Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Silly mindless drone hack libs pretend to be all aghast that Senators might write to another nation when it is the Executive Branch that is supposed to speak for America in the realm of foreign affairs.

Sound the alarms!

Except, they conveniently forget that it's "wrong" when THEY are the ones doing it.

And they also "forget" that our Constitution GIVES input into these matters to the Senate half of the legislative branch.

And when these things are pointed out to them, they tend to splutter.

Of course, it's hard to tell the difference from the shit they say before hand.

You obviously have no grasp on the political history of the USA.
I am the one of the two of us who actually does.

How ironic that a no nothing like you would make the contrary claim.

Please thrill us with your acumen. Tell us why it was ok when Sen. Kerry went to Nicaragua to engage in some NON State Department approved negotiations.

This will be fun.
They did:

Iraqis topple statue to celebrate end of Saddam s rule

It wasn't until the iranians starting pushing the shia militias to start fomenting a civil war did things fall apart in iraq. Had we taken iran out first, iraq would have been a far easier issue.

Will the neocon warmongering never end?

Does any other sane person here see a problem with that sentence?

Jesus H. Fucking Christ, what in the fuck is wrong with you people?
Silly mindless drone hack libs pretend to be all aghast that Senators might write to another nation when it is the Executive Branch that is supposed to speak for America in the realm of foreign affairs.

Sound the alarms!

Except, they conveniently forget that it's "wrong" when THEY are the ones doing it.

And they also "forget" that our Constitution GIVES input into these matters to the Senate half of the legislative branch.

And when these things are pointed out to them, they tend to splutter.

Of course, it's hard to tell the difference from the shit they say before hand.

You obviously have no grasp on the political history of the USA.
I am the one of the two of us who actually does.

How ironic that a no nothing like you would make the contrary claim.

Please thrill us with your acumen. Tell us why it was ok when Sen. Kerry went to Nicaragua to engage in some NON State Department approved negotiations.

This will be fun.

Read the State Department regulations and inform yourself, idiot.
Republicans Warn Iran -- and Obama -- That Deal Won t Last - Bloomberg View

A group of 47 Republican senators has written an open letter to Iran's leaders warning them that any nuclear deal they sign with President Barack Obama's administration won’t last after Obama leaves office.
Organized by freshman Senator Tom Cotton and signed by the chamber's entire party leadership as well as potential 2016 presidential contenders Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, the letter is meant not just to discourage the Iranian regime from signing a deal but also to pressure the White House into giving Congress some authority over the process.

“It has come to our attention while observing your nuclear negotiations with our government that you may not fully understand our constitutional system … Anything not approved by Congress is a mere executive agreement,” the senators wrote. “The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.”

Arms-control advocates and supporters of the negotiations argue that the next president and the next Congress will have a hard time changing or canceling any Iran deal -- -- which is reportedly near done -- especially if it is working reasonably well.

Well, this is new, even in the world of the GOP batshit-crazy. This really does one-up it all. It's also kind of funny that there is a constitutional error in what the Senators wrote to the government of Iran. The Senate does NOT ratify treaties. That is even indicated directly on their Senate website. Instead, the Senate takes up a resolution of ratification, by which the Senate formally gives its advice and consent, empowering the president to proceed with ratification” . It's a fine point, almost splitting hairs, but worth noting.

So, Republicans hate this Democratic President so much that they are even willing to pen a letter to someone they consider an enemy of ours.

Back to the Bloomberg link:

It's stunning. And it's a rebuke on an international stage that doesn't really have a precedent. Imagine Democrats micro-managing the START talks in the 80s by sending an open letter to Gorbachev? It just wouldn't have been viewed as an acceptable political move while the talks were still happening.

The only conclusion we can make is that the GOP is not the loyal opposition, it is a severly disloyal opposition and deserves to be treated with disdain and contempt for such unamerican behavior. The GOP simply hates America, it's that simple.

When HE was a mere fucking retard liberal Dumocrap SENATOR, our present jackass Secretary of State, John f'n Lurch Kerry, went to "negotiate" with the Sandinistas. I guess HE was severely disloyal?

And that scumbag Ted Kennedy wrote a jackass fucking letter to the Soviet fucking Union when he was a Senator. I suppose in the lolberal universe they must consider Teddy Glub Glub ("hic") Kennedy a severely disloyal American, too?

By the way, on a larger screen, let's contemplate WHY the Constitution has the SENATE ratify proposed treaties? Maybe the Senate is supposed to have input? But Obumbler, the moron, evades the making of treaties (knowing as he does that the Senate may rebuff his efforts). So, as he does in many things, he tries to do an end run AROUND the strictures of the Constitution. THEN he pretends to be outwaged and alarmed that members of the Senate might just insist on preventing him from "negotiating" such idiotic and dangerous thins with the Iranian government as will allow THOSE mutants to have atomic weapons.

The liberal Dumbocraps are such massive hypocrites and they are rancidly stupid.

Get something straight. We are NOT obligated to sit idly by and permit this asshole President to endanger all of us by the simple expedient of doing his end run around the Constitution.

Bravo to the Senators who signed that letter.

Shame on EVERY scumbag Democrap Senator for not having the brains or public spirited decency to TRY to stop Obumbler from injuring us all.

You really need to work for the 2016 GOP presidential campaign....

You really need to work on buying a clue.

As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.
Silly mindless drone hack libs pretend to be all aghast that Senators might write to another nation when it is the Executive Branch that is supposed to speak for America in the realm of foreign affairs.

Sound the alarms!

Except, they conveniently forget that it's "wrong" when THEY are the ones doing it.

And they also "forget" that our Constitution GIVES input into these matters to the Senate half of the legislative branch.

And when these things are pointed out to them, they tend to splutter.

Of course, it's hard to tell the difference from the shit they say before hand.

You obviously have no grasp on the political history of the USA.
I am the one of the two of us who actually does.

How ironic that a no nothing like you would make the contrary claim.

Please thrill us with your acumen. Tell us why it was ok when Sen. Kerry went to Nicaragua to engage in some NON State Department approved negotiations.

This will be fun.

Read the State Department regulations and inform yourself, idiot.

A bullshit answer from the blowhard no nothing you have proved yourself to be.

Are you NOW pretending that the State Department "regulations" were something that Sen. Kerry complied with, you twit?

Damn. You are funnier than usual when you are utterly flummoxed.
ou posted fiction. The fact is Iran is fighting ISIS.

That's two of ChrisL's posted fictions in a row.

And thus one posted she was ready to declare herself a winner on this thread when she stumbled and fell down at the starting line.

A very common right wing technique for snapping defeat out of the jaws of victory and then dancing through the meadows of unicornland.
Republicans Warn Iran -- and Obama -- That Deal Won t Last - Bloomberg View

Well, this is new, even in the world of the GOP batshit-crazy. This really does one-up it all. It's also kind of funny that there is a constitutional error in what the Senators wrote to the government of Iran. The Senate does NOT ratify treaties. That is even indicated directly on their Senate website. Instead, the Senate takes up a resolution of ratification, by which the Senate formally gives its advice and consent, empowering the president to proceed with ratification” . It's a fine point, almost splitting hairs, but worth noting.

So, Republicans hate this Democratic President so much that they are even willing to pen a letter to someone they consider an enemy of ours.

Back to the Bloomberg link:

The only conclusion we can make is that the GOP is not the loyal opposition, it is a severly disloyal opposition and deserves to be treated with disdain and contempt for such unamerican behavior. The GOP simply hates America, it's that simple.

When HE was a mere fucking retard liberal Dumocrap SENATOR, our present jackass Secretary of State, John f'n Lurch Kerry, went to "negotiate" with the Sandinistas. I guess HE was severely disloyal?

And that scumbag Ted Kennedy wrote a jackass fucking letter to the Soviet fucking Union when he was a Senator. I suppose in the lolberal universe they must consider Teddy Glub Glub ("hic") Kennedy a severely disloyal American, too?

By the way, on a larger screen, let's contemplate WHY the Constitution has the SENATE ratify proposed treaties? Maybe the Senate is supposed to have input? But Obumbler, the moron, evades the making of treaties (knowing as he does that the Senate may rebuff his efforts). So, as he does in many things, he tries to do an end run AROUND the strictures of the Constitution. THEN he pretends to be outwaged and alarmed that members of the Senate might just insist on preventing him from "negotiating" such idiotic and dangerous thins with the Iranian government as will allow THOSE mutants to have atomic weapons.

The liberal Dumbocraps are such massive hypocrites and they are rancidly stupid.

Get something straight. We are NOT obligated to sit idly by and permit this asshole President to endanger all of us by the simple expedient of doing his end run around the Constitution.

Bravo to the Senators who signed that letter.

Shame on EVERY scumbag Democrap Senator for not having the brains or public spirited decency to TRY to stop Obumbler from injuring us all.

You really need to work for the 2016 GOP presidential campaign....

You really need to work on buying a clue.

As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.

No, you did not concentrate on the facts in the OP at all. Instead, you flailed wildly because you are all mad.
When HE was a mere fucking retard liberal Dumocrap SENATOR, our present jackass Secretary of State, John f'n Lurch Kerry, went to "negotiate" with the Sandinistas. I guess HE was severely disloyal?

And that scumbag Ted Kennedy wrote a jackass fucking letter to the Soviet fucking Union when he was a Senator. I suppose in the lolberal universe they must consider Teddy Glub Glub ("hic") Kennedy a severely disloyal American, too?

By the way, on a larger screen, let's contemplate WHY the Constitution has the SENATE ratify proposed treaties? Maybe the Senate is supposed to have input? But Obumbler, the moron, evades the making of treaties (knowing as he does that the Senate may rebuff his efforts). So, as he does in many things, he tries to do an end run AROUND the strictures of the Constitution. THEN he pretends to be outwaged and alarmed that members of the Senate might just insist on preventing him from "negotiating" such idiotic and dangerous thins with the Iranian government as will allow THOSE mutants to have atomic weapons.

The liberal Dumbocraps are such massive hypocrites and they are rancidly stupid.

Get something straight. We are NOT obligated to sit idly by and permit this asshole President to endanger all of us by the simple expedient of doing his end run around the Constitution.

Bravo to the Senators who signed that letter.

Shame on EVERY scumbag Democrap Senator for not having the brains or public spirited decency to TRY to stop Obumbler from injuring us all.

You really need to work for the 2016 GOP presidential campaign....

You really need to work on buying a clue.

As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.

No, you did not concentrate on the facts in the OP at all. Instead, you flailed wildly because you are all mad.

Silly mindless you. You try so hard to be such a loyalist for the position du jour of the liberal talking pointlesses, that you end up making an even bigger asshole of yourself quite publicly.

First of all, nobody wades through your typical wall of words. You need to try making a point with a little snap.

Secondly, the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong with Senators writing a letter to fucking Iran.

Thirdly, if President Obumbler wishes to craft some accord with Iran, then he might want to consider doing it in a formal and official way. That way, when the Senate gets involved, there is no need to worry about them doing so. But when he seeks to evade that kind of input, he has EARNED the response he got.

There are precious few "facts" in your OP opinion piece, by the way. Don't be "mad," kid. It's really ok that the Senators intervened. Really. It is.
When HE was a mere fucking retard liberal Dumocrap SENATOR, our present jackass Secretary of State, John f'n Lurch Kerry, went to "negotiate" with the Sandinistas. I guess HE was severely disloyal?

And that scumbag Ted Kennedy wrote a jackass fucking letter to the Soviet fucking Union when he was a Senator. I suppose in the lolberal universe they must consider Teddy Glub Glub ("hic") Kennedy a severely disloyal American, too?

By the way, on a larger screen, let's contemplate WHY the Constitution has the SENATE ratify proposed treaties? Maybe the Senate is supposed to have input? But Obumbler, the moron, evades the making of treaties (knowing as he does that the Senate may rebuff his efforts). So, as he does in many things, he tries to do an end run AROUND the strictures of the Constitution. THEN he pretends to be outwaged and alarmed that members of the Senate might just insist on preventing him from "negotiating" such idiotic and dangerous thins with the Iranian government as will allow THOSE mutants to have atomic weapons.

The liberal Dumbocraps are such massive hypocrites and they are rancidly stupid.

Get something straight. We are NOT obligated to sit idly by and permit this asshole President to endanger all of us by the simple expedient of doing his end run around the Constitution.

Bravo to the Senators who signed that letter.

Shame on EVERY scumbag Democrap Senator for not having the brains or public spirited decency to TRY to stop Obumbler from injuring us all.

You really need to work for the 2016 GOP presidential campaign....

You really need to work on buying a clue.

As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.

No, you did not concentrate on the facts in the OP at all. Instead, you flailed wildly because you are all mad.
Dude! Take a pill...what's got your goat? Is it the fact that the Democunts have no candidate to run? HAHAHAHeeheeheehahahaheeeeweha!
Once Israel (through, I believe, the surreptitious help from South Africa) managed to amass 200 nukes, it was just a matter of time that another ME country, with the means and treasury, would pursue the same course.

We may be able (regardless of the whining right wingers) to postpone Iran's nuclear ambitions, but we will have to come to terms that unless Israel disarms its nukes, Iran will also want such destructive weaponry.
You really need to work for the 2016 GOP presidential campaign....

You really need to work on buying a clue.

As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.

No, you did not concentrate on the facts in the OP at all. Instead, you flailed wildly because you are all mad.

Silly mindless you. You try so hard to be such a loyalist for the position du jour of the liberal talking pointlesses, that you end up making an even bigger asshole of yourself quite publicly.

First of all, nobody wades through your typical wall of words. You need to try making a point with a little snap.

Secondly, the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong with Senators writing a letter to fucking Iran.

Thirdly, if President Obumbler wishes to craft some accord with Iran, then he might want to consider doing it in a formal and official way. That way, when the Senate gets involved, there is no need to worry about them doing so. But when he seeks to evade that kind of input, he has EARNED the response he got.

There are precious few "facts" in your OP opinion piece, by the way. Don't be "mad," kid. It's really ok that the Senators intervened. Really. It is.

There is a lot wrong with senators writing a letter to Iran. It insults all the countries involved in the negotiations. It makes us look weak and divided to the world. Putin loved it I'm sure. It lowered our standing with the rest of the world. Why would anyone make agreements with us when these senators said we won't stand by them? All it showed is that the repubs are owned by Israel.
You really need to work for the 2016 GOP presidential campaign....

You really need to work on buying a clue.

As soon as you start confronting facts instead of getting angry at the world...

I am not angry at the world. I am not even angry at shitheads like Obumbler and his sheep (count yourself as one of the flock).

And I am the one citing facts. You have been the one evading them.

The beam in your eye must be heavy.

No, you did not concentrate on the facts in the OP at all. Instead, you flailed wildly because you are all mad.

Silly mindless you. You try so hard to be such a loyalist for the position du jour of the liberal talking pointlesses, that you end up making an even bigger asshole of yourself quite publicly.

First of all, nobody wades through your typical wall of words. You need to try making a point with a little snap.

Secondly, the FACT is that there is NOTHING wrong with Senators writing a letter to fucking Iran.

Thirdly, if President Obumbler wishes to craft some accord with Iran, then he might want to consider doing it in a formal and official way. That way, when the Senate gets involved, there is no need to worry about them doing so. But when he seeks to evade that kind of input, he has EARNED the response he got.

There are precious few "facts" in your OP opinion piece, by the way. Don't be "mad," kid. It's really ok that the Senators intervened. Really. It is.

So, you still have not read the US Senate protocols, eh?

This has never before happened in our history and you, welcher, are the last person in the world to be accusing someone of being a loyalist. So, instead of trying to relativize everything or attack the messenger, try actually reading the facts.

FACT: 47 Republican Senators committed a treasonous act by interfering in the foreign policy negotiations of the sitting president. This does not fall under the rubrik of "advise and consent". This is treason.

Face it, after Boehner's stupidity a week before, the GOP is really having two difficult weeks and proving that it is incapable of governing.
IM 10965326
Get something straight. We are NOT obligated to sit idly by and permit this asshole President to endanger all of us by the simple expedient of doing his end run around the Constitution.

First of all the P5+1 deal is not endangering any of you fear-mongered cowards that rejects diplomacy and favors sending others to die for your lust for ever expanded war after war.

The Stupid Republican Senators who think the US rules the entire world miss a very glaring fact - they don't and neither does the POTUS.

And they have thankfully forced the UNSC to act to protect the world from Republican Senators and also ( heaven forbid ) if a warmonger right wing POTUS would take the Oval Office in 2017.

You are officially sitting idly by on P5+1 forevermore if Iran signs a treaty and abides strictly to it.

NF 10956845
. The five permanent members on the UNSC have just stepped up:

Major Nations Hold Talks On Ending U.N. Sanctions On Iran: Officials
Reuters Posted: 03/13/15 12:00 AM ET Updated: 03/13/15 12:00 AM ET
(Reuters) - Major world powers have begun talks about a United Nations Security Council resolution to lift U.N. sanctions on Iran if a nuclear agreement is struck with Tehran, a step that could make it harder for the U.S. Congress to undo a deal, Western officials said.
Major Nations Hold Talks On Ending U.N. Sanctions On Iran Officials

Your stepped up US Senators are the laughing stock of the entire world now,

We actually can thank the letter for making a potential international deal that lifts sanction absolutely Republican sabotage proof by locking them up in a padded cell where they can't hurt themselves or anybody else. Tommy Cotton didn't think this through and 46 other dopes jumped right off the cliff with him. They thought they were messin' up Obama.
Those who think this is a bad agreement should post the details of the agreement. Then we can all try to understand your thoughts. I'm sure you all know exactly what is in the agreement or you wouldn't have such strong feelings.

They've heard all they need to know about the agreement from FOX...and in their bigoted world, that is ALL they need to know...Such is the flagrant stupidity of right wingers.

Thank you for posting some sanity.

Raygun CrusaderFrank

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