Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

I did not say that hating those who behead innocent people is stupid. Thinking that I said such an absurd statement is being really stupid:

Slyh 11054826
Hating people because they cut off your head if you don't switch to their religion, stone homo's and independant women, is not stupid.

Here is what I wrote is "stupid"... NF 11054253
Hating people just because of their religion or political leaning is quite stupid.

That goes for Muslims who hate people of non-Muslim faith or no faith at all.

So not being able to read and comprehend what I wrote (if you are older than 8 years of age) is being really stupid.

It is also stupid to not understand what universal human rights and civilized standards of law are. It is very stupid to not realize,that cutting off someone's head and stoning homosexuals is not civilized behavior. This is what I wrote: NF 11047391
. I certainly don't agree with the negative treatment of women. Harming women is not civilized. ....

It is fully stupid to post something like this ..... Slyh 11054826
Hating people because they cut off your head, stone homo's and independant women, is not stupid.
..... When I clearly wrote .... NF 11047391
Hating the actual scum like Daesh is acceptable - I cheer all those who are killing them - as many Muslims are doing right now.

That is why I don't hate conservatives. They are not literate enough to carry on an intelligent discussion about anything.
You're too stupid to realize that "we" hate Muslims because of what they do, not because of who they worship. Because they use terroristic and barbaristic tactics to force others to worship their God. And it's their religion that makes them do these things so yes we hate their religion too.
Yes... soldiers and journalists. They were doing their jobs

Uh, ISIL hasn't beheaded American Soldiers doing their jobs. As for journalists- again- you go over there at your own risk.

The one guy who went over there got kidnapped, his family paid millions to get him back, and he went right back over and got beheaded.

Why is this my problem again?
It's not your problem. It's the whole damned world's problem.
Look Joe! Iran has vowed to turn its enemies into ashes and POTUS wants them to be able to enrich uranium in underground bunkers. If you can't see the stupidity in his thought process, there's no point in further discussion.
Yes... soldiers and journalists. They were doing their jobs

Uh, ISIL hasn't beheaded American Soldiers doing their jobs. As for journalists- again- you go over there at your own risk.

The one guy who went over there got kidnapped, his family paid millions to get him back, and he went right back over and got beheaded.

Why is this my problem again?
It's not your problem. It's the whole damned world's problem.
Look Joe! Iran has vowed to turn its enemies into ashes and POTUS wants them to be able to enrich uranium in underground bunkers. If you can't see the stupidity in his thought process, there's no point in further discussion.

Oh no, just because THEY say it, doesn't mean it's true. :rolleyes-41:

That was sarcasm of course. :D
Have you ever fired a 5.56x45 assault weapon at the back of someone or something's head?

No? Then you don't know, do you? I've actually seen what a head shot looks like. There is no decapitation.

Oh, Ernie and his gun porn. It's so cute. :puke:
Idiot thinks a 5.56x45 will decapitate someone....

But yes, I like gun porn.
Here's my latest acquisition:

Have you ever fired a 5.56x45 assault weapon at the back of someone or something's head?

No? Then you don't know, do you? I've actually seen what a head shot looks like. There is no decapitation.
It doesn't matter, asshole, dead is dead!

Now I'm going to ask you again, you fuckin' pussy, were you outraged over an American citizen being executed on the Mavi Marmara by IDF commando's?
It's not your problem. It's the whole damned world's problem.
Look Joe! Iran has vowed to turn its enemies into ashes and POTUS wants them to be able to enrich uranium in underground bunkers. If you can't see the stupidity in his thought process, there's no point in further discussion.

Guy, I'm not going to poop my pants over Iran because you are falling for Zionist propaganda.

Reality is, Iran having a bomb won't make any difference. they won't us it as long as all their enemies have them as well.
It's not your problem. It's the whole damned world's problem.
Look Joe! Iran has vowed to turn its enemies into ashes and POTUS wants them to be able to enrich uranium in underground bunkers. If you can't see the stupidity in his thought process, there's no point in further discussion.

Guy, I'm not going to poop my pants over Iran because you are falling for Zionist propaganda.

Reality is, Iran having a bomb won't make any difference. they won't us it as long as all their enemies have them as well.
They think the 13th Imam will protect them from retaliation.
Slyh 11063821.
They think the 13th Imam will protect them from retaliation.

Jesus is the 2nd most revered prophet in Islam - So Iran doesn't have a chance against ISIS if Jesus is the one who will save ISIS at the end of the world.

. After its battle in Dabiq, Cerantonio said, the caliphate will expand and sack Istanbul. Some believe it will then cover the entire Earth, but Cerantonio suggested its tide may never reach beyond the Bosporus. An anti-Messiah, known in Muslim apocalyptic literature as Dajjal, will come from the Khorasan region of eastern Iran and kill a vast number of the caliphate’s fighters, until just 5,000 remain, cornered in Jerusalem. Just as Dajjal prepares to finish them off, Jesus—the second-most-revered prophet in Islam—will return to Earth, spear Dajjal, and lead the Muslims to victory.
. What ISIS Really Wants - The Atlantic

Does anyone really expect a US Administration to figure out and deal with all this nut job Armageddon religious crap? No sane modern government can be expected to have a ready military plan to deal with insane ancient religious murderous goons.
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They think the 13th Imam will protect them from retaliation.

I love when you lecture us on religions you don't understand...
My mistake, 12th Imam.

The 12th Imam The Mahdi and Iran Today

Iran, was a Twelver. So is the current supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Twelvers -- not other Shiites or Sunni Muslims -- believe that al-Mahdi will return as a messiah with Jesus to bring peace to the world and establish Islam as the ruling faith across the globe.

The apocalyptic catch? The Mahdi is expected to appear when the world is wracked in utter chaos and war. Many Sunnis also believe that the Mahdi will come in such a judgment-day scenario, but believe that he has not been born yet.

The Twelver beliefs have raised concern in conjunction with Iran's steeped interest in furiously pressing

forward with its nuclear program, combined with threats against Israel and the West. Critics of the Islamic Republic allege that Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader would even go so far as to hasten a nuclear showdown and cataclysmic strike -- perhaps an attack on Israel and inevitable retaliation -- to hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam. Ahmadinejad has even called for the reappearance of the 12th Imam from the podium of the United Nations General Assembly. During his speeches within Iran, Ahmadinejad has said that the main mission of the Islamic Revolution is to pave the way for the reappearance of the 12th Imam.
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I understand that after Iran causes chaos and destruction the 12th imam is supposedly supposed to make everything better for them.

How is that any less crazy than all you Christians who believe in "The Second Coming of Jesus", which will also be accompanied by a lot of chaos and destruction?


Pictured: Some Crazy Shit Right there.
I understand that after Iran causes chaos and destruction the 12th imam is supposedly supposed to make everything better for them.

How is that any less crazy than all you Christians who believe in "The Second Coming of Jesus", which will also be accompanied by a lot of chaos and destruction?


Pictured: Some Crazy Shit Right there.

Christianity has moderated itself to fit into society and to become "civil." Not the case with the Muslim religion, and you always seem to want to conveniently forget about the New Testament and the wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ.
I understand that after Iran causes chaos and destruction the 12th imam is supposedly supposed to make everything better for them.

How is that any less crazy than all you Christians who believe in "The Second Coming of Jesus", which will also be accompanied by a lot of chaos and destruction?


Pictured: Some Crazy Shit Right there.
I'm not a christian.
Christianity has moderated itself to fit into society and to become "civil." Not the case with the Muslim religion, and you always seem to want to conveniently forget about the New Testament and the wonderful teachings of Jesus Christ.

Jesus didn't have any wonderful teachings. Really, the teachings in the NT are kind of fucked up. Especially the Book of Revelations... all kinds of crazy shit in there.

We don't have a problem with Islam because their belief in Sky Pixies is somehow worse than Western beliefs in Sky Pixies.

We have a problem with them because we've stolen their land, bombed their countries, and exploited their resources.

That's why we have a problem.

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