Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!



It isn't crazy to them and THAT'S what matters.

To them creating global chaos is doing the will of Allah[/QUOTE]

Another Dell Comic Books interpretation of the Q'uran...Such ignorance by this poster and probably allowed to vote somewhere. Sad[/QUOTE]

Apparently you revel in your ignorance kid.

You clearly haven't any knowledge of Iran at all.

Tell me kid.....what Shia Sect do the Iranian Mullahs ascribe to?
And I again state, with those numbers if Obama goes around them through Executive Agreement then they WILL BLOCK THE DEAL..

They cannot block the deal. The Republicans cannot block the deal. There are seven countries making the deal. All seven will agree to a deal and the P5 will act to lock the sanctions and the inspection part into a permanent UNSC Resolution. It's done. Your Republicans pulled a political partisan stunt that backfired except to the minority of right wing nut jobs in this country.

The next Prez can simply decide to not participate, it is not a legally binding agreement.
Anta 10978838
The next Prez can simply decide to not participate, it is not a legally binding agreement

Fine. That means Iran is cooperating and not violating the agreement or trying to build a bomb. The fear mongering and warmongering are over in that case.

Only fools think they can "negotiate" with the Iranians.....hence Obama and Kerry and their obsession.
Only fools think they can "negotiate" with the Iranians.....hence Obama and Kerry and their obsession

Only a fool would send a meaningless post such as yours. I see you cannot refute or deny my response. If
Iran complies with the negotiated deal the negotiations cannot be considered foolish.
Wow... the little wanker wants to play Internet Tough Guy...

Are we all now appropriately frightened and cowed?


Whether a dogmatic, martyrdom-encouraging theocracy gets a nuclear weapon or not is EVERY sane man's business.

Which explains why that hasn't occurred to you.

Given that you are neither 'sane' nor holding a place at the grownup's table amongst actual men who have earned that title.

Now, back to the Kiddie Table with you... you're bothering the grownups.
Traitor's like you, have lost your voice in American politics. Now move to the country whose ass you kiss the most.
Have you been yelling at me from next door calling me the Great Satan and telling me that Allah wills me to die...............

In this country we have laws against threatening our neighbors and their you would have to be building shit to kill your neighbor......

Are you building shit to kill your pay for someone else to kill them...aka terrorist................

Bad example.
I would never yell at you from next door. I take it, you didn't get the cookies and milk I placed on your doorstep?

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