Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

GOP Senator Tom Cotton is now being mocked a "Tehran Tom" Cotton Ayatollah agent ...

Yo, this is all you need to know about this American Hero!
Newly elected Tom Cotton of Arkansas is one of the youngest members of the Senate, only 37 years old, a graduate of ""Harvard and Harvard Law"" and a veteran of both ""Afghanistan and Iraq.""

GOP Senator Tom Cotton is now being mocked a "Tehran Tom" Cotton Ayatollah agent ...

Yo, this is all you need to know about this American Hero!
Newly elected Tom Cotton of Arkansas is one of the youngest members of the Senate, only 37 years old, a graduate of ""Harvard and Harvard Law"" and a veteran of both ""Afghanistan and Iraq.""
Well he ain't shit now...
The OP is correct that no one will be prosecuted under the Logan Act however. given what those GOP Senators actually did, the failure to prosecute them doesn't make it any less of an act of sedition against the USA.
GOP Senator Tom Cotton is now being mocked a "Tehran Tom" Cotton Ayatollah agent ...

Yo, this is all you need to know about this American Hero!
Newly elected Tom Cotton of Arkansas is one of the youngest members of the Senate, only 37 years old, a graduate of ""Harvard and Harvard Law"" and a veteran of both ""Afghanistan and Iraq.""
Well he ain't shit now...

Yo, cry a river? You Socialist are good at it!!!:banana:

GOP Senator Tom Cotton is now being mocked a "Tehran Tom" Cotton Ayatollah agent ...

Yo, this is all you need to know about this American Hero!
Newly elected Tom Cotton of Arkansas is one of the youngest members of the Senate, only 37 years old, a graduate of ""Harvard and Harvard Law"" and a veteran of both ""Afghanistan and Iraq.""
Well he ain't shit now...

Yo, cry a river? You Socialist are good at it!!!:banana:
Cry? I'm toasting his roasting, the stupid bastard. Tehran Tom, for life.
One can make a reasonable case that sending the letter to Iran was a criminal act.

Here is the text of the Logan Act, passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law by imprisonment of up to three years. (Reference)
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
The Republican Senators' letter has the following three elements, right out of the definition of the crime:

1. Correspondence with a foreign government (whether direct or indirect, in the form of an “open letter”, doesn't matter to the law).
2. Without the authority of the United States (it enjoys no imprimatur from the executive branch nor, for that matter, from Congress as an institution).
3. With the pretty clear intent “to influence the measures or conduct of” the government of Iran in relation to a 'dispute or controversy with the United States.' Why send it, otherwise?

Why should it not be considered a crime? Of course, the last prosecution under that act was in 1803, and it might not be a good political move, but still . . .


A friend sent the above to me.

Yes, they're traitors but they'll never be prosecuted.

Yo, Obama and Kerry better get the HELL out of Iran than?:blahblah:

The thing to remember here reader, is that John Kerry is the front guy for the deal to help Iran acquire Nuclear weapons.

And John Kerry committed Treason against the United States way back in 1970.

"by Kerry’s own admission, he met in 1970 with delegations from the North Vietnamese communist government and discussed how the Vietnam War should be stopped.

Kerry explained to Senate Foreign Relations Committee chairman J. William Fulbright in a question-and-answer session on Capitol Hill a year after his Paris meetings that the war needed to be stopped “immediately and unilaterally.” Then Kerry added: “I have been to Paris. I have talked with both delegations at the peace talks, that is to say the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and the Provisional Revolutionary Government.

“Kerry was openly advocating that the communist position was correct and that we were wrong. He had become a spokesman for the communist party.”

"Kerry, through his actions, completely adopted the rhetoric and objectives of the North Vietnamese communist, enemy of the United States."


So, the Left is wetting their collective pant over 47 US Senators writing an open letter to a hostile regime, informing them that any agreement they make with the subversive regime, toward any end which could potentially lead to their acquiring nuclear weapons... thus aiding and abetting the means of that hostile nation to injure the United States, her interests and allies... even as those in charge of such negotiations: HAVE LONG ADMITTED TO FELONIOUS BEHAVIOR WHEREIN THEY ADOPTED THE RHETORIC AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES..., wherein he took >then< as he is taking now: adoption of, thus adherence to, the position of those who have demonstrated hostility toward the people of the United States, in pursuing policy which adheres to the policy of a foreign hostile and aiding their means to injure the United States.

Kerry was speaking as a young wounded warrior who saw wrong and tried to right it - half a century ago. 47 senators acted politically, in lock-step, and with one sole concern - winning the White House at any cost.

As I've previously posted, you must be nuts to continue to post irrelevancies of the partisan hack kind.

He tried to right nothing other than his own self gratification. He is no hero and a despicable yet disgusting human being for his actions against the US.

I was on active duty during the Vietnam War (1967-1969) and can assure you the opinions expressed by Kerry then were quite common among the military even that early.

I believe you and the sentiment expressed after we were fully embroiled. However, I do not believe Kerry. I've read too much on his false accusations and righteous indignation....basically castigating the military as a whole. I was against this conflict but never against the men who fought in this war. I applaud your service. Now....I can get back to badgering you.
The OP is correct that no one will be prosecuted under the Logan Act however. given what those GOP Senators actually did, the failure to prosecute them doesn't make it any less of an act of sedition against the USA.

I agree.

They actually counseled an enemy of the US, they advised them as to how they could ignore our government and go ahead with their weapons plans. They literally told Iran that the Republicans would guarantee the US would take no action.

Is there precedence for congress going behind the back of our government to aid and abet our enemy in getting a weapon to use against us?
The OP is correct that no one will be prosecuted under the Logan Act however. given what those GOP Senators actually did, the failure to prosecute them doesn't make it any less of an act of sedition against the USA.

I agree.

They actually counseled an enemy of the US, they advised them as to how they could ignore our government and go ahead with their weapons plans. They literally told Iran that the Republicans would guarantee the US would take no action.

Is there precedence for congress going behind the back of our government to aid and abet our enemy in getting a weapon to use against us?

Yo, look it up in history? There were plenty of Democrat traitors!!! Or just read it here in the responses?:cuckoo:

Must . Keep . Hope . Alive.

Must . Protect . The . Fragile . One.

Even if it means parroting talking points.
One can make a reasonable case that sending the letter to Iran was a criminal act.

Here is the text of the Logan Act, passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law by imprisonment of up to three years. (Reference)
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
The Republican Senators' letter has the following three elements, right out of the definition of the crime:

1. Correspondence with a foreign government (whether direct or indirect, in the form of an “open letter”, doesn't matter to the law).
2. Without the authority of the United States (it enjoys no imprimatur from the executive branch nor, for that matter, from Congress as an institution).
3. With the pretty clear intent “to influence the measures or conduct of” the government of Iran in relation to a 'dispute or controversy with the United States.' Why send it, otherwise?

Why should it not be considered a crime? Of course, the last prosecution under that act was in 1803, and it might not be a good political move, but still . . .


A friend sent the above to me.

Yes, they're traitors but they'll never be prosecuted.
Lock the treasonous dogs up and throw away the key :thup:

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