Republican spokesman: ‘Let's hurl some acid' at female Democratic senators

I'd burn them at the stake, but that's just me.

That's because you don't believe in due process, democracy, or the Constitution.
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

And lets not forget that apparently 3 years is too long at Harvard but 4 years is just right.
Yes there have... but yours is the only one with the intellect to ask about the full context of the quote.... the rest just went for Full Retard Faux Outrage.

I had a quick ooh under "New Posts" but couldn't see anything, so....

Either way, I think my point was that the guy was an idiot to write such a phrase, when he knows full well that people (such as, for example, rdean) will use is as an example of how the right is hateful an violent. I guess I take his comment as being dysphemistic (i.e. let's throw some acidic comments). I could be wrong. Maybe he really did mean let's throw acid at people. It would seem unlikely though, IMO.

I said much the same on another thread.... I am curious though as to what the full context was for the comment. I do like context.... it helps me decide whether I should be outraged or not.

FOX News decided whether you should be outraged.

I doubt you'll find this story on FOX News.
So no need for outrage!
Since removed=never said
Unless there is proof of the before, the claim is just smear that cannot be 'unproven.'
Jay Townsend, a campaign spokesman for Republican Rep. Nan Hayworth (NY-19) has ignited a controversy after he said, "Let's hurl some acid" at female Democratic senators.

Townsend's comments (which have since been removed) were posted Thursday on a local Facebook discussion forum for New York's 19 th congressional district. Townsend was responding to comments made by a commenter named "Tom" during an online debate over gas prices. Townsend wrote:

"Listen to Tom. What a little bee he has in his bonnet. Buzz Buzz. My question today … when is Tommy boy going to weigh in on all the Lilly Ledbetter hypocrites who claim to be fighting the War on Women? Let's hurl some acid at those female democratic Senators who won't abide the mandates they want to impose on the private sector."

Hayworth's office has not yet responded to requests for comment on the matter.

Republican spokesman:

I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.
My kneejerk reaction was "much ado about..." until I read this:


Townsend is described on his own personal website an "adept wordsmith," and is far from a political newcomer. In 2010, he was the Republican nominee in the U.S. Senate race against Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer. Townsend eventually lost that race by 18 points. He has worked on more than 300 campaigns in 25 different states, according to his website.

I know right? Remember all of those Republicans at the OWS rallies? Scary Shit.

as a matter of fact OWS rallies had lots of right leaning libertarians advocating for Ron PAul.

very few if any were advocating for Obama.

Paul would be a Republican, no?

I know right? Remember all of those Republicans at the OWS rallies? Scary Shit.

as a matter of fact OWS rallies had lots of right leaning libertarians advocating for Ron PAul.

very few if any were advocating for Obama.

Paul would be a Republican, no?


More were for Obama than Paul, a given regarding numbers. Paul isn't a Republican, he's a fascist at best. More in common with Obama than Romney.
All this does is confirm what we already know:

Republicans hate female Democrats much more than they hate male Democrats.

Do any of you deny it?

false Though I'm not sure about the hemorrhoids and used condoms.

Now that we've got that cleared up, we can move on.

not did not comment on this guys honesty.....when i asked him to back up those ones that you put as true.....he could not.....can you?.....

Well I don't need to do all of them because we know they are true. All you have to do is watch your political leaders.

Rick Santorum says education is for snobs.
PEW shows us that only 6% of scientists are Republican.
Republicans target Hispanics but care nothing about white illegals
Republicans feel Trayvon Martin had no right to "stand his ground"
Romney's gay foreign policy adviser was drummed out of the campaign.
Of course right wingers hate poor people. And not just them, but the entire middle class.
Of course right wingers hate science. There is no controversy and insisting there is doesn't make it true.

You can't complain Republicans don't stand for things we all know they do. Perhaps you are in the wrong party.
i dont vote either party Dean.....i thought by now since i tell you and everyone else here that they both suck you would know that by now....but YOU just cant comprehend someone not belonging to one or the other,can you?...

and remember Dean CUTTING the Education budget does not mean they hate it since THEY ALL ARE DOING IT.......

Republicans target Hispanics but care nothing about white illegals
so do California.....maybe its because there 2-3 million of them out here

Of course right wingers hate poor people
your Democrats are not to fond of them either Dean....lets see what happens when that black or brown family move into a nice white middle class Democratic neighborhood.....

and hating Science?....i think you have had that thrown in your face by enough Conservative/Republicans on this board to prove your full of shit on that one......

NOW lets see you tell me that the asshole i posted about is an honest person....that he doesnt put up a thread saying one thing,and after you read says something else....
All this does is confirm what we already know:

Republicans hate female Democrats much more than they hate male Democrats.

Do any of you deny it?

i can say the same thing about going to deny that?...

oh come on.

You guys hate the women on the left.

You always talk about how UGLY Peloso is.

She is amazing looking for a 70 year old woman you people pretend she looks like quasimoto.

You hate women and it shows up in your damned platform
I know right? Remember all of those Republicans at the OWS rallies? Scary Shit.

as a matter of fact OWS rallies had lots of right leaning libertarians advocating for Ron PAul.

very few if any were advocating for Obama.

Paul would be a Republican, no?


More were for Obama than Paul, a given regarding numbers. Paul isn't a Republican, he's a fascist at best. More in common with Obama than Romney.

Annie your a fucking idiot.

what the hell motivates your complete stupidity.

Why are you such a twank?

what the hell happened to you in life?
All this does is confirm what we already know:

Republicans hate female Democrats much more than they hate male Democrats.

Do any of you deny it?

i can say the same thing about going to deny that?...

oh come on.

You guys hate the women on the left.

You always talk about how UGLY Peloso is.

She is amazing looking for a 70 year old woman you people pretend she looks like quasimoto.

You hate women and it shows up in your damned platform

Let's not pretend that there isn't ammunition on both sides. I seem to remember Sarah Palin getting some pretty rough treatment.

Seems to me this thread is straying off topic.
I've never looked at this "site" before, but the quote is direct, though the context of the conversation that prompted the response is unclear. Either way, Townsend should have known better, particularly as it was not an off the cuff comment, but a written post in which he had the opportunity to choose his words.

Never ceases to amaze me how, being cognizant of the world in which we now live, a supposedly relatively savvy political operator can stick his foot in has mouth with such unerring accuracy.

Those kinds of comments aren't "mistakes". The Republican Party has become a sick party full of hate and anger.
From the Republican debates:
Let him die
Applauding executions
Education is for snobs
Fire janitors and replace them with poor black kids because they don't know how to work

A sick and dirty party. Stupid as fuck and they have no realistic or thoughtful ideas. They are desperately hoping they can bribe rich people into "saving them". Like Mitt says about the housing market, "It will have to hit bottom before it can recover". The Republican Party hasn't yet "hit bottom", but it's close. Hopefully it won't drag down the rest on the country with it. But I'm afraid that might be too late.

I know right? Remember all of those Republicans at the OWS rallies? Scary Shit.

[ame=]Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords Talks Palin Cross Hairs - YouTube[/ame]

Was she wrong?
i can say the same thing about going to deny that?...

oh come on.

You guys hate the women on the left.

You always talk about how UGLY Peloso is.

She is amazing looking for a 70 year old woman you people pretend she looks like quasimoto.

You hate women and it shows up in your damned platform

Let's not pretend that there isn't ammunition on both sides. I seem to remember Sarah Palin getting some pretty rough treatment.

Seems to me this thread is straying off topic.

Yes..Blooooood Libel..


[ame=]Sarah Palin Responds to Gabrielle Giffords Shooting, Claims "Blood Libel" Victim - YouTube[/ame]
The guy meant it as a metaphor.
He was saying that we should hurl the Democratic Women's hypocrisy back into their faces.
They are advocating equal pay for Women, while they pay less to their own Women staffers.
Dem's are the ones spewing acidic speech.
With Dem's it's do as I say, not as I do.

false Though I'm not sure about the hemorrhoids and used condoms.

Now that we've got that cleared up, we can move on.

not did not comment on this guys honesty.....when i asked him to back up those ones that you put as true.....he could not.....can you?.....

Well I don't need to do all of them because we know they are true. All you have to do is watch your political leaders.

Rick Santorum says education is for snobs.
PEW shows us that only 6% of scientists are Republican.
Republicans target Hispanics but care nothing about white illegals
Republicans feel Trayvon Martin had no right to "stand his ground"
Romney's gay foreign policy adviser was drummed out of the campaign.
Of course right wingers hate poor people. And not just them, but the entire middle class.
Of course right wingers hate science. There is no controversy and insisting there is doesn't make it true.

You can't complain Republicans don't stand for things we all know they do. Perhaps you are in the wrong party.

You are just another hateful angry liberal who knows his ideology is unpopular and in the extreme minority.
ALL polls even Gallup indicate that generally 20% of the US population considers itself Liberal. That's all.
You people are just pissed off about everything. Being miserable is what it means to be lib/socialist/progressive. That's a fact and it eats away at you. Based on this, you lash out at those who disagree with you. You cannot tolerate people with other viewpoints. You cannot tolerate the existence of non liberals.
You people make up things, say and write things that are just not true. They aren't even accurate. A perfect example is your post above. Total crap. You cannot substantiate one single point with any corroborated evidence. Nothing.
Most of you libs are who you are because of a lack of self worth. This leads to your own unwillingness to accept responsibility for your own actions. It's always someone else's fault.

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