Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

The day the Communist Organizer in Chief boasted about not needing Congress, is the day all goodwill and trust was lost. So to hell with him.

And our country I guess right? Who cares that he was elected to be the president. You want a dictator right?
    • In 2007, newly elected House speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Syria to meet with dictator Bashar al-Assad. At the time of the trip, the Bush administration was seeking to isolate Assad, whose regime was supporting insurgents in Iraq who were targeting U.S. troops. Pelosi disregarded the administration’s request to cancel her trip. Instead, she appeared in Damascus and reassured the world that Assad was eager to be a constructive player in the region and wanted peace with Israel.
A Contrived Controversy The Weekly Standard

Don't forget that pelosi called assad a "reformer" - as did john kerry several times - over the past several years.

There was another event where jimmy carter inserted into the n korean situation and the sitting president was none too pleased...

Former President Jimmy Carter s Mission to North Korea

Carter Visit to North Korea - Whose Trip Was It Really -

Former presidents have no power...

That is naive nonsense. Former presidents have connections and influence, otherwise, why would so many foreign governments donate to the Clinton Foundation?

Government service has turned into an influence-rent-seeking racket, and that is a form of power.

That can hardly be compared to senators who are currently in office. A former president has no vote in anything and no real power.

You poor widdle booby. Think that if it gives you comfort.
Really? And you call yourself a Rhodes Scholar? I don't think so.

No one besides a fucking moron can claim that iran has not started a war recently, NO ONE.

No one in their right mind would make that claim and then expect anyone to simply take their word for it. NO ONE. What war have they started? Where are your news reports from the front lines?
    • In 2007, newly elected House speaker Nancy Pelosi traveled to Syria to meet with dictator Bashar al-Assad. At the time of the trip, the Bush administration was seeking to isolate Assad, whose regime was supporting insurgents in Iraq who were targeting U.S. troops. Pelosi disregarded the administration’s request to cancel her trip. Instead, she appeared in Damascus and reassured the world that Assad was eager to be a constructive player in the region and wanted peace with Israel.
A Contrived Controversy The Weekly Standard

Don't forget that pelosi called assad a "reformer" - as did john kerry several times - over the past several years.

There was another event where jimmy carter inserted into the n korean situation and the sitting president was none too pleased...

Former President Jimmy Carter s Mission to North Korea

Carter Visit to North Korea - Whose Trip Was It Really -

Former presidents have no power...

That is naive nonsense. Former presidents have connections and influence, otherwise, why would so many foreign governments donate to the Clinton Foundation?

Government service has turned into an influence-rent-seeking racket, and that is a form of power.

That can hardly be compared to senators who are currently in office. A former president has no vote in anything and no real power.

You poor widdle booby. Think that if it gives you comfort.

Sorry it's just a fact. A former president has no power. Sorry that ruins your whole point, but it is true.
Then there's the fact that Iran has neither attacked us nor threatened to.

Lastly, why would you want to give them a justifiable reason to nuke us?

You stupid fucking idiot asshole, do you have any idea how many american soldiers those fucking bastard iranians injured or killed in iraq? THOUSANDS. THE US SHOULD HAVE PULVERIZED IRAN years ago, and iran has lived and enjoyed a position of war by subterfuge, proxy, and terrorism for way, way too long.
The vast majority of insurgents were Iraqi. The remainder came from virtually every other country in the region. Furthermore, in no cases did they represent the nation from which they came. Such as the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq ... he in no way represented Jordan, although he himself was Jordanian.

So what else have ya got besides invective?
Basically, the far left moron position is, yes, iran is a monstrosity, yes, iran is a terrorist state, yes iran is slaughtering hundreds of thousands, but but but Israel SQUAWK israel wants this SQUAWK war is bad SQUAWK.

When the assholes run out of all plausible arguments, they try and skate by with the loyalty to Israel hail mary insult garbage. And they think it helps them...Its like a conversation between a rational adult and a mental institution patient.

Iran isn't slaughtering hundreds of thousands. Frankly, Israel screams all day, but Iran hasn't attacked Israel. Iran isn't a threat to Israel. And we should stop pretending Israel's problems are our problems.
Don't forget that pelosi called assad a "reformer" - as did john kerry several times - over the past several years.

There was another event where jimmy carter inserted into the n korean situation and the sitting president was none too pleased...

Former President Jimmy Carter s Mission to North Korea

Carter Visit to North Korea - Whose Trip Was It Really -

Former presidents have no power...

That is naive nonsense. Former presidents have connections and influence, otherwise, why would so many foreign governments donate to the Clinton Foundation?

Government service has turned into an influence-rent-seeking racket, and that is a form of power.

That can hardly be compared to senators who are currently in office. A former president has no vote in anything and no real power.

You poor widdle booby. Think that if it gives you comfort.

Sorry it's just a fact. A former president has no power. Sorry that ruins your whole point, but it is true.

It's a fact that you have no idea what power is. There are various forms of power. POLITICAL power often trumps Legal Authority, as can be seen on a near constant basis.

Obama made Hilary SecState because of Bubba's still quite considerable political power. Obama fears that Bubba is more popular, and hence politically powerful, than he is himself. And again, WHY DO FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS DONATE SO MUCH MONEY to the Clinton Foundation, if not to ride Bubba's political power?
Really? And your evidence that "Iran's army and intelligence units are ALREADY running 4-5 other nations in the region" is? Which nations are they running? Do they sign the checks, deliver the mail, pick up the trash? What, exactly, are they doing in these 4-5 nations? And where is your evidence? Speaking of stupidity...

Is that your argument, that because iranians are not doing civil service work in lebanon, iraq, syria and yemen, they are not in control of the country? So I really did over rate you.
No one in their right mind would make that claim and then expect anyone to simply take their word for it. NO ONE. What war have they started? Where are your news reports from the front lines?

There are iranian troops in all of the countries i mentioned, yet we did not see the people of those countries voting to be invaded by iran.

The USSR was in control of 21 other countries during the Cold War, yet no one sane would argue that the populations of those satellites were willing participants in the subversion of their country.

Shit for brains liberals like this rail agains the US for allegedly deposing the iranian PM in '53, or for interfering in central/south american governments in the 70s/'80s, yet they give a pass to iran for conquering four other countries. This is a good example of the complete lack of intelligence on the left.
The vast majority of insurgents were Iraqi. The remainder came from virtually every other country in the region. Furthermore, in no cases did they represent the nation from which they came. Such as the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq ... he in no way represented Jordan, although he himself was Jordanian. So what else have ya got besides invective?

What are you talking about? The FSA was comprised of sunnis who defected from the syrian army.
Sorry it's just a fact. A former president has no power. Sorry that ruins your whole point, but it is true.

Yet clinton and obama were furious with carter for interfering in the negotiations/diplomacy, so unlike a fucking palm tree, he must have had some influence. But like a good dumb liberal, you'll keep arguing a point long after you've failed...when you're in a hole - stop digging.
Sorry it's just a fact. A former president has no power. Sorry that ruins your whole point, but it is true.

Yet clinton and obama were furious with carter for interfering in the negotiations/diplomacy, so unlike a fucking palm tree, he must have had some influence. But like a good dumb liberal, you'll keep arguing a point long after you've failed...when you're in a hole - stop digging.

Sorry you can't see the difference between current senators and a former president. I think Carter was wrong, but it's nothing compared to current senators sending a letter to a foreign country trying to ruin negotiations. There are multiple countries in these negotiations and these senators just made us look like clowns. Sanctions are dependent on these other countries. There is no defending their actions.
The vast majority of insurgents were Iraqi. The remainder came from virtually every other country in the region. Furthermore, in no cases did they represent the nation from which they came. Such as the leader of Al-Qaeda in Iraq ... he in no way represented Jordan, although he himself was Jordanian. So what else have ya got besides invective?

What are you talking about? The FSA was comprised of sunnis who defected from the syrian army.
Ummm ... the FSA didn't even exist before 2011. We're talking about the insurgency we were fighting in Iraq.
Your conservative wars have solved nothing to date. Why do you believe starting a war with Iran would be any different?

There were idiots claiming the same crap before we were bombed at pearl harbor; had the US intervened in WW2 earlier, many lives would have been saved.

So you would have us start another world war? And that would solve what, exactly, other than our existence on this planet, that is. By the way, you didn't answer my question.

It is Iran who wants WW III. Don't you understand that yet?

I don't think they do. They want to be a regional power and they want to be "respected", and nuclear technology and weaponry is one way to attain "respect" and power. India and Pakistan have nukes and are formable enemies yet neither has anilated the other. Israel has nukes that are much more powerful then anything Iran could produce in the forseable future with the technology they are currently working on (I think Doc pointed that out but everyone ignores it). If Iran were to do anything to Israel - it would have a 5 mile radius and Iran would be obliterated in return. There's a difference between rhetoric and action and despite propaganda and rhetoric to the contrary, Iran is surprisingly stable and doesn't strike me as insane in the way NK is for example. The current set of negotiations are very reminiscent to the old Salt Talks that that started with executive agreements to freeze weaponry and led eventually to a long term treaty.

I'm not surprised. The more I post here, the more I despise them and realize just how dishonest they really are. Makes you wonder what in the hell kind of people are these in RL? Scary. Lol. :D
Here's the quote in context:

"Men are simple creatures. It doesn't take much to please us. The problem is women. How does an utterly simple creature understand an infinitely complex one? Since this creature realizes he is even simpler than most men, I knew only women could help me understand, well, women."

Promises and Covenants By Thomas B. Cotton, October 3, 1997

Hey, Cleetus, that's still pretty sexist.
If you read it like a complete idiot, I suppose it might be. I don't see that.
Taking that quote out of context again you fucking lying sack of shit. The whole paragraph the first sentence is contained in was posted yesterday with a link to the whole essay. STILL you attempt to show that he said something he never intended a reader take away from the piece.
The second, third and fourth sentences appears nowhere attributed to Cotton except in your image.

Perhaps you can either prove Rep Cotton said and actually meant these things, or admit you speak with forked tongue.

What difference does it make?
What difference does Lakhotove being a lying sack of shit today make? None what ever. He was a lying sack of shit yesterday too. He will be tomorrow as well, but someone has to point out his lies and distortions.
Ummm ... the FSA didn't even exist before 2011. We're talking about the insurgency we were fighting in Iraq.

So who was funding, arming, training and driving the shia militias in iraq to attack US troops? How many times were iranian troops captured in iraq? Plenty.
Well, rest assured that even beyond this latest debacle, right wingers just ensured that they won't occupy the WH for a couple of future decades......Look, they've alienated blacks, Hispanics, gays and lesbians, most sane women, etc.
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President
This is another example of Republican blundering of foreign policy

We saw how they botched eight years under Bush with nation building and destroying our western alliance

Now we see inept politicking by Republicans in Congress taking sides with Iranian extremists over a Democratic President

Obama's policies vis-a-vis Iran are a danger to our national security. Why can't you libtards get that for once in your lives?

These senators have embarrassed us on a world stage. They have lowered our standing in the world and insulted all the countries involved in these negotiations. Our enemies now see us as divided and weak. I still am in shock at what these morons did.

Why give a damn about "embarrassment on the world stage"? Are these senators your close relatives or something? No. As long as U.S. policy is geared towards protecting its citizenry (us), we're good. Obama has done the exact opposite for the entirety of his tenure in office.

And what gives you the impression that Iran sees us as "weak"? Divided, sure. That is a hallmark of a democracy, something Iran doesn't know shit about. But weak?
Do you understand what foreign policy is? Of course embarrassment on the world stage impacts it

Suppose you were to tell the world that another country had WMDs and that they need to help you invade them.......then after you invaded you found nothing

Don't you think embarrassment matters?

They lowered our standing in the world and showed us as divided and weak. I bet Putin is very happy. Who elects senators to make us look weak on a world stage?
We elected Senators to stop obama's agenda and to once again be strong on the world stage.

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