Republican Senators send a letter to Iran. Wow. Damn!

Nuclear power?

Yes. Do you know what that means or is that something else I'm going to have to try to explain to you?

Nobody has ever attacked with nuclear power.

What do you think the atom bomb was, moron? My God, you people have no business being in this thread.

Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

Look, you didn't even know that the atomic bomb was a nuclear weapon. :D You are out of your league here and should probably bow out of the conversation. As usual, you come across as a dummy. Where you ever got the idea to use the word "brain" for your screen name, I don't know, but that's a lie. Lol.

You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.
Yes. Do you know what that means or is that something else I'm going to have to try to explain to you?

Nobody has ever attacked with nuclear power.

What do you think the atom bomb was, moron? My God, you people have no business being in this thread.

Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

And the materials needed for nuclear power can easily be used for weapons, moron.


You cannot be that dumb. No, I'm not providing you with any more links. You are useless waste of my time. You can go on believing whatever, but the more educated people who know would agree with me.
Yes. Do you know what that means or is that something else I'm going to have to try to explain to you?

Nobody has ever attacked with nuclear power.

What do you think the atom bomb was, moron? My God, you people have no business being in this thread.

Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

Look, you didn't even know that the atomic bomb was a nuclear weapon. :D You are out of your league here and should probably bow out of the conversation. As usual, you come across as a dummy. Where you ever got the idea to use the word "brain" for your screen name, I don't know, but that's a lie. Lol.

You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.

Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You really need to think about changing your screen name to Pinky. Lol.

Iran sanctions They work so keep them

Your link is old and you still say Iran is a huge threat. Looks like the opinion in your link is wrong. How many more years you give for sanctions to work? Really worked with that Castro.

Um, no, dummy. The link is from 2013. That is not old. The biggest problem is that Russia and China ignore the sanctions. I've already given a solution for that little problem. From the link . . .

"Another key effect of sanctions has been the wrench it has thrown into the regime's usual business strategies. Significantly, hundreds of international corporations have fled Iran in recent years due to sanctions and pressure, and dozens of countries have declared themselves off-limits to business involving Iran or its sinking currency. The partners the regime has relied on for decades are dwindling, and Khamenei is finding himself increasingly out of options."

Well the link says they are moving to be moderate and that is why the sanctions are working. All your claims are counter to your own link.
Nobody has ever attacked with nuclear power.

What do you think the atom bomb was, moron? My God, you people have no business being in this thread.

Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

Look, you didn't even know that the atomic bomb was a nuclear weapon. :D You are out of your league here and should probably bow out of the conversation. As usual, you come across as a dummy. Where you ever got the idea to use the word "brain" for your screen name, I don't know, but that's a lie. Lol.

You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.

Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.
Nobody has ever attacked with nuclear power.

What do you think the atom bomb was, moron? My God, you people have no business being in this thread.

Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

And the materials needed for nuclear power can easily be used for weapons, moron.


You cannot be that dumb. No, I'm not providing you with any more links. You are useless waste of my time. You can go on believing whatever, but the more educated people who know would agree with me.

Well your links don't even agree with you.
What do you think the atom bomb was, moron? My God, you people have no business being in this thread.

Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

And the materials needed for nuclear power can easily be used for weapons, moron.


You cannot be that dumb. No, I'm not providing you with any more links. You are useless waste of my time. You can go on believing whatever, but the more educated people who know would agree with me.

Well your links don't even agree with you.

Please point out where they don't agree with me. Oh, that's right, you can't because you are making shit up, as usual. This is the same thing we go through on the gun threads, and you get the crap kicked out of you there too. :D Lol.

You really need to think about changing your screen name to Pinky. Lol.

Iran sanctions They work so keep them

Your link is old and you still say Iran is a huge threat. Looks like the opinion in your link is wrong. How many more years you give for sanctions to work? Really worked with that Castro.

Um, no, dummy. The link is from 2013. That is not old. The biggest problem is that Russia and China ignore the sanctions. I've already given a solution for that little problem. From the link . . .

"Another key effect of sanctions has been the wrench it has thrown into the regime's usual business strategies. Significantly, hundreds of international corporations have fled Iran in recent years due to sanctions and pressure, and dozens of countries have declared themselves off-limits to business involving Iran or its sinking currency. The partners the regime has relied on for decades are dwindling, and Khamenei is finding himself increasingly out of options."

Well the link says they are moving to be moderate and that is why the sanctions are working. All your claims are counter to your own link.

Sanctions having an effect has nothing to do with how moderate they are. They are FORCED to come to the table and deal when the sanctions are in effect. It is the same idea as starving them out of the castle.
What do you think the atom bomb was, moron? My God, you people have no business being in this thread.

Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

Look, you didn't even know that the atomic bomb was a nuclear weapon. :D You are out of your league here and should probably bow out of the conversation. As usual, you come across as a dummy. Where you ever got the idea to use the word "brain" for your screen name, I don't know, but that's a lie. Lol.

You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.

Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.

Obviously, you do not understand this topic. It is too complicated for you. :) Now, run along little dummy.
Let's see if brainless can show where my links disagree with my claims. :) This ought to be amusing.
Nuclear power is used for energy, moron.

Look, you didn't even know that the atomic bomb was a nuclear weapon. :D You are out of your league here and should probably bow out of the conversation. As usual, you come across as a dummy. Where you ever got the idea to use the word "brain" for your screen name, I don't know, but that's a lie. Lol.

You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.

Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.

Obviously, you do not understand this topic. It is too complicated for you. :) Now, run along little dummy.
How Nuclear Power Works - HowStuffWorks
Look, you didn't even know that the atomic bomb was a nuclear weapon. :D You are out of your league here and should probably bow out of the conversation. As usual, you come across as a dummy. Where you ever got the idea to use the word "brain" for your screen name, I don't know, but that's a lie. Lol.

You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.

Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.

Obviously, you do not understand this topic. It is too complicated for you. :) Now, run along little dummy.
How Nuclear Power Works - HowStuffWorks

What does this have to do with anything we were discussing? This also does nothing to prove you know anything about what you are talking about. In fact, all of your prior one line comments with no substance prove that you do not.

How nuclear power works was not what we were discussing, but that the same fission and fusion principals are at play with a nuclear weapon. Do you not understand that simple concept?
Look, you didn't even know that the atomic bomb was a nuclear weapon. :D You are out of your league here and should probably bow out of the conversation. As usual, you come across as a dummy. Where you ever got the idea to use the word "brain" for your screen name, I don't know, but that's a lie. Lol.

You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.

Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.

Obviously, you do not understand this topic. It is too complicated for you. :) Now, run along little dummy.
How Nuclear Power Works - HowStuffWorks

Converting a civilian enrichment plant into a nuclear weapons material facility Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Iran’s nuclear program—specifically its ongoing uranium enrichment—has long been the subject of much debate. Iran insists its enrichment is peaceful, but the international community worries that Iran could be seeking to acquire a nuclear weapon. But exactly how can a civilian enrichment plant be turned into one that produces nuclear weapons material?

There are two paths to a bomb: using either uranium or plutonium. For either path, obtaining the material is considered one of the greatest hurdles to overcome.

Uranium has two isotopes—235 and 238. Uranium 235 powers both nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs, but it is less than 1 percent of naturally occurring uranium. The concentration of uranium 235 needs to be increased to about 5 percent (low-enriched uranium) for nuclear reactor fuel and to about 90 percent (highly enriched uranium) for nuclear bombs. This process is called enrichment.

Today, enrichment is done using high-speed gas centrifuges. Many centrifuges are interconnected in stages to form cascades. The pattern or shape of the cascade is determined by the required concentration of the final product and the properties of individual centrifuges.

Exactly the same machines that produce nuclear fuel can produce weapons material. That is why uranium enrichment technology is inherently dual-use. Any civilian enrichment facility can be used to produce nuclear weapons material.

Because of this danger, all nuclear material in civilian enrichment facilities owned by non-nuclear weapons states is under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. Inspectors monitor sites to ensure that a nation uses the facility as declared and that no nuclear material is secretly diverted.
You don't know the difference between a nuclear power plant and a bomb.

Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.

Obviously, you do not understand this topic. It is too complicated for you. :) Now, run along little dummy.
How Nuclear Power Works - HowStuffWorks

Converting a civilian enrichment plant into a nuclear weapons material facility Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Iran’s nuclear program—specifically its ongoing uranium enrichment—has long been the subject of much debate. Iran insists its enrichment is peaceful, but the international community worries that Iran could be seeking to acquire a nuclear weapon. But exactly how can a civilian enrichment plant be turned into one that produces nuclear weapons material?

There are two paths to a bomb: using either uranium or plutonium. For either path, obtaining the material is considered one of the greatest hurdles to overcome.

Uranium has two isotopes—235 and 238. Uranium 235 powers both nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs, but it is less than 1 percent of naturally occurring uranium. The concentration of uranium 235 needs to be increased to about 5 percent (low-enriched uranium) for nuclear reactor fuel and to about 90 percent (highly enriched uranium) for nuclear bombs. This process is called enrichment.

Today, enrichment is done using high-speed gas centrifuges. Many centrifuges are interconnected in stages to form cascades. The pattern or shape of the cascade is determined by the required concentration of the final product and the properties of individual centrifuges.

Exactly the same machines that produce nuclear fuel can produce weapons material. That is why uranium enrichment technology is inherently dual-use. Any civilian enrichment facility can be used to produce nuclear weapons material.

Because of this danger, all nuclear material in civilian enrichment facilities owned by non-nuclear weapons states is under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. Inspectors monitor sites to ensure that a nation uses the facility as declared and that no nuclear material is secretly diverted.

That's why we want a deal so we can have inspectors there.

You really need to think about changing your screen name to Pinky. Lol.

Iran sanctions They work so keep them

Your link is old and you still say Iran is a huge threat. Looks like the opinion in your link is wrong. How many more years you give for sanctions to work? Really worked with that Castro.

Um, no, dummy. The link is from 2013. That is not old. The biggest problem is that Russia and China ignore the sanctions. I've already given a solution for that little problem. From the link . . .

"Another key effect of sanctions has been the wrench it has thrown into the regime's usual business strategies. Significantly, hundreds of international corporations have fled Iran in recent years due to sanctions and pressure, and dozens of countries have declared themselves off-limits to business involving Iran or its sinking currency. The partners the regime has relied on for decades are dwindling, and Khamenei is finding himself increasingly out of options."

Well the link says they are moving to be moderate and that is why the sanctions are working. All your claims are counter to your own link.

Sanctions having an effect has nothing to do with how moderate they are. They are FORCED to come to the table and deal when the sanctions are in effect. It is the same idea as starving them out of the castle.

Your link says sanctions are working because they are becoming more moderate. Which your own arguments say is false.
Sure I do. You, OTOH, did not know that an atomic bomb is a nuclear weapon. Lol. So stupid.

You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.

Obviously, you do not understand this topic. It is too complicated for you. :) Now, run along little dummy.
How Nuclear Power Works - HowStuffWorks

Converting a civilian enrichment plant into a nuclear weapons material facility Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Iran’s nuclear program—specifically its ongoing uranium enrichment—has long been the subject of much debate. Iran insists its enrichment is peaceful, but the international community worries that Iran could be seeking to acquire a nuclear weapon. But exactly how can a civilian enrichment plant be turned into one that produces nuclear weapons material?

There are two paths to a bomb: using either uranium or plutonium. For either path, obtaining the material is considered one of the greatest hurdles to overcome.

Uranium has two isotopes—235 and 238. Uranium 235 powers both nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs, but it is less than 1 percent of naturally occurring uranium. The concentration of uranium 235 needs to be increased to about 5 percent (low-enriched uranium) for nuclear reactor fuel and to about 90 percent (highly enriched uranium) for nuclear bombs. This process is called enrichment.

Today, enrichment is done using high-speed gas centrifuges. Many centrifuges are interconnected in stages to form cascades. The pattern or shape of the cascade is determined by the required concentration of the final product and the properties of individual centrifuges.

Exactly the same machines that produce nuclear fuel can produce weapons material. That is why uranium enrichment technology is inherently dual-use. Any civilian enrichment facility can be used to produce nuclear weapons material.

Because of this danger, all nuclear material in civilian enrichment facilities owned by non-nuclear weapons states is under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. Inspectors monitor sites to ensure that a nation uses the facility as declared and that no nuclear material is secretly diverted.

That's why we want a deal so we can have inspectors there.

We've had inspectors try to go in there before, and they hide things and lie about things. You cannot be serious. Look, why don't you just admit, instead of trying to save face, that this is a terrible idea? I've killed every one of your arguments. :D

You really need to think about changing your screen name to Pinky. Lol.

Iran sanctions They work so keep them

Your link is old and you still say Iran is a huge threat. Looks like the opinion in your link is wrong. How many more years you give for sanctions to work? Really worked with that Castro.

Um, no, dummy. The link is from 2013. That is not old. The biggest problem is that Russia and China ignore the sanctions. I've already given a solution for that little problem. From the link . . .

"Another key effect of sanctions has been the wrench it has thrown into the regime's usual business strategies. Significantly, hundreds of international corporations have fled Iran in recent years due to sanctions and pressure, and dozens of countries have declared themselves off-limits to business involving Iran or its sinking currency. The partners the regime has relied on for decades are dwindling, and Khamenei is finding himself increasingly out of options."

Well the link says they are moving to be moderate and that is why the sanctions are working. All your claims are counter to your own link.

Sanctions having an effect has nothing to do with how moderate they are. They are FORCED to come to the table and deal when the sanctions are in effect. It is the same idea as starving them out of the castle.

Your link says sanctions are working because they are becoming more moderate. Which your own arguments say is false.

No it does not say that. They have not become more moderate. They come to the table to negotiate because they are "starved out." This is what sanctions do. Sanctions do NOT change an ideology.

Just because the person in the link may THINK that is the reason for Iran coming to the table, that is not necessarily the reason. The reason why I posted the link was to show that sanctions can and do work when carried out correctly and with everyone participating. The reason WHY is because of desperation on the part of the Iranians.
Your link is old and you still say Iran is a huge threat. Looks like the opinion in your link is wrong. How many more years you give for sanctions to work? Really worked with that Castro.

Um, no, dummy. The link is from 2013. That is not old. The biggest problem is that Russia and China ignore the sanctions. I've already given a solution for that little problem. From the link . . .

"Another key effect of sanctions has been the wrench it has thrown into the regime's usual business strategies. Significantly, hundreds of international corporations have fled Iran in recent years due to sanctions and pressure, and dozens of countries have declared themselves off-limits to business involving Iran or its sinking currency. The partners the regime has relied on for decades are dwindling, and Khamenei is finding himself increasingly out of options."

Well the link says they are moving to be moderate and that is why the sanctions are working. All your claims are counter to your own link.

Sanctions having an effect has nothing to do with how moderate they are. They are FORCED to come to the table and deal when the sanctions are in effect. It is the same idea as starving them out of the castle.

Your link says sanctions are working because they are becoming more moderate. Which your own arguments say is false.

No it does not say that. They have not become more moderate. They come to the table to negotiate because they are "starved out." This is what sanctions do. Sanctions do NOT change an ideology.

Just because the person in the link may THINK that is the reason for Iran coming to the table, that is not necessarily the reason. The reason why I posted the link was to show that sanctions can and do work when carried out correctly and with everyone participating. The reason WHY is because of desperation on the part of the Iranians.

Hey that's what your link says. I still know example where sanctions have worked.
Um, no, dummy. The link is from 2013. That is not old. The biggest problem is that Russia and China ignore the sanctions. I've already given a solution for that little problem. From the link . . .

"Another key effect of sanctions has been the wrench it has thrown into the regime's usual business strategies. Significantly, hundreds of international corporations have fled Iran in recent years due to sanctions and pressure, and dozens of countries have declared themselves off-limits to business involving Iran or its sinking currency. The partners the regime has relied on for decades are dwindling, and Khamenei is finding himself increasingly out of options."

Well the link says they are moving to be moderate and that is why the sanctions are working. All your claims are counter to your own link.

Sanctions having an effect has nothing to do with how moderate they are. They are FORCED to come to the table and deal when the sanctions are in effect. It is the same idea as starving them out of the castle.

Your link says sanctions are working because they are becoming more moderate. Which your own arguments say is false.

No it does not say that. They have not become more moderate. They come to the table to negotiate because they are "starved out." This is what sanctions do. Sanctions do NOT change an ideology.

Just because the person in the link may THINK that is the reason for Iran coming to the table, that is not necessarily the reason. The reason why I posted the link was to show that sanctions can and do work when carried out correctly and with everyone participating. The reason WHY is because of desperation on the part of the Iranians.

Hey that's what your link says. I still know example where sanctions have worked.

What? Your posts don't even make sense. It's like work having a discussion with you.
You said nuclear power. That is not a weapon by any definition.

Obviously, you do not understand this topic. It is too complicated for you. :) Now, run along little dummy.
How Nuclear Power Works - HowStuffWorks

Converting a civilian enrichment plant into a nuclear weapons material facility Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Iran’s nuclear program—specifically its ongoing uranium enrichment—has long been the subject of much debate. Iran insists its enrichment is peaceful, but the international community worries that Iran could be seeking to acquire a nuclear weapon. But exactly how can a civilian enrichment plant be turned into one that produces nuclear weapons material?

There are two paths to a bomb: using either uranium or plutonium. For either path, obtaining the material is considered one of the greatest hurdles to overcome.

Uranium has two isotopes—235 and 238. Uranium 235 powers both nuclear reactors and nuclear bombs, but it is less than 1 percent of naturally occurring uranium. The concentration of uranium 235 needs to be increased to about 5 percent (low-enriched uranium) for nuclear reactor fuel and to about 90 percent (highly enriched uranium) for nuclear bombs. This process is called enrichment.

Today, enrichment is done using high-speed gas centrifuges. Many centrifuges are interconnected in stages to form cascades. The pattern or shape of the cascade is determined by the required concentration of the final product and the properties of individual centrifuges.

Exactly the same machines that produce nuclear fuel can produce weapons material. That is why uranium enrichment technology is inherently dual-use. Any civilian enrichment facility can be used to produce nuclear weapons material.

Because of this danger, all nuclear material in civilian enrichment facilities owned by non-nuclear weapons states is under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards. Inspectors monitor sites to ensure that a nation uses the facility as declared and that no nuclear material is secretly diverted.

That's why we want a deal so we can have inspectors there.

We've had inspectors try to go in there before, and they hide things and lie about things. You cannot be serious. Look, why don't you just admit, instead of trying to save face, that this is a terrible idea? I've killed every one of your arguments. :D

You realize they already have nuclear power right?

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