Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Yo, it fits right in with the LAW BREAKER!
No....allowing Iran to get a nuclear weapon is stabbing America in the least there are some republicans who know how to fight back......
One can make a reasonable case that sending the letter to Iran was a criminal act.

Here is the text of the Logan Act, passed in 1799 and last amended in 1994. Violation of the Logan Act is a felony, punishable under federal law by imprisonment of up to three years. (Reference)
Any citizen of the United States, wherever he may be, who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government or any officer or agent thereof, with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government or of any officer or agent thereof, in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both.
The Republican Senators' letter has the following three elements, right out of the definition of the crime:

1. Correspondence with a foreign government (whether direct or indirect, in the form of an “open letter”, doesn't matter to the law).
2. Without the authority of the United States (it enjoys no imprimatur from the executive branch nor, for that matter, from Congress as an institution).
3. With the pretty clear intent “to influence the measures or conduct of” the government of Iran in relation to a 'dispute or controversy with the United States.' Why send it, otherwise?

Why should it not be considered a crime? Of course, the last prosecution under that act was in 1803, and it might not be a good political move, but still . . .


A friend sent the above to me.

Yes, they're traitors but they'll never be prosecuted.
Will all the staunch defenders of Presidential authority please post links to their criticisms of Pelosi in 2007?

Pelosi Meets With Syrian Leader

Hussein Malla/Associated Press
Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, meeting today at the Presidential Palace in Damascus with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.

Published: April 4, 2007
DAMASCUS, Syria, April 4 —Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the House, met here today with President Bashar al-Assad of Syria and discussed a variety of Middle Eastern issues, including the situations in Iraq and Lebanon and the prospect of peace talks between Syria and Israel.
GOP Senator Tom Cotton is now being mocked a "Tehran Tom" Cotton Ayatollah agent ...

Yes.....the New Speak media labels the guy who left his law practice, joined the army, went to ranger school and became an officer and actually fought muslim terrorists....who now helped tell the Iranians not to expect to get help from obama in getting their nuclear weapon so they can give it out to terrorists and use it to destroy Israel...he's the bad guy.....

It is good to be a democrat.....
Jared Polis jaredpolis Twitter

Jared Polis ‏@jaredpolis 14h14 hours ago
Tehran Tom asks Iranian Revolutionary Guards for help in battle against US diplomats

Jared Polis ‏@jaredpolis 14h14 hours ago
Tehran Tom took his case directly to the Iranian government

Jared Polis ‏@jaredpolis 15h15 hours ago
47 Republican Senators have aligned themselves with Iran's hard-liners... who would have thought?
Here is a great shows 5 times the democrats actively supported our enemies during a Republican administration....not just letters, active support of the enemies.....

5 times Democrats undermined Republican presidents with foreign governments

4. Democrats visited Iraq to attack Bush's policy

As Stephen Hayes recounts: "In September 2002, David Bonior, the second-ranking Democrat in the House of Representatives, flew to Baghdad in an attempt to undermine George W. Bush's case for war in Iraq on a trip paid for by Saddam Hussein's regime. Bonior, accompanied by Reps. Jim McDermott and Mike Thompson, actively propagandized for the Iraqi regime. McDermott, asked whether he found it acceptable to be used by the Iraqi regime, said he hoped the trip would end the suffering of children. 'We don't mind being used,' he said."

5. Jimmy Carter tried to sabotage George H.W. Bush at the U.N.

On Nov. 20, 1990, as President George H.W. Bush gathered support to oppose Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait, the former Democratic President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to nations who were in the U.N. Security Council trying to kill the administration's efforts. As Douglas Brinkley explained, Carter's letter was an attempt "to thwart the Bush administration's request for U.N. authorization of hostilities against Iraq. President Bush's criterion for proceeding with a war was the exhaustion of 'good faith talks,' and Carter placed his interpr
Jared Polis jaredpolis Twitter

Jared Polis ‏@jaredpolis 14h14 hours ago
Tehran Tom asks Iranian Revolutionary Guards for help in battle against US diplomats

Jared Polis ‏@jaredpolis 14h14 hours ago
Tehran Tom took his case directly to the Iranian government

Jared Polis ‏@jaredpolis 15h15 hours ago
47 Republican Senators have aligned themselves with Iran's hard-liners... who would have thought?

How stupid is that......they tell Iran they can't have nuclear weapons....and the New Speak , democrat minions say the exact guys are F****d in the head.......
You libs are really vile......Iran wants nuclear weapons, and your racist leader is going to let them get them....and Republicans say no.....we are going to try to stop it.....

and you morons side with truly do not have moral compasses.......
There truly is not one murderous regime you guys won't fall in love with......
You libs are really vile......Iran wants nuclear weapons, and your racist leader is going to let them get them....and Republicans say no.....we are going to try to stop it.....

and you morons side with truly do not have moral compasses.......
What makes you think you have the right to tell other nations what they can and can't do? If Iran says we can't build a new bomber, should we give a fuck? No, so why should they care what we have to say about their weapons?
Cotton's letter to Iran was signed by the vast majority of Senate Republicans, including leadership, there aren't a lot of voices defending it. Other than the usual suspect here LOL

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