Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Not to mention we pay them for their gas. We need to drill for oil here so we stop sending terrorists money.
A whole lot more than I'd like.

Okay, fair enough. There's a lot of customs going on in that part of the world that we consider barbaric.

They are also - not our problem.

Actually they kind of are our problem, we have a Presidential Candidate who claims to be representing all women in her quest to break "ALL" glass ceilings and shit taking money from people that believe women are cattle.

If you don't think that's going to cause her problems you aren't real bright.
Beheading on the Mavi Marmara? Where? When? nothing I see on the boarding of Mavi Marmara mentions beheading, of course, I haven't seen autopsy photos. Have you?
What do you think happens to a person, when they're shot in the back of the head, execution style, at close range, with an assault rifle?
Have you ever fired a 5.56x45 assault weapon at the back of someone or something's head?

No? Then you don't know, do you? I've actually seen what a head shot looks like. There is no decapitation.
Yes... soldiers and journalists. They were doing their jobs

Uh, ISIL hasn't beheaded American Soldiers doing their jobs. As for journalists- again- you go over there at your own risk.

The one guy who went over there got kidnapped, his family paid millions to get him back, and he went right back over and got beheaded.

Why is this my problem again?
Actually they kind of are our problem, we have a Presidential Candidate who claims to be representing all women in her quest to break "ALL" glass ceilings and shit taking money from people that believe women are cattle.

If you don't think that's going to cause her problems you aren't real bright.

Guy, I've been watching the Right Wing thinking, "Boy, we Got the Clintons this time!!!" and coming up short every time.

The reality- you guys are going to nominate Bush, people are going to remember, "Oh, yeah, the Bushes. They fuck everything up!" and then you'll spend 8 years sputtering while Hillary is President.
Have you ever fired a 5.56x45 assault weapon at the back of someone or something's head?

No? Then you don't know, do you? I've actually seen what a head shot looks like. There is no decapitation.

Oh, Ernie and his gun porn. It's so cute. :puke:
I did not say that hating those who behead innocent people is stupid. Thinking that I said such an absurd statement is being really stupid:

Slyh 11054826
Hating people because they cut off your head if you don't switch to their religion, stone homo's and independant women, is not stupid.

Here is what I wrote is "stupid"... NF 11054253
Hating people just because of their religion or political leaning is quite stupid.

That goes for Muslims who hate people of non-Muslim faith or no faith at all.

So not being able to read and comprehend what I wrote (if you are older than 8 years of age) is being really stupid.

It is also stupid to not understand what universal human rights and civilized standards of law are. It is very stupid to not realize,that cutting off someone's head and stoning homosexuals is not civilized behavior. This is what I wrote: NF 11047391
. I certainly don't agree with the negative treatment of women. Harming women is not civilized. ....

It is fully stupid to post something like this ..... Slyh 11054826
Hating people because they cut off your head, stone homo's and independant women, is not stupid.
..... When I clearly wrote .... NF 11047391
Hating the actual scum like Daesh is acceptable - I cheer all those who are killing them - as many Muslims are doing right now.

That is why I don't hate conservatives. They are not literate enough to carry on an intelligent discussion about anything.
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Have you ever fired a 5.56x45 assault weapon at the back of someone or something's head?

No? Then you don't know, do you? I've actually seen what a head shot looks like. There is no decapitation.
It doesn't matter, asshole, dead is dead!

Now I'm going to ask you again, you fuckin' pussy, were you outraged over an American citizen being executed on the Mavi Marmara by IDF commando's?

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