Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

I can, because they can't be trusted with the bomb as they are a country that openly supports Terrorism.........who via proxy attack Israel every day...........who assisted their proxy troops to KILL AMERICANS in both Iraq and Afghanistan during these Wars..............of which one is still ongoing.............

again- only country to ever use atom bombs on people was ours.

Maybe we can't be trusted with a bomb.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Rr 11012853
This differs from Obama going directly to the Iranian people HOW?????

Does it matter to you what was said by Obama to you at all. The Cotton 47 was a direct appeal to the hardliners in Iran to join forces with the US rightwing hardliners in order to subvert the negotiation process and prevent a deal. What a team.,

Obama's appeal was to Iran's youth and moderates to support the deal and pressure their hardliners to disregard their new partners (the idiot US hardliner and allow reasonable moderate people in both nations to prevail.

That the biggest difference. It is who the Cotton 47 are aligned with in Iran now.
I can, because they can't be trusted with the bomb as they are a country that openly supports Terrorism.........who via proxy attack Israel every day...........who assisted their proxy troops to KILL AMERICANS in both Iraq and Afghanistan during these Wars..............of which one is still ongoing.............

again- only country to ever use atom bombs on people was ours.

Maybe we can't be trusted with a bomb.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Lame ass standard quotes. We only used it back then to end the War quickly as our casualties would have numbered a million or more if we invaded Japan.............and it was a world war and not a pissing contest with a piss ant country like Iran.

And again you take the side of our enemy over the United States. They Chant DEATH TO AMERICA Joe and you classify them as possible Freedom Fighters......

Lame ass standard quotes. We only used it back then to end the War quickly as our casualties would have numbered a million or more if we invaded Japan.............and it was a world war and not a pissing contest with a piss ant country like Iran.

Horseshit. first and foremost, Japan was already defeated and looking for surrender terms. We didn't need to drop the nukes on them and we didn't need to invade them. What prompted their surrender was the USSR's entry into the Pacific War. Once it looked like Russia might take all the prizes, we suddenly agreed to THEIR terms.

We just had these bombs that a lot of career people had spent building and dammit, they were going to use it on someone because people were asking a lot of questions about where all that money went.

And again you take the side of our enemy over the United States. They Chant DEATH TO AMERICA Joe and you classify them as possible Freedom Fighters......

But the question that you never ask yourself is WHY they chant "Death to America". We are the ones who put the Shah back into power after they voted him out, and the Shah spent 25 years oppressing the shit out of them.

We Americans tend to be narcissitic. We do horrible things to countries like Cuba or Iran, and they rise up against us and our puppets, and then we spend decades punishing them for it. It's really, really a stupid policy.
Lame ass standard quotes. We only used it back then to end the War quickly as our casualties would have numbered a million or more if we invaded Japan.............and it was a world war and not a pissing contest with a piss ant country like Iran.

Horseshit. first and foremost, Japan was already defeated and looking for surrender terms. We didn't need to drop the nukes on them and we didn't need to invade them. What prompted their surrender was the USSR's entry into the Pacific War. Once it looked like Russia might take all the prizes, we suddenly agreed to THEIR terms.

We just had these bombs that a lot of career people had spent building and dammit, they were going to use it on someone because people were asking a lot of questions about where all that money went.

And again you take the side of our enemy over the United States. They Chant DEATH TO AMERICA Joe and you classify them as possible Freedom Fighters......

But the question that you never ask yourself is WHY they chant "Death to America". We are the ones who put the Shah back into power after they voted him out, and the Shah spent 25 years oppressing the shit out of them.

We Americans tend to be narcissitic. We do horrible things to countries like Cuba or Iran, and they rise up against us and our puppets, and then we spend decades punishing them for it. It's really, really a stupid policy.

With your post it is very clear you did not live during WW2, or know the least thing about it. You do know there are a few still around who were there,even to sign the Armistice?

Hihrohito had vowed to fight to the last man. So President Truman had to make the terrible decision to use the bomb. He did,saving at the least a million American lives. Those are your Grandparents, great Grandparents and you should be thanking your lucky stars they lived instead of telling a made up story you heard from some one who was not there.
With your post it is very clear you did not live during WW2, or know the least thing about it. You do know there are a few still around who were there,even to sign the Armistice?

Hihrohito had vowed to fight to the last man. So President Truman had to make the terrible decision to use the bomb. He did,saving at the least a million American lives. Those are your Grandparents, great Grandparents and you should be thanking your lucky stars they lived instead of telling a made up story you heard from some one who was not there.

My dad was a WWII vet.

And, no, the Japanese were not vowing to fight to the last man. Most of their best units were stranded in China and South East Asia, anyway.

by July 1945, the Japanese were already making overtures through the Swiss and Russians to make a peace treaty.

Also the "Million american lives" number is utter bullshit made up after the war when people realized what a horrible thing we had done. at the time, the causualty estimates for Operation Olympic were only about 10,000 allied troops.
It's not a problem for you. You'd like to see it. You're on the same page with the mullahs. Maybe you should convert?

Yes, when you go live next to people who WANT TO KILL YOU for STEALING THEIR LAND, you really don't get a lot of sypmathy from me.
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?:dunno:
With your post it is very clear you did not live during WW2, or know the least thing about it. You do know there are a few still around who were there,even to sign the Armistice?

Hihrohito had vowed to fight to the last man. So President Truman had to make the terrible decision to use the bomb. He did,saving at the least a million American lives. Those are your Grandparents, great Grandparents and you should be thanking your lucky stars they lived instead of telling a made up story you heard from some one who was not there.

My dad was a WWII vet.

And, no, the Japanese were not vowing to fight to the last man. Most of their best units were stranded in China and South East Asia, anyway.

by July 1945, the Japanese were already making overtures through the Swiss and Russians to make a peace treaty.

Also the "Million american lives" number is utter bullshit made up after the war when people realized what a horrible thing we had done. at the time, the causualty estimates for Operation Olympic were only about 10,000 allied troops.
So was my Dad,and my husband, plus Uncles,future BIL's, many friends were in that area. One was there when they signed the Armastice. He is still alive.

Are you saying your Dad said Truman made a mistake? Those who lived to come home would differ with you. What the Japanese were saying and what the Emporer said were two different things.
JoeB131, 1st, you are an idiot when it comes to WW2.

2nd, the Iranian s, Iraqi, and Afghannistan terrorists listened to the Democrats giving encouragement, support, and telling them to wait until the Democrats took over and the U.S. forces would be withdrawn, from the floor of the Senate and House. Basically giving them a 'game plan for victory.

Now that's what I call treason!!
With your post it is very clear you did not live during WW2, or know the least thing about it. You do know there are a few still around who were there,even to sign the Armistice?

Hihrohito had vowed to fight to the last man. So President Truman had to make the terrible decision to use the bomb. He did,saving at the least a million American lives. Those are your Grandparents, great Grandparents and you should be thanking your lucky stars they lived instead of telling a made up story you heard from some one who was not there.

My dad was a WWII vet.

And, no, the Japanese were not vowing to fight to the last man. Most of their best units were stranded in China and South East Asia, anyway.

by July 1945, the Japanese were already making overtures through the Swiss and Russians to make a peace treaty.

Also the "Million american lives" number is utter bullshit made up after the war when people realized what a horrible thing we had done. at the time, the causualty estimates for Operation Olympic were only about 10,000 allied troops.
Japan did know they were all but done, but refused to agree to the US's terms, namely, removal of the Emperor from power.
2 bombs later, Douglas MacArthur was essentially Emperor of Japan.
A message of capitulation was sent the day after the Nagasaki bomb.
nats 11018811
2nd, the Iranian s, Iraqi, and Afghannistan terrorists listened to the Democrats giving encouragement, support, and telling them to wait until the Democrats took over and the U.S. forces would be withdrawn, from the floor of the Senate and House. Basically giving them a 'game plan for victory.

Are you nuts? Afghanistan? Obama ordered 20,000 more troops over there within a month of taking office and another 30,000 by December. He added 200,000 Afghan Police and troops by our men and women training and advising them, Obama saved Afghanistan from what Bush damn near lost.

Iraq? Bush and Maliki told the terrorist in December 2008 exactly when US troops had to be gone. Obama kept troops there to the end of that deadline. Iraqis did not want any troops to remain after 2011. Just a fact.

Iran? Iran moved into Iraq sending the Quds trained Badr Brigades under the Tehran based ISCI in 2003 following the Bush43 dumb war invasion.

This is who brought Iranian influence into Iraq:

December 2006. President Bush Meets with His Eminence Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim, Leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

President George W. Bush welcomes Sayyed Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim, Leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, to the White House Monday, Dec. 4, 2006. Said the President, "I appreciate so very much His Eminence's commitment to a unity government. I assured him the United States supports his work and the work of the Prime Minister to unify the country." White House photo by Eric Draper

President Bush Meets with His Eminence Abdul-Aziz Al-Hakim Leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq

And the fool pictured on the right is gosh darn proud of it.
With your post it is very clear you did not live during WW2, or know the least thing about it. You do know there are a few still around who were there,even to sign the Armistice?

Hihrohito had vowed to fight to the last man. So President Truman had to make the terrible decision to use the bomb. He did,saving at the least a million American lives. Those are your Grandparents, great Grandparents and you should be thanking your lucky stars they lived instead of telling a made up story you heard from some one who was not there.

My dad was a WWII vet.

And, no, the Japanese were not vowing to fight to the last man. Most of their best units were stranded in China and South East Asia, anyway.

by July 1945, the Japanese were already making overtures through the Swiss and Russians to make a peace treaty.

Also the "Million american lives" number is utter bullshit made up after the war when people realized what a horrible thing we had done. at the time, the causualty estimates for Operation Olympic were only about 10,000 allied troops.
Japan did know they were all but done, but refused to agree to the US's terms, namely, removal of the Emperor from power.
2 bombs later, Douglas MacArthur was essentially Emperor of Japan.
A message of capitulation was sent the day after the Nagasaki bomb.

You are right on that one. The Emporer refused to surrender.

Then, MacArthur refused to obey President Truman. He was gone,too.

Eisenhower then went on to become a great Republican President, created the Interstate system to modernize our Country. I wish we could find one like him today and a Congress that would care about our Country instead of their petty,childish wants.
nats 11018811
Basically giving them a 'game plan for victory

What a sick person you are to suggest that the Daesh terrorist scum, murderers, thieves, desecrators and child rapists and worse have a "game plan for victory". You are doing the terrorist a great service by giving them credibility to achieve victory when they have no possible chance of taking over for any length of time to be recognized as a nation or state. They have no Air Force or Navy. They have little means if food water and electricity production sufficient to manufacture and produce goods including military goods. How do they have a game plan for victory without any kind if plan for guarding the air space over their so called caliphate?

How do they feed their populations when grain silos are no longer available to be robbed? They took brief control of the Mosul dam that I believe produces much of the electricity for Mosul. Then they were defeated and driven off of it. So the electric source for the wannabe capitol of their wannabe caliphate is under the control and protection of it's fiercest enemies including US fighter and drone pilots - heroes to the good people of this world.

And you think Daesh terrorist scum have a game plan for victory?

How ridiculous can you get?

They have lost most of the territory they plundered in Northern Iraq las summer. They are surrounded and hiding behind planted bombs and IEDs in Tikrit. They could not take Kobani on the Syria Turkey border. Many supply routes between Syria and Iraq have been denied them. God's gift to Iraq EconChick was wrong about Route Irish -so badly she disappeared for a long while. Things are going badly for the Daesh cheerleading team.
Last edited:
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.
So was my Dad,and my husband, plus Uncles,future BIL's, many friends were in that area. One was there when they signed the Armastice. He is still alive.

Are you saying your Dad said Truman made a mistake? Those who lived to come home would differ with you. What the Japanese were saying and what the Emporer said were two different things.

My Dad and your various relatives were not in the halls of power nor did they have the information our leaders had. the fact was, everyone knew the Japanese had been beaten and the people who had the practical military experience- namely Ike and MacArthur - felt the use of the bombs were unneeded.
JoeB131, 1st, you are an idiot when it comes to WW2.

I have a history degree from the University of Illinois that says otherwise.

2nd, the Iranian s, Iraqi, and Afghannistan terrorists listened to the Democrats giving encouragement, support, and telling them to wait until the Democrats took over and the U.S. forces would be withdrawn, from the floor of the Senate and House. Basically giving them a 'game plan for victory.

really? You really think that? Hey, dumbass, here's the thing. These are civilizations that are THOUSANDS of years older than ours, they've seen invaders come and they've seen invaders go. And its not like they had any other option BUT to wait for us to get tired and leave.
Japan did know they were all but done, but refused to agree to the US's terms, namely, removal of the Emperor from power.
2 bombs later, Douglas MacArthur was essentially Emperor of Japan.
A message of capitulation was sent the day after the Nagasaki bomb.

And two days after the Russians sent 13 Armies into Manchuria... which is what really caused the surrender.

You see, the thing was, AFTER the Russians got into the war and made more progress in a week than we made in years of "Island Hopping", that's when we decided, Hey, maybe Hirohito wasn't such a bad guy after all. Maybe we could even live with him staying in power and never being punished for his part in instigating the war.

You see, here's the thing with the bombs. they weren't that powerful... only about 15 Kilotons for the Hiroshima bomb and 21 for the one dropped on Nagasaki. By comparison, the Operation Meeting House raid on Tokyo (march 10, 1945) dropped . 1665 tons of incendiary bombs and killed far more people than the Hiroshima bomb did.

On the other hand, the Soviet entry into the Pacific war really was a game-changer. It opened a whole new front against Japan where Japan had absolutely no defense. Defenses on Hokkaido, the northernmost Island, was two poorly trained divisions because most of the units the Army had in Japan were concentrated on the South.
With your post it is very clear you did not live during WW2, or know the least thing about it. You do know there are a few still around who were there,even to sign the Armistice?

Hihrohito had vowed to fight to the last man. So President Truman had to make the terrible decision to use the bomb. He did,saving at the least a million American lives. Those are your Grandparents, great Grandparents and you should be thanking your lucky stars they lived instead of telling a made up story you heard from some one who was not there.

My dad was a WWII vet.

And, no, the Japanese were not vowing to fight to the last man. Most of their best units were stranded in China and South East Asia, anyway.

by July 1945, the Japanese were already making overtures through the Swiss and Russians to make a peace treaty.

Also the "Million american lives" number is utter bullshit made up after the war when people realized what a horrible thing we had done. at the time, the causualty estimates for Operation Olympic were only about 10,000 allied troops.
Japan did know they were all but done, but refused to agree to the US's terms, namely, removal of the Emperor from power.
2 bombs later, Douglas MacArthur was essentially Emperor of Japan.
A message of capitulation was sent the day after the Nagasaki bomb.

You are right on that one. The Emporer refused to surrender.

Then, MacArthur refused to obey President Truman. He was gone,too.

Eisenhower then went on to become a great Republican President, created the Interstate system to modernize our Country. I wish we could find one like him today and a Congress that would care about our Country instead of their petty,childish wants.
He wouldn't be able to even get into the Repub Primaries as far Right as Republicorp has shifted toots.

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