Republican spokesman: ‘Let's hurl some acid' at female Democratic senators

I haven't looked but I might be willing to bet that TDM has started at least four.


I started one, Conservative let loose with a string of obscenities. I have never complained to the Moderators, so I do not know how to contact them, thus, the title remained the same. Rep. Hayworth says he was joking, by the way.

Use the 'red flag' at the top right of any post you feel needs to be reported. Not rocket science.

I case reading what I find offensive*, rather than report; I have read no posts threatening physical harm to another.

* I saw a thread about "body parts" being mailed. I read a sentence or two of the first post, found it sickening, and clicked away from the thread.
I haven't looked but I might be willing to bet that TDM has started at least four.


I started one, Conservative let loose with a string of obscenities. I have never complained to the Moderators, so I do not know how to contact them, thus, the title remained the same. Rep. Hayworth says he was joking, by the way.

Use the 'red flag' at the top right of any post you feel needs to be reported. Not rocket science.

I cease reading what I find offensive*, rather than report; I have read no posts threatening physical harm to another.

Thank you for explaining how to contact a Moderator.
* I saw a thread about "body parts" being mailed. I read a sentence or two of the first post, found it sickening, and clicked away from the thread.
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I'd burn them at the stake, but that's just me.

Yes, your sig line pic was so good, I had to copy it.
That's nothing to joke about. Someone might actually think he was serious. Regardless, it is just plain wrong thinking. Hayworth defended him. At the very least she should have given him a public tongue lashing that would have sent him to the dog house with his tail between his legs and I do mean at the very least.


I agree; still, "social media" is a mixed blessing at best. Humans write as though they are speaking to one human, or a few, face to face. Yet we cannot see the facial expressions, body language, and hear vocal intonations as we do in usual conversations. Thus, the lack of actual physical engagement can render a "joke" tasteless, an off hand remark a threat, and insults stronger.

I agree and there is another issue at play here. We are all "assuming" that he actually wrote those words. How do we know it was him? How do we know the account is his? How do we know, rdean didn't make those comments using his name? We can be certain due to spelling that it was not TM, but rdean is decent at spelling and so is Chris, I think.

Is there any real proof that it was this guy and not someone else using his name and claiming to be him? I didn't read enough to notice if he admitted it.


Hayworth addressed his comments today; she said he was not serious. It is doubtful she would have spoken publicly had he not confirmed his writing. The context makes it clear he was ticked off at "Tommy"; there were several insults of the 'you are a sissy type', then the acid remark. The guy must be better than Rove at selling the product to even have a job, with his attitude.
I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

I know right? Remember all of those Republicans at the OWS rallies? Scary Shit.

Don't deflect. Comment on the Republicans presidential debates. Those were real. The difference is the OWS are for all Americans. The Tea Party are not.
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

yea i know what you mean.....we have a far left poster in here who makes a lot of sick and angry statements too about Republicans.....
they hate Education
they hate Black people
they hate Hispanics
they hate Gays
they hate Science
they hate frisbees
they hate Grandma
they hate hemorrhoids
they hate poor people
they hate health ins.
they hate new carpet
they hate rainy days
they hate used condoms
they hate they hate they hate

and all this from a guy who claims he is honest....
Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

I know right? Remember all of those Republicans at the OWS rallies? Scary Shit.

Don't deflect. Comment on the Republicans presidential debates. Those were real. The difference is the OWS are for all Americans. The Tea Party are not.

Those in the Tea Party must believe they are for America; the endless squabbles, arguments, and gradual changes, have MADE us the greatest nation in the world. THINK how horrible it would be if we all agreed on every issue.
I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

yea i know what you mean.....we have a far left poster in here who makes a lot of sick and angry statements too about Republicans.....
they hate Education
they hate Black people
they hate Hispanics
they hate Gays
they hate Science
they hate frisbees
they hate Grandma
they hate hemorrhoids
they hate poor people
they hate health ins.
they hate new carpet
they hate rainy days
they hate used condoms
they hate they hate they hate

and all this from a guy who claims he is honest....

Well, to be quite frank, I don't know of anyone that doesn't hate hemorrhoids. Don't you hate them?

And, I am not all that fond of used condoms either.

Love them rainy days though!!!! Especially when I have a good book, a fire to sit in front of and some peace and quiet.

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

yea i know what you mean.....we have a far left poster in here who makes a lot of sick and angry statements too about Republicans.....
they hate Education
they hate Black people
they hate Hispanics
they hate Gays
they hate Science
they hate frisbees
they hate Grandma
they hate hemorrhoids
they hate poor people
they hate health ins.
they hate new carpet
they hate rainy days
they hate used condoms
they hate they hate they hate

and all this from a guy who claims he is honest....

So many psychics, why no winning lottery numbers? :lol:
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy. you mean when a sitting US President tells voters to "bring a gun to a knife fight"? Dems' is Southside Chicago thug fightn' words.
Why would anyone need to throw acid on their faces? 99.99% of the female dems are butt ugly anyway.
I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

yea i know what you mean.....we have a far left poster in here who makes a lot of sick and angry statements too about Republicans.....
they hate Education
they hate Black people
they hate Hispanics
they hate Gays
they hate Science
they hate frisbees
they hate Grandma
they hate hemorrhoids
they hate poor people
they hate health ins.
they hate new carpet
they hate rainy days
they hate used condoms
they hate they hate they hate

and all this from a guy who claims he is honest....

What have frisbees ever done to anyone?

i've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The republican party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the republican debates:
Let him die
applauding executions
education is for snobs
fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

a sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like mitt says about the housing market, "it will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The republican party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But i'm afraid that might be too late.

yea i know what you mean.....we have a far left poster in here who makes a lot of sick and angry statements too about republicans.....
they hate education
they hate black people
they hate hispanics
they hate gays
they hate science

they hate frisbees
they hate grandma
they hate hemorrhoids

they hate poor people
they hate health ins.

they hate new carpet
they hate rainy days
they hate used condoms

they hate they hate they hate

and all this from a guy who claims he is honest....


false Though I'm not sure about the hemorrhoids and used condoms.

Now that we've got that cleared up, we can move on.
Last edited by a moderator:
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

The problem here is not what was said. The problem here is our propensity to to search for things with which to bother ourselves.
At the end of the day, does any really believe that acid would be thrown on these people?
We all need to require a thicker skin or get a set of noise cancelling headphones and a blind fold.
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

Oh fuck off, you politically correct spineless weenie.
those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The republican party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the republican debates:
Let him die
applauding executions
education is for snobs
fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

a sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like mitt says about the housing market, "it will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The republican party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But i'm afraid that might be too late.

yea i know what you mean.....we have a far left poster in here who makes a lot of sick and angry statements too about republicans.....
they hate education
they hate black people
they hate hispanics
they hate gays
they hate science

they hate frisbees
they hate grandma
they hate hemorrhoids

they hate poor people
they hate health ins.

they hate new carpet
they hate rainy days
they hate used condoms

they hate they hate they hate

and all this from a guy who claims he is honest....


false Though I'm not sure about the hemorrhoids and used condoms.

Now that we've got that cleared up, we can move on.

not did not comment on this guys honesty.....when i asked him to back up those ones that you put as true.....he could not.....can you?.....
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

The problem here is not what was said. The problem here is our propensity to to search for things with which to bother ourselves.
At the end of the day, does any really believe that acid would be thrown on these people?
We all need to require a thicker skin or get a set of noise cancelling headphones and a blind fold.

Yes, and that was essentially what I was driving at.

I was recently listening to Jon Stewart's interview with Rachel Maddow (from 2010, as I recall) and he made - surprisingly to me - a number of good points about the media's propensity for ramping up secondary stories because there are not really enough genuine news stories to fill 24 hours of cable news.

This seems to me a classic example, although social media clearly has had a central role here as well.

The other good point Stewart made was that, in such a poisonous media environment, we cannot control the message, all we can control is the intention. Exactly what Townsend's intention was is a matter of opinion, but clearly for someone with his experience he should have known that such a potentially inflammatory comment would certainly receive the worst possible interpretation from large sections of the political community.

IMO he was clearly baited into a testy response which, with hindsight I'm sure he wishes he could change. Comes with the territory.

I've not been able to find a reliable follow up from him (I've been expecting an apology would be forthcoming), or indeed from the Hayworth campaign, though I haven't really looked that hard for either. Would be interested in seeing any links to a statement from either. All I've been able to find so far is 3rd party comments and opinion on what has supposedly been said since.
yea i know what you mean.....we have a far left poster in here who makes a lot of sick and angry statements too about republicans.....
they hate education
they hate black people
they hate hispanics
they hate gays
they hate science

they hate frisbees
they hate grandma
they hate hemorrhoids

they hate poor people
they hate health ins.

they hate new carpet
they hate rainy days
they hate used condoms

they hate they hate they hate

and all this from a guy who claims he is honest....


false Though I'm not sure about the hemorrhoids and used condoms.

Now that we've got that cleared up, we can move on.

not did not comment on this guys honesty.....when i asked him to back up those ones that you put as true.....he could not.....can you?.....

Well I don't need to do all of them because we know they are true. All you have to do is watch your political leaders.

Rick Santorum says education is for snobs.
PEW shows us that only 6% of scientists are Republican.
Republicans target Hispanics but care nothing about white illegals
Republicans feel Trayvon Martin had no right to "stand his ground"
Romney's gay foreign policy adviser was drummed out of the campaign.
Of course right wingers hate poor people. And not just them, but the entire middle class.
Of course right wingers hate science. There is no controversy and insisting there is doesn't make it true.

You can't complain Republicans don't stand for things we all know they do. Perhaps you are in the wrong party.
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

I haven't yet read a single post in this thread except the OP - but I can already see the Republican response in their minds.

But let's just all remember that Obama is the REAL asshole for calling Bush by his first name.

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