy The Weekly Standard

Don't forget that pelosi called assad a "reformer" - as did john kerry several times - over the past several years.

There was another event where jimmy carter inserted into the n korean situation and the sitting president was none too pleased...

Former President Jimmy Carter s Mission to North Korea

Carter Visit to North Korea - Whose Trip Was It Really -

Former presidents have no power...

That is naive nonsense. Former presidents have connections and influence, otherwise, why would so many foreign governments donate to the Clinton Foundation?

Government service has turned into an influence-rent-seeking racket, and that is a form of power.

That can hardly be compared to senators who are currently in office. A former president has no vote in anything and no real power.
Okay let's look at their history. Everything I've seen Iran doing seems designed to defend themselves from being attacked. I don't see them amassing troops, preparing for some sort of invasion somewhere. Do you? The fact is that Iran has never started a war in the past 100 years. They were attacked by Saddam Hussein in 1979, and responded by defending themselves in an all out war with that country. Can you blame them for wanting to defend themselves? So what war do you suppose they want?

I am tired of educating stupid, lazy people who post garbage like this. They are either really lazy and stupid, or on iran's payroll, since no one reading the news in the last ten years could even try to make this point.

Really? And you call yourself a Rhodes Scholar? I don't think so.
With Iran Letter, GOP Senators Basically Say 'Don't Trust America'

So, that happened. This week, Iranian leaders got a letter, authored by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and signed by 46 other Republican senators, in which a clear message was sent. That message? "No one should ever take the United States of America at its word." Why did this have to happen?

More: So That Happened: With Iran Letter, GOP Senators Basically Say 'Don't Trust America'

Foreign countries must be shaking their heads.
The day the Communist Organizer in Chief boasted about not needing Congress, is the day all goodwill and trust was lost. So to hell with him.
Do you honestly believe that Iran doesn't understand what would happen to their country were they to acquire, and then use nuclear weapons in the Middle East? They understand what is at stake far more than you do. That much is obvious. They fought a god-awful war with Iraq that ravaged their people. And the current sanctions have bankrupted and impoverished their country. They came to us, asking for discussions. They would not have done that if the sanctions weren't working. You people are too fast and loose with the cannons, and never think of the consequences. That makes you right wingers far more dangerous than Iran will ever be.

I had hoped you'd be the one leftist who could intelligent debate, you proved me wrong. Iran's army and intelligence units are ALREADY running 4-5 other nations in the region, they are already at war. They have moved right up to Israel's border in the golan, and are planning a massive regional war to expand their shia crescent wider. Had you any sense instead of idiotic talking points, you might have been a decent commentators, but instead, you chose the path of stupidity, sadly.

Really? And your evidence that "Iran's army and intelligence units are ALREADY running 4-5 other nations in the region" is? Which nations are they running? Do they sign the checks, deliver the mail, pick up the trash? What, exactly, are they doing in these 4-5 nations? And where is your evidence? Speaking of stupidity...

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