Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Evidence, dude. Present it or admit that you are making this stuff up (and it isn't even make up shit Thursday, go figure).

Just be a good little girl and stay quiet, the adults are talking now, and you can have your milk and cookies...go ahead...
2. Not really. There are only a small number of countries in that area that possess nuclear bombs and their capabilities are well known.

This is false, the methods scientists use is a catalog of listed materials that countries voluntarily provide the IAEA, if iran has an unlisted stock there is no way to prove it was theirs.

Do we want yet a third war in the Middle East? I do not see any country handing nuclear weaponry off to a proxy because the destruction would effect everyone.

I want to eradicate the regime of iran, not attack the whole country, or even the nuke facilities. I would bomb the government buildings, and the homes of the major officials, and use spec forces to kill/capture them. That regime can not exist any longer, it is a cancerous war mongering terror state whose regime cannot be trusted in any agreement. Peace in the ME is impossible as long as that regime exists.

Ah just like we were just going to get rid of Saddam. That didn't work and neither will your stupid plan. You planning to go do it yourself or are you a chickenhawk?
Peace in the ME would be impossible if we did that and we would become the cancerous war mongering state.

As I pointed out, iran is fomenting wars across the mideast, is running terrorist proxies in many other countries, and is despised by the majority sunni populations who will not tolerate living under an iranian jackboot forever. Either you get iran out of lebanon, yemen, iraq, bahrain, and morocco, or you will have festering wars - and probably a major one - in the near term.
Peace in the ME would be impossible if we did that and we would become the cancerous war mongering state.

As I pointed out, iran is fomenting wars across the mideast, is running terrorist proxies in many other countries, and is despised by the majority sunni populations who will not tolerate living under an iranian jackboot forever. Either you get iran out of lebanon, yemen, iraq, bahrain, and morocco, or you will have festering wars - and probably a major one - in the near term.

And all your info is probably less accurate than what we had on Iraq, and that was all wrong.
2. Not really. There are only a small number of countries in that area that possess nuclear bombs and their capabilities are well known.

This is false, the methods scientists use is a catalog of listed materials that countries voluntarily provide the IAEA, if iran has an unlisted stock there is no way to prove it was theirs.

Your assuming that they would give a bomb to a third party proxy? I think it would be pretty easy to figure out who provided the material. They seem pretty good at tracing the movement of material with NK for example and NK is even more secretive and a totally closed society.

I also question whether Iran - if it gets - nuclear weaponry (and that is a long way off from it's current position) - that it would risk letting into the hands of proxies which are unstable and fluid and not necesarily under their complete control. I don't see that regime as "insane" - calculating, ambitious but not insane.
Why are NaziCons so desperate to go to war with Iran? War is always an option - so why not exhaust all other peaceful means first?
Peace in the ME would be impossible if we did that and we would become the cancerous war mongering state.

As I pointed out, iran is fomenting wars across the mideast, is running terrorist proxies in many other countries, and is despised by the majority sunni populations who will not tolerate living under an iranian jackboot forever. Either you get iran out of lebanon, yemen, iraq, bahrain, and morocco, or you will have festering wars - and probably a major one - in the near term.

And realistically how would you do that without:

Turning the Iranian civilian population against the west.
Turning much of the Muslim world against the US.
Likely turning much of the Western world against the US.
Further destabilizing the ME to the point where radical groups like IS gain a foothold in even more territory.
What is worse - Iran or IS/similar groups?

Jesus that is just nuts!
I want to eradicate the regime of iran, not attack the whole country, or even the nuke facilities. I would bomb the government buildings, and the homes of the major officials, and use spec forces to kill/capture them. That regime can not exist any longer, it is a cancerous war mongering terror state whose regime cannot be trusted in any agreement. Peace in the ME is impossible as long as that regime exists.

Guy, get real. the Iranians vote for their government and they have a higher voter participation rate than we do. You guys keep claiming you want "democracy", but when they vote for people you don't like, you get upset.

Iranians aren't doing anything to bother me. I don't mistake Zionist concerns for my own.
Your assuming that they would give a bomb to a third party proxy? I think it would be pretty easy to figure out who provided the material. They seem pretty good at tracing the movement of material with NK for example and NK is even more secretive and a totally closed society.

I also question whether Iran - if it gets - nuclear weaponry (and that is a long way off from it's current position) - that it would risk letting into the hands of proxies which are unstable and fluid and not necesarily under their complete control. I don't see that regime as "insane" - calculating, ambitious but not insane.

Yes, the nuclear anti-proliferation regime has a history of such effectiveness with countries like pakistan, india, and n korea...NOT.

The syrians had almost completed their reactor before israel bombed it, and the UN/IAEA and everyone else had no idea it was there. Should I go on?

Second, iran has dozens of terrorist groups it is using all over the world, some of whom are not even known so it is not implausible they would hand a small one off for them to use. Even a low-blast yield unit would create absolute panic/chaos, so it is certainly not anything I'd put past them given how many hundreds of thousands they've killed in syria and elsewhere.
Why are NaziCons so desperate to go to war with Iran? War is always an option - so why not exhaust all other peaceful means first?


My guess is those agitating for war will be ensconced in their comfy armchairs should that occur.
Peace in the ME would be impossible if we did that and we would become the cancerous war mongering state.

As I pointed out, iran is fomenting wars across the mideast, is running terrorist proxies in many other countries, and is despised by the majority sunni populations who will not tolerate living under an iranian jackboot forever. Either you get iran out of lebanon, yemen, iraq, bahrain, and morocco, or you will have festering wars - and probably a major one - in the near term.

And realistically how would you do that without:

Turning the Iranian civilian population against the west.
Turning much of the Muslim world against the US.
Likely turning much of the Western world against the US.
Further destabilizing the ME to the point where radical groups like IS gain a foothold in even more territory.
What is worse - Iran or IS/similar groups?

Jesus that is just nuts!

The muslim world is 85% sunni, do you think they would actually be against an attack on iran? You need to get out of your florida condo, and see the rest of the world. I come from a muslim country, and can guarantee you that the sunnis would be cheering in the streets - they fucking hate persia.
Yes, the nuclear anti-proliferation regime has a history of such effectiveness with countries like pakistan, india, and n korea...NOT.

The syrians had almost completed their reactor before israel bombed it, and the UN/IAEA and everyone else had no idea it was there. Should I go on?

And so why does Israel get to have nukes but Iran doesn't?

Second, iran has dozens of terrorist groups it is using all over the world, some of whom are not even known so it is not implausible they would hand a small one off for them to use. Even a low-blast yield unit would create absolute panic/chaos, so it is certainly not anything I'd put past them given how many hundreds of thousands they've killed in syria and elsewhere.

How is Iran responsible for Syrians killing each other?

So Iran is going to spend half it's GNP making a bomb and then hand it off to some bad actors and hope for the best? Seriously? You've been watching too many bad action movies.
The muslim world is 85% sunni, do you think they would actually be against an attack on iran? You need to get out of your florida condo, and see the rest of the world. I come from a muslim country, and can guarantee you that the sunnis would be cheering in the streets - they fucking hate persia.

Uh no, they wouldn't. as much as Arabs might hate Persians and Sunnis' Might hate Shi'ites, they hate the Zionists even more.
War is the result when politicians fail. These senators are promoting war and failure. It is unacceptable.

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