Republican tax cut will not trickle down

We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?

That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

We need to vote them all out. With a solid economy we should be dealing with the debt.

I agree, we need to cut spending and raise taxes. The economy is perfect for this, like The Derp has pointed out in the short run it would slow the economy down. In all reality, which party wants to take credit for slowing down the economy?

Maybe with term limits politicians would actually make the tough decisions to benefit us in the long run, I'm not sure, what are your thoughts?

I would be fine if they cut some spending and simplified taxes in a revenue neutral manner.

I would like to see corporate welfare go away, that will have a negative impact on the economy initially however, if we can wean them off the government then we would have healthier businesses and a healthier government. I definitely agree that we need to simplify the tax code.

I'm not sure it would have a negative impact. For every company the government chooses to give corp welfare too, they are stifling others. I think it could have a positive effect when companies are on fair ground and making decisions that are best for business rather than based on getting the most corp welfare.
Please explain what the debt has to do with the economy? Because y'all lied about its effect on the economy just 7 years ago with your "Growth in the Time of Debt" horseshit white paper you used as your excuse to enact austerity.

I wish I had time to teach you macroeconomics here, but I really don't. There is a correlation between inflation and debt-to-GDP ratio which effects economic growth. There is debate on where that critical point is reached but suffice it to say that if you continue to run trillion-dollar deficits, you will reach it shortly. Once hyperinflation starts to happen it gets ugly fast and it's not easy to reverse. What that means to morons like you is, on top of what you consider "stagnant wages" you'll then be paying 3x or 4x as much for groceries and other goods and services.

We need to get another thing cleared up here. There is no magical way for a politician or party to enact a policy that instantly makes the economy great. IF they could, then every politician, whether Republican or Democrat, would simply enact the magic policy right before election time. The BEST anyone can do is enact policies which will encourage economic prosperity and growth, and it may take time.

No matter how well you explain it, some don't have a clue and will never have a clue.
Please explain what the debt has to do with the economy? Because y'all lied about its effect on the economy just 7 years ago with your "Growth in the Time of Debt" horseshit white paper you used as your excuse to enact austerity.

I wish I had time to teach you macroeconomics here, but I really don't. There is a correlation between inflation and debt-to-GDP ratio which effects economic growth. There is debate on where that critical point is reached but suffice it to say that if you continue to run trillion-dollar deficits, you will reach it shortly. Once hyperinflation starts to happen it gets ugly fast and it's not easy to reverse. What that means to morons like you is, on top of what you consider "stagnant wages" you'll then be paying 3x or 4x as much for groceries and other goods and services.

We need to get another thing cleared up here. There is no magical way for a politician or party to enact a policy that instantly makes the economy great. IF they could, then every politician, whether Republican or Democrat, would simply enact the magic policy right before election time. The BEST anyone can do is enact policies which will encourage economic prosperity and growth, and it may take time.

Seriously, fuck this guy. Using Rogoff & Reinhart's fraudulent paper, one that has since been exposed as deliberate deceit, to make a shit argument in favor of shit policy while acting like an arrogant turd. When the reality is that you don't know a fucking thing about this, and are just pretending you do because you have an a fucking ego that cries out for validation.

Using hackneyed, 7 year old lies...what a fucking disgrace.
Please explain what the debt has to do with the economy? Because y'all lied about its effect on the economy just 7 years ago with your "Growth in the Time of Debt" horseshit white paper you used as your excuse to enact austerity.

I wish I had time to teach you macroeconomics here, but I really don't. There is a correlation between inflation and debt-to-GDP ratio which effects economic growth. There is debate on where that critical point is reached but suffice it to say that if you continue to run trillion-dollar deficits, you will reach it shortly. Once hyperinflation starts to happen it gets ugly fast and it's not easy to reverse. What that means to morons like you is, on top of what you consider "stagnant wages" you'll then be paying 3x or 4x as much for groceries and other goods and services.

We need to get another thing cleared up here. There is no magical way for a politician or party to enact a policy that instantly makes the economy great. IF they could, then every politician, whether Republican or Democrat, would simply enact the magic policy right before election time. The BEST anyone can do is enact policies which will encourage economic prosperity and growth, and it may take time.

No matter how well you explain it, some don't have a clue and will never have a clue.

You're the ones with no clue, regurgitation debunked economic theory from 7 years ago.

No shame, no class. Just feeding your own shitty egos because mommy and daddy didn't love you enough when you were a little piece of shit.,
That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

We need to vote them all out. With a solid economy we should be dealing with the debt.

I agree, we need to cut spending and raise taxes. The economy is perfect for this, like The Derp has pointed out in the short run it would slow the economy down. In all reality, which party wants to take credit for slowing down the economy?

Maybe with term limits politicians would actually make the tough decisions to benefit us in the long run, I'm not sure, what are your thoughts?

I would be fine if they cut some spending and simplified taxes in a revenue neutral manner.

I would like to see corporate welfare go away, that will have a negative impact on the economy initially however, if we can wean them off the government then we would have healthier businesses and a healthier government. I definitely agree that we need to simplify the tax code.
Providing for the general welfare is Constitutional, providing for the general warfare is not.

Not sure what your point is, since we aren't discussing that aspect.
[Why do I need to constantly repeat myself, the economy would hurt in the short run, in the long run, the government being fiscally sound would benefit us in the long run. That is why it will never fly, neither party wants to make a tough call because it is very unpopular.

What does the fiscal state of the government have to do with consumer spending and demand? Nothing. You're trying to tie them together because you are a fool with no clue of what you're saying.

I never said it did. Can you comprehend what I am posting?

Short term the debt doesn’t hurt the economy, long term it will create issue that will effect all of us citizens.
As the debt-to-GDP ratio increases, debt holders, such as China could demand larger interest payments. Diminished demand, which is happening now with China, for U.S. Treasurys would further increase interest rates. That would slow the economy. Lower demand for US Treasurys would also devalue the dollar, that means foreign countries would get paid back less which in turn would lessen the demand for the Securities. Lower demand for Treasurys also puts downward pressure on the dollar. That's because the dollar's value is tied to the value of Treasury Securities. As the dollar declines, foreign holders get paid back in currency that is worth less. That further decreases demand. Also, many foreign holders of U.S. debt are investing more in their own countries. That means interest rates would increase. Which would increase the debt and the cycle continues. Also, we cannot continue to borrow against the SS fund. We are already in trouble for dipping into that trust account and soon with added people going on to SS, that will break the bank so to speak. Then we get into real trouble.

Short term nothing, long term higher inflation, higher interest, slower economy.

If we pay down the debt with higher taxes and less spending, short term it will hurt the economy for the reasons you stated, long term we will have lower interest rates, the dollar would remain strong and the retirement accounts of those that paid into SS will be stable.

The other option is to default on our loans and as the largest economy of the world, we would bring the world economy down.

As far as reducing taxes today, that would hurt the European countries and trade. The US companies would be more competitive worldwide, which would help the deficit as more taxes are collected on the goods sold overseas. More goods sold, means higher production and more Americans working. I’m not saying that is a good idea but that would be a positive behind the cuts. Remember Obama kept the tax cuts in place because it helped to stimulate the economy. The big downside is the deficit would grow putting us over the edge long term.
Short term the debt doesn’t hurt the economy, long term it will create issue that will effect all of us citizens.

No, it won't. Again, you're using the "Growth in the Time of Debt" assumptions that have proven to be false.

What harms economic growth are *low* debt-to-GDP ratios. That's what the study concluded after the spreadsheet errors were corrected, and after all the data was included.

Time to catch up with the rest of 2011, you numbskull.

Seriously, if you don't know by now that your argument that high debt-to-GDP ratios is bullshit, then you're a propagandist, plain and simple.
[Why do I need to constantly repeat myself, the economy would hurt in the short run, in the long run, the government being fiscally sound would benefit us in the long run. That is why it will never fly, neither party wants to make a tough call because it is very unpopular.

What does the fiscal state of the government have to do with consumer spending and demand? Nothing. You're trying to tie them together because you are a fool with no clue of what you're saying.

I never said it did. Can you comprehend what I am posting?

Short term the debt doesn’t hurt the economy, long term it will create issue that will effect all of us citizens.
As the debt-to-GDP ratio increases, debt holders, such as China could demand larger interest payments. Diminished demand, which is happening now with China, for U.S. Treasurys would further increase interest rates. That would slow the economy. Lower demand for US Treasurys would also devalue the dollar, that means foreign countries would get paid back less which in turn would lessen the demand for the Securities. Lower demand for Treasurys also puts downward pressure on the dollar. That's because the dollar's value is tied to the value of Treasury Securities. As the dollar declines, foreign holders get paid back in currency that is worth less. That further decreases demand. Also, many foreign holders of U.S. debt are investing more in their own countries. That means interest rates would increase. Which would increase the debt and the cycle continues. Also, we cannot continue to borrow against the SS fund. We are already in trouble for dipping into that trust account and soon with added people going on to SS, that will break the bank so to speak. Then we get into real trouble.

Short term nothing, long term higher inflation, higher interest, slower economy.

If we pay down the debt with higher taxes and less spending, short term it will hurt the economy for the reasons you stated, long term we will have lower interest rates, the dollar would remain strong and the retirement accounts of those that paid into SS will be stable.

The other option is to default on our loans and as the largest economy of the world, we would bring the world economy down.

As far as reducing taxes today, that would hurt the European countries and trade. The US companies would be more competitive worldwide, which would help the deficit as more taxes are collected on the goods sold overseas. More goods sold, means higher production and more Americans working. I’m not saying that is a good idea but that would be a positive behind the cuts. Remember Obama kept the tax cuts in place because it helped to stimulate the economy. The big downside is the deficit would grow putting us over the edge long term.

Here's the exact instance of you fucking liars coming up with this economic bullshit.

Your argument's entire premise hinges on the accuracy of the model in this paper. A model that was exposed as being corrupted by spreadsheet errors and data omissions.

So now that you know high-debt-to-GDP ratios do not harm economic growth, will you cease pretending they do? I doubt it because you've proven yourself to be nothing more than a mindless parrot who postures and plays pretend. You don't know shit about economics, do you? You're just posturing on this board for the sake of that pile of shit you call an ego, aren't you? You post garbage that you don't even bother to do due diligence on merely because you're searching for any confirmation of your garbage bias, don't you? And you do that because you're a lazy fucking nobody, ain't ya?
So now that you know high-debt-to-GDP ratios do not harm economic growth...

This is false and you've not established otherwise.

It's so counter-intuitive, it's hard to believe any moron would dare to argue it.

Rising debt drives interest rates and interest rate increases drive inflation. Inflation stifles economic growth. Any flunking first-year economics student could tell you this... that's how utterly simple it is. Even the retards in the econ class get this one. But then, you didn't make it out of the Special Ed trailer, did ya? :dunno:

Derp...Derp... fap...fap...fap! ...Me Gusta!
This is false and you've not established otherwise..

Oh, I sure as shit have established posting the links to the study that supported what you're saying, but turned out to be the same predictable pile of lies your kind always pushes. Nothing you people say can be taken at face value.

There is no marked drop-off in economic growth once debt reaches a high certain percentage of GDP. Y'all lied and tried to say there was, and you manipulated a spreadsheet and omitted data to produce that conclusion. There is, however, proof that a *low* debt-to-GDP ratio harms growth. And that was hilariously proven true when the paper you're using as the support of your argument was corrected for the deliberate and intentional errors y'all made to produce a false conclusion.

That's how fucking pathetic your "understanding" of economics is.
So now that you know high-debt-to-GDP ratios do not harm economic growth...

This is false and you've not established otherwise.

It's so counter-intuitive, it's hard to believe any moron would dare to argue it.

Rising debt drives interest rates and interest rate increases drive inflation. Inflation stifles economic growth. Any flunking first-year economics student could tell you this... that's how utterly simple it is. Even the retards in the econ class get this one. But then, you didn't make it out of the Special Ed trailer, did ya? :dunno:

Derp...Derp... fap...fap...fap! ...Me Gusta!

If I were you, I'd leave this thread now because your ego is not going to be able to handle the constant hits it keeps taking. That's why you double down on your false conclusions; because you're an egomaniac who needs validation on internet message boards just to make it through the day.
Of course, he's probably very pissed given that he KNOWS that the policy will work, which will make Trump more popular. That's probably the real reason for resistance. Besides that the policy rewards the hard working and I am getting the sense that this guy would not fall into the category of hard working, if working at all.

Ireland's current economy experiences contraction 33% of the time.

If you think that's good, then you're just talking out of your ass.

Ireland's current economy experiences contraction 33% of the time.

Ireland set for fastest euro zone growth for fourth year in a row

Ireland is on course to be the fastest growing economy in the euro zone for a fourth straight year, according to Davy Stockbrokers.

In its latest economic outlook the firm predicts that gross domestic product (GDP) will grow 5 per cent in 2017, up from a previous forecast of 3.7 per cent. This is well ahead of the current consensus forecast for 1.7 per cent growth across the euro area as a whole.

Ireland set for fastest euro zone growth for fourth year in a row

Ireland set for fastest euro zone growth for fourth year in a row

Too bad it's not helping Ireland's actual economy any, as it experienced an economic contract of 3.5% in the first quarter of this year.

And no argument from me that corporate profits and the incomes of the 1% are soaring there. It's the same thing that happened here that you previously excoriated Obama for. So you're just a double-talking hypocrite.

In fact, over the last 20 years, Ireland's only managed an average growth of 1.5%...which is less than Obama's GDP growth rate.

Ireland can't attract any internal investment. So all those businesses relocating their pass-throughs there aren't actually expanding into the Irish market. And why would they? Ireland's economy contracts 33% of the time, it's unemployment rate is high, and wages are among the lowest and slowest growing in all of Europe.
If I were you, I'd leave this thread now because your ego is not going to be able to handle the constant hits it keeps taking. That's why you double down on your false conclusions; because you're an egomaniac who needs validation on internet message boards just to make it through the day.

Sorry, I think I missed the portion of that post which pertains to the thread topic and keeps it from violating forum rules about trolling and harassing. I'd hate for you to get reported to the mods.

Your opinion piece by the BBC doesn't prove anything.
If I were you, I'd leave this thread now because your ego is not going to be able to handle the constant hits it keeps taking. That's why you double down on your false conclusions; because you're an egomaniac who needs validation on internet message boards just to make it through the day.

Sorry, I think I missed the portion of that post which pertains to the thread topic and keeps it from violating forum rules about trolling and harassing. I'd hate for you to get reported to the mods.

Your opinion piece by the BBC doesn't prove anything.

No, you read the link. You are choosing to not accept it because it completely ruins your false narrative about debt-to-GDP and its impact on growth.

When corrected, the study "Growth in the Time of Debt" says that a high debt-to-GDP ratio doesn't result in any kind of marked economic drop-off, however a marked economic dropoff does occur when debt-to-GDP ratios are *low*.

So what we have here is you being a dogmatic zealot who refuses to be corrected...probably because your ego is too fragile.
Your argument was that businesses don't take tax rates into consideration when making decisions.

NO! What I said what that businesses don't determine whether or not they will expand or invest based on what the profit tax is, because expanding and investing happens before one single red cent of profit is taxed. So not only did you completely and deliberately misrepresent my position, you also belied your lack of experience and knowledge about business expansion and investment. That's because you rush through your responses and do sloppy work.

Your argument was that corporate tax rate cuts don't help the economy.

They don't. Ireland's wage growth is below almost every EU nation, the unemployment rate is higher than the UK, and the economy contracts 33% of the time. That;s why those businesses that relocate to Ireland aren't expanding into the Irish market. They're just passing their profits through there. That's why Ireland's wage growth sucks, it's unemployment is high, and its economy contracts 1/3 of the time.

In fact, Ireland's economy contracted by -3.5% in Q1 of 2017, and GDP Growth Rate in Ireland averaged 1.35 percent from 1997 until 2017

That's a good economy? It's worse than Obama's growth rate - 1.76%

Your'e a fucking joke. It's like, all anyone has to do is just the minimal amount of critical thinking and effort to disprove all the shit you say.

he Celtic Tiger shows you're wrong on both counts.

Oh, you mean the Celtic Tiger that experiences economic contraction 33% of the time? Or the Celtic Tiger economy that averaged 1.35% growth the last 20 years? It's not a Celtic Tiger, it's a Celtic kitten.

What I said what that businesses don't determine whether or not they will expand or invest based on what the profit tax is, because expanding and investing happens before one single red cent of profit is taxed.

Which is why corporations rushed to expand in Ireland. Because investment is pre-tax......but, wait.....
profit is post-tax. They must have decided higher post-tax profit is better than lower post-tax profit, eh?

Your argument was that corporate tax rate cuts don't help the economy.
They don't. Ireland's wage growth is below almost every EU nation
And yet, their economy has grown much, much faster than those other EU nations, since the tax cut.​
the unemployment rate is higher than the UK,
And their unemployment rate is much lower than before the tax cut.​
The gap between Irish and UK unemployment is much, much lower than before the tax cut.​
and the economy contracts 33% of the time
Ireland set for fastest euro zone growth for fourth year in a row
Ireland set for fastest euro zone growth for fourth year in a row

Too bad it's not helping Ireland's actual economy any, as it experienced an economic contract of 3.5% in the first quarter of this year.

And no argument from me that corporate profits and the incomes of the 1% are soaring there. It's the same thing that happened here that you previously excoriated Obama for. So you're just a double-talking hypocrite.

In fact, over the last 20 years, Ireland's only managed an average growth of 1.5%...which is less than Obama's GDP growth rate.

Ireland can't attract any internal investment. So all those businesses relocating their pass-throughs there aren't actually expanding into the Irish market. And why would they? Ireland's economy contracts 33% of the time, it's unemployment rate is high, and wages are among the lowest and slowest growing in all of Europe.

In fact, over the last 20 years, Ireland's only managed an average growth of 1.5%

You're working off some bad data there.


GDP growth (annual %) | Data
So now that you know high-debt-to-GDP ratios do not harm economic growth...

This is false and you've not established otherwise.

It's so counter-intuitive, it's hard to believe any moron would dare to argue it.

Rising debt drives interest rates and interest rate increases drive inflation. Inflation stifles economic growth. Any flunking first-year economics student could tell you this... that's how utterly simple it is. Even the retards in the econ class get this one. But then, you didn't make it out of the Special Ed trailer, did ya? :dunno:

Derp...Derp... fap...fap...fap! ...Me Gusta!

If debt doesn't matter then why pay any taxes at all? Why do we need to give the government any of our money?

If debt doesn't matter, then why do we need to work, why not have the government provide everything?

If debt doesn't matter, then why not have the states take the federal money instead of taxing us?

The whole premise is silly on it's face.
Which is why corporations rushed to expand in Ireland. Because investment is pre-tax......but, wait.....
profit is post-tax. They must have decided higher post-tax profit is better than lower post-tax profit, eh?


They didn't expand into Ireland. They relocated their pass-throughs there, but that's not the same thing as expanding into the Irish market. And you know that. So you're being a sophist. Apple moved its pass-through there, but did Apple open up a plant in Ireland? No. Did they open up Apple stores because of the tax cut? No. In fact, there isn't even an Apple Store in Ireland, period. So you are misrepresenting "expansion" deliberately because you're a dishonest person by nature and that's how you operate. Relocating a pass-through isn't an expansion into a market. That's why the Canary Islands aren't an economic powerhouse. Nice try, sophist.

And yet, their economy has grown much, much faster than those other EU nations, since the tax cut.

Which means it's not benefiting Irish workers at all. Which means it won't benefit American workers if done here. So you're just making the rich, richer and everyone else deals with diminshed wages. So how is that proof that tax cuts are good for the economy? It's not.

And their unemployment rate is much lower than before the tax cut.
The gap between Irish and UK unemployment is much, much lower than before the tax cut.

But if these dramatic tax cuts were so wonderful, then why wouldn't they have lower unemployment? Unless you're now gonna say that relocating pass-throughs doesn't create jobs. And if it doesn't create jobs there, why would it create jobs here? You're not expanding into the Irish market, you're just relocating your pass-through there. Expanding into the market would entail expanding operations and sales. Which they're not doing. Fuck, even Apple hasn't opened an Apple Store in Ireland despite its pass-through HQ relocating there. Operations aren't relocating there. It's just a tax haven.

and the economy contracts 33% of the time
Ireland set for fastest euro zone growth for fourth year in a row
Ireland set for fastest euro zone growth for fourth year in a row

You can keep repeating that prediction all you want, but the facts show that Ireland's economy is unstable (contracting by 3.5% in Q1 of 2017 alone). That's why no businesses are expanding into the Irish market. Because Irish consumers have low wages, high unemployment, and no economic stability. Ireland's trade surplus means it's not importing products into the Irish market. Which means businesses aren't expanding into that market. You conflate relocating pass-throughs with market expansion because you're a fraud.

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