Republican tax cut will not trickle down

In the running ^^^ for shortest non emoji Idiot-gram of the month.

Well sorry, but everything you posted is pure propaganda. It's not even based in fact. First and foremost, we do not tax WEALTH in America, we tax INCOME. So all your claims about "money to the wealthy" is irrelevant to a tax cut. Furthermore, even IF what you claim were to transpire, the wealth STILL manages to make it's way back to the American economy in the form of trade. Our dollars mean nothing to someone in Japan, they can't spend them there. They ultimately end up buying American products with that wealth.

Mandating minimum wage increases KILLS JOBS! We know this for a fact! Why do you want to KILL JOBS? How does that help our economy? And finally, your "3a" is nothing but a Marxist RANT! It means absolutely NOTHING!
Yet president Kennedy (JFK) facing similar economic challenges advocated for EXACTLY the same tax reforms president Trump is about to sign into law. Its on tape to a speech Kennedy gave to an economic group in NY.
Typical Right-wing Half-truth whole-lie.
Kennedy gave this caveat in the very speech you cite!!!!!!
"If the economy today were operating close to capacity levels with little unemployment, or if a sudden change in our military requirements should cause a scramble for men and resources, then I would oppose tax reductions as irresponsible and inflationary -- and I would not hesitate to recommend a tax increase, if that were necessary."
The Right NEVER tell the whole truth assuming everyone else is too lazy to check them!!!

Look snowflake the economy is NOT operating anywhere close to capacity, 10's of millions out of work, millions more underemployed, millions more working shit jobs for shit pay, hence your argument is retarded. :itsok:
Providing for the general welfare engenders a positive multiplier, providing for the general warfare does not.

Again, where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them. Again you are just trolling. I tire of your inability to hold a discussion.
Every time you advocate for more spending on crime, drugs, and terror.

Where did I advocate more spending on crime, drugs and terror. I am advocating cutting ALL spending by 25%, you and I discussed my view on drugs over and over and over again and you still come up with stupid cliches that don’t apply to me. I tire of your poorly thought out BS that you spew, if all you have is stupid, then please quit trolling me. Your thoughtless posts do nothing to advance any meaningful dialogue.
General welfare spending is Constitutional general warfare spending is not.

Again, where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Can you answer the question or a you a mindless bot?
Where are the cuts coming from?
What makes you believe this form of tax reform will tickle down to the middle and lower income citizen?

Because it can't do anything else in a free market system.

First of all, the majority of the cuts are directly going to the middle class. But all money returned to the taxpayer will ultimately have one of three outcomes. 1) It is spent, where it "trickles down" in the form of job opportunities, salaries, tips and wages. 2) It is invested, where it "trickles down" in the form of credit and loans made available at reasonable interest rates for those who need capital. Or invested in stocks where it "trickles down" into a lower income person's retirement account. And 3) Kind of nonsensical, but the money can be buried or burned in a fire.... this effectively increases the value of remaining money.

This is how a free market capitalist system operates. Everything trickles down.

Simple explanations are for simple people, thanks for you comment Simon.

1a. The increase in money in the hands of the investor class can be invested in the States, but more and more of the money in the hands of the very wealthy is invested overseas, which does not benefit those promised it will trickle down to anyone who have been promised by Trump and Ryan, et al, that it will.

2a. There is no mandate to raise the hourly wage minimum, or the salaries of working Americans in the bill; there is no mandate for money repatriated from earnings out of the country to be used within our country to do anything. They can simply give more to the Executive Management to spend on vacations in Europe and benefit their economies.

3a. That's silly. The greatest risk to such valuables is created by the greed of the power elite, their lust for power and money. It festers what the right wing greatly fears, a mass movement to violently take their wealth, some thing people educated in history and political science understand.

The increase in money in the hands of the investor class can be invested in the States, but more and more of the money in the hands of the very wealthy is invested overseas,

Money is invested overseas to benefit from lower tax rates and fewer ridiculous regulations.
Reduce tax rates and stupid regulations and you incentivize investment here.

There is no mandate to raise the hourly wage minimum, or the salaries of working Americans in the bill;

Good, we have enough stupid mandates.

They can simply give more to the Executive Management

Oh no, Management will pay more income tax.......
Yet president Kennedy (JFK) facing similar economic challenges advocated for EXACTLY the same tax reforms president Trump is about to sign into law. Its on tape to a speech Kennedy gave to an economic group in NY.
Typical Right-wing Half-truth whole-lie.
Kennedy gave this caveat in the very speech you cite!!!!!!
"If the economy today were operating close to capacity levels with little unemployment, or if a sudden change in our military requirements should cause a scramble for men and resources, then I would oppose tax reductions as irresponsible and inflationary -- and I would not hesitate to recommend a tax increase, if that were necessary."
The Right NEVER tell the whole truth assuming everyone else is too lazy to check them!!!

Look snowflake the economy is NOT operating anywhere close to capacity, 10's of millions out of work, millions more underemployed, millions more working shit jobs for shit pay, hence your argument is retarded. :itsok:
Hold on a minute there Slick, Tramp just told us that there are 6,610,000 unemployed, 469,000 discouraged workers who want a job for a U-4 rate of 4.4% when full employment is defined as 4.5% to 5%, so how does that add up to TENS ON MILLIONS??????
Yet president Kennedy (JFK) facing similar economic challenges advocated for EXACTLY the same tax reforms president Trump is about to sign into law. Its on tape to a speech Kennedy gave to an economic group in NY.
Typical Right-wing Half-truth whole-lie.
Kennedy gave this caveat in the very speech you cite!!!!!!
"If the economy today were operating close to capacity levels with little unemployment, or if a sudden change in our military requirements should cause a scramble for men and resources, then I would oppose tax reductions as irresponsible and inflationary -- and I would not hesitate to recommend a tax increase, if that were necessary."
The Right NEVER tell the whole truth assuming everyone else is too lazy to check them!!!

Look snowflake the economy is NOT operating anywhere close to capacity, 10's of millions out of work, millions more underemployed, millions more working shit jobs for shit pay, hence your argument is retarded. :itsok:
Hold on a minute there Slick, Tramp just told us that there are 6,610,000 unemployed, 469,000 discouraged workers who want a job for a U-4 rate of 4.4% when full employment is defined as 4.5% to 5%, so how does that add up to TENS ON MILLIONS??????

You libs talk out your ass, yesterday you said the situation is dire for the poor and middle class, wage stagnation, wealth inequality, then today you do a 180. Talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
Yet president Kennedy (JFK) facing similar economic challenges advocated for EXACTLY the same tax reforms president Trump is about to sign into law. Its on tape to a speech Kennedy gave to an economic group in NY.
Typical Right-wing Half-truth whole-lie.
Kennedy gave this caveat in the very speech you cite!!!!!!
"If the economy today were operating close to capacity levels with little unemployment, or if a sudden change in our military requirements should cause a scramble for men and resources, then I would oppose tax reductions as irresponsible and inflationary -- and I would not hesitate to recommend a tax increase, if that were necessary."
The Right NEVER tell the whole truth assuming everyone else is too lazy to check them!!!

Look snowflake the economy is NOT operating anywhere close to capacity, 10's of millions out of work, millions more underemployed, millions more working shit jobs for shit pay, hence your argument is retarded. :itsok:
Hold on a minute there Slick, Tramp just told us that there are 6,610,000 unemployed, 469,000 discouraged workers who want a job for a U-4 rate of 4.4% when full employment is defined as 4.5% to 5%, so how does that add up to TENS ON MILLIONS??????

You libs talk out your ass, yesterday you said the situation is dire for the poor and middle class, wage stagnation, wealth inequality, then today you do a 180. Talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
As do you!
Yesterday the Trump economy was the best it had ever been, setting records for the highest number of workers employed in history and now suddenly there are TENS OF MILLIONS not working.
Again, where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them. Again you are just trolling. I tire of your inability to hold a discussion.
Every time you advocate for more spending on crime, drugs, and terror.

Where did I advocate more spending on crime, drugs and terror. I am advocating cutting ALL spending by 25%, you and I discussed my view on drugs over and over and over again and you still come up with stupid cliches that don’t apply to me. I tire of your poorly thought out BS that you spew, if all you have is stupid, then please quit trolling me. Your thoughtless posts do nothing to advance any meaningful dialogue.
General welfare spending is Constitutional general warfare spending is not.

Again, where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Can you answer the question or a you a mindless bot?
Where are the cuts coming from?

I told you where the cuts were coming from, again where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Is it possible for you to be honest and answer the question?
Yet president Kennedy (JFK) facing similar economic challenges advocated for EXACTLY the same tax reforms president Trump is about to sign into law. Its on tape to a speech Kennedy gave to an economic group in NY.
Typical Right-wing Half-truth whole-lie.
Kennedy gave this caveat in the very speech you cite!!!!!!
"If the economy today were operating close to capacity levels with little unemployment, or if a sudden change in our military requirements should cause a scramble for men and resources, then I would oppose tax reductions as irresponsible and inflationary -- and I would not hesitate to recommend a tax increase, if that were necessary."
The Right NEVER tell the whole truth assuming everyone else is too lazy to check them!!!

Look snowflake the economy is NOT operating anywhere close to capacity, 10's of millions out of work, millions more underemployed, millions more working shit jobs for shit pay, hence your argument is retarded. :itsok:
Hold on a minute there Slick, Tramp just told us that there are 6,610,000 unemployed, 469,000 discouraged workers who want a job for a U-4 rate of 4.4% when full employment is defined as 4.5% to 5%, so how does that add up to TENS ON MILLIONS??????

You libs talk out your ass, yesterday you said the situation is dire for the poor and middle class, wage stagnation, wealth inequality, then today you do a 180. Talk to the hand :eusa_hand:
As do you!
Yesterday the Trump economy was the best it had ever been, setting records for the highest number of workers employed in history and now suddenly there are TENS OF MILLIONS not working.

Everything these Conservatives say is a half-truth, full-lie. As you pointed out earlier. They do that sort of thing all the time. It's their standard operating procedure; never tell the full truth.

Everything these Conservatives say is a half-truth, full-lie.

^^^ and there we have the liberal projection, go read your Fake News lib.

"We have to pass it so you know what's in it..." - The quote you use.
"We have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy" - The actual quote.

From that point alone, I can unravel the entire Conservative argument against Obamacare. You deliberately create a "fog of controversy", which proves Pelosi's entire statement correct. So you ironically prove her statement true about you creating false controversy which begs the question; since you were deliberately misleading people over Pelosi's statement, what else are you deliberately misleading people over? The victim-hood status, for starters. The prediction of death panels. The "spike" in premiums that never materialized. There's not one thing you've said about the ACA that isn't a "fog of controversy".

And from there, the question turns to "OK, since they created false controversy over Obamacare, isn't it possible they create false controversy over taxes too?" Like pretending that tax cuts for the rich and tax increases for you are good for the economy? Like your denial about climate change? Your fake hysteria over illegal immigrants? See, one by one these arguments all start looking like "fogs of controversy" don't they?

Same thing with the JFK quote about taxes that you just got OWNED on this very thread, you fucking fraud.

Nothing you say is the whole truth. It never is with you because your insecurity takes precedence over the truth.

So fuck you.
Last edited:
Everything these Conservatives say is a half-truth, full-lie.

^^^ and there we have the liberal projection, go read your Fake News lib.

"We have to pass it so you know what's in it..." - The quote you use.
"We have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy" - The actual quote.

From that point alone, I can unravel the entire Conservative argument against Obamacare. You deliberately create a "fog of controversy", which proves Pelosi's entire statement correct. So you ironically prove her statement true about you creating false controversey which begs the question; since you were deliberreately misleading people over Pelosi's statement, what else are you deliberately misleading people over? The victimhood status, for starters. The prediction of death panels. The "spike" in premiums that never materialized. There's not one thing you've said about the ACA that isn't a "fog of controversy"

Same thing with the JFK quote about taxes that you just got OWNED on this very thread, you fucking fraud.

Nothing you say is the whole truth. It never is with you because your insecurity takes precedence over the truth.

So fuck you.

LOL more fake news from the left. Link to Dem's who read the 2,000 page Obamacare bill before passing it?
Every time you advocate for more spending on crime, drugs, and terror.

Where did I advocate more spending on crime, drugs and terror. I am advocating cutting ALL spending by 25%, you and I discussed my view on drugs over and over and over again and you still come up with stupid cliches that don’t apply to me. I tire of your poorly thought out BS that you spew, if all you have is stupid, then please quit trolling me. Your thoughtless posts do nothing to advance any meaningful dialogue.
General welfare spending is Constitutional general warfare spending is not.

Again, where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Can you answer the question or a you a mindless bot?
Where are the cuts coming from?

I told you where the cuts were coming from, again where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Is it possible for you to be honest and answer the question?
In other words, just something else for the right wing to whine about when more convicts are released early.
Everything these Conservatives say is a half-truth, full-lie.

^^^ and there we have the liberal projection, go read your Fake News lib.

"We have to pass it so you know what's in it..." - The quote you use.
"We have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy" - The actual quote.

From that point alone, I can unravel the entire Conservative argument against Obamacare. You deliberately create a "fog of controversy", which proves Pelosi's entire statement correct. So you ironically prove her statement true about you creating false controversey which begs the question; since you were deliberreately misleading people over Pelosi's statement, what else are you deliberately misleading people over? The victimhood status, for starters. The prediction of death panels. The "spike" in premiums that never materialized. There's not one thing you've said about the ACA that isn't a "fog of controversy"

Same thing with the JFK quote about taxes that you just got OWNED on this very thread, you fucking fraud.

Nothing you say is the whole truth. It never is with you because your insecurity takes precedence over the truth.

So fuck you.

LOL more fake news from the left. Link to Dem's who read the 2,000 page Obamacare bill before passing it?

That's right, double-down on your lying bullshit that you just got called out on. So since you were lying about Pelosi's statement, you're probably lying about everything else.

Of course they read it. They aren't Conservatives who literally pass bills without reading them. LITERALLY. The ACA's process took an entire year, YOU REFUSED TO PARTICIPATE IN THAT PROCESS. So you don't get to criticize. Instead, you can kindly go fuck yourself.
Everything these Conservatives say is a half-truth, full-lie.

^^^ and there we have the liberal projection, go read your Fake News lib.

"We have to pass it so you know what's in it..." - The quote you use.
"We have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy" - The actual quote.

From that point alone, I can unravel the entire Conservative argument against Obamacare. You deliberately create a "fog of controversy", which proves Pelosi's entire statement correct. So you ironically prove her statement true about you creating false controversey which begs the question; since you were deliberreately misleading people over Pelosi's statement, what else are you deliberately misleading people over? The victimhood status, for starters. The prediction of death panels. The "spike" in premiums that never materialized. There's not one thing you've said about the ACA that isn't a "fog of controversy"

Same thing with the JFK quote about taxes that you just got OWNED on this very thread, you fucking fraud.

Nothing you say is the whole truth. It never is with you because your insecurity takes precedence over the truth.

So fuck you.

LOL more fake news from the left. Link to Dem's who read the 2,000 page Obamacare bill before passing it?

The lie he says: "We have to pass it so you know what's in it..."
The actual quote: "We have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy"

So since you literally created a fog of controversy by cutting off the "fog of controversy", how is anyone to trust anything you say?
Everything these Conservatives say is a half-truth, full-lie.

^^^ and there we have the liberal projection, go read your Fake News lib.

"We have to pass it so you know what's in it..." - The quote you use.
"We have to pass it so you know what's in it outside the fog of controversy" - The actual quote.

From that point alone, I can unravel the entire Conservative argument against Obamacare. You deliberately create a "fog of controversy", which proves Pelosi's entire statement correct. So you ironically prove her statement true about you creating false controversey which begs the question; since you were deliberreately misleading people over Pelosi's statement, what else are you deliberately misleading people over? The victimhood status, for starters. The prediction of death panels. The "spike" in premiums that never materialized. There's not one thing you've said about the ACA that isn't a "fog of controversy"

Same thing with the JFK quote about taxes that you just got OWNED on this very thread, you fucking fraud.

Nothing you say is the whole truth. It never is with you because your insecurity takes precedence over the truth.

So fuck you.

LOL more fake news from the left. Link to Dem's who read the 2,000 page Obamacare bill before passing it?

That's right, double-down on your lying bullshit that you just got called out on. So since you were lying about Pelosi's statement, you're probably lying about everything else.

Of course they read it. They aren't Conservatives who literally pass bills without reading them. LITERALLY. The ACA's process took an entire year, YOU REFUSED TO PARTICIPATE IN THAT PROCESS. So you don't get to criticize. Instead, you can kindly go fuck yourself.

I didn't post Pelosi's statement you did, yet another lie you just told.
Where did I advocate more spending on crime, drugs and terror. I am advocating cutting ALL spending by 25%, you and I discussed my view on drugs over and over and over again and you still come up with stupid cliches that don’t apply to me. I tire of your poorly thought out BS that you spew, if all you have is stupid, then please quit trolling me. Your thoughtless posts do nothing to advance any meaningful dialogue.
General welfare spending is Constitutional general warfare spending is not.

Again, where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Can you answer the question or a you a mindless bot?
Where are the cuts coming from?

I told you where the cuts were coming from, again where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Is it possible for you to be honest and answer the question?
In other words, just something else for the right wing to whine about when more convicts are released early.

You make stuff up with out proof, I even answered your question and you still won’t answer mine. You are left or right, you are an idiot that has nothing meaningful to say and all you do troll by repeating your same nonsenses over and over. Thank you for proving my point about you.
I didn't post Pelosi's statement you did, yet another lie you just told.

Fuck you. The intent was obvious. It all goes back to that statement. And you;re telling me that if I did a search on this message voard of all your posts, you wouldn't once say "pass it so you know what's in it"?
General welfare spending is Constitutional general warfare spending is not.

Again, where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Can you answer the question or a you a mindless bot?
Where are the cuts coming from?

I told you where the cuts were coming from, again where did I say I believe in locking people up or killing them? Is it possible for you to be honest and answer the question?
In other words, just something else for the right wing to whine about when more convicts are released early.

You make stuff up with out proof, I even answered your question and you still won’t answer mine. You are left or right, you are an idiot that has nothing meaningful to say and all you do troll by repeating your same nonsenses over and over. Thank you for proving my point about you.


So help me understand why you believe any anonymous internet poster who claims to be a victim of Obamacare without proof, yet you won't believe women who are willing to testify under oath? Wait, I know the're a garbage person.
I didn't post Pelosi's statement you did, yet another lie you just told.

Fuck you. The intent was obvious. It all goes back to that statement. And you;re telling me that if I did a search on this message voard of all your posts, you wouldn't once say "pass it so you know what's in it"?

You told an intentional lie, I pointed out your lie. Here lets review what you said, "since you were lying about Pelosi's statement" you get :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar: for that whopper. So much irony since you are bloviating non stop about context and accuracy of Pelosi's statement.

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