Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Only a dozen years have passed since right wingers and neocons began royally screwing up any stability in the Middle East, and YET here we are and they're about to want to do it again......Amazing!
ChrL 10960444
And this specific excerpt . . . which notes that 64% of Americans feel it is more important to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons even if it means taking military action.

What does that have to do with the current negotiations. I don't want Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.

If they go there after signing a deal that they won't develop a nuclear weapon or enrich uranium beyond a certain point hell yes bomb their facility before they can do it.

The majority of Americans support the negotiations that are currently underway and they support bombing Iran if they fail to live up to that treaty,

ChrL 10956880
That does not mean they cannot express their disagreement on the matter and to let Iran know that most American citizens do not agree with Mr. Obama

So you lied. Because you cannot produce a poll that says the majority of Americans oppose making this deal allowing the peaceful use of nuclear energy if it can be reached and verifiable.

Obama is not agreeing to allow Iran to produce a nuclear bomb just like the other P4+1.

Thanks for pointing out the specific poll you had in mind so we could get you straightened out.

Next time go to what you are referring to right from the start.

I did post the link. Not my fault if you can't read. I can post it again if you'd like? then maybe you will acknowledge it this time. In fact, I posted a couple of polls which state that Americans do not want a nuclear Iran and do not trust Iran.
As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

What has Obama done that is not geared to protecting US citizens?

He is getting ready to okay a nuclear Iran. Duh. That puts the entire world at risk.
BTW, post more than one poll that shows Americans approve. Also, when specifically asked, Americans do not trust Iran to keep their nuclear program "peaceful" and we all pretty much know that is not why they want nuclear power. :D
And you know this how?

Because they are polls. Americans do not approve of a nuclear Iran, nor do they trust Iran. It is really that simple. Why on earth WOULD they? Can you answer that question?

Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

I don't think I was born yet then and don't really care. What I do care about is Iran having nuclear power.
You don't want them to have nuclear power?
Such arrogance.

Are they allowed hydro, solar, gas, kittens...?
What form of power would you magnanimously give permission to the sovereign country of Iran to possess?

Nobody wants them to have nuclear power. NOBODY. :D You are foolish to think otherwise. Foolish and blinded by stupidity.
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

I don't think I was born yet then and don't really care. What I do care about is Iran having nuclear power.
You don't want them to have nuclear power?
Such arrogance.

Are they allowed hydro, solar, gas, kittens...?
What form of power would you magnanimously give permission to the sovereign country of Iran to possess?

Those are very disrespectful and arrogant questions.

According to the Constitution we must fully comply with whatever the Israeli Knesset demands.

So quit being stupid and delete the post.



Yeah, I agree. Not to mention stupid and ridiculous questions from another one who cannot negate any of the claims I've made in this thread. :D

This has to do with world security and the mess a nuclear Iran will cause in the ME. Do you disagree with that and if so, why?
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
Our allies around the globe must look at the inept foreign policies of Republucans and wonder what we see in these clowns

Correction, inept foreign policy of Obama. His weakness is part of the reason for this deal. He is a pussy who can't stomach his commitment to the Israelis as well as others in the ME who do not want to see a nuclear Iran. He is a horrible president, that's for sure.
ChrisL the resident foreign policy IAEA analyst.

That's true, at least compared to these idiots. They don't understand the viewpoints of Iran. They don't understand that you are supposed to stick by your allies, not appease your enemies. They have no idea that the US sometimes has to do some unsavory things in the name of world security. They want to appease the Iranians and are gambling with world security. They are SOOOO stupid that I cannot even believe it to be honest. Once Iran has the okay to develop nuclear power, they WILL have a nuclear weapon. It's pretty much a guarantee. This is going to cause an arms race in the ME with the Saudis and other ME countries that do not trust Iran. These are just facts. Sorry that you liberals cannot handle and do not like facts.
As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

What has Obama done that is not geared to protecting US citizens?

Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

I don't think I was born yet then and don't really care. What I do care about is Iran having nuclear power.
You don't want them to have nuclear power?
Such arrogance.

Are they allowed hydro, solar, gas, kittens...?
What form of power would you magnanimously give permission to the sovereign country of Iran to possess?

Nobody wants them to have nuclear power. NOBODY. :D You are foolish to think otherwise. Foolish and blinded by stupidity.

Unfortunately, Iran is only one part of the equation. In addition to constraining Iran was acquiring the bomb, Pakistan must also be forced to disarm.

Islamist hellholes are not to be trusted with nukes. These morons don't even value life.
Taking that quote out of context again you fucking lying sack of shit. The whole paragraph the first sentence is contained in was posted yesterday with a link to the whole essay. STILL you attempt to show that he said something he never intended a reader take away from the piece.
The second, third and fourth sentences appears nowhere attributed to Cotton except in your image.

Perhaps you can either prove Rep Cotton said and actually meant these things, or admit you speak with forked tongue.

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