Republican tax cut will not trickle down

I just posted data showing Ireland's wage growth is among the worst in Europe. That's the culmination of the policy you support.

You're worse than a fucking cockroach! Now you're off over in Europe trying to draw comparisons with Ireland and the US! Derp...derp...fap...fap!

Let's globetrot around and have a look at the policies you support... Stalin- 20 million dead.... Mao- 70 million dead... Pol Pot- 2 million dead... Wow... lots of dead people in the wake of your FAILED policies!

Run cockroach, run!

The guy must be an absolute retard. By all indicators Ireland is doing a lot better than BEFORE the tax cuts. Why on earth should it be compared to other nations which were doing much better than Ireland already before the tax cuts? Low wage growth couldn't possibly have anything to do with the very deep recession.

He's not interested in making any decent arguments, just spewing the usual bullshit so that we hand out our freedoms to our property.

Of course, he's probably very pissed given that he KNOWS that the policy will work, which will make Trump more popular. That's probably the real reason for resistance. Besides that the policy rewards the hard working and I am getting the sense that this guy would not fall into the category of hard working, if working at all.
We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?
We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?

That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.
We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?

That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

We need to vote them all out. With a solid economy we should be dealing with the debt.
We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?

That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

We need to vote them all out. With a solid economy we should be dealing with the debt.

I agree, we need to cut spending and raise taxes. The economy is perfect for this, like The Derp has pointed out in the short run it would slow the economy down. In all reality, which party wants to take credit for slowing down the economy?

Maybe with term limits politicians would actually make the tough decisions to benefit us in the long run, I'm not sure, what are your thoughts?
ecause whining about income inequality is a liberal affliction.

You made the argument, now you can't even defend it. Why not just admit you made the argument in haste and didn't bother to do due diligence into what you're posting because you're lazy and entitled? Because that's what happened. You seized onto what you thought was a good statistic that could help your argument, only to find out that you didn't know much about the statistic you were quoting, then take the laughable position that I should make your argument make sense for you. Not gonna happen. It's your shit argument, so you have to defend it.

I'm utterly confident in the GDP per capita numbers I posted.

No you're not! You even said yourself beyond the superficiality of the number, you can't be expected to speak in depth about the thing you quoted. Who does that? Who spouts off about things they know nothing about? Donald Trump for one. It's a pathology among the right-wing; they blurt out shit then have to spend all their time walking it back, redefining the parameters, etc. All to feed your delicate, fragile ego.

Says the goofball who thinks the Irish are worse off now, when their GDP per capita is higher than ours in the US, than when their GDP per capita was 1/3rd lower than ours in the US. DURR!

Which means nothing so long as you can't provide information for income percentiles. But I get why you don't want to provide that info; because it's going to show that I'm right and that the working class in Ireland suffers under their current policies, including tax rates.

No, I mean the wage data that showed the gains in the 80s 90s and 2000s

Trouble for you is that the tax policy didn't end in the early 00''s still in effect today and now we're seeing the culmination of that policy and shit it causes. So you want to look at the data in a vacuum, and you want to do that only because its the only way your shit argument makes sense. It's like saying the Yankees won the game because after 7 innings, they had the lead. But then you ignore them blowing the game in the 8th and 9th innings.

This is you:

We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?

That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

We need to vote them all out. With a solid economy we should be dealing with the debt.

I agree, we need to cut spending and raise taxes. The economy is perfect for this, like The Derp has pointed out in the short run it would slow the economy down. In all reality, which party wants to take credit for slowing down the economy?

Maybe with term limits politicians would actually make the tough decisions to benefit us in the long run, I'm not sure, what are your thoughts?

I would be fine if they cut some spending and simplified taxes in a revenue neutral manner.
ecause whining about income inequality is a liberal affliction.

You made the argument, now you can't even defend it. Why not just admit you made the argument in haste and didn't bother to do due diligence into what you're posting because you're lazy and entitled? Because that's what happened. You seized onto what you thought was a good statistic that could help your argument, only to find out that you didn't know much about the statistic you were quoting, then take the laughable position that I should make your argument make sense for you. Not gonna happen. It's your shit argument, so you have to defend it.

I'm utterly confident in the GDP per capita numbers I posted.

No you're not! You even said yourself beyond the superficiality of the number, you can't be expected to speak in depth about the thing you quoted. Who does that? Who spouts off about things they know nothing about? Donald Trump for one. It's a pathology among the right-wing; they blurt out shit then have to spend all their time walking it back, redefining the parameters, etc. All to feed your delicate, fragile ego.

Says the goofball who thinks the Irish are worse off now, when their GDP per capita is higher than ours in the US, than when their GDP per capita was 1/3rd lower than ours in the US. DURR!

Which means nothing so long as you can't provide information for income percentiles. But I get why you don't want to provide that info; because it's going to show that I'm right and that the working class in Ireland suffers under their current policies, including tax rates.

No, I mean the wage data that showed the gains in the 80s 90s and 2000s

Trouble for you is that the tax policy didn't end in the early 00''s still in effect today and now we're seeing the culmination of that policy and shit it causes. So you want to look at the data in a vacuum, and you want to do that only because its the only way your shit argument makes sense. It's like saying the Yankees won the game because after 7 innings, they had the lead. But then you ignore them blowing the game in the 8th and 9th innings.

This is you:


Your argument was that businesses don't take tax rates into consideration when making decisions.
Your argument was that corporate tax rate cuts don't help the economy.
The Celtic Tiger shows you're wrong on both counts.
Of course, he's probably very pissed given that he KNOWS that the policy will work, which will make Trump more popular. That's probably the real reason for resistance. Besides that the policy rewards the hard working and I am getting the sense that this guy would not fall into the category of hard working, if working at all.

Ireland's current economy experiences contraction 33% of the time.

If you think that's good, then you're just talking out of your ass.
Your argument was that businesses don't take tax rates into consideration when making decisions.

NO! What I said what that businesses don't determine whether or not they will expand or invest based on what the profit tax is, because expanding and investing happens before one single red cent of profit is taxed. So not only did you completely and deliberately misrepresent my position, you also belied your lack of experience and knowledge about business expansion and investment. That's because you rush through your responses and do sloppy work.

Your argument was that corporate tax rate cuts don't help the economy.

They don't. Ireland's wage growth is below almost every EU nation, the unemployment rate is higher than the UK, and the economy contracts 33% of the time. That;s why those businesses that relocate to Ireland aren't expanding into the Irish market. They're just passing their profits through there. That's why Ireland's wage growth sucks, it's unemployment is high, and its economy contracts 1/3 of the time.

In fact, Ireland's economy contracted by -3.5% in Q1 of 2017, and GDP Growth Rate in Ireland averaged 1.35 percent from 1997 until 2017

That's a good economy? It's worse than Obama's growth rate - 1.76%

Your'e a fucking joke. It's like, all anyone has to do is just the minimal amount of critical thinking and effort to disprove all the shit you say.

he Celtic Tiger shows you're wrong on both counts.

Oh, you mean the Celtic Tiger that experiences economic contraction 33% of the time? Or the Celtic Tiger economy that averaged 1.35% growth the last 20 years? It's not a Celtic Tiger, it's a Celtic kitten.
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ecause whining about income inequality is a liberal affliction.

You made the argument, now you can't even defend it. Why not just admit you made the argument in haste and didn't bother to do due diligence into what you're posting because you're lazy and entitled? Because that's what happened. You seized onto what you thought was a good statistic that could help your argument, only to find out that you didn't know much about the statistic you were quoting, then take the laughable position that I should make your argument make sense for you. Not gonna happen. It's your shit argument, so you have to defend it.

I'm utterly confident in the GDP per capita numbers I posted.

No you're not! You even said yourself beyond the superficiality of the number, you can't be expected to speak in depth about the thing you quoted. Who does that? Who spouts off about things they know nothing about? Donald Trump for one. It's a pathology among the right-wing; they blurt out shit then have to spend all their time walking it back, redefining the parameters, etc. All to feed your delicate, fragile ego.

Says the goofball who thinks the Irish are worse off now, when their GDP per capita is higher than ours in the US, than when their GDP per capita was 1/3rd lower than ours in the US. DURR!

Which means nothing so long as you can't provide information for income percentiles. But I get why you don't want to provide that info; because it's going to show that I'm right and that the working class in Ireland suffers under their current policies, including tax rates.

No, I mean the wage data that showed the gains in the 80s 90s and 2000s

Trouble for you is that the tax policy didn't end in the early 00''s still in effect today and now we're seeing the culmination of that policy and shit it causes. So you want to look at the data in a vacuum, and you want to do that only because its the only way your shit argument makes sense. It's like saying the Yankees won the game because after 7 innings, they had the lead. But then you ignore them blowing the game in the 8th and 9th innings.

This is you:


Your argument was that businesses don't take tax rates into consideration when making decisions.
Your argument was that corporate tax rate cuts don't help the economy.
The Celtic Tiger shows you're wrong on both counts.
A minimum wage that beats the cost of social services and outpaces inflation, is a left wing solution.
That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

This is true. We can't even have a serious discussion about reducing the amount of built-in increase to entitlement programs without libs crying and screaming in agony. No politician wants to make serious cuts to anything because there will be a political consequence.

However, even though I am a conservative and would love to see the debt addressed, the debt is not really as big of a problem as some make it out to be. It's not the debt, it't the continued adding massively to the debt. We can live with debt, we've been doing it for over 200 years. We've not been in the black since the days of Jefferson. But what is happening now is we're adding trillions each year to the debt and that can't continue. We'e got to get our budget in order and stop massively adding to the debt every year. If we don't stop this trend, soon we'll not be able to service the debt and our entire economy will collapse.

I think that's exactly what the libs want. Bring it all crashing down so they can usher in Utopian Socialism.
However, even though I am a conservative and would love to see the debt addressed, the debt is not really as big of a problem as some make it out to be. It's not the debt, it't the continued adding massively to the debt. We can live with debt, we've been doing it for over 200 years. We've not been in the black since the days of Jefferson. But what is happening now is we're adding trillions each year to the debt and that can't continue. We'e got to get our budget in order and stop massively adding to the debt every year. If we don't stop this trend, soon we'll not be able to service the debt and our entire economy will collapse.

Please explain what the debt has to do with the economy? Because y'all lied about its effect on the economy just 7 years ago with your "Growth in the Time of Debt" horseshit white paper you used as your excuse to enact austerity.
We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?

That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

We need to vote them all out. With a solid economy we should be dealing with the debt.

I agree, we need to cut spending and raise taxes. The economy is perfect for this, like The Derp has pointed out in the short run it would slow the economy down. In all reality, which party wants to take credit for slowing down the economy?

Maybe with term limits politicians would actually make the tough decisions to benefit us in the long run, I'm not sure, what are your thoughts?

I would be fine if they cut some spending and simplified taxes in a revenue neutral manner.

I would like to see corporate welfare go away, that will have a negative impact on the economy initially however, if we can wean them off the government then we would have healthier businesses and a healthier government. I definitely agree that we need to simplify the tax code.
Please explain what the debt has to do with the economy? Because y'all lied about its effect on the economy just 7 years ago with your "Growth in the Time of Debt" horseshit white paper you used as your excuse to enact austerity.

I wish I had time to teach you macroeconomics here, but I really don't. There is a correlation between inflation and debt-to-GDP ratio which effects economic growth. There is debate on where that critical point is reached but suffice it to say that if you continue to run trillion-dollar deficits, you will reach it shortly. Once hyperinflation starts to happen it gets ugly fast and it's not easy to reverse. What that means to morons like you is, on top of what you consider "stagnant wages" you'll then be paying 3x or 4x as much for groceries and other goods and services.

We need to get another thing cleared up here. There is no magical way for a politician or party to enact a policy that instantly makes the economy great. IF they could, then every politician, whether Republican or Democrat, would simply enact the magic policy right before election time. The BEST anyone can do is enact policies which will encourage economic prosperity and growth, and it may take time.
We should be balancing the budget right now. Where is the balanced budget amendment?

That will never happen, we will never work to bring the deficit down either. It's spend, spend, spend and one day in the future it will bite us in the butt with high interest rates, high inflation and high unemployment. Neither party is interested in making the real tough decisions which will really make America great again, they are only interested in making everyone feel good now. Kick the can down the road is the philosophy.

We need to vote them all out. With a solid economy we should be dealing with the debt.

I agree, we need to cut spending and raise taxes. The economy is perfect for this, like The Derp has pointed out in the short run it would slow the economy down. In all reality, which party wants to take credit for slowing down the economy?

Maybe with term limits politicians would actually make the tough decisions to benefit us in the long run, I'm not sure, what are your thoughts?

I would be fine if they cut some spending and simplified taxes in a revenue neutral manner.

I would like to see corporate welfare go away, that will have a negative impact on the economy initially however, if we can wean them off the government then we would have healthier businesses and a healthier government. I definitely agree that we need to simplify the tax code.
Providing for the general welfare is Constitutional, providing for the general warfare is not.
There is a correlation between inflation and debt-to-GDP ratio which effects economic growth.


Y'all tried to lie about that back in 2010 with your "Growth in the Time of Debt" paper. That paper said that once debt reaches 90% of GDP the economy "falls off a cliff". And that's true...if you're omitting data that contradicts it and manipulating a spreadsheet in Excel to produce the desired outcome.

You're arguing a position that was already debunked because it was conceived by fraudsters and liars. In fact, when all the data is included and the Excel formulas are corrected, lower debt-to-GDP ratios negatively affect growth.

Amazing you would argue such a position. You're no scholar on economics. You're a fucking fraud...and not even a good one. One that relies on bullshit to carry what is obviously a weak and sloppy argument.

You never studied economics at all, did you? Macroeconomics specifically says there is no relation to high debt-to-GDP levels and weak growth. That's why you all commissioned that non-peer reviewed paper in 2010 ("Growth in the Time of Debt") because you wanted there to be an excuse to enact austerity policies. Why? BECAUSE YOU'RE PIECES OF SHIT.

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