Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right?

And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

No, just tired of dealing with stupid people on both sides of the spectrum on this issue. The fact that you really think the GOP 47 committed "treason", I would hope you don't really think that's how American politics works.

I may not agree with JoeB's stance on some issues, but I do admire someone's statements that are less biased and objective.
Holy crap! You quoted someone and didn't fuck it up.
[QUOTE="Ernie S.,

You do realize that your hate of Obama is just that....your own bile-filled hate that acts like a cancer....Tough for you....Live with it.
You do realize that your love of obama is irrational and stupid. Live with it.

Silly response......I disagree with Obama on many, many issues......but I don't hate the guy for thoroughly mopping the floor with repub. candidates. Conversely, your ilk can't stomach a black guy in a white house. Ergo....your hate.[/QUOTE]

Yepp. That pretty much sums it up.[/QUOTE]
Silly response to an idiotic post... much like your contributions here.
Keep on trying to paint my "ilk" as racist while 99% of us wold support Allan West, Ben Carson, Condoleeza Rice, Bobby Jindal or Mia Love over hillary clinton.
Your irrational hatred of Conservatives is showing again Joe. I'm damned sorry your Mormon boss fired you for being a meth head, but there are treatment centers available. If you don't have health insurance, you might try Narcotics Anonymous. It's free.
Silly response......I disagree with Obama on many, many issues......but I don't hate the guy for thoroughly mopping the floor with repub. candidates. Conversely, your ilk can't stomach a black guy in a white house. Ergo....your hate.

Reader, consider the above contribution and the mental disorder which presents as an idiosyncratic belief or impression that is firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder, OKA: Delusion.
"your miserable country"?

You talk about the USA that way, really?

Dude, you're posting from Germany... come on, don't try to fool anyone.

But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. ...

False... Nature precludes the means for anyone to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis... therefore, at BEST, you're merely a US Citizen, in which there is no potential point of pride. The vast majority of which came to be such, through no effort on their part what so ever... having merely slid down a birth canal, while the Mother was located on US Soil.

To BE an American, one must recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Principles that define America.

Nowhere in the 28k+ posts you've published since Nov 2013, is there any evidence that you've any kinship with such, let alone your recognizing, respecting, defending or evidence that you've in any way ever adhered to American Principle.
Here's my humble take on all the back-n-forth of this rather long thread....

1. No, those 47 right wing senators will NOT be charged with any seditious acts.

2. Yes, those 46 senators were stupid in following the lead of the rabid 47th who, in turn, is being "bred" by the American Heritage Institute to accelerate and accentuate the anti-all-that-Obama-wants to do campaign.

3. We may be able to postpone Iran's nuclear plans for a few years, but we (nor the rest of the world) will ever be able to permanently prevent that nation's ambitions since Israel has long initiated this deadly arms' race.

4. Right wingers on here (many as profane as sailors in a cheap whore house) have expressed a new found "love" for Israel based more on their deep-seethed "stick-it-to-Obama-at-every-chance" syndrome.

5. Arm-chair warriors have no problem clamoring for virtually any war, and when such wars prove disastrous to all involved they swear that they were the among the forward looking few who were against such wars.

6. Finally, I also learned that right wing senators need desperately to have pen pals since they feel a bit "un-loved."

You're a fool.

Thank you......nothing confirms to me more that I may be on the correct side of an argument, than to have dingbats like your ilk call me a "fool."
Again, thank you.....much appreciated.

I think we all know who the dingbat is, and it ain't me! :D Anyone who is supportive of Obama's STUPID idea is a moron. Period and end of story.
But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right?

And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

No, just tired of dealing with stupid people on both sides of the spectrum on this issue. The fact that you really think the GOP 47 committed "treason", I would hope you don't really think that's how American politics works.

I may not agree with JoeB's stance on some issues, but I do admire someone's statements that are less biased and objective.
Holy crap! You quoted someone and didn't fuck it up.

Will wonders never cease??? :D
Senate Historian Can t Find Anything In History That Matches GOP Iran Sabotage Letter

Republicans who are already reeling from the letter that 47 of their senators sent to Iran were dealt another blow as the U.S. Senate Historian’s Office can’t find another example of this type of behavior anywhere in Senate history.

McClatchy reported:

The U.S. Senate Historian’s Office has so far been unable to find another example in the chamber’s history where one political party openly tried to deal with a foreign power against a presidential policy, as Republicans have attempted in their open letter to Iran this week.


We haven’t found a precedent,” said Senate Historian Donald Ritchie. “That doesn’t mean there isn’t a precedent. After 200 years. It’s hard to find anything that unprecedented.”

In the past, Ritchie said, “what usually happened is a senator would sign a ’round robin’ letter or a sense of the Senate resolution, or write a letter to the president or secretary of State voicing objections to some particular policy.”

The historian left the door open to a letter surfacing that could lend precedent to the Republicans’ actions, but it isn’t a good sign for Republicans that one hasn’t been found. Congressional Republicans are fond of accusing President Obama of overreaching and overstepping his bounds, but the letter sent to the Iranian government was a clear case of overreach.

...The fact that the Senate can’t find a comparable example to the Iran letter demonstrates that the level of hatred that Republicans have for President Obama is also unprecedented. The level of partisan contempt for the man who occupies the White House is so extreme that Republicans are willing to sabotage global security and world peace in an attempt to politically wound the president.
"your miserable country"?

You talk about the USA that way, really?

Dude, you're posting from Germany... come on, don't try to fool anyone.

But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. ...

False... Nature precludes the means for anyone to simultaneously adhere to both the Thesis and the Antithesis... therefore, at BEST, you're merely a US Citizen, in which there is no potential point of pride. The vast majority of which came to be such, through no effort on their part what so ever... having merely slid down a birth canal, while the Mother was located on US Soil.

To BE an American, one must recognize, respect, defend and adhere to the Principles that define America.

Nowhere in the 28k+ posts you've published since Nov 2013, is there any evidence that you've any kinship with such, let alone your recognizing, respecting, defending or evidence that you've in any way ever adhered to American Principle.

I know. Why do they hate our country? Why do they want to destroy the world? :dunno:
Haven't some of the "Cotton 47" admitted that they screwed-up?

Some Who Signed Nuclear Letter Are Starting To Regret Sending It To Iran ThinkProgress
it's not about the message, but to whom it was sent. The inexplicable thing is why so many experienced senators dcked this duck up. Even Jeffrey Goldberg at Atlantic is mystified, and perplexed that the gop would take this stance. If talks fail on what is seen as the US's refusal to negotiation, then the international support for sanctions themselves will fall apart. If whatever deal is emerging is not going to keep Iran a year away from a bomb for the duration of the agreement, then disagreement needs to be taken directly to Obama, and also to organizations seen as credible, like the CFR. Sending a letter to Iran itself was just stupid.
Senate Historian Can t Find Anything In History That Matches GOP Iran Sabotage Letter

Republicans who are already reeling from the letter that 47 of their senators sent to Iran were dealt another blow as the U.S. Senate Historian’s Office can’t find another example of this type of behavior anywhere in Senate history.

McClatchy reported:

The U.S. Senate Historian’s Office has so far been unable to find another example in the chamber’s history where one political party openly tried to deal with a foreign power against a presidential policy, as Republicans have attempted in their open letter to Iran this week.


We haven’t found a precedent,” said Senate Historian Donald Ritchie. “That doesn’t mean there isn’t a precedent. After 200 years. It’s hard to find anything that unprecedented.”

In the past, Ritchie said, “what usually happened is a senator would sign a ’round robin’ letter or a sense of the Senate resolution, or write a letter to the president or secretary of State voicing objections to some particular policy.”

The historian left the door open to a letter surfacing that could lend precedent to the Republicans’ actions, but it isn’t a good sign for Republicans that one hasn’t been found. Congressional Republicans are fond of accusing President Obama of overreaching and overstepping his bounds, but the letter sent to the Iranian government was a clear case of overreach.

...The fact that the Senate can’t find a comparable example to the Iran letter demonstrates that the level of hatred that Republicans have for President Obama is also unprecedented. The level of partisan contempt for the man who occupies the White House is so extreme that Republicans are willing to sabotage global security and world peace in an attempt to politically wound the president.

Well, Pelosi met with Assad, and back with Reagan I think some dems were speaking directly to the sandanistas.

But the question remains, why would gop senators who've been around trip over tom cotton's dick?
Haven't some of the "Cotton 47" admitted that they screwed-up?

Well, McCain stated that because of the looming snow storm he signed the letter in a hurry just to get out of town.

Rand stated that, as far as he was concerned, the letter was really meant for Obama.

Graham stated that...after all, it was meant as some kind of joke.
Haven't some of the "Cotton 47" admitted that they screwed-up?

Some Who Signed Nuclear Letter Are Starting To Regret Sending It To Iran ThinkProgress
it's not about the message, but to whom it was sent. The inexplicable thing is why so many experienced senators dcked this duck up. Even Jeffrey Goldberg at Atlantic is mystified, and perplexed that the gop would take this stance. If talks fail on what is seen as the US's refusal to negotiation, then the international support for sanctions themselves will fall apart. If whatever deal is emerging is not going to keep Iran a year away from a bomb for the duration of the agreement, then disagreement needs to be taken directly to Obama, and also to organizations seen as credible, like the CFR. Sending a letter to Iran itself was just stupid.

Well, "reading between the lines," right wingers behind the scene (like Bill Krystal) nudged Cotton to devise this letter as a "test run" to see if the general public would back such an attempt.....

Were it to have succeeded, then Cotton would be a very likely VP candidate for the GOP.

If, instead, it flopped (as it did) then the right wingers could shrug it off as the "overzealousness" of a rookie senator.
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I don't watch morning joe religiously (-:, but I thought even last week he was doubting the wisdom of senators directly addressing an adversary. I'm not sure I'd find it so blatantly improper had the senators reached out to politicians in the other 5plus1 countries. But, really, at the heart of it, I don't see the real objection to some negotiated deal that keeps Iran a year away from having a bomb for ten years, and then eight years or so in, see what the geopolitical situation is. IF there's a pale state, Iran isn't gonna nuke Palestine. If Iran seems determined to start an arms race amongst the muslims, then it would seem pretty clear to me the world needs to make it even harder for them. So, imo, some of the opposition to any deal has to be about real antipathy, emotions and unreasonable distrust not just of Iran but Obama. I mean I don't like as a politician, but his daughters like him and he did pull the cord on Osama. He's not a muslim sleeper agent.
Haven't some of the "Cotton 47" admitted that they screwed-up?

Some Who Signed Nuclear Letter Are Starting To Regret Sending It To Iran ThinkProgress
it's not about the message, but to whom it was sent. The inexplicable thing is why so many experienced senators dcked this duck up. Even Jeffrey Goldberg at Atlantic is mystified, and perplexed that the gop would take this stance. If talks fail on what is seen as the US's refusal to negotiation, then the international support for sanctions themselves will fall apart. If whatever deal is emerging is not going to keep Iran a year away from a bomb for the duration of the agreement, then disagreement needs to be taken directly to Obama, and also to organizations seen as credible, like the CFR. Sending a letter to Iran itself was just stupid.

Well, "reading between the lines," right wingers behind the scene (like Bill Krystal) nudged Cotton to devise this letter as a "test run" to see if the general public would back such an attempt.....

Were it to have succeeded, then Cotton would be a very likely VP candidate for the GOP.

If, instead it flopped (as it did) then the right wingers could shrug it off as the "overzealousness: of a rokkie senator.
Cotton was being groomed no doubt. He's now poison. He's going to be asked "if you were president, and a senator communicated directly to a for govt that you were negotiating a security deal with, what would you do?" LOL
"your miserable country"?

You talk about the USA that way, really?

Dude, you're posting from Germany... come on, don't try to fool anyone.

But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right.
And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

It's true! No one likes the idiot.

Ultimately the reaction to this ill-advised letter will be evident IF during upcoming senatorial elections, signatories will be challenged to defend their stance......and we all know that when a politican has to "defend" a position, that individual is at a disadvantage.

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