Republican tax cut will not trickle down

If debt doesn't matter then why pay any taxes at all? Why do we need to give the government any of our money?

Because government's job is to provide for the common defense and general welfare. You don't seem to understand the Constitution at all. And why would you? You're not even American.

If debt doesn't matter, then why do we need to work, why not have the government provide everything?

Well, government already provides a lot, so I don't know what point you're trying to make. Seems to me you want to make this a hyperbolic and emotional discussion because you're a hyperbolic and emotional person.

If debt doesn't matter, then why not have the states take the federal money instead of taxing us?The whole premise is silly on it's face.

So this conversation started with your insistence that a high debt-to-GDP ratio is bad for growth. When provided with links to the debunking of that idea, rather than accept those conclusion like an adult, you screech and whine like a child. You refuse to take your medicine. You refuse to accept truths. I think it's because of your insatiable ego that is pretending not to be just a giant pile of insecurity. I think you're a garbage person, and know you're a garbage person. So you seek validation on anonymous message boards because you're too antisocial to get it in real life. Tell me I'm wrong.

I understand the Constitution, it seems you don't understand economics.

The government can provide common defense and general welfare without taxing us because you claim debt doesn't matter.The government can continue to add debt and it won't hurt the economy as you are claiming. The government can also add free health care, free food, free homes and free highways because as you claim debt doesn't matter. So a zero tax rate for all of us should be easy because as you claim, debt doesn't matter.

Tax cuts should not matter because it would increase a national debt that you claim does not matter. If I am wrong in what I am reading from you, please tell me when the debt does matter.
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
If I were you, I'd leave this thread now because your ego is not going to be able to handle the constant hits it keeps taking. That's why you double down on your false conclusions; because you're an egomaniac who needs validation on internet message boards just to make it through the day.

Sorry, I think I missed the portion of that post which pertains to the thread topic and keeps it from violating forum rules about trolling and harassing. I'd hate for you to get reported to the mods.

Your opinion piece by the BBC doesn't prove anything.

No, you read the link. You are choosing to not accept it because it completely ruins your false narrative about debt-to-GDP and its impact on growth.

When corrected, the study "Growth in the Time of Debt" says that a high debt-to-GDP ratio doesn't result in any kind of marked economic drop-off, however a marked economic dropoff does occur when debt-to-GDP ratios are *low*.

So what we have here is you being a dogmatic zealot who refuses to be corrected...probably because your ego is too fragile.

No, you read the link. You are choosing to not accept it because it completely ruins your false narrative about debt-to-GDP and its impact on growth.

I choose not to accept it because it's an opinion piece from a Marxist-Socialist propagandist.

When corrected...

Nothing needed correcting. AND... an opinion doesn't correct data and facts anyway. It just doesn't.

You know how America can tell these tax reforms are good for America? You're all here doing everything short of hand stands to argue frantically night and day against them. You and the rest of your ilk are literally flooding the boards with nonsensical protests....

You're like Linda Blair in the Exorcist when they throw the Holy Water on her character.
If I were you, I'd leave this thread now because your ego is not going to be able to handle the constant hits it keeps taking. That's why you double down on your false conclusions; because you're an egomaniac who needs validation on internet message boards just to make it through the day.

Sorry, I think I missed the portion of that post which pertains to the thread topic and keeps it from violating forum rules about trolling and harassing. I'd hate for you to get reported to the mods.

Your opinion piece by the BBC doesn't prove anything.

No, you read the link. You are choosing to not accept it because it completely ruins your false narrative about debt-to-GDP and its impact on growth.

When corrected, the study "Growth in the Time of Debt" says that a high debt-to-GDP ratio doesn't result in any kind of marked economic drop-off, however a marked economic dropoff does occur when debt-to-GDP ratios are *low*.

So what we have here is you being a dogmatic zealot who refuses to be corrected...probably because your ego is too fragile.

No, you read the link. You are choosing to not accept it because it completely ruins your false narrative about debt-to-GDP and its impact on growth.

I choose not to accept it because it's an opinion piece from a Marxist-Socialist propagandist.

When corrected...

Nothing needed correcting. AND... an opinion doesn't correct data and facts anyway. It just doesn't.

You know how America can tell these tax reforms are good for America? You're all here doing everything short of hand stands to argue frantically night and day against them. You and the rest of your ilk are literally flooding the boards with nonsensical protests....

You're like Linda Blair in the Exorcist when they throw the Holy Water on her character.

Thank you, I’m not sure why people who find an article, an op-ed piece at that, from a propaganda site and think that every person has to accept that opinion as fact. It isn’t just the left, it is those on the right also. It’s an opinion, nothing more or less.
Because government's job is to provide for the common defense and general welfare. You don't seem to understand the Constitution at all. And why would you? You're not even American.

Well, government already provides a lot, so I don't know what point you're trying to make. Seems to me you want to make this a hyperbolic and emotional discussion because you're a hyperbolic and emotional person.

So this conversation started with your insistence that a high debt-to-GDP ratio is bad for growth. When provided with links to the debunking of that idea, rather than accept those conclusion like an adult, you screech and whine like a child. You refuse to take your medicine. You refuse to accept truths. I think it's because of your insatiable ego that is pretending not to be just a giant pile of insecurity. I think you're a garbage person, and know you're a garbage person. So you seek validation on anonymous message boards because you're too antisocial to get it in real life. Tell me I'm wrong.

I understand the Constitution, it seems you don't understand economics.

The government can provide common defense and general welfare without taxing us because you claim debt doesn't matter.The government can continue to add debt and it won't hurt the economy as you are claiming. The government can also add free health care, free food, free homes and free highways because as you claim debt doesn't matter. So a zero tax rate for all of us should be easy because as you claim, debt doesn't matter.

Tax cuts should not matter because it would increase a national debt that you claim does not matter. If I am wrong in what I am reading from you, please tell me when the debt does matter.
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.
I understand the Constitution, it seems you don't understand economics.

The government can provide common defense and general welfare without taxing us because you claim debt doesn't matter.The government can continue to add debt and it won't hurt the economy as you are claiming. The government can also add free health care, free food, free homes and free highways because as you claim debt doesn't matter. So a zero tax rate for all of us should be easy because as you claim, debt doesn't matter.

Tax cuts should not matter because it would increase a national debt that you claim does not matter. If I am wrong in what I am reading from you, please tell me when the debt does matter.
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

Why do you say that?
I understand the Constitution, it seems you don't understand economics.

The government can provide common defense and general welfare without taxing us because you claim debt doesn't matter.The government can continue to add debt and it won't hurt the economy as you are claiming. The government can also add free health care, free food, free homes and free highways because as you claim debt doesn't matter. So a zero tax rate for all of us should be easy because as you claim, debt doesn't matter.

Tax cuts should not matter because it would increase a national debt that you claim does not matter. If I am wrong in what I am reading from you, please tell me when the debt does matter.
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

It is mostly wasted tax dollars. My tax dollars should not fund the expansion of some business. It is the government picking winners and losers, the free market is much better at it.
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

Why do you say that?

It's the weed.....
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

Why do you say that?
Why do you believe locking people up or killing them is good for our economy?
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

It is mostly wasted tax dollars. My tax dollars should not fund the expansion of some business. It is the government picking winners and losers, the free market is much better at it.
We don't have a free market economy. We have a mixed market economy.
So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

Why do you say that?
Why do you believe locking people up or killing them is good for our economy?
Depends on the individual... dumbass
So you are in favor of corporate welfare. Interesting because I am against it. Corporate welfare makes the playing field uneven and plays favorites, I am against the government stepping into the private sector's business. Why are you for corporate welfare? How does corporate welfare benefit general welfare of America?
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

It is mostly wasted tax dollars. My tax dollars should not fund the expansion of some business. It is the government picking winners and losers, the free market is much better at it.
We don't have a free market economy. We have a mixed market economy.
That is why it’s failing...
To combat the Left's screams that the tax bill helps the rich and hurts the poor, GOP should've gone BOLD: 1. one flat 13% tax for EVERYONE.
2. EVERYONE does their taxes on a postcard.

That tax reform benefits EVERYONE and would shut up the Left.

GOP was afraid to be bold.
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

Why do you say that?
Why do you believe locking people up or killing them is good for our economy?
Depends on the individual... dumbass
Economics does not work that way, right winger.
It always depends on implementation. General welfare benefits engender a positive multiplier on our economy.

Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

It is mostly wasted tax dollars. My tax dollars should not fund the expansion of some business. It is the government picking winners and losers, the free market is much better at it.
We don't have a free market economy. We have a mixed market economy.
That is why it’s failing...

LOL. We have never had a free market in the US.
Just say you don’t want to answer and be done with it, a lot easier than dancing around a question you never intended to answer, that would be smarter wouldn’t it?
Corporate welfare engenders a positive multiplier effect on our economy.

Our wars on crime, drugs, and terror do not.

It is mostly wasted tax dollars. My tax dollars should not fund the expansion of some business. It is the government picking winners and losers, the free market is much better at it.
We don't have a free market economy. We have a mixed market economy.
That is why it’s failing...

LOL. We have never had a free market in the US.

True, That is why the country is failing
What is it with this idea that only rich people are shareholders? Do you have a 401k or a pension? Are you not rich? Guess what, you're a middle class shareholder that's going to benefit from the tax cut. Shut the fuck up
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