Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

So, the liberal answer to a nuclear Iran is just go along with it. Ha-ha! :rofl: They know nothing of some of the nasty things the United States has had to do and will continue to do in the name of world security.
So, the liberal answer to a nuclear Iran is just go along with it. Ha-ha! :rofl: They know nothing of some of the nasty things the United States has had to do and will continue to do in the name of world security.

No they want an agreement. The right has no plan. They want Iran to continue down the to a nuke.
What liberals need to realize is that you cannot "deal" with insanity. End of story. If we allow Iran to become nuclear, things in the ME are going to get much MUCH worse than they are now. Consider the fact that Iran intentionally upsets the functionality (economic wise, etc.) of other countries in order to provoke them. The people who are in charge of Iran are religious fanatics who hope for the mayhem and destruction in the middle east, along with the destruction of Israel ( the one force they believe prevents the arrival of the 12th imam) in order for their "prophet" to make an appearance. And liberals want to go along with a nuclear program for Iran. Good Lord, could anything be more ignorant?
"a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents." University of Maryland Poll taken February 2015.

Americans back Iran deal by 2-to-1 margin: Reuters/Ipsos poll. BY MATT SPETALNICK. WASHINGTON Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:49pm EST

AP-GfK Poll. Jan. 17-21, 2014. Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the interim agreement reached between Iran and six world powers that is designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program?
Total approve: 60 percent. Total disapprove: 36 percent

It's been very consistent since the negotiations began in 2013:

ChrL 10956880
That does not mean they cannot express their disagreement on the matter and to let Iran know that most American citizens do not agree with Mr. Obama.

This University of Maryland Poll says you are wrong:

Poll Majority of Americans Back Nuke Deal The Iran Primer

Poll: Majority of Americans Back Nuke Deal
March 3, 2015 | 12:30pm

. The majority of Americans favor a potential nuclear deal with Iran, according to a new survey by Shibley Telhami and Steven Kull in the Program for Public Consultation and the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland. More than 60 percent of respondents support a deal that would limit Iran’s enrichment capacity and impose inspections in exchange for lifting some sanctions. The poll was conducted Feb. 19-25, 2015, with a sample of 710 adults.The following are excerpted key findings from the poll.

"In this survey a representative sample of Americans were presented the two primary options that have dominated this debate:

·For the US to continue to pursue an agreement that would accept some enrichment by Iran, but with substantial limits that would preclude Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and intrusive inspections to ensure those limits are met, in exchange for the lifting of some sanctions.
·For the US to not accept any Iranian enrichment. Instead, the US would continue trying to get other nations to impose new economic sanctions in an effort to persuade Iran to cease enrichment completely.

While majorities found arguments for both options at least somewhat convincing, when asked to make their final recommendation, a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents. The alternative of increasing sanctions in an effort to get Iran to stop all uranium enrichment was endorsed by 36%."

"Majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents all made this same judgment. Republicans chose continuing negotiations by 61 to 35%, while Democrats favored it by 66 to 32%. A relatively more modest majority of Independents favored a deal by 54 to 42%.

This response was essentially the same as when PPC took respondents through the exact same process and found 61% favored a deal and 35% favored pursuing sanctions. Partisan variations were not significantly different. In the current survey, among the 9% of the sample who identified themselves as very sympathetic to the Tea Party, a plurality of 46% favored pursuing a deal with 41% opposed. Those somewhat sympathetic to the Tea Party were no different from the sample as a whole.

Do you believe in subscribing to facts?
So, the liberal answer to a nuclear Iran is just go along with it. Ha-ha! :rofl: They know nothing of some of the nasty things the United States has had to do and will continue to do in the name of world security.

No they want an agreement. The right has no plan. They want Iran to continue down the to a nuke.

I like your signature. Little do you realize that you are a part of the far left. :D Against constitutional rights for citizens but fully supportive of a nuclear Iran. Now if that's not crazy, I don't know what is! Lol.
"a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents." University of Maryland Poll taken February 2015.

Americans back Iran deal by 2-to-1 margin: Reuters/Ipsos poll. BY MATT SPETALNICK. WASHINGTON Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:49pm EST

AP-GfK Poll. Jan. 17-21, 2014. Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the interim agreement reached between Iran and six world powers that is designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program?
Total approve: 60 percent. Total disapprove: 36 percent

It's been very consistent since the negotiations bean in 2013:

ChrL 10956880
That does not mean they cannot express their disagreement on the matter and to let Iran know that most American citizens do not agree with Mr. Obama.

This University of Maryland Poll says you are wrong:

Poll Majority of Americans Back Nuke Deal The Iran Primer

Poll: Majority of Americans Back Nuke Deal
March 3, 2015 | 12:30pm

. The majority of Americans favor a potential nuclear deal with Iran, according to a new survey by Shibley Telhami and Steven Kull in the Program for Public Consultation and the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland. More than 60 percent of respondents support a deal that would limit Iran’s enrichment capacity and impose inspections in exchange for lifting some sanctions. The poll was conducted Feb. 19-25, 2015, with a sample of 710 adults.The following are excerpted key findings from the poll.

"In this survey a representative sample of Americans were presented the two primary options that have dominated this debate:

·For the US to continue to pursue an agreement that would accept some enrichment by Iran, but with substantial limits that would preclude Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and intrusive inspections to ensure those limits are met, in exchange for the lifting of some sanctions.
·For the US to not accept any Iranian enrichment. Instead, the US would continue trying to get other nations to impose new economic sanctions in an effort to persuade Iran to cease enrichment completely.

While majorities found arguments for both options at least somewhat convincing, when asked to make their final recommendation, a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents. The alternative of increasing sanctions in an effort to get Iran to stop all uranium enrichment was endorsed by 36%."

"Majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents all made this same judgment. Republicans chose continuing negotiations by 61 to 35%, while Democrats favored it by 66 to 32%. A relatively more modest majority of Independents favored a deal by 54 to 42%.

This response was essentially the same as when PPC took respondents through the exact same process and found 61% favored a deal and 35% favored pursuing sanctions. Partisan variations were not significantly different. In the current survey, among the 9% of the sample who identified themselves as very sympathetic to the Tea Party, a plurality of 46% favored pursuing a deal with 41% opposed. Those somewhat sympathetic to the Tea Party were no different from the sample as a whole.

Do you believe in subscribing to facts?

I already posted a more in-depth poll which reveals that Americans are against a nuclear Iran. Do you really think most Americans are okay with this? You would be wrong. Most Americans do not want to see Iran become a nuclear power because it is the epitome of insanity.
Pakistan has a much more secular type of governing body than does Iran. There are big differences, but obviously you have no idea what you're babbling on about.

Does Iran have Taliban inside their country fighting the military?

Some of the younger more educated people of Iran were trying to fight the military. Most of them have disappeared.

So no they don't. Thank you.

What does the Taliban have to do with Iran and the crazy mullahs obtaining nuclear power? Please elaborate because you aren't making any sense and you are jumping all over the place, just like you do when your ass has been handed to you on any of the gun threads. :D

My point is that Pakistan is Moslem and much less stable.

I agree, with the strength of the Taliban presence in Pakistan, Pakistan is much more volatile. It's a very scary scenario being as Pakistan isn't working on a nuclear program, they already has nuclear weapons. The Taliban have been proven to have friends within the Pakistani government.
"a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents." University of Maryland Poll taken February 2015.

Americans back Iran deal by 2-to-1 margin: Reuters/Ipsos poll. BY MATT SPETALNICK. WASHINGTON Tue Nov 26, 2013 8:49pm EST

AP-GfK Poll. Jan. 17-21, 2014. Do you approve, disapprove, or neither approve nor disapprove of the interim agreement reached between Iran and six world powers that is designed to curb Iran’s nuclear program?
Total approve: 60 percent. Total disapprove: 36 percent

It's been very consistent since the negotiations began in 2013:

ChrL 10956880
That does not mean they cannot express their disagreement on the matter and to let Iran know that most American citizens do not agree with Mr. Obama.

This University of Maryland Poll says you are wrong:

Poll Majority of Americans Back Nuke Deal The Iran Primer

Poll: Majority of Americans Back Nuke Deal
March 3, 2015 | 12:30pm

. The majority of Americans favor a potential nuclear deal with Iran, according to a new survey by Shibley Telhami and Steven Kull in the Program for Public Consultation and the Anwar Sadat Chair for Peace and Development at the University of Maryland. More than 60 percent of respondents support a deal that would limit Iran’s enrichment capacity and impose inspections in exchange for lifting some sanctions. The poll was conducted Feb. 19-25, 2015, with a sample of 710 adults.The following are excerpted key findings from the poll.

"In this survey a representative sample of Americans were presented the two primary options that have dominated this debate:

·For the US to continue to pursue an agreement that would accept some enrichment by Iran, but with substantial limits that would preclude Iran from developing a nuclear weapon, and intrusive inspections to ensure those limits are met, in exchange for the lifting of some sanctions.
·For the US to not accept any Iranian enrichment. Instead, the US would continue trying to get other nations to impose new economic sanctions in an effort to persuade Iran to cease enrichment completely.

While majorities found arguments for both options at least somewhat convincing, when asked to make their final recommendation, a clear majority of 61% recommended making a deal with Iran that would include a limited enrichment capacity for Iran. This included 61% of Republicans, 66% of Democrats and 54% of independents. The alternative of increasing sanctions in an effort to get Iran to stop all uranium enrichment was endorsed by 36%."

"Majorities of Republicans, Democrats and independents all made this same judgment. Republicans chose continuing negotiations by 61 to 35%, while Democrats favored it by 66 to 32%. A relatively more modest majority of Independents favored a deal by 54 to 42%.

This response was essentially the same as when PPC took respondents through the exact same process and found 61% favored a deal and 35% favored pursuing sanctions. Partisan variations were not significantly different. In the current survey, among the 9% of the sample who identified themselves as very sympathetic to the Tea Party, a plurality of 46% favored pursuing a deal with 41% opposed. Those somewhat sympathetic to the Tea Party were no different from the sample as a whole.

Do you believe in subscribing to facts?

Here is the poll I posted which is much more in depth. Read it please.

Does Iran have Taliban inside their country fighting the military?

Some of the younger more educated people of Iran were trying to fight the military. Most of them have disappeared.

So no they don't. Thank you.

What does the Taliban have to do with Iran and the crazy mullahs obtaining nuclear power? Please elaborate because you aren't making any sense and you are jumping all over the place, just like you do when your ass has been handed to you on any of the gun threads. :D

My point is that Pakistan is Moslem and much less stable.

I agree, with the strength of the Taliban presence in Pakistan, Pakistan is much more volatile. It's a very scary scenario being as Pakistan isn't working on a nuclear program, they already has nuclear weapons,

And what will happen with a nuclear Iran? Better? Less volatile you think? Pakistan does not hold the beliefs of a 12th Imam. That is a Shia thing, an Iranian thing.
Does Iran have Taliban inside their country fighting the military?

Some of the younger more educated people of Iran were trying to fight the military. Most of them have disappeared.

So no they don't. Thank you.

What does the Taliban have to do with Iran and the crazy mullahs obtaining nuclear power? Please elaborate because you aren't making any sense and you are jumping all over the place, just like you do when your ass has been handed to you on any of the gun threads. :D

My point is that Pakistan is Moslem and much less stable.

I agree, with the strength of the Taliban presence in Pakistan, Pakistan is much more volatile. It's a very scary scenario being as Pakistan isn't working on a nuclear program, they already has nuclear weapons. The Taliban have been proven to have friends within the Pakistani government.

No other country in the ME wants a nuclear Iran either. Once Iran has them, shiite is really going to hit the fan. :D
So, the liberal answer to a nuclear Iran is just go along with it. Ha-ha! :rofl: They know nothing of some of the nasty things the United States has had to do and will continue to do in the name of world security.

No they want an agreement. The right has no plan. They want Iran to continue down the to a nuke.
BS......the right plan is to deal with a bully using tactics only a lying bully understands....none of this soft-serve idiocy that BO is promoting...
Again, to educate you, Iran's mullahs hold the belief that there has to be an apocalypse in order for their 12th Imam to appear, and also that Israel has to be destroyed. Look it up for yourselves. True story.
So what? All the Republicans did was make the U.S. appear weak and divisive. The message we just sent to the world, not just Iran, is don't make deals with the U.S., we don't keep them.

With obama infuriating and abandoning so many allies, who on earth trusts the US anymore? Is is an accident that Japan is ramping up its military?

With all the complaints about Iran not being trustworthy to keep up their end of any deal, we just advertised that it's us who don't keep deals. We're now the ones who can't be trusted.

Trusting the US is not the issue, it is that the obama team of failures and amateurs has conceded everything in these pointless talks - why don't you describe exactly what concessions iran has made?

Given that obama has tried to shut out congress completely on this issue, that every leak on what is being worked on simply amounts to more concessions by the dreadfully incompetent Kerry, and that it is obvious to all how desperate obama is to strike a deal no matter what the cost is to America's deterrence, standing in the world and its national security, it is hardly surprising that the senators are informing iran that this sweetheart deal obama is gifting them will not stand.
So what? All the Republicans did was make the U.S. appear weak and divisive. The message we just sent to the world, not just Iran, is don't make deals with the U.S., we don't keep them.

With obama infuriating and abandoning so many allies, who on earth trusts the US anymore? Is is an accident that Japan is ramping up its military?

With all the complaints about Iran not being trustworthy to keep up their end of any deal, we just advertised that it's us who don't keep deals. We're now the ones who can't be trusted.

Trusting the US is not the issue, it is that the obama team of failures and amateurs has conceded everything in these pointless talks - why don't you describe exactly what concessions iran has made?

Given that obama has tried to shut out congress completely on this issue, that every leak on what is being worked on simply amounts to more concessions by the dreadfully incompetent Kerry, and that it is obvious to all how desperate obama is to strike a deal no matter what the cost is to America's deterrence, standing in the world and its national security, it is hardly surprising that the senators are informing iran that this sweetheart deal obama is gifting them will not stand.

Great points. :)
Yes elected in a state, not nationally. The whole country elected Obama. Speak out yes, send a letter to a foreign country no. They are an embarrassment.

What is an embarrassment is how far obama has contorted himself like a pretzel to make a deal no matter what.

BTW, you may be surprised to learn that there are things such as the House and Senate Foreign Relations committees, which are active participants in American foreign policy. It would appear that you were not aware of that fact, so you're welcome.
Somebody needs to step up and make us look like weak morons to the rest of the world? No I don't think we needed that.

By not abiding by Iran's wishes, we look weak? :lol: Figures a weak little scaredy cat like yourself would think so.

Abiding by Iran's wishes? And what are those wishes?

What the hell do you think we've been talking about all this time? Duh. Try and follow along.

I am asking you what YOU think those wishes are.

Now I am asking you, do you trust Iran with nuclear capabilities? Are they just a harmless misunderstood country in your opinion? :D What do you think will happen if they ever obtained nuclear weapons?

I don't trust anyone with nukes. I do trust this president when he says that if we don't get the agreement we want, we walk away from the negotiations. And make no mistake, negotiating a satisfactory resolution is preferable to the alternative. I think the families of our military personnel would agree. I know mine does. Your conservative wars have solved nothing to date. Why do you believe starting a war with Iran would be any different?
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

They actually sold arms to Iran right?

Indeed, the U.S. did.......
The Reagan administration secretly facilitated the sale of arms to Iran which was then the subject of an arms embargo. They hoped that the arms sales would secure the release of US hostages and we would THEN use the money to fund the Contras in Nicaragua...BUT, under the Boland Amendment further funding of the Contras by the government had been prohibited by Congress.

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