Republican stages of grief

Shame you can't say the same, democrat.
That is a load of crap and you know it.
If Democrats are the party of slavery, why are Republicans whining about the statue ‘crisis?’
About cancel culture when it comes to anything related to slavery?
Not Democrats. Racist Republicans.
If it weren’t for those Confederates you’d still be living in a teepee.
View attachment 483068
I’m sure...
Shame you can't say the same, democrat.
That is a load of crap and you know it.
If Democrats are the party of slavery, why are Republicans whining about the statue ‘crisis?’
About cancel culture when it comes to anything related to slavery?
Not Democrats. Racist Republicans.
If it weren’t for those Confederates you’d still be living in a teepee.
View attachment 483068
I’m sure...
Try it sometime. Its awesome
I don't expect Republicans will ever get past Stage 3 (bargaining). The first three stages are where they seem to be stuck. Running over the election results time after time, hoping they can gather enough public opinion to sway enough people to believe their lie.
Case in point, Republicans in Maricopa County, AZ are conducting an "audit" of ballots cast there. It's already a highly suspect operation..especially when you see the list of people and entities backing it. :)

I like how they're only reviewing the seats for president and Senate -- seats lost by Republicans. They're not interested in looking to see if Republicans cheated.
I don't expect Republicans will ever get past Stage 3 (bargaining). The first three stages are where they seem to be stuck. Running over the election results time after time, hoping they can gather enough public opinion to sway enough people to believe their lie.
Case in point, Republicans in Maricopa County, AZ are conducting an "audit" of ballots cast there. It's already a highly suspect operation..especially when you see the list of people and entities backing it. :)

I like how they're only reviewing the seats for president and Senate -- seats lost by Republicans. They're not interested in looking to see if Republicans cheated.

Sore losers going snipe hunting. :)
The strange thing is that democrats are exhibiting the same symptoms after winning the freaking election.
It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

As long as the duopoly exists the GOP has a chance to win every two years. Its a matter of “when” not “if” the republicans are voted back into power. If enough of the electorate turns against the Democratic Party, the focus will be them, not necessarily what the other party did or didn’t do prior. The Republican Party is not going to change its tactics or lack there of until several elections in a row are lost.

Last edited:
I don't expect Republicans will ever get past Stage 3 (bargaining). The first three stages are where they seem to be stuck. Running over the election results time after time, hoping they can gather enough public opinion to sway enough people to believe their lie.
Case in point, Republicans in Maricopa County, AZ are conducting an "audit" of ballots cast there. It's already a highly suspect operation..especially when you see the list of people and entities backing it. :)

About 70% of the voting public have some - or more doubt.

No they don't. You're % number is a one time pulse of Republicans. Not the voting public. And that will always be the case. I wonder why that is?'s not fraud. It's the head clown bleating like a fucking sheep for 6 solid months before the election.
Don't believe me? Let's go back in time.

Poor Jackie
So uninformed.
It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

As long as the duopoly exists the GOP has a chance to win every two years. Its a matter of “when” not “if” the republicans are voted back into power. If enough of the electorate turns against the Democratic Party, the focus will be them, not necessarily what the other party did or didn’t do prior. The Republican Party is not going to change its tactics or lack there of until several elections in a row are lost.


That is simply not an accurate description at all.
It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

As long as the duopoly exists the GOP has a chance to win every two years. Its a matter of “when” not “if” the republicans are voted back into power. If enough of the electorate turns against the Democratic Party, the focus will be them, not necessarily what the other party did or didn’t do prior. The Republican Party is not going to change its tactics or lack there of until several elections in a row are lost.


That is simply not an accurate description at all.

The bolded or the commentary afterward?
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:
Not everyone gets to the acceptance stage. (-:
It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

As long as the duopoly exists the GOP has a chance to win every two years. Its a matter of “when” not “if” the republicans are voted back into power. If enough of the electorate turns against the Democratic Party, the focus will be them, not necessarily what the other party did or didn’t do prior. The Republican Party is not going to change its tactics or lack there of until several elections in a row are lost.


That is simply not an accurate description at all.

The bolded or the commentary afterward?

The bolded
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

It seems *some* Republicans skipped right past all those stages and went straight to the "batshit crazy" stage.

How else can you explain storming the Capitol Building and all the attendant property destruction, injury and loss of life? This is just the kind of behavior the right has been accusing the left wingers of for years, that incident alone goes WAY beyond anything the left wing dingbats have done in recent memory.

How else can you explain the ongoing insistence by many Republicans that the 2020 election was fraudulent? This is just the kind of nonsense the Republicans have been accusing the Democrats of doing for years (whining about the results of elections with absolutely ZERO evidence to support such claims).

This just adds further evidence to the existing mountain that BOTH major political parties accomplish nothing other than to turn their supporters into fanatical idiots, they're worse than organized religions in that regard.
Batshit crazy is comparing people protesting a stolen election with flags to the murderous ilk burning, stealing and killing at many Dim cities for several days last summer. This mental illness is rampant in all you CO2 sucking facediaper morons.

LOL, sorry to have triggered you snowflake.
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

It seems *some* Republicans skipped right past all those stages and went straight to the "batshit crazy" stage.

How else can you explain storming the Capitol Building and all the attendant property destruction, injury and loss of life? This is just the kind of behavior the right has been accusing the left wingers of for years, that incident alone goes WAY beyond anything the left wing dingbats have done in recent memory.

How else can you explain the ongoing insistence by many Republicans that the 2020 election was fraudulent? This is just the kind of nonsense the Republicans have been accusing the Democrats of doing for years (whining about the results of elections with absolutely ZERO evidence to support such claims).

This just adds further evidence to the existing mountain that BOTH major political parties accomplish nothing other than to turn their supporters into fanatical idiots, they're worse than organized religions in that regard.
Batshit crazy is comparing people protesting a stolen election with flags to the murderous ilk burning, stealing and killing at many Dim cities for several days last summer. This mental illness is rampant in all you CO2 sucking facediaper morons.

LOL, sorry to have triggered you snowflake.
Awww a snowflake lecturing me on cute, maybe a Midol enema and a fresh Depends will make you feel better.
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

It seems *some* Republicans skipped right past all those stages and went straight to the "batshit crazy" stage.

How else can you explain storming the Capitol Building and all the attendant property destruction, injury and loss of life? This is just the kind of behavior the right has been accusing the left wingers of for years, that incident alone goes WAY beyond anything the left wing dingbats have done in recent memory.

How else can you explain the ongoing insistence by many Republicans that the 2020 election was fraudulent? This is just the kind of nonsense the Republicans have been accusing the Democrats of doing for years (whining about the results of elections with absolutely ZERO evidence to support such claims).

This just adds further evidence to the existing mountain that BOTH major political parties accomplish nothing other than to turn their supporters into fanatical idiots, they're worse than organized religions in that regard.
Batshit crazy is comparing people protesting a stolen election with flags to the murderous ilk burning, stealing and killing at many Dim cities for several days last summer. This mental illness is rampant in all you CO2 sucking facediaper morons.

LOL, sorry to have triggered you snowflake.
Awww a snowflake lecturing me on cute, maybe a Midol enema and a fresh Depends will make you feel better.
Thanks for the laugh, what's next in your comedy routine? a little "I'm rubber, you're glue" perhaps ?

While I've really our little chat, I've got to cut it short as, according to my calculations, I've exceeded my recommended daily allowance of vapid.

Have a lovely day snowflake! :bye1:
Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross suggests that when faced with a loss, many go through five distinct stages of grief
  • denial.
  • anger.
  • bargaining.
  • depression.
  • acceptance.
It's clear that Republicans are in the first 2 stages. Many still deny Trump and the GOP lost the 2020 election, this despite Trump's own hand picked judges finding no credible evidence of voter fraud. Anger...lot's of that!! I read angry threats of a civil war, name calling, foul language, and the like. Republicans would do well to skip stages 3 and 4 and simply accept the fact that Joe Biden and the Democrats won fairly.

It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

Those are the facts, Jack - Just the facts! :bye1:

It seems *some* Republicans skipped right past all those stages and went straight to the "batshit crazy" stage.

How else can you explain storming the Capitol Building and all the attendant property destruction, injury and loss of life? This is just the kind of behavior the right has been accusing the left wingers of for years, that incident alone goes WAY beyond anything the left wing dingbats have done in recent memory.

How else can you explain the ongoing insistence by many Republicans that the 2020 election was fraudulent? This is just the kind of nonsense the Republicans have been accusing the Democrats of doing for years (whining about the results of elections with absolutely ZERO evidence to support such claims).

This just adds further evidence to the existing mountain that BOTH major political parties accomplish nothing other than to turn their supporters into fanatical idiots, they're worse than organized religions in that regard.
Batshit crazy is comparing people protesting a stolen election with flags to the murderous ilk burning, stealing and killing at many Dim cities for several days last summer. This mental illness is rampant in all you CO2 sucking facediaper morons.

LOL, sorry to have triggered you snowflake.
Awww a snowflake lecturing me on cute, maybe a Midol enema and a fresh Depends will make you feel better.
Thanks for the laugh, what's next in your comedy routine? a little "I'm rubber, you're glue" perhaps ?

While I've really our little chat, I've got to cut it short as, according to my calculations, I've exceeded my recommended daily allowance of vapid.

Have a lovely day snowflake! :bye1:
Aww its okay maybe some strained peas along with that enema will work its Pinochijoe's favorite.
It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

As long as the duopoly exists the GOP has a chance to win every two years. Its a matter of “when” not “if” the republicans are voted back into power. If enough of the electorate turns against the Democratic Party, the focus will be them, not necessarily what the other party did or didn’t do prior. The Republican Party is not going to change its tactics or lack there of until several elections in a row are lost.

Sell? Republicans offer jobs and opportunities for individuals to be responsible for of course the Dim dregs have no interest in any of that!
It's possible the GOP could win again, but instead of simply bashing the Liberals, first they need to look hard at what they're trying to sell America's voters, because right now most of them are not buying it. Republicans are losing the votes of women, minorities, and young people, and are fast becoming a party of angry, old white men. Republicans have won the popular vote only twice in the last 32 years; their recent victories held together by district gerrymandering and voter suppression tactics. Soon, even that won't be enough to keep them in power. Demographic's and voter preferences are changing, if the GOP doesn't moderate their views, and change with the times, they risk becoming only a regional party dominated by southern white men.

As long as the duopoly exists the GOP has a chance to win every two years. Its a matter of “when” not “if” the republicans are voted back into power. If enough of the electorate turns against the Democratic Party, the focus will be them, not necessarily what the other party did or didn’t do prior. The Republican Party is not going to change its tactics or lack there of until several elections in a row are lost.

Sell? Republicans offer jobs and opportunities for individuals to be responsible for of course the Dim dregs have no interest in any of that!

I understand that, but the point the author is making is that the party may not win elections if it loses voters.

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