Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right?

And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

No, just tired of dealing with stupid people on both sides of the spectrum on this issue. The fact that you really think the GOP 47 committed "treason", I would hope you don't really think that's how American politics works.
But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right?

And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

No, just tired of dealing with stupid people on both sides of the spectrum on this issue. The fact that you really think the GOP 47 committed "treason", I would hope you don't really think that's how American politics works.

Well, actually, I do think they committed a VERY treasonous act, but realize that they will never be charged. However, poking fun at them is a lot of fun for me.

As for what you state about Niho as the end of WWII, that is indeed factually 50% correct. But other factors were in play as well.

And most may not realize this, but a peace treaty between Russia and Japan was never signed. Officially, on paper, because of the strite over the Kirilians, they are still at war.
But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right?

And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

No, just tired of dealing with stupid people on both sides of the spectrum on this issue. The fact that you really think the GOP 47 committed "treason", I would hope you don't really think that's how American politics works.
That is how American politics work. Whether anyone actually committed treason in the technical and legal definition is irrelevant. Perception is what matters in American politics. The Republicans responsible for the letter presented themselves as targets for their opponents to brand them as uninformed and foolish with the bonus being the opportunity to brand them as traitors. Treason is in the eye of the beholder. It is like pornography. You may not be able to define it in exact terms, but you recognize it when you see it. That the culprits have gotten away with a dastardly deed does not mean they are not guilty of the deed. It just means they knew how to get away with the crime with the use of high paid attorneys and loopholes.
And I again state, with those numbers if Obama goes around them through Executive Agreement then they WILL BLOCK THE DEAL..

They cannot block the deal. The Republicans cannot block the deal. There are seven countries making the deal. All seven will agree to a deal and the P5 will act to lock the sanctions and the inspection part into a permanent UNSC Resolution. It's done. Your Republicans pulled a political partisan stunt that backfired except to the minority of right wing nut jobs in this country.
Too funny, if you think we are going o submit our National interest to those whackos.....well then I have some beach front property in Az for you. ;)

If you were stupid enough to by beachfront property on the ocean in Arizona then I am not so stupid to take it off your hands.

And you cannot be that bright if you think I said we must submit our national interest to the UN at any time. Its clear that said that no violation by Iran of the P5+1 treaty over the next 15,years means Iran is not trying to build a bomb. There is not national security threat in that case.

Future presidents are not bound to it but if Iran does not violate it and UNSC sanctions are dropped over the next fifteen years what is a future US president wanting war with Iran or to attack Iran in someway gonna do? No violation by Iran means Iran is not trying to build a bomb


It isn't crazy to them and THAT'S what matters.

To them creating global chaos is doing the will of Allah

Another Dell Comic Books interpretation of the Q'uran...Such ignorance by this poster and probably allowed to vote somewhere. Sad[/QUOTE]
STILL fucking up quotes, I see.[/QUOTE]

I just LOVE to "fuck up" you so eloquently phrased it..
Here's my humble take on all the back-n-forth of this rather long thread....

1. No, those 47 right wing senators will NOT be charged with any seditious acts.

2. Yes, those 46 senators were stupid in following the lead of the rabid 47th who, in turn, is being "bred" by the American Heritage Institute to accelerate and accentuate the anti-all-that-Obama-wants to do campaign.

3. We may be able to postpone Iran's nuclear plans for a few years, but we (nor the rest of the world) will ever be able to permanently prevent that nation's ambitions since Israel has long initiated this deadly arms' race.

4. Right wingers on here (many as profane as sailors in a cheap whore house) have expressed a new found "love" for Israel based more on their deep-seethed "stick-it-to-Obama-at-every-chance" syndrome.

5. Arm-chair warriors have no problem clamoring for virtually any war, and when such wars prove disastrous to all involved they swear that they were the among the forward looking few who were against such wars.

6. Finally, I also learned that right wing senators need desperately to have pen pals since they feel a bit "un-loved."
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Anta 10974158
Too funny, if you think we are going o submit our National interest to those whackos....

You are not up on the facts are you? Why are you commenting.

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters a Security Council resolution would not impact the U.S. ability to act unilaterally on Iran or compel it to remove sanctions, many of which pre-date U.N. nuclear penalties.

"The Security Council would not impose new binding obligations on the United States that would limit our flexibility in any way to respond to future Iranian non-compliance," Psaki said.

She added it was always known the council would need to act to repeal U.N. sanctions if there was a deal.

Some eight U.N. resolutions, four of them imposing sanctions, demand that Iran halt uranium enrichment and other sensitive atomic work. They also bar the country from buying and selling atomic technology and anything linked to ballistic missiles. There is also a U.N. arms embargo.

State Department Pushes Back Against GOP Criticism Of Iran Deal
... the Government has stopped counting the long term unemployed as if they don't matter any more? Surprising, but ok.
I really, really wish people would stop making stuff up. There is not and has never been a max time to be considered wouldn't make any sense.
Too funny, if you think we are going o submit our National interest to those whackos.....well then I have some beach front property in Az for you. ;)

If you were stupid enough to by beachfront property on the ocean in Arizona then I am not so stupid to take it off your hands.

And you cannot be that bright if you think I said we must submit our national interest to the UN at any time. Its clear that said that no violation by Iran of the P5+1 treaty over the next 15,years means Iran is not trying to build a bomb. There is not national security threat in that case.

Future presidents are not bound to it but if Iran does not violate it and UNSC sanctions are dropped over the next fifteen years what is a future US president wanting war with Iran or to attack Iran in someway gonna do? No violation by Iran means Iran is not trying to build a bomb

Way to go....

So because your insane party of idiots want a war you want to scupper chances at peace.

Listen you had your war, your kind invented a load of manure and got alot of people killed. You are now the idiots of international diplomacy. You are idiots, you haven't met a country that you didn't think that could be not improved by a few bombs.

Well done to Obama and the ROW for ignoring these idiots. Wish Iran would send by a reply asking them to read their own constitution and ask were sanctions imposed by executive order?

I say there is guys in Iran now laughing their asses off.
And I again state, with those numbers if Obama goes around them through Executive Agreement then they WILL BLOCK THE DEAL..

They cannot block the deal. The Republicans cannot block the deal. There are seven countries making the deal. All seven will agree to a deal and the P5 will act to lock the sanctions and the inspection part into a permanent UNSC Resolution. It's done. Your Republicans pulled a political partisan stunt that backfired except to the minority of right wing nut jobs in this country.

:lol: This is interesting, right?

Obama s Iran scheme is laid bare - The Washington Post

On Thursday evening, after being pressed by irate Republicans, the National Security Council issued a defensive statement insisting that it would do no such thing. The story was handed to BuzzFeed:

The U.S. has “no intention” of using the United Nations to lock into place any potential deal with Iran over its nuclear program, a senior U.S. official said on Thursday.

The United States will not be “converting U.S. political commitments under a deal with Iran into legally binding obligations through a UN Security Council resolution,” Bernadette Meehan, spokesperson for the U.S. National Security Council, said in a statement emailed to BuzzFeed News.

“Past UNSC resolutions on Iran have called for a negotiated settlement of the Iran nuclear issue, and accordingly we would fully expect the UNSC to ‘endorse’ any deal with Iran and encourage its full implementation so as to resolve international concerns about Iran’s nuclear program,” Meehan continued. “But any such resolution would not change the nature of our commitments under such a deal, which would be wholly contained in the text of that deal.”

What is going on here? For starters, the existing U.N. resolutions obtained by President George W. Bush are much, much stricter than anything President Obama has indicated would be forthcoming. Those resolutions don’t permit Iran to keep thousands of centrifuges. They don’t give Iran a 10-year sunset. They require complete dismantling of Iran’s illicit program, full inspections and an accounting of past illicit behavior. In other words, any new deal negotiated by the administration would be weaker than — and in fact, in violation of — existing U.N. resolutions. That is why Obama would need to go back to the U.N., to water down, to cave into Iran’s demands.
Too funny, if you think we are going o submit our National interest to those whackos.....well then I have some beach front property in Az for you. ;)

If you were stupid enough to by beachfront property on the ocean in Arizona then I am not so stupid to take it off your hands.

And you cannot be that bright if you think I said we must submit our national interest to the UN at any time. Its clear that said that no violation by Iran of the P5+1 treaty over the next 15,years means Iran is not trying to build a bomb. There is not national security threat in that case.

Future presidents are not bound to it but if Iran does not violate it and UNSC sanctions are dropped over the next fifteen years what is a future US president wanting war with Iran or to attack Iran in someway gonna do? No violation by Iran means Iran is not trying to build a bomb

Way to go....

So because your insane party of idiots want a war you want to scupper chances at peace.

Listen you had your war, your kind invented a load of manure and got alot of people killed. You are now the idiots of international diplomacy. You are idiots, you haven't met a country that you didn't think that could be not improved by a few bombs.

Well done to Obama and the ROW for ignoring these idiots. Wish Iran would send by a reply asking them to read their own constitution and ask were sanctions imposed by executive order?

I say there is guys in Iran now laughing their asses off.

Sorry, but the only idiots are those who would support a nuclear Iran. THAT is the epitome of idiocy. Not only that, but the senators are RIGHT, according to my above link. Obama CANNOT go around making "secret" deals.

Look bud, this has nothing to do with partisan politics. It is just plain old common sense and knowledge of Iran, their history and their beliefs. Sorry that some of you are just too STUPID to realize what a mistake this would be.
Here's my humble take on all the back-n-forth of this rather long thread....

1. No, those 47 right wing senators will NOT be charged with any seditious acts.

2. Yes, those 46 senators were stupid in following the lead of the rabid 47th who, in turn, is being "bred" by the American Heritage Institute to accelerate and accentuate the anti-all-that-Obama-wants to do campaign.

3. We may be able to postpone Iran's nuclear plans for a few years, but we (nor the rest of the world) will ever be able to permanently prevent that nation's ambitions since Israel has long initiated this deadly arms' race.

4. Right wingers on here (many as profane as sailors in a cheap whore house) have expressed a new found "love" for Israel based more on their deep-seethed "stick-it-to-Obama-at-every-chance" syndrome.

5. Arm-chair warriors have no problem clamoring for virtually any war, and when such wars prove disastrous to all involved they swear that they were the among the forward looking few who were against such wars.

6. Finally, I also learned that right wing senators need desperately to have pen pals since they feel a bit "un-loved."

You're a fool.
The UNSC sanctions are legally binding at the UN and in international law. The US Constitution has nothing to do with them. The US has already voted for them as did France Russia UK and China. The UNSC is developing a resolution, in response to 47 very stupid US Senators, that will lock in whatever lifted sanctions become part of a P5+1 deal with Iran. I'm not sure what you are trying to legally bind to the Constitution. The US is a member of the UN.
This is why America will fall.
Here's my humble take on all the back-n-forth of this rather long thread....

1. No, those 47 right wing senators will NOT be charged with any seditious acts.

2. Yes, those 46 senators were stupid in following the lead of the rabid 47th who, in turn, is being "bred" by the American Heritage Institute to accelerate and accentuate the anti-all-that-Obama-wants to do campaign.

3. We may be able to postpone Iran's nuclear plans for a few years, but we (nor the rest of the world) will ever be able to permanently prevent that nation's ambitions since Israel has long initiated this deadly arms' race.

4. Right wingers on here (many as profane as sailors in a cheap whore house) have expressed a new found "love" for Israel based more on their deep-seethed "stick-it-to-Obama-at-every-chance" syndrome.

5. Arm-chair warriors have no problem clamoring for virtually any war, and when such wars prove disastrous to all involved they swear that they were the among the forward looking few who were against such wars.

6. Finally, I also learned that right wing senators need desperately to have pen pals since they feel a bit "un-loved."

You're a fool.

Thank you......nothing confirms to me more that I may be on the correct side of an argument, than to have dingbats like your ilk call me a "fool."
Again, thank you.....much appreciated.
The president is part of the government -- does that mean he has the power to levy taxes, a power delegated to the Congress?
Now you are twisting the subject.............That's internal and he can't go to Reid and cut a Executive order to Raise taxes...............We are dealing with Foreign Countries and it is a different animal and subject.
You're the one saying that simply being a part of the government grants one powers the Constitution doesn't specifically confer to them. Seems you think that only applies to the 47 Republican Senators. :dunno:
The Cotton 47 don't have to follow the Constitution. :eusa_snooty: They just don't. :mad-61:

The "Cotton 47" didn't violate the Constitution. All your whining and feet stomping changes nothing.
just because you say so? Who are you again?

I'm the guy that listened in Civics class while you talked and didn't learn anything, apparently.
They agreed to US demands by wire on 8/10/45. That date was on the communique I quoted and linked to way back in the thread. I don't feel obligated to hunt the post or the article, frankly because you don't have the intellect to understand. I won't waste my time trying to educate someone stupider than a common garden slug.

I know you need your John Wayne history, but the USSR's entry into the war was the deciding factor in Japan's s urrender, not the atom bomb. We were already doing more damage to Japan with conventional bombings.
You are wrong, but that shouldn't surprise anyone. It happens hourly.
But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right?

And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

No, just tired of dealing with stupid people on both sides of the spectrum on this issue. The fact that you really think the GOP 47 committed "treason", I would hope you don't really think that's how American politics works.

I may not agree with JoeB's stance on some issues, but I do admire someone's statements that are less biased and objective.
"your miserable country"?

You talk about the USA that way, really?

Dude, you're posting from Germany... come on, don't try to fool anyone.

But it's not "my" country. I am still an American. You do understand that, right.
And BTW, modern-day Germany is anything but miserable.

I assume that your magic underpants are just a little too tight for you today... you've been pretty grumpy lately.

It's true! No one likes the idiot.

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