Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Yes elected in a state, not nationally. The whole country elected Obama. Speak out yes, send a letter to a foreign country no. They are an embarrassment.

What is an embarrassment is how far obama has contorted himself like a pretzel to make a deal no matter what.

BTW, you may be surprised to learn that there are things such as the House and Senate Foreign Relations committees, which are active participants in American foreign policy. It would appear that you were not aware of that fact, so you're welcome.

The senate Foreign relations committee is there to investigate and advise. They do not make foreign policy.
I realize the right doesn't like it, but he was elected president. I am not divided on that at all. Neither should any moron righties. Do you guys want some dictator? Throw out elections? You are traitorous.

Nobody said that, brainless. If you only had a brain.

Well the 47 senators showed it.

No they did not. They are expressing their disapproval of the Obama administration wanting to make deals with a known terrorist state run by a bunch of complete religious fanatical nutcases, and I completely agree with them.

He was elected President. Nobody elected these senators to butt into foreign affairs. They are acting like children and making the whole country look bad. Who would blame the rest of the world if we are left out of these discussions in the future?

And BTW, senators are also elected officials BRAIN. :rolleyes-41: And yes, they can speak out against the president in regards to what their constituents want. The president is NOT a dictator.
The people elected a Conservative Congress because they were unhappy with obama's policies. They are doing exactly what voters told them too.
with the price of oil down right now we could really put the screws to Iran....[/QUOTE]

No, not really....China will take every drop that Iran wishes to get out of the ground.
with the price of oil down right now we could really put the screws to Iran....[/QUOTE]

No, not really....China will take every drop that Iran wishes to get out of the ground.[/QUOTE]

The poster was talking about sanctions, I believe. China BUYS their oil from Iran. They don't "take" it. Iran and China are allies.
Your conservative wars have solved nothing to date. Why do you believe starting a war with Iran would be any different?

There were idiots claiming the same crap before we were bombed at pearl harbor; had the US intervened in WW2 earlier, many lives would have been saved.
By not abiding by Iran's wishes, we look weak? :lol: Figures a weak little scaredy cat like yourself would think so.

Abiding by Iran's wishes? And what are those wishes?

What the hell do you think we've been talking about all this time? Duh. Try and follow along.

I am asking you what YOU think those wishes are.

Now I am asking you, do you trust Iran with nuclear capabilities? Are they just a harmless misunderstood country in your opinion? :D What do you think will happen if they ever obtained nuclear weapons?

I don't trust anyone with nukes. I do trust this president when he says that if we don't get the agreement we want, we walk away from the negotiations. And make no mistake, negotiating a satisfactory resolution is preferable to the alternative. I think the families of our military personnel would agree. I know mine does. Your conservative wars have solved nothing to date. Why do you believe starting a war with Iran would be any different?

NOBODY wants war with Iran....especially a NUKE war....hence the interference with BO's negotiations...
I certainly trust President Obama more than 47 NaziCon Senators who hate him to negotiate a nuclear agreement with Iran.

That was a given in your case. The Ayatola agrees with you and your liberal cohorts. I had no idea your hero was Ayatolla Kohmeni. The again, I did have my suspicions.

Funny how the hypocrites liars on the left like this had no issue sending kucinicich and other democratic assholes to commiserate with saddam before the 2003 war...[/QUOTE]

Recognize anyone in the picture below, dingbat?????

Quite a message they sent to all the other countries seeking an agreement with iran. They insulted our country, Germany, France, Russia, China...

The same message obama showed to Merkel when the US was exposed as tapping her personal cell phone? Yeah, that jerk off has done wonders strengthening our relationships with so many foreign countries...
Are you a moron? You realize they are fighting ISIS right?

So fucking what? They are at war with most of the mideast, and are the world's #1 state sponsor of terrorism by far.

Who is brainless kidding? ISIS is sponsored by Iran, of course. Who else has the means to support them and their "activities" around the ME? Who else is giving them money? Iran talking about fighting ISIS is just blustering from them to make themselves LOOK good. :D We all know that most of the heavy duty and well funded terrorist activities that go on in the ME are sponsored by Iran.
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

A treaty under any other name is still a treaty. It is a treaty!

A treaty has to be ratified by the US Senate. Any thing else does not have the weight of law and isn't really worth the paper it was written on.
No senators shouldn't be sending notes to foreign countries.

Funny how the hypocrites liars on the left like this had no issue sending kucinicich and other democratic assholes to commiserate with saddam before the 2003 war...

Recognize anyone in the picture below, dingbat?????


Whatevs. We need to be concerned with what is happening NOW and what will more than likely happen in the future. WTF?? :uhh: Is this some kind of game to you? A nuclear Iran. Think about it.
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

It wasn't because he trusted them dimwit, it was the only way to get our kidnapped people out from that terrorist state.
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

It wasn't because he trusted them dimwit, it was the only way to get our kidnapped people out from that terrorist state.

This is the stupid typical liberal tactic. But, but, but they did this! :rolleyes-41: They are THAT retarded.
Does any one else wonder why Reagan and company were sooooo damn trusting of the Iranians during the Iran-Contra scandal??

Just asking........

It wasn't because he trusted them dimwit, it was the only way to get our kidnapped people out from that terrorist state.

They don't understand that the United States as well as other countries have to do unsavory things in the name of national security.
By not abiding by Iran's wishes, we look weak? :lol: Figures a weak little scaredy cat like yourself would think so.

Abiding by Iran's wishes? And what are those wishes?

What the hell do you think we've been talking about all this time? Duh. Try and follow along.

I am asking you what YOU think those wishes are.

Now I am asking you, do you trust Iran with nuclear capabilities? Are they just a harmless misunderstood country in your opinion? :D What do you think will happen if they ever obtained nuclear weapons?

I don't trust anyone with nukes. I do trust this president when he says that if we don't get the agreement we want, we walk away from the negotiations. And make no mistake, negotiating a satisfactory resolution is preferable to the alternative. I think the families of our military personnel would agree. I know mine does. Your conservative wars have solved nothing to date. Why do you believe starting a war with Iran would be any different?
Going to war, I mean really going to war would end the threat of Iran ever acquiring an atomic bomb.
The problem with conflicts we've had since 1945 is they weren't wars. They were battles of attrition with armies of idealistic pawns. The way to win a war is not buy killing soldiers, but by demoralizing the non warriors and removing the will of your enemy to continue an obviously losing effort.
We did that in 1945 and Germany and Japan are now allies and great trading partners.
We didn't fight to win in SE Asia and the world got North Korea and Viet Nam as a result.
We fought for 23 years all told and got nothing but 81,000 fresh graves.
Since Korea, the would be enemies of the US have seen us as weal and afraid to win. Why negotiate with a country that at the worst will solve your overpopulation problem a bit until the pansies decide to cut and run.
Abiding by Iran's wishes? And what are those wishes?

What the hell do you think we've been talking about all this time? Duh. Try and follow along.

I am asking you what YOU think those wishes are.

Now I am asking you, do you trust Iran with nuclear capabilities? Are they just a harmless misunderstood country in your opinion? :D What do you think will happen if they ever obtained nuclear weapons?

I don't trust anyone with nukes. I do trust this president when he says that if we don't get the agreement we want, we walk away from the negotiations. And make no mistake, negotiating a satisfactory resolution is preferable to the alternative. I think the families of our military personnel would agree. I know mine does. Your conservative wars have solved nothing to date. Why do you believe starting a war with Iran would be any different?
Going to war, I mean really going to war would end the threat of Iran ever acquiring an atomic bomb.
The problem with conflicts we've had since 1945 is they weren't wars. They were battles of attrition with armies of idealistic pawns. The way to win a war is not buy killing soldiers, but by demoralizing the non warriors and removing the will of your enemy to continue an obviously losing effort.
We did that in 1945 and Germany and Japan are now allies and great trading partners.
We didn't fight to win in SE Asia and the world got North Korea and Viet Nam as a result.
We fought for 23 years all told and got nothing but 81,000 fresh graves.
Since Korea, the would be enemies of the US have seen us as weal and afraid to win. Why negotiate with a country that at the worst will solve your overpopulation problem a bit until the pansies decide to cut and run.

Sun Tzu? :D

Our war against terror is a good example of a war that will never be able to be won because there has to be a "defined enemy." What we need to do is take out the SOURCE, and Iran is one of the biggest sources of terrorism in the ME.
I can't believe 47 senators decided this was a good idea. Wow

I can't believe anyone thinks signing a treaty with IRan that we all KNOW they are going to break is a good idea.

No shortage of bad ideas here.
It's not a treaty...

A treaty under any other name is still a treaty. It is a treaty!

A treaty has to be ratified by the US Senate. Any thing else does not have the weight of law and isn't really worth the paper it was written on.
And that's 2/3 of the Senate.

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