Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

They lowered our standing in the world and showed us as divided and weak. I bet Putin is very happy. Who elects senators to make us look weak on a world stage?

Well, as we're painfully finding out, it is not just voters who elect and select our DC representation....rather, elections seem to boil down to money and influence.......

The wackiness of Tom Cotton is being "nurtured" by none other than Bill Krystol (yeah, the same nut who nurtured Sarah Palin).....Krystol and the American Enterprise Institute see in Cotton the potential for a true Manchurian candidate they can manipulate and mold to their wacky and dangerous agenda.

The Iran letter was just a first test by Krystol in seeing how Cotton's reputation could be nurtured.....Obviously this first test failed.....but they'll be others.

Excellent! And nice to meet you, btw.
eally...the republicans promote that....? and the fact that democrats control public education, the entertainment industry, public sector unions, and the media...which all promote the things you bring up....and you blame republicans......,,you really don't think things through do you?

Yeah, the republicans are the ones who want to teach fairy tales in science class, and make sure that kids can buy one gallon big-gulps...

And you all think Sarah Palin is smart.
They lowered our standing in the world and showed us as divided and weak. I bet Putin is very happy. Who elects senators to make us look weak on a world stage?

Well, as we're painfully finding out, it is not just voters who elect and select our DC representation....rather, elections seem to boil down to money and influence.......

The wackiness of Tom Cotton is being "nurtured" by none other than Bill Krystol (yeah, the same nut who nurtured Sarah Palin).....Krystol and the American Enterprise Institute see in Cotton the potential for a true Manchurian candidate they can manipulate and mold to their wacky and dangerous agenda.

The Iran letter was just a first test by Krystol in seeing how Cotton's reputation could be nurtured.....Obviously this first test failed.....but they'll be others.

I am using this advanced technology system to let you know that I'm sending you a PM. (giggle)
yeah....but Iran says they are going to use them to bring back the 12 Imam and bring about the Muslim end times........a lot different attitude than those other countries....

Do you have a quote of them saying that, or is that just what you think they believe?

Well, right wingers don't really need direct quotes of such assertions......subconsciously, they learned these "facts" from such great minds like Sean Ham-ity
yeah....but Iran says they are going to use them to bring back the 12 Imam and bring about the Muslim end times........a lot different attitude than those other countries....

Do you have a quote of them saying that, or is that just what you think they believe?

Well, right wingers don't really need direct quotes of such assertions......subconsciously, they learned these "facts" from such great minds like Sean Ham-ity

I'm a little behind on the news (been busy) but I hear Bill Kristol has been grooming this "Tehran Tom" Cotton, and I think "Tehran Tom" is an appropriate label. :D
Just to piss off all the "bomb, bomb Iran" arm-chair "warriors on this thread...a bit of history other than your usual "...all I need to know I learn from FOX..."

Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic relations, stated, "....there are lots of Christian churches and synagogues in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Turkey, Jordan, Indonesia, Qatar, Kuwait. … If you go to any number of so-called Muslim countries you will see thriving Christian and Jewish populations." One member of the Iranian Parliament is Jewish....The only one where you don't see it, where you can't have a Christian church or synagogue is Saudi Arabia"........[our "ally" and gas station.]

The moment someone starts quoting CAIR is the moment they prove their worthlessness. Why don't you and that c-nt hooper - a possibly co-conspirator with terrorists - inform everyone what has been happening to those christians and those churches in the mideast. And i laugh when people bring up the one token jew in the iranian majlis, there used to be millions of jews in iran, theres now under 20K, so what does that say? If Israel only allowed 1 arab to represent all of the arabs in israel, scumbags like you would scream, you and the left are so fucking non-credible and so amazingly stupid for being unable to recognize your moronic hypocrisy and cluelessness.
We need a leader who has some balls and isn't afraid to stand up to the insane faction in our world instead of trying to appease them.

Yeah, because clearly, we don't have nearly enough American boys coming home in body bags.

How's this for a whacky idea. Let's stop pretending Israel's problems are OUR problems.
Its long past time to cut the apron strings.
Your position is owned by Israel, the rest of the world wants an agreement. Why are you more loyal to Israel than the US?

Basically, the far left moron position is, yes, iran is a monstrosity, yes, iran is a terrorist state, yes iran is slaughtering hundreds of thousands, but but but Israel SQUAWK israel wants this SQUAWK war is bad SQUAWK.

When the assholes run out of all plausible arguments, they try and skate by with the loyalty to Israel hail mary insult garbage. And they think it helps them...Its like a conversation between a rational adult and a mental institution patient.
Now, now, I was responding to the idiot (RoughRoadsScholar).....LOL

With more deflective nonsense since you lack the brains to debate with facts. Yes, you're THAT fucking stupid.

Well, fraudscholar, pissing you off is always a good thing, don't you think? Try a little less profanity in your posts....that may make you look a little less desperate and, of course, less stupid.
Iran is helping iraq fight ISIS. If you are unfamiliar with the facts you shouldnt be here. What had ISIS done to Saudi? What has Saudi done to help fight Isis?

It was iran who created ISIS, and has fomented the environment by oppressing sunnis across the mideast that has stoked the flames of support for it. Had iran not armed and drove shia militias in iraq to attack sunnis, had iran not created hezbollah to repress sunnis in lebanon, had iran not helped assad mass slaughter 250K sunnis in syria, there would be no groundswell of support for ISIS.

ISIS' issue is that its leadership is fucking stupid, had they just focused on targeting shia militias and even better, iran itself, then the whole planet of sane humans, including myself would have enthusiastically supported them. But the assholes didn't, so we're left with two abominations, them and iran.
Well, as right wingers clamor for yet ANOTHER war with their "bomb, bomb, Iran..." it would be helpful to remember WHO they wish to pulverize.....and showing common faces of ordinary Iranians are always a good "balm" for their prurient desire to kill, kill, kill.....

Well, fraudscholar, pissing you off is always a good thing, don't you think? Try a little less profanity in your posts....that may make you look a little less desperate and, of course, less stupid.

Shit for brains, I have yet to see one single leftist - including assholes like you who started the insults - offer a rational post against war with iran. None of you can defend obama's lunatic position, none of you can defend your own positions, all i see are juvenile trolling deflections and personal attacks, the requisite last fallback position of the mentally defeated and exhausted. The left has zero credibility on iran, none, zip.
Well, as right wingers clamor for yet ANOTHER war with their "bomb, bomb, Iran..." it would be helpful to remember WHO they wish to pulverize.....and showing common faces of ordinary Iranians are always a good "balm" for their prurient desire to kill, kill, kill.....

Now the far left tries to appeal to the emotions to try and manufacture a defense. As I said right above, they are totally incapable of arguing a rational position against, so its "lets toss out pictures of pretty girls and hope that distracts them."

The IQ test for liberals is if it rises above 85 you go to the conservative side...
Yes I can. Iran supports Syria. Have you noticed what Isis has done to Syria. Isis will move on Iran after Syria and Iraq.

What ISIS has done to syria? Are you that fucking stupid? Do you have any fucking idea what assad and his masters in iran have done to syria? Their barrel bombing of whole cities has killed 50 times more people than ISIS EVER could.

And since you c-nts like to mention Israel, why did you bastards screech about Israel killing 2K terrorists last year, but have remained silent with assad/iran slaughtering TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND? Is it because you are clueless liberal brainwashed trash too stupid to think for yourselves?
The stupidity is almost impressive. She seems to know so little in the way of facts, but continues embarrassing herself.

You're a complete asshole, there's no other way to put it. In about 25 posts, you have not brought a single cogent thought or link-based argument, all you've done is insult. I've decided its time to report you and get you removed from this thread.
So, the leftists have nothing left but to call me names because they cannot refute any of my most valid and truthful posts. :D Then we have others posting memes off google images.

I think I am going to declare myself the winner of this debate. :D

This forum REALLY REALLY needs better posters on the left. I belong to many other forums, and at least some of them there are intelligent people on the left who can actually think for themselves - they are not obama poodles - and can debate like an adult with thoughtful arguments, not "you're an israel firster", or "but the US did that! " juvenile stupid shit.
Iran is helping iraq fight ISIS. If you are unfamiliar with the facts you shouldnt be here. What had ISIS done to Saudi? What has Saudi done to help fight Isis?

It was iran who created ISIS, and has fomented the environment by oppressing sunnis across the mideast that has stoked the flames of support for it. Had iran not armed and drove shia militias in iraq to attack sunnis, had iran not created hezbollah to repress sunnis in lebanon, had iran not helped assad mass slaughter 250K sunnis in syria, there would be no groundswell of support for ISIS.

ISIS' issue is that its leadership is fucking stupid, had they just focused on targeting shia militias and even better, iran itself, then the whole planet of sane humans, including myself would have enthusiastically supported them. But the assholes didn't, so we're left with two abominations, them and iran.

Are all right wingers this confused? Iran did not create ISIS. They were created by taking out saddam, and then they got funding from some Sunni nation. Iran is fighting ISIS.

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