Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Republicans want nothing short of war with Iran.

I think you have the ass backwards.
They are clearly trying to sabotage any agreement with Iran.

Iran is a murderous thug terrorist state so negotiating with them would seem unwise. Look even other Democratic party leaders have said Obama's negotiating ideas with Iran are "naïve and dangerous".
Who has said that besides the foreign policy loon John Bolton?

OMG HELLO earth to liberals, is there anything in there past that 4" of dense bone in your Neanderthal skulls? Go back and review your own 2008 Democratic party primary debates geesh!
by IAN HANCHETT9 Mar 2015145

Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin pointed out multiple occasions when Congressional Democrats communicated with world leaders when Republicans were in the White House on Monday.

Reacting to the criticism Republicans faced for writing a letter to Iran’s leaders, Levin stated “Wow, they sent a letter to the Iranian leadership. Did they meet with the Iranian leadership the way that [Rep. Nancy] Pelosi (D-CA) met with the dictator, mass killer in Syria? Did they do that?”

Levin continued, “I have another one, did they give aid and comfort to the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong when our men and women were over there fighting that war like John Kerry? Hey, here’s another one. Did they go around the back of Ronald Reagan and tell the Russians ‘don’t worry, Reagan’s going to lose, and when he loses things will change’ the way Ted Kennedy did? No.”

Yo, so when you hear a "Socialist Progressive Democrat" bitching and moaning about the letter, and saying it is unprecedented, you will know they are the true liars!!!



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Republicans want nothing short of war with Iran.

I think you have the ass backwards.
They are clearly trying to sabotage any agreement with Iran.

Iran is a murderous thug terrorist state so negotiating with them would seem unwise. Look even other Democratic party leaders have said Obama's negotiating ideas with Iran are "naïve and dangerous".
Who has said that besides the foreign policy loon John Bolton?

OMG HELLO earth to liberals, is there anything in there past that 4" of dense bone in your Neanderthal skulls? Go back and review your own 2008 Democratic party primary debates geesh!
by IAN HANCHETT9 Mar 2015145

Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin pointed out multiple occasions when Congressional Democrats communicated with world leaders when Republicans were in the White House on Monday.

Reacting to the criticism Republicans faced for writing a letter to Iran’s leaders, Levin stated “Wow, they sent a letter to the Iranian leadership. Did they meet with the Iranian leadership the way that [Rep. Nancy] Pelosi (D-CA) met with the dictator, mass killer in Syria? Did they do that?”

Levin continued, “I have another one, did they give aid and comfort to the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong when our men and women were over there fighting that war like John Kerry? Hey, here’s another one. Did they go around the back of Ronald Reagan and tell the Russians ‘don’t worry, Reagan’s going to lose, and when he loses things will change’ the way Ted Kennedy did? No.”

Yo, so when you hear a "Socialist Progressive Democrat" bitching and moaning about the letter, and saying it is unprecedented, you will know they are the true liars!!!



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We democrats can do whatever we want
I think you have the ass backwards.
They are clearly trying to sabotage any agreement with Iran.

Iran is a murderous thug terrorist state so negotiating with them would seem unwise. Look even other Democratic party leaders have said Obama's negotiating ideas with Iran are "naïve and dangerous".
Who has said that besides the foreign policy loon John Bolton?

OMG HELLO earth to liberals, is there anything in there past that 4" of dense bone in your Neanderthal skulls? Go back and review your own 2008 Democratic party primary debates geesh!

^^^ Ahahaha a classic liberal response, now I have to link you people to what your own leaders said? The earth rotates around the sun, do you require a link?
Reagan, who sold arms to Iran when it was forbidden? Yeah, don't go there.

Yo, is that all you got?

yoooo hooo wing nut....
US sent Iran arms for hostage releases - The International ...

Yo, at least someone was prosecuted? Unlike the Benghazi fiasco, but its not over!

President Reagan appointed a review board, headed by former Republican Senator John Tower. The Tower Commission's report concluded that the president had been inefficient in controlling the National Security Council, the agency that had actually made the illegal deals, and had known about the arms sale to the Iranians. However, it could not be discovered in hearings if the president had known about the Contra support.

It was finally found that National Security Advisor Poindexter had personally authorized the diversion of money to the Contra rebels; all the while withholding the information from President Reagan. The CIA's William J. Casey played a part in the conspiracy, but he died during the hearings.

Iran-Contra Affair

Yo, live with it!!!

by IAN HANCHETT9 Mar 2015145

Talk radio host and author of “The Liberty Amendments,” Mark Levin pointed out multiple occasions when Congressional Democrats communicated with world leaders when Republicans were in the White House on Monday.

Reacting to the criticism Republicans faced for writing a letter to Iran’s leaders, Levin stated “Wow, they sent a letter to the Iranian leadership. Did they meet with the Iranian leadership the way that [Rep. Nancy] Pelosi (D-CA) met with the dictator, mass killer in Syria? Did they do that?”

Levin continued, “I have another one, did they give aid and comfort to the North Vietnamese and the Vietcong when our men and women were over there fighting that war like John Kerry? Hey, here’s another one. Did they go around the back of Ronald Reagan and tell the Russians ‘don’t worry, Reagan’s going to lose, and when he loses things will change’ the way Ted Kennedy did? No.”

Yo, so when you hear a "Socialist Progressive Democrat" bitching and moaning about the letter, and saying it is unprecedented, you will know they are the true liars!!!



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We democrats can do whatever we want

Yo, it seems that way, even break laws and get away with it! But that is coming to an end in 2016!!!


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