Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.

I'd be much more impressed if you could spell the word "the".
( hte) ;)

I missed that but am more than willing to over look mistakes Since I am inclined to make them:420:
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.

I'd be much more impressed if you could spell the word "the".
( hte) ;)

I missed that but am more than willing to over look mistakes Since I am inclined to make them:420:

I know, but Joe is a prick and deserves to get called out on everything ;)
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.

I'd be much more impressed if you could spell the word "the".
( hte) ;)

I missed that but am more than willing to over look mistakes Since I am inclined to make them:420:

I know, but Joe is a prick and deserves to get called out on everything ;)

I think I did catch that right away. - Supreme Leader s Speech in Meeting with Participants of International Congress on Takfirism

25/11/2014The following is the full text of the speech delivered on November 25, 2014 by Ayatollah Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting with participants of the International Congress on "Extremist and Takfiri Orientations from the Viewpoint of Islamic Scholars".

Sometimes, a number of those youth whose requests are not granted in this regard write a letter to me and say in an insistent manner, "Allow us to go and fight against the Zionist regime in the front lines". Our people love fighting against the Zionists and the Islamic Republic has proved this as well. By Allah's favor and grace, we have passed through the barrier of denominational discord. We helped Hezbollah of Lebanon - which is a Shia group - in the same way that we helped Hamas and Islamic Jihad and we will continue to do that [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"]. We did not become a prisoner of denominational limits. We did not differentiate between Shia, Sunni, Hanafi, Hanbali, Shafi'i and Zaidi denominations. All Palestinian areas have to become armed.

We looked at our main goal and we offered help. We managed to strengthen the fists of our Palestinian brothers in Gaza and by Allah's favor, we will continue to do that. I announced- and this will definitely happen- that the West Bank should be armed like Gaza and be prepared for defense [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"].

I will tell you dear brothers that America's splendor should not intimidate you. The enemy has become weak. The enemy of Islam - which is arrogance - is weaker now compared to all other eras during the past 100, 150 years. Take a look at colonialist governments in Europe. They are faced with economic, political and security problems. Today, these governments have all sorts of problems. America is worse than them. It is faced with moral, political and serious financial and monetary problems. It is faced with disgrace and damage to its superpower status everywhere in the world, not just in the world of Islam.

Besides, the Zionist regime has become weaker compared to the past. This is the same regime which used to chant the slogan of "from Nile to Euphrates". They used to shout and say openly that the region from Nile to Euphrates belongs to them. However, they could not conquer Palestinian tunnels in Gaza for 50 days. This is the same regime. They used all their power for 50 days so that they can sabotage, destroy and conquer the underground tunnels of Hamas, Islamic Jihad and the Palestinians, but they failed. This is the same regime which used to say, "The region from Nile to Euphrates belongs to us". Notice how it has changed. Notice how weak it has become.

The problems of the enemies of Islam are many. The enemies of Islam were frustrated in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. They were frustrated in different areas and their goals were not achieved. As you saw, in order to confront the Islamic Republic on the nuclear issue, America and colonialist countries in Europe gathered and used all their power so that they could bring the Islamic Republic to its knees on this matter, but they failed and they will continue to fail [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"].

This is the weakness of the other side. But by Allah's favor, you will become stronger on a daily basis. The future belongs to you and "Allah has full power and control over His affairs" [The Holy Quran, 12: 21] [audience shout "Allahu Akbar"].

They openly admit they are supporting known Terrorist Organizations.

They are proud of it. And promise to continue to support it.

They openly ditch the Nuclear talks...............a sign of weakness...............

They openly call us the enemy..........and promise to continue to fight..........

You don't negotiate with this.
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.
Joey as faith in the mullahs but he thinks Christians and Jews are nuts:wtf:
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.
Joey as faith in the mullahs but he thinks Christians and Jews are nuts:wtf:

I think most religious people, regardless of their respective religions, are a little nuts, sorry to say. They ALL want to push their beliefs on everyone.
I'd be much more impressed if you could spell the word "the".

no, that's a typo. THat mutant that claimed that we needed to drop a nuke on Japanese women and children insisted her relatives had something to do with the "armatace"...

But that's okay, I realize you are a sad troll with no friends, and this as close to human interaction as you can probably get.
Joey as faith in the mullahs but he thinks Christians and Jews are nuts

I think anyone who believes in a magic fairy in the sky is nuts.

But here's the thing. If Muslims tried to set up their own state in France, I'd expect the Christians to do something about that, too.

You steal someone's land, you should not be all that surprised if THEY TRY TO KILL YOU.

And you shouldn't come whining to me when they do.
I have IPad spell Check, but that does not change my facts.

I also know History has been changed many times since 1945.

I am not here to impress you.

History hasn't been changed, it has just been interpreted better.

When we dropped the bomb, we probably just thought of it as another weapon. If you read Truman's diaries, even he thought the USSR getting into the Pacific War would be the game-changer, not the atom bomb.

AFTER we and the Soviets started making more bombs, bigger bombs, people started talking about using atom bombs to resolve Korea... then Truman felt the need to rationalize why he had used them on people in the first place. That's when you started getting the whole "Expected half a million casualties" if we had to invade Japan horseshit. (The Army's own plans for Operation Olympic only estimated 10,000.)

There was also the World War II Generation and its period of political dominance after the war that needed the mythology that America had won WWII, when in fact, most of the real heavy lifting had been done by the British Empire (mostly Indians and Pakistanis), Soviets and Chinese.

Meanwhile, REAL historians were doing the hard work of actually looking at Japanese documents and determining what the real state of mind was of the Japanese leaders, and lo and behold, the Bombs didn't have much of an effect, but when they saw the Soviets had opened a whole new case of whoopass on them, they were ready to give in.
They openly admit they are supporting known Terrorist Organizations.

They are proud of it. And promise to continue to support it.

They openly ditch the Nuclear talks...............a sign of weakness...............

They openly call us the enemy..........and promise to continue to fight..........

You don't negotiate with this.

again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

since we don't have the capability to fight a war to stop them, negotiation is probably in order.
Joey as faith in the mullahs but he thinks Christians and Jews are nuts

I think anyone who believes in a magic fairy in the sky is nuts.

But here's the thing. If Muslims tried to set up their own state in France, I'd expect the Christians to do something about that, too.

You steal someone's land, you should not be all that surprised if THEY TRY TO KILL YOU.

And you shouldn't come whining to me when they do.

Seem like you're the one whining about Jews. Is it Sunni or Shiite land? or does it matter as long as the Jews are dead? Is islam your favorite religion because they want dead Jews?
I'd be much more impressed if you could spell the word "the".

no, that's a typo. THat mutant that claimed that we needed to drop a nuke on Japanese women and children insisted her relatives had something to do with the "armatace"...

But that's okay, I realize you are a sad troll with no friends, and this as close to human interaction as you can probably get.

If you could read you would know I did not say anything close to that. I said," My relatives served in WW2." My Husband on Normandy Beach, second wave,Omaha. Where he was wounded. My Dad was an Engineer.

I did say," I knew a person who was there to sign when Hirohito signed and ended the war."

You must really be an angry person to get all bent out of shape over a word. Good manners do not seem to be your forte to a new Poster, but that is fine.

If there is an ignore button on this board feel free to insert my name.

To me,you are not worth an ignore button
Joey as faith in the mullahs but he thinks Christians and Jews are nuts

I think anyone who believes in a magic fairy in the sky is nuts.

But here's the thing. If Muslims tried to set up their own state in France, I'd expect the Christians to do something about that, too.

You steal someone's land, you should not be all that surprised if THEY TRY TO KILL YOU.

And you shouldn't come whining to me when they do.
true. Iranians & U.S. Republicans
Joey as faith in the mullahs but he thinks Christians and Jews are nuts

I think anyone who believes in a magic fairy in the sky is nuts.

But here's the thing. If Muslims tried to set up their own state in France, I'd expect the Christians to do something about that, too.

You steal someone's land, you should not be all that surprised if THEY TRY TO KILL YOU.

And you shouldn't come whining to me when they do.

Oh, so if someone tries to steal something from me, that gives me the RIGHT to try to kill them? Interesting.
Seem like you're the one whining about Jews. Is it Sunni or Shiite land? or does it matter as long as the Jews are dead? Is islam your favorite religion because they want dead Jews?

Naw, my favorite religion is the worship of Dread C'Thulhu.... because if you are going to follow made up bullshit, might as well be fun made up bullshit.

You guys don't want to be killed. Go Back to Europe where you came from. They're really sorry about the last time.
If you could read you would know I did not say anything close to that. I said," My relatives served in WW2." My Husband on Normandy Beach, second wave,Omaha. Where he was wounded. My Dad was an Engineer.

I did say," I knew a person who was there to sign when Hirohito signed and ended the war."

You must really be an angry person to get all bent out of shape over a word. Good manners do not seem to be your forte to a new Poster, but that is fine.

If there is an ignore button on this board feel free to insert my name.

To me,you are not worth an ignore button

Well, I haven't determined yet if you are really a new poster or just another sock.

Yes, I get bent out of shape when people think that OUR use of nukes against defenseless women in children was somehow okay, but you guys don't want certain countries to have them because they MIGHT use them against women and children.
If you could read you would know I did not say anything close to that. I said," My relatives served in WW2." My Husband on Normandy Beach, second wave,Omaha. Where he was wounded. My Dad was an Engineer.

I did say," I knew a person who was there to sign when Hirohito signed and ended the war."

You must really be an angry person to get all bent out of shape over a word. Good manners do not seem to be your forte to a new Poster, but that is fine.

If there is an ignore button on this board feel free to insert my name.

To me,you are not worth an ignore button

Well, I haven't determined yet if you are really a new poster or just another sock.

Yes, I get bent out of shape when people think that OUR use of nukes against defenseless women in children was somehow okay, but you guys don't want certain countries to have them because they MIGHT use them against women and children.
Our women and children vs someone elses women and children. Whose side are you on anyhow?

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