Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

hahaha....i see the smearing of Cotton is already in full libs are contemptible losers....

Well, if those are some of the things this man truly believes, then he does not belong in American politics. Us women will not accept such a person.
Those are Progressive edits and out of context sentences. Extremely dishonest.

I'm not surprised. The more I post here, the more I despise them and realize just how dishonest they really are. Makes you wonder what in the hell kind of people are these in RL? Scary. Lol. :D
'Mistrust Is Growing': European Leaders Blast GOP Senators for Letter to Iran
7 min ago - 'Mistrust Is Growing': European Leaders Blast GOP Senators for Letter to Iran 'This is not just an issue of American domestic politics, but it affects the negotiations we are holding in Geneva,' said German foreign minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. A ... (Common Dreams)
Well, yeah, no shit, Sherlock, that's the point, isn't it? A substantial percentage of the American People don't WANT the goddamned deal you're negotiating in Geneva.
hahaha....i see the smearing of Cotton is already in full libs are contemptible losers....

Well, if those are some of the things this man truly believes, then he does not belong in American politics. Us women will not accept such a person.
Those are Progressive edits and out of context sentences. Extremely dishonest.

I'm not surprised. The more I post here, the more I despise them and realize just how dishonest they really are. Makes you wonder what in the hell kind of people are these in RL? Scary. Lol. :D
Here's the quote in context:

"Men are simple creatures. It doesn't take much to please us. The problem is women. How does an utterly simple creature understand an infinitely complex one? Since this creature realizes he is even simpler than most men, I knew only women could help me understand, well, women."

Promises and Covenants By Thomas B. Cotton, October 3, 1997
Of course they care. They like that manly man stuff. He wasn't a good president either, and that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying those men in the Arab world most certainly do care about and respect a "manly" man.

We look weak as a nation because we have a weak leader.

We look weak as a nation because we are fat, lazy and ignorant. All wonderful Republican values.
No, we should never agree to a nuclear Iran. That is stupid beyond belief. Of course Iran would breach any agreements. You people cannot be this dumb, can you?

You know what, Iran has nukes. So what? Pakistan, India, North Korea, Russia, China, Israel, France, England and the US all have nukes.

The only thing sillier than Obama signing a treaty with them they will obviously break is all these people pulling their hair out about Iran getting a nuke they can't do all that much with.
Suuuure. He didn't remember earning a Bronze Star with Valor. :rolleyes: He remembered the event but just forgot about being under fire ... forgot about his boat getting shot up ... forgot about how it was common for vietcong to open fire after boats hit mines ... forgot about being given a medal ...

Except his boat wasn't shot up and he thought he was given the medal for coming to the aid of another boat that hit a mine.
Sure, uh-huh :rolleyes:

Except that wasn't Kerry or Thrulow's swift boat with the bullet holes in it. So that doesn't really wash, either.
We need a leader who has some balls and isn't afraid to stand up to the insane faction in our world instead of trying to appease them.

Yeah, because clearly, we don't have nearly enough American boys coming home in body bags.

How's this for a whacky idea. Let's stop pretending Israel's problems are OUR problems.

I'm not surprised. The more I post here, the more I despise them and realize just how dishonest they really are. Makes you wonder what in the hell kind of people are these in RL? Scary. Lol. :D
Here's the quote in context:

"Men are simple creatures. It doesn't take much to please us. The problem is women. How does an utterly simple creature understand an infinitely complex one? Since this creature realizes he is even simpler than most men, I knew only women could help me understand, well, women."

Promises and Covenants By Thomas B. Cotton, October 3, 1997

Hey, Cleetus, that's still pretty sexist.
Of course they care. They like that manly man stuff. He wasn't a good president either, and that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying those men in the Arab world most certainly do care about and respect a "manly" man.

We look weak as a nation because we have a weak leader.

We look weak as a nation because we are fat, lazy and ignorant. All wonderful Republican values.

really...the republicans promote that....? and the fact that democrats control public education, the entertainment industry, public sector unions, and the media...which all promote the things you bring up....and you blame republicans......,,you really don't think things through do you?
No, we should never agree to a nuclear Iran. That is stupid beyond belief. Of course Iran would breach any agreements. You people cannot be this dumb, can you?

You know what, Iran has nukes. So what? Pakistan, India, North Korea, Russia, China, Israel, France, England and the US all have nukes.

The only thing sillier than Obama signing a treaty with them they will obviously break is all these people pulling their hair out about Iran getting a nuke they can't do all that much with.

yeah....but Iran says they are going to use them to bring back the 12 Imam and bring about the Muslim end times........a lot different attitude than those other countries....

try this.....think of all the deluded fantasies you have about Christians and what you think they are think they are crazy, irrational loons.....and now think about giving them nuclear weapons....right? reality, those stupid things you attribute to American Christians areactual realities in Iran...and you think it is okay to let them have a nuclear are the nut......not us....
ChrisL the resident foreign policy IAEA analyst.

That's true, at least compared to these idiots. They don't understand the viewpoints of Iran. They don't understand that you are supposed to stick by your allies, not appease your enemies. They have no idea that the US sometimes has to do some unsavory things in the name of world security. They want to appease the Iranians and are gambling with world security. They are SOOOO stupid that I cannot even believe it to be honest. Once Iran has the okay to develop nuclear power, they WILL have a nuclear weapon. It's pretty much a guarantee. This is going to cause an arms race in the ME with the Saudis and other ME countries that do not trust Iran. These are just facts. Sorry that you liberals cannot handle and do not like facts.

an arms race with Iran already stating they are going to use the nuclear weapon to kill Israel.......they are actually saying everyone......without reservation......and the Lefties say...yeah...they don't really mean it.......the left has no ability to understand actual evil......they see good people as bad, and bad people as good....they are f****d in the head....
ChrisL the resident foreign policy IAEA analyst.

That's true, at least compared to these idiots. They don't understand the viewpoints of Iran. They don't understand that you are supposed to stick by your allies, not appease your enemies. They have no idea that the US sometimes has to do some unsavory things in the name of world security. They want to appease the Iranians and are gambling with world security. They are SOOOO stupid that I cannot even believe it to be honest. Once Iran has the okay to develop nuclear power, they WILL have a nuclear weapon. It's pretty much a guarantee. This is going to cause an arms race in the ME with the Saudis and other ME countries that do not trust Iran. These are just facts. Sorry that you liberals cannot handle and do not like facts.

an arms race with Iran already stating they are going to use the nuclear weapon to kill Israel.......they are actually saying everyone......without reservation......and the Lefties say...yeah...they don't really mean it.......the left has no ability to understand actual evil......they see good people as bad, and bad people as good....they are f****d in the head....
Link to Iran stating they are going to use their nuclear weapons to kill Israel..... YOU Said they are saying this to EVERYONE so it shouldn't be hard to link up to that with any recent quotes of them stating this....???

EDIT, ok I read your post above your last post that I initially responded to... and it seems you are Presuming such based on other things....?
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This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

These senators have embarrassed us on a world stage. They have lowered our standing in the world and insulted all the countries involved in these negotiations. Our enemies now see us as divided and weak. I still am in shock at what these morons did.

Why give a damn about "embarrassment on the world stage"? Are these senators your close relatives or something? No. As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

And what gives you the impression that Iran sees us as "weak"? Divided, sure. That is a hallmark of a democracy, something Iran doesn't know shit about. But weak?
Do you understand what foreign policy is? Of course embarrassment on the world stage impacts it

Suppose you were to tell the world that another country had WMDs and that they need to help you invade them.......then after you invaded you found nothing

Don't you think embarrassment matters?
Taking that quote out of context again you fucking lying sack of shit. The whole paragraph the first sentence is contained in was posted yesterday with a link to the whole essay. STILL you attempt to show that he said something he never intended a reader take away from the piece.
The second, third and fourth sentences appears nowhere attributed to Cotton except in your image.

Perhaps you can either prove Rep Cotton said and actually meant these things, or admit you speak with forked tongue.

What difference does it make?
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

These senators have embarrassed us on a world stage. They have lowered our standing in the world and insulted all the countries involved in these negotiations. Our enemies now see us as divided and weak. I still am in shock at what these morons did.

Why give a damn about "embarrassment on the world stage"? Are these senators your close relatives or something? No. As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

And what gives you the impression that Iran sees us as "weak"? Divided, sure. That is a hallmark of a democracy, something Iran doesn't know shit about. But weak?
Do you understand what foreign policy is? Of course embarrassment on the world stage impacts it

Suppose you were to tell the world that another country had WMDs and that they need to help you invade them.......then after you invaded you found nothing

Don't you think embarrassment matters?

They lowered our standing in the world and showed us as divided and weak. I bet Putin is very happy. Who elects senators to make us look weak on a world stage?
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
Our allies around the globe must look at the inept foreign policies of Republucans and wonder what we see in these clowns

Correction, inept foreign policy of Obama. His weakness is part of the reason for this deal. He is a pussy who can't stomach his commitment to the Israelis as well as others in the ME who do not want to see a nuclear Iran. He is a horrible president, that's for sure.

Maybe he figured out israel hasn't done much for us while making us lots of enemies and taking lots of aid. Maybe israel doesn't make friends because they use us to bully the region. Maybe he remembers how netanyahu was wrong about Iraq. The region needs peace, not war.
They lowered our standing in the world and showed us as divided and weak. I bet Putin is very happy. Who elects senators to make us look weak on a world stage?

Well, as we're painfully finding out, it is not just voters who elect and select our DC representation....rather, elections seem to boil down to money and influence.......

The wackiness of Tom Cotton is being "nurtured" by none other than Bill Krystol (yeah, the same nut who nurtured Sarah Palin).....Krystol and the American Enterprise Institute see in Cotton the potential for a true Manchurian candidate they can manipulate and mold to their wacky and dangerous agenda.

The Iran letter was just a first test by Krystol in seeing how Cotton's reputation could be nurtured.....Obviously this first test failed.....but they'll be others.

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