Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

White House Begs GOP to Drop Tough Stance on Iran Nuclear Deal ^ | 3/15/15
White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough wrote a letter on Saturday night to Senator Bob Corker (and the rest of the U.S. Congress) on behalf of the President regarding the ongoing nuclear talks with Iran. In the letter, he demands that the U.S. Senate — which has constitutional authority in treaty making — must step back and let the White House navigate the diplomatic realm with Tehran. The White House argues that the deal is facing imminent collapse because the Congress, by continuing to promote sanctions against the terror regime, will supposedly push Iran’s “hardliners” over the edge and...

This is why idiots like this poster should not cite Breibart.....Note that the title states "begs" while the article states "demands"........

Stupid......???? Well, yes, but standard practice from right wing nut jobs,
[QUOTE="ChrisL,Wrong, according to some experts, it will start an arms race in the ME. Iran is hated and not trusted by not just Israel, you know.[/QUOTE]

The arms race was started when Israel built up an arsenal of 200 nukes.
GOP Senators Slam Obama s Private Deal With Iran The Daily Caller

Forty-seven Republican senators fired off a letter to Iran’s theocracy — and indirectly, to President Barack Obama — warning that only the Senate can confirm long-lasting treaties with foreign powers.

“We will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by the Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei,” said the letter, which was sent as Obama tries to complete secret negotiations for new strategic deal with Iran.

The letter was signed by all three GOP senators vying for the 2016 candidacy — Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Rand Paul and Sen. Marco Rubio — and by the GOP’s Senate leadership.

The warning may block the deal if Iran concludes that Congress won’t back the deal once Obama leaves office.
Seems a clear violation of the Logan Act to me...

Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title...

"seems" and "to [you]" are the operative words there.

If you weren't such a complete pathetic abject dumbass it might occur to you that duly elected United States Senators are speaking with the authority of the United States when they address this topic.
The Constitution does not confer any powers to individual Senators that it grants to the Senate as a body.

No shit, Sherlock. But it DOES give them advise and consent type powers over treaties. And when the Presidunce tries to do an end run around that provision, they have every right to speak as a body or as members of that body to advise other nations that there may very well be problems with the unilateral ATTEMPTED acts of the Presidunce.

Do ya see the problem yet, dimwit? Nah. Probably not. But here's a clue. Your Obamessiah is seeking to act (on behalf of the U.S., at least) unilaterally. Fuck him.

You do realize that your hate of Obama is just that....your own bile-filled hate that acts like a cancer....Tough for you....Live with it.
You do realize that your love of obama is irrational and stupid. Live with it.
[QUOTE="Ernie S.,

You do realize that your hate of Obama is just that....your own bile-filled hate that acts like a cancer....Tough for you....Live with it.[/QUOTE]
You do realize that your love of obama is irrational and stupid. Live with it.[/QUOTE]

Silly response......I disagree with Obama on many, many issues......but I don't hate the guy for thoroughly mopping the floor with repub. candidates. Conversely, your ilk can't stomach a black guy in a white house. Ergo....your hate.
[QUOTE="ChrisL,Wrong, according to some experts, it will start an arms race in the ME. Iran is hated and not trusted by not just Israel, you know.

The arms race was started when Israel built up an arsenal of 200 nukes.[/QUOTE]

Still fucking up quotes I see. Stay away from the VB code if you don't understand it.
You cut off Chris's user name, post number and member number. Most liberal idiots can at least quote properly. You are "exceptional".
[QUOTE="Ernie S.,

You do realize that your hate of Obama is just that....your own bile-filled hate that acts like a cancer....Tough for you....Live with it.
You do realize that your love of obama is irrational and stupid. Live with it.[/QUOTE]

Silly response......I disagree with Obama on many, many issues......but I don't hate the guy for thoroughly mopping the floor with repub. candidates. Conversely, your ilk can't stomach a black guy in a white house. Ergo....your hate.[/QUOTE]
Fucked up the quotes yet again and call me silly.

Look, asshole! If you feel you want to insinuate that I hate black people, I suggest you get in touch with my 2nd wife. She'd laugh her gorgeous black ass off.
But, you are half right. I can't stomach the black guy in the White House, mostly because he is a dangerous man.. He is fucking up a nation that my family has fought to create and preserve since The Articles of Confederation.
The arms race was started when Israel built up an arsenal of 200 nukes.

When was that moron, 1962? Liberals who hate Israel are the lowest scum of humanity.

It should be noted that egypt just signed a deal to build a nuclear reactor, as did saudi arabia. The real proliferation is starting, and nothing good will come of this. I hope the c-nt liberals in this forum like the taste of nuclear fallout.
WTF are you talking about?
You've never heard that saying?

Why does a dog lick its balls?
Because it can!

The US has killed over 30,000,000 people around the world since WWII.
Why? Because we can! So I wouldn't talk about why others kill, when we have so much blood on our hands.

Do you even know any more in your rabid defense of radical Islam?
Whatever knowledge I possess, is far above your ability to understand it.

You think its okay to shoot people fishing.

Your stupidity is highlighted as if on an Obama billboard with a billion lights. :D Lol.
I haven't supported Obama for 6 years now.

Got anymore dumbass statements?
Prove that statement, dumbass!


It isn't crazy to them and THAT'S what matters.

To them creating global chaos is doing the will of Allah[/QUOTE]

Another Dell Comic Books interpretation of the Q'uran...Such ignorance by this poster and probably allowed to vote somewhere. Sad[/QUOTE]
STILL fucking up quotes, I see.
Germany agreed to terms of surrender. It was not about race, idiot.

The rest of of your post is asinine. Russia did have some effect, but the timing of Japan's capitulation the day after the bombing of Nagasaki indicates to any sane person what ended hostilities.

Except Japan didn't capitulate the same Day. The Nagasaki bomb was dropped on August 9. Japan didn't surrender until August 15th. The fact that the Soviets, who entered the war on August 8, were rapidly sweeping through Manchuria had a profound effect on their thinking.

Japan was allowed to keep the Emperor as a figure head but as of VJ day Douglas MacArthur became supreme leader of Japan.

But again, that WASN'T our agreement at Potsdam. Our agreement was unconditional surrender with no pre-conditions. Then suddenly, when we saw the Russians sweeping into Manchuria and Korea and possibly Japan itself, we just loved us some Hirohito. Totally forgot about all the war crimes he committed and everything.

These are not sane rational people we are trying to contain. The repeatedly vow to wipe Israel off the map and drop a nuke on Washington. They no more capable of the responsibility of having a nuclear device that a homicidal maniac is capable of the rational use of a firearm.
Again, asshat. You are so easy.

Guy, frankly, Iran's position is PERFECTLY rational. Countries with atomic weapons don't get invaded. Atomic weapons assure your national sovereignty. The fact is they've never threatened to nuke Washington (they don't have the capability anyway). Nor is it likely they'd nuke Israel and contaminate all those sites Islam considers holy.
They agreed to US demands by wire on 8/10/45. That date was on the communique I quoted and linked to way back in the thread. I don't feel obligated to hunt the post or the article, frankly because you don't have the intellect to understand. I won't waste my time trying to educate someone stupider than a common garden slug.
..Which is why he is trying to go around them.............cutting a deal that is NOT BINDING LEGALLY in the Constitution.............

The UNSC sanctions are legally binding at the UN and international law. The US Constitution has nothing to do with them. The US has already voted for them as did France Russia UK and China. The UNSC is developing a resolution, in response to 47 very stupid US Senators, that will lock in whatever lifted sanctions become part of a P5+1 deal with Iran. I'm not sure what you are trying to legally bind to the Constitution. The US is a member of the UN.

Too funny, if you think we are going o submit our National interest to those whackos.....well then I have some beach front property in Az for you. ;)

Well said... The UN is irrelevant to the United States.
Guy, frankly, Iran's position is PERFECTLY rational.


Keep in mind that the same perverse reasoning that concludes that Iran is rational is the one that concludes that demonstrably deviant sexual behavior is perfectly normal, that there is a RIGHT to murder their pre-born children and that the Earth's EVER-CHANGING CLIMATE, changes because of human behavior, that it can be UNCHANGED by 'scuttling the US Economy by transferring US Wealth to third world hovels' AND that paying people NOT to work is promote the likelihood that they'll seek employment.


"Iran is rational"... YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS CRAP UP!
White House Begs GOP to Drop Tough Stance on Iran Nuclear Deal ^ | 3/15/15
White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough wrote a letter on Saturday night to Senator Bob Corker (and the rest of the U.S. Congress) on behalf of the President regarding the ongoing nuclear talks with Iran. In the letter, he demands that the U.S. Senate — which has constitutional authority in treaty making — must step back and let the White House navigate the diplomatic realm with Tehran. The White House argues that the deal is facing imminent collapse because the Congress, by continuing to promote sanctions against the terror regime, will supposedly push Iran’s “hardliners” over the edge and...

This is why idiots like this poster should not cite Breibart.....Note that the title states "begs" while the article states "demands"........

Stupid......???? Well, yes, but standard practice from right wing nut jobs,



The "White House"... isn't in a position to demand ANYTHING from anyone, much less the GOP.

Which is the down side to promoting the interests of the enemies of the United States, enacting feckless fiscal policy and deceitfully forcing fraudulent legislation on the United States, after conspiring to frame Innocent US Citizens, through policy YOU enacted to sell guns to known mass-murdeing Mexican gangs, resulting in the death of US Law Enforcement officers, then abusing the power of the executive to prevent your political opposition from effectively opposing you, just before you found a SUPER-Islamic terrorist organization in your "Arab Spring Campaign" resulting in the death of a US Ambassador, three US intelligent operatives and severe injuries to dozens more, then lying to rhe US Public claiming that such was the result of a YOU TUBE VIDEO.

It tends to cause ya to become IRRELEVANT, like obama and his cult.
[QUOTE="Ernie S.,

You do realize that your hate of Obama is just that....your own bile-filled hate that acts like a cancer....Tough for you....Live with it.
You do realize that your love of obama is irrational and stupid. Live with it.[/QUOTE]

Silly response......I disagree with Obama on many, many issues......but I don't hate the guy for thoroughly mopping the floor with repub. candidates. Conversely, your ilk can't stomach a black guy in a white house. Ergo....your hate.[/QUOTE]

Yepp. That pretty much sums it up.
They agreed to US demands by wire on 8/10/45. That date was on the communique I quoted and linked to way back in the thread. I don't feel obligated to hunt the post or the article, frankly because you don't have the intellect to understand. I won't waste my time trying to educate someone stupider than a common garden slug.

I know you need your John Wayne history, but the USSR's entry into the war was the deciding factor in Japan's s urrender, not the atom bomb. We were already doing more damage to Japan with conventional bombings.
They agreed to US demands by wire on 8/10/45. That date was on the communique I quoted and linked to way back in the thread. I don't feel obligated to hunt the post or the article, frankly because you don't have the intellect to understand. I won't waste my time trying to educate someone stupider than a common garden slug.

I know you need your John Wayne history, but the USSR's entry into the war was the deciding factor in Japan's s urrender, not the atom bomb. We were already doing more damage to Japan with conventional bombings.

Was that a magic-underwear moment on your part?
Was that a magic-underwear moment on your part?

Uh, no. Go read a history book some time.

Short version. After the defeat or your miserable country, Russia was able to free up hundreds of battle-tested divisions to send against Japan. Meanwhile, the Japanese had hoped that the USSR could mediate a peace agreement between them and the other allies. Once the USSR was in the Pacific War, Japan realized they were in for it. 13 Russian Armies invaded Manchuria on August 8th, and rolled up the Japanese Kwantung Army in less than a few days.
Was that a magic-underwear moment on your part?

Uh, no. Go read a history book some time.

Short version. After the defeat or your miserable country, Russia was able to free up hundreds of battle-tested divisions to send against Japan. Meanwhile, the Japanese had hoped that the USSR could mediate a peace agreement between them and the other allies. Once the USSR was in the Pacific War, Japan realized they were in for it. 13 Russian Armies invaded Manchuria on August 8th, and rolled up the Japanese Kwantung Army in less than a few days.

"your miserable country"?

You talk about the USA that way, really?
"your miserable country"?

You talk about the USA that way, really?

Dude, you're posting from Germany... come on, don't try to fool anyone.

But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right?

And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.


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