Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Only one real question remains....Who is dumber and much more harmful to the GOP....Tom Cotton or Sarah Palin?

Both (I just learned) were/are backed by Krystal.....(lol)
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

I don't think I was born yet then and don't really care. What I do care about is Iran having nuclear power.
You don't want them to have nuclear power?
Such arrogance.

Are they allowed hydro, solar, gas, kittens...?
What form of power would you magnanimously give permission to the sovereign country of Iran to possess?

Those are very disrespectful and arrogant questions.

According to the Constitution we must fully comply with whatever the Israeli Knesset demands.

So quit being stupid and delete the post.


That is a lot of stupid. Fact is Iran is fighting Isis.

No, if you knew anything about Iran, it is not stupid. It makes perfect sense. The author has nothing to gain by lying and he knows a LOT about the ME.

Russell Chapman is a freelance photographer and writer. Originally from the UK, he is now based in Switzerland. He is well versed in Middle Eastern and Russian affairs. Using photography he tries to communicate strong messages and emotions in a way which will have a lasting impact on those who observe his work. His writing is based on a perspective that tries to look at events from different angles which are not always covered elsewhere.

He is recognized for his work in Syria, having been invited to present at international conferences such as Refugee Voices at the Refugee Studies Centre at St Annes College, Oxford University and Franklin University, Switzerland. His work was also exhibited at the Conference on Forced Migration in Washington DC.

The book, Syria: Refugees and Rebels, is a personal account documenting Chapman’s time in Syria in the Spring of 2013, as well as the refugee camps of Lebanon and Jordan. In it, he talks about his experiences of this war torn country but the main focus is on his photo documentary of what he saw.

He went to Syria because he wanted to better understand what is really happening. His Syrian friends told him that only a part of the full picture is given in the news. The only way to get the full pictures was to go there himself. Over the course of the month that he was in Syria, he saw for himself the effects of the war on the people, his book is very much a reflection of that. Telling the story of a people who have lost so much, those who remain in the country and those who have fled to refugee camps.

His approach to photographing the situation was not that of the hit and run style, but rather, a more thoughtful approach. He spent a lot of time with the Syrian people, getting to know them better and in so doing, discovered that they were prepared to really open up to him and share their personal stories. As a result, the images he captured show more of the soul of the people rather than simply focusing on their distressed situation.

All the time he was on this project he lived as the people, he even spent a night in a refugee camp in Jordan to try and understand on some small scale what these people have to live with every day. His interest in Syria is very much humanitarian, the purpose of his work and his book specifically, is to show the real people, the fact that they are the same as people everywhere. They have the same hopes and dreams, the desire for security, a home, work and family. Simply because they are living through this terrible time does not make them somehow less than we who do not have these problems.

Before going to Syria, Chapman was able to raise money to buy medicines to help the Syrians. His desire is to continue this work, sales of the book go toward Chapman continuing, in his own small way, his work of giving a voice to those who have lost so much, as well as trying to help them directly.

It's just a guess at best. It's backed by nothing. Fact is Iran is fighting Isis.

This has already been explained to you multiple times. Ulterior motives. Everything is going exactly the way Iran has planned.

Yes and you want them to be stopped from getting nuclear power they already have.

Yes, I wish that was possible. However, we can continue to sanction them and punish them for going against the IAEA and lying. It's almost as if we are rewarding them. WHY? Why do you think Obama has decided to make this deal when just a few years ago, he was just as much against Iran having nukes as any republican?

Again you have no grasp of what's going on. You wanted to stop Iran from getting nuclear power they already have. You claimed Iran is funding ISIS when they are actually fighting them. You are just a joke. Nobody wants Iran to have nukes. That is why we need an agreement. Sanctions will lead to them getting a nuke. Sanctions have never worked anywhere and you've not been able to provide a single example where it has. Did they keep North Korea from getting nukes?
Last edited:
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
Again you have no grasp of what's going on. You wanted to stop Iran from getting nuclear power they already have. You claimed Iran is funding ISIS when they are actually fighting them. You are just a joke. Nobody wants Iran to have nukes. That is why we need an agreement. Sanctions will lead to them getting a nuke. Sanctions have never worked anywhere and you've been able to provide not a single example. Did they keep North Korea from getting nukes?

My only "criticism" of you Brain, is that you actually tried to debate with that nitwit, CANNOT chat with such jingoistic imbecility.
Again you have no grasp of what's going on. You wanted to stop Iran from getting nuclear power they already have. You claimed Iran is funding ISIS when they are actually fighting them. You are just a joke. Nobody wants Iran to have nukes. That is why we need an agreement. Sanctions will lead to them getting a nuke. Sanctions have never worked anywhere and you've been able to provide not a single example. Did they keep North Korea from getting nukes?

My only "criticism" of you Brain, is that you actually tried to debate with that nitwit, CANNOT chat with such jingoistic imbecility.

It is indeed a waste of time debating stupid. She has no understanding of the issue, nor the intelligence to debate if she did understand the issue.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?
Here’s a list of the GOP senators who signed the Iran letter

The letter, spearheaded by Sen. Tom Cotton, was signed by 47 Republican senators. Seven GOP senators did not sign. Here's who signed:

Richard Shelby (Ala.)
Jeff Sessions (Ala.)
Dan Sullivan (Alaska)
John McCain (Ariz.)
John Boozman (Ark.)
Tom Cotton (Ark.)
Cory Gardner (Colo.)
Marco Rubio (Fla.)
Johnny Isakson (Ga.)
David Perdue (Ga.)
Mike Crapo (Idaho)
Jim Risch (Idaho)
Mark Kirk (Ill.)
Chuck Grassley (Iowa)
Joni Ernst (Iowa)
Pat Roberts (Kansas)
Jerry Moran (Kansas)
Mitch McConnell (Ky.)
Rand Paul (Ky.)
David Vitter (La.)
Bill Cassidy (La.)
Roger Wicker (Miss.)
Roy Blunt (Mo.)
Steve Daines (Mont.)
Deb Fischer (Neb.)
Ben Sasse (Neb.)
Dean Heller (Nev.)
Kelly Ayotte (N.H.)
Richard Burr (N.C.)
Thom Tillis (N.C.)
John Hoeven (N.D.)
Rob Portman (Ohio)
Jim Inhofe (Okla.)
James Lankford (Okla.)
Pat Toomey (Pa.)
Lindsey Graham (S.C.)
Tim Scott (S.C.)
John Thune (S.D.)
Mike Rounds (S.D.)
John Cornyn (Texas)
Ted Cruz (Texas)
Orin Hatch (Utah)
Mike Lee (Utah)
Shelley Moore Capito (W.V.)
Ron Johnson (Wis.)
Mike Enzi (Wyo.)
John Barrasso (Wyo.)

Did not sign:
Lisa Murkowski (Alaska)
Jeff Flake (Ariz.)
Daniel Coats (Ind.)
Susan Collins (Maine)
Thad Cochran (Miss.)
Lamar Alexander (Tenn.)
Bob Corker (Tenn.)

Here's a list of the GOP senators who signed the Iran letter - The Washington Post

Is your Senator on the list?
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

These senators have embarrassed us on a world stage. They have lowered our standing in the world and insulted all the countries involved in these negotiations. Our enemies now see us as divided and weak. I still am in shock at what these morons did.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
Our allies around the globe must look at the inept foreign policies of Republucans and wonder what we see in these clowns
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

These senators have embarrassed us on a world stage. They have lowered our standing in the world and insulted all the countries involved in these negotiations. Our enemies now see us as divided and weak. I still am in shock at what these morons did.

Why give a damn about "embarrassment on the world stage"? Are these senators your close relatives or something? No. As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

And what gives you the impression that Iran sees us as "weak"? Divided, sure. That is a hallmark of a democracy, something Iran doesn't know shit about. But weak?
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

I don't think I was born yet then and don't really care. What I do care about is Iran having nuclear power.
You don't want them to have nuclear power?
Such arrogance.

Are they allowed hydro, solar, gas, kittens...?
What form of power would you magnanimously give permission to the sovereign country of Iran to possess?

Those are very disrespectful and arrogant questions.

According to the Constitution we must fully comply with whatever the Israeli Knesset demands.

So quit being stupid and delete the post.


Ah yes, I forgot about that Amendment.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

These senators have embarrassed us on a world stage. They have lowered our standing in the world and insulted all the countries involved in these negotiations. Our enemies now see us as divided and weak. I still am in shock at what these morons did.

Why give a damn about "embarrassment on the world stage"? Are these senators your close relatives or something? No. As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

And what gives you the impression that Iran sees us as "weak"? Divided, sure. That is a hallmark of a democracy, something Iran doesn't know shit about. But weak?

You are ok with having embarrassing leaders? What message does that say to the world? Can we still be taken seriously? Will anyone bother trying to make agreements with us? Divided is weak.
RoshN 10961779.
Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

Who exactly are you to say?

Here's a much more informed person that does not agree with your knee jerk evaluation of what is going on. Read this entire explanation from


Greg Rosenbaum Greg Rosenbaum is chair of the National Jewish Democratic Council.

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum | The Blogs | The Times of Israel Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran Greg Rosenbaum The Blogs The Times of Israel

Let us be clear. There is universal agreement that Iran must not be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Negotiations are ongoing and the shape of a final deal is not known to anyone, since it does not yet exist. Everyone agrees that Iran is a rogue, terrorism-sponsoring state. If an agreement is ultimately reached in Geneva and Iran breaks it, all doubt will be removed that some other actions must be taken to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons, and we will be in a much better position to do so and to persuade our allies to come along with us.

Read more: Partisan sabotage does not prevent a Nuclear Iran | Greg Rosenbaum |

. In a perfect world, Iran would renounce terrorism, create a domestic oasis of human rights for its citizens, and stop threatening Israel and its neighbors. But that is not what is on the table in Geneva. What is on the table is a simple choice: do we prefer an Iran that remains hostile to Israel but does not have a quick path to nuclear weapons, or do we effectively end the possibility of a deal by insisting on something perfect but unattainable, increasing the likelihood that the result will be no deal whatsoever and an Iran with nuclear weapons?

The only substantive policy alternative Congressional Republicans have endorsed is the imposition of additional, unilateral U.S. sanctions. However, the most likely result of that policy would be dissolution of the first major power coalition to even bring Iran to the bargaining table.

Sanctions only brought Iran to the table when they were joined by Russia and China, thereby enabling central banking restrictions that severely squeezed Iran’s ability to obtain foreign currency and credit. Not only had Russia and China continued to trade with, and provide military support to, Iran prior to joining the P5+1 multilateral sanctions program, but even those who now argue most vehemently for new sanctions decried the failure of U.S. sanctions to cripple Iran’s economy for the decade before Russia and China joined the effort.

The Administration and our international partners believe additional sanctions, even those with “triggers” and “delayed imposition,” would violate the Joint Plan of Action (“JPA”) that is the foundation of today’s negotiations. They believe such sanctions are counterproductive. Not only would Iran have an excuse to walk from the table but, more importantly, Iran would have real proof it is the U.S. that cannot be trusted to keep its word, not Iran. The propaganda victory we would hand Iran under these circumstances is incalculable.

Such sanctions would also pose a threat to U.S.-Russian relations. The U.S., working with other oil-producing states, has pushed oil prices well below recent levels. This calculated effort pressures President Vladimir Putin and his adventurous ambitions in Ukraine and beyond. The currency of power in today’s Russia is not the threat of the gulag but the ability to dispense lots of cash. By shutting down the spigot of oil revenues to Russia, the U.S. has put Putin in a box from which he is struggling to extricate himself without losing popular support. Allowing Putin to point at the U.S. as acting in bad faith to unnecessarily break an international coalition would give him a way out of that box.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

These senators have embarrassed us on a world stage. They have lowered our standing in the world and insulted all the countries involved in these negotiations. Our enemies now see us as divided and weak. I still am in shock at what these morons did.

Why give a damn about "embarrassment on the world stage"? Are these senators your close relatives or something? No. As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

And what gives you the impression that Iran sees us as "weak"? Divided, sure. That is a hallmark of a democracy, something Iran doesn't know shit about. But weak?
As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

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