Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

So was my Dad,and my husband, plus Uncles,future BIL's, many friends were in that area. One was there when they signed the Armastice. He is still alive.

Are you saying your Dad said Truman made a mistake? Those who lived to come home would differ with you. What the Japanese were saying and what the Emporer said were two different things.

My Dad and your various relatives were not in the halls of power nor did they have the information our leaders had. the fact was, everyone knew the Japanese had been beaten and the people who had the practical military experience- namely Ike and MacArthur - felt the use of the bombs were unneeded.
But the man who was there when the Armistace was signed was most certainly in your so called Halls of power.
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.

I'd be much more impressed if you could spell "the"
Too funny kid.

Radical Islam IS a"them".

Did you actually PAY for your education?

Whatever they charged you was too much.
So a billion people are one entity and they all think the same?

You are one scared, little bitch!

You just keep looking more stupid kid.

I'd like to see where anybody ever claimed that ALL Muslims were "Radical"?

I won't hold my breath ;)
Same ole stealing land BS, as usual from those who would rather see Israel driven into the sea and destroyed............Doesn't hold any water with me, nor the the Jews have as much right to these lands as the arabs do........................
If that was true, then why are there over 100 UN resolutions saying the opposite?

If that was true, how come there isn't one country on the planet that has come out and stated as such?
So it's Iran's land Now? are we going back tot the Persian conquest? I thought it was Arab land?

I think you are confusing hte issue, but that's okay, when you are arguing for continuing an attrocity, I can't expect much more.

So let's talk about why you are shitting your pants over the thought of Iran having a nuke. Not that they would ever use it. But because it would put them on an equal footing with the Zionshits.

I'd be much more impressed if you could spell the word "the".
( hte) ;)
You just keep looking more stupid kid.

I'd like to see where anybody ever claimed that ALL Muslims were "Radical"?

I won't hold my breath ;)
You just said, "...radical Islam is a "them"", dumbass.

Are you too pussy to own what you say?
Same ole stealing land BS, as usual from those who would rather see Israel driven into the sea and destroyed............Doesn't hold any water with me, nor the the Jews have as much right to these lands as the arabs do........................
If that was true, then why are there over 100 UN resolutions saying the opposite?

If that was true, how come there isn't one country on the planet that has come out and stated as such?
The anti propaganda campaign is working. If you tell a lie enough times it becomes the facts...............

and at the same time their are 100's of UN resolutions condemning the other side of the equation at the same time.

Basically the UN is saying the opposing sides are BAD BOYS......and put it in writing condemning them both..............but of course you aren't interested in that side are you............

How the UN was perverted into a weapon against Israel New York Post
Radical Islam IS a them, show me where ANYBODY ever said ALL Muslims were/are Radicals.

C'mon it.
Name one Muslim you don't consider a radical?

Kid I've been to Israel, I've sat at the same table as Israeli's, Lebanese, Palestinians and Egyptians we've laughed had an amazing time and had some of the best Hummus I've ever tasted.

Experts estimate that 10-15% of Muslim's are radical.

You want a name, here's one.....Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Boi King hates this man (Al sisi) because he wants the Muslim Brotherhood to regain the power in Egypt.
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I do believe most Muslims are radicals. Perhaps not the ones who are American raised, but in the ME, yes, I believe they all have radical beliefs and feel they are above everyone else. This is where the "dhimmitude" concept comes from. If they are controlled by a secular government, then they can be kept in check. If a Muslim run government controls things, then anyone who is not a Muslim is considered a second-class citizen.

Thankfully, they could not establish a "caliphate" here in America because of our separation of church and state.

Islam is NOT just a "religion" (if that's what you want to call it). It is a way of life and encompasses politics and every other aspect of life. These are people who pray SIX TIMES a day, stopping whatever it is they are doing in order to do so. IF that is not the definition of "extremist" then I don't know what is. Also, the reason why I most dislike this "religion" is because of how it tends to oppress women.

Although the leftists and Islam sympathizers will come forth to say that they treat women "fairly." I think we all know that's a bunch of bull crap. Cripes, I've seen Muslim men here in the summertime dressed in shorts and a T-shirt while their women are dressed up in all kinds of robes and what not. That is because they think women need to be covered up ALL the time. Their bodies incite men to sinful behaviors, is what they believe.
Radical Islam IS a them, show me where ANYBODY ever said ALL Muslims were/are Radicals.

C'mon it.
Name one Muslim you don't consider a radical?

Kid I've been to Israel, I've sat at the same table as Israeli's, Lebanese, Palestinians and Egyptians we've laughed had an amazing time and had some of the best Hummus I've ever tasted.

Experts estimate that 10-15% of Muslim's are radical.

You want a name, here's one.....Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, the Boi Kings hates this man because he wants the Muslim Brotherhood to regain the power in Egypt.

I knew a guy from Lebanon who worked at a local convenience store. He was a very nice guy. He used to give my son free stuff all the time. I don't think he was a very "religious" man though.
I don't know if this has been posted already, but . . .

Obama Let s Make a Deal Iran Leader Death to America FrontPage Magazine

These negotiations seem really promising. There’s no possible way that a system where “Death to America” is a given will ever use nuclear weapons against us.

While Obama chants, “Let’s make a deal” (any deal, no matter how bad), the Iranian regime has another message.

Just two days after President Barack Obama urged the Iranian people to take advantage of an “historic opportunity” to resolve the nuclear issue, an Iranian crowd on Saturday chanted “Death to America” – and the country’s Supreme Leader agreed.

Khamenei, who has the last word on all matters of state, reiterated in his speech that Tehran would not be pressured into giving in to Western demands in the negotiations with major powers.

A man in the audience shouted “Death to America”, to which the Supreme Leader responded, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”

The media is spinning the moment as Khamenei’s support for negotiations, which indeed he does support, because Obama is on track to give him what he wants, sanctions relief and nukes. The only ones the negotiations are working for are Iran’s Mullahs.
Radical Islam IS a them, show me where ANYBODY ever said ALL Muslims were/are Radicals.

C'mon it.
Name one Muslim you don't consider a radical?
Sissy and Egypt are openly fighting Radical Islam.
He has openly made speeches to Imam's in Egypt that it is Islam that must change and not anger the rest of the world with violence.........
He has outlawed the Muslim Brotherhood.
He has rebuilt or is rebuilding Christian Churches in Egypt.
He has destroyed over a 1000 supply tunnels for Hamas.
He has conducted military strikes in Libya in response to the beheadings of Coptic Christians who were Egyptians.
He ousted the leader who was a Muslim Brotherhood shrill.............who was calling for no diplomatic stance with Israel, Sharia law in Egypt..........and was leading to another possible open conflict with Israel.

Yes, he and the military overthrew the Gov't..........and they are better for it......unless you want more Christians killed for just being Christian............and another Egyptian versus Israel War.
I don't know if this has been posted already, but . . .

Obama Let s Make a Deal Iran Leader Death to America FrontPage Magazine

These negotiations seem really promising. There’s no possible way that a system where “Death to America” is a given will ever use nuclear weapons against us.

While Obama chants, “Let’s make a deal” (any deal, no matter how bad), the Iranian regime has another message.

Just two days after President Barack Obama urged the Iranian people to take advantage of an “historic opportunity” to resolve the nuclear issue, an Iranian crowd on Saturday chanted “Death to America” – and the country’s Supreme Leader agreed.

Khamenei, who has the last word on all matters of state, reiterated in his speech that Tehran would not be pressured into giving in to Western demands in the negotiations with major powers.

A man in the audience shouted “Death to America”, to which the Supreme Leader responded, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”

The media is spinning the moment as Khamenei’s support for negotiations, which indeed he does support, because Obama is on track to give him what he wants, sanctions relief and nukes. The only ones the negotiations are working for are Iran’s Mullahs.

2014 version........haven't found the new chant again......posted it on another thread.........
On a side note, one night in Vegas at a Blackjack Table I had the good fortune of being at the table with two Israeli Soldiers.

Both of them openly admitted feeling terrible for the Palestinian people because of what Hamas was doing to them.
I don't know if this has been posted already, but . . .

Obama Let s Make a Deal Iran Leader Death to America FrontPage Magazine

These negotiations seem really promising. There’s no possible way that a system where “Death to America” is a given will ever use nuclear weapons against us.

While Obama chants, “Let’s make a deal” (any deal, no matter how bad), the Iranian regime has another message.

Just two days after President Barack Obama urged the Iranian people to take advantage of an “historic opportunity” to resolve the nuclear issue, an Iranian crowd on Saturday chanted “Death to America” – and the country’s Supreme Leader agreed.

Khamenei, who has the last word on all matters of state, reiterated in his speech that Tehran would not be pressured into giving in to Western demands in the negotiations with major powers.

A man in the audience shouted “Death to America”, to which the Supreme Leader responded, “Of course yes, death to America, because America is the original source of this pressure.”

The media is spinning the moment as Khamenei’s support for negotiations, which indeed he does support, because Obama is on track to give him what he wants, sanctions relief and nukes. The only ones the negotiations are working for are Iran’s Mullahs.

2014 version........haven't found the new chant again......posted it on another thread.........

And liberals think it is a GOOD idea to make a deal over nukes with these nuts??? Unreal. Sometimes I wonder if the world has gone insane. What is WRONG with them? Something is wrong with them, that's for sure. Lol.
The man I knew (well, barely knew I should say), had told me that he loved America and hated Lebanon. He was very grateful to be living here, and he wanted everyone to call him "Joe." Even though I suspect that wasn't his real name. Lol. He liked everything about America.

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