Republican Thug Michael Grimm Sent To Prison

"Underreported" his taxes? Oh the shame!

Everyone should underreport their taxes.
I didn't know you were Greek.

Amazing. You wingnuts say things like this, then criticize the people who actually do what you advocate, and blame it on "Socialism" when they run out of money and can't pay their debts.
When is Charlie Rangel reporting for his sentence?
Makes me wonder when Tom Daschle will go to prison, or Tim Geithner, or Al Sharpton. Oh, I forgot. They're Democrats, they get a pass. Never mind.
Daschle didn't violate any law or get any pass... Tim Geithner didn't violat any law or get any pass... Al Sharpton didn't violate any law or get any pass... oh I forgot you like to imply they did ... then say never mind it, because you know they didn't violat any law ... you must be thinking about tom Delay ... he got convicted ... then got a free pass ... Your bad !!!
Yeah, Daschle just "forgot" to pay $100,000 in taxes. You're an idiot.
White House Says Daschle s Tax Failure Was a Serious Mistake - ABC News

Yeah, Geithner just "forgot" to pay $26,000 in taxes in 2001 and $17,000 in 2004. You're an idiot.
Geithner s Tax Troubles Are Serious - Forbes

Yeah, Al Sharpton just "forgot" to pay $4.5 million in taxes. You're an idiot.
Free Pass for One Percenter Al Sharpton on 4.5 Million Owed in Taxes - Rachel Alexander - Page full
if anyone is a idiot that would be you ... there is a difference in being accused and being charged ... some thing you have a problem with ...
Daschle was told that by getting the car he used to go from place to place was taxable .... he did this for many years on his taxes he didn't show that ... he didn't realize that you are taxed for that ... that's not forgetting to pay, that's just not understand the tax code .... which a lot of people do ... which by the way he paid it ... but stupid people like you seem to have a problem with that ... the difference here is they weren't avoiding or forgetting to pay as you implied here to justify your lying to us ... after all we all know you are a lair ...

you claim Al Sharpton forgot to pay his taxes that too is a lie ... the organazation he runs, nonprofit National Action Network owes the 4.7 million but we understand you attempt to lie here to justify your means ... according to the IRS the nonprofit National Action Network have been paying it back .... you said they forgot to pay, so again like all your lying post here you distort what is factual because you sir are a liar

now you said Geithne forgot to pay his taxes, again another pathetic attempt of yours about the real truth .... Why do you lie so much???

Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner faced heaps of criticism over reports of his failure to pay Social Security and Medicare taxes you said he forgot to pay ... According to the IRS, Not me, the IRS ...Geithner would end up being confirmed as Treasury Secretary, as a number of prominent Republican senators concluded that $34,000 he initially failed to pay (he eventually paid the full amount) was not an egregious enough misstep to leave an important post unoccupied.... so stop your lying ... they paid ... they didn't get off from paying their taxes ... they were never charge ... because they would have to show intent ... they didn't show anywhere where, according to the IRS intent was to not pay their taxes ... try again, loser
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Just another in a long line of criminal conservatives.

Michael Grimm, US ex-congressman, jailed for tax evasion

Last year Grimm pleaded guilty to charges that he underreported more than $1m (£600,000) in wages from a Manhattan health food restaurant.

The New York Republican, who once threatened to throw a reporter off a balcony, was re-elected in November but later resigned.

Prosecutors had pushed for a two-year prison sentence.
Can you link to your thread about Jesse Jackson jr going to prison on pretty much the same charges? If not, you're a hack.
Just another in a long line of criminal conservatives.

Michael Grimm, US ex-congressman, jailed for tax evasion

Last year Grimm pleaded guilty to charges that he underreported more than $1m (£600,000) in wages from a Manhattan health food restaurant.

The New York Republican, who once threatened to throw a reporter off a balcony, was re-elected in November but later resigned.

Prosecutors had pushed for a two-year prison sentence.
Can you link to your thread about Jesse Jackson jr going to prison on pretty much the same charges? If not, you're a hack.
here you go Jesse Jackson Jr. going to prison says he manned up -

tell left-wing nutjob's hero al sharpton to pay his taxes. how come he's not in prison? while you're at it tell hhim to pay on the judgement against him for slandering a cop who later committed suicide by falsely accusing him of raping Tawan Brawley. idiots and hypocrites
great Grimm can join the new york Democrats sent to jail for VOTE FRAUD; you know the thing left-wing nutjobs say doesnt exist?

tell left-wing nutjob's hero al sharpton to pay his taxes. how come he's not in prison? while you're at it tell hhim to pay on the judgement against him for slandering a cop who later committed suicide by falsely accusing him of raping Tawan Brawley. idiots and hypocrites
well if you look at the law, then you would realize he didn't avoid paying his taxes .. his orgnazation thought being a non-profit that they wouldn't be taxed, in this case they were and they've been paying them back ... try again loser ...

Sharpton didn't do anything wrong ...the young girl did by lying ...all Sharpton did was to demanded justice ... later the girl told the truth ... that's not sharpton fault thats the girl lied and its not sharpton fault that the cop killed himself ...

so I would say to you right wing nut jod scum, know the facts first insten of coming here and making a fool of yourself, you see somer of us know the truth here

tell left-wing nutjob's hero al sharpton to pay his taxes. how come he's not in prison? while you're at it tell hhim to pay on the judgement against him for slandering a cop who later committed suicide by falsely accusing him of raping Tawan Brawley. idiots and hypocrites
well if you look at the law, then you would realize he didn't avoid paying his taxes .. his orgnazation thought being a non-profit that they wouldn't be taxed, in this case they were and they've been paying them back ... try again loser ...

Sharpton didn't do anything wrong ...the young girl did by lying ...all Sharpton did was to demanded justice ... later the girl told the truth ... that's not sharpton fault thats the girl lied and its not sharpton fault that the cop killed himself ...

so I would say to you right wing nut jod scum, know the facts first insten of coming here and making a fool of yourself, you see somer of us know the truth here

well if you wold look at the law sharpton libled and slandered an innocent man
try again loser
great Grimm can join the new york Democrats sent to jail for VOTE FRAUD; you know the thing left-wing nutjobs say doesnt exist?
I don't know of anyone on the left that says there isn't any voter fraud ... we have said that the amount of people caught has never affected any election...I believe the estamate was like .001% is the number for voter fraud last I checked ...
sharpton also gave a speech saying "BURN IT DOWN" REFERRING TO White "gentrification" of Harlem years ago. later that day a guy went in a store with a can of gasoline and burned people to death'

your'e a clown
great Grimm can join the new york Democrats sent to jail for VOTE FRAUD; you know the thing left-wing nutjobs say doesnt exist?
I don't know of anyone on the left that says there isn't any voter fraud ... we have said that the amount of people caught has never affected any election...I believe the estamate was like .001% is the number for voter fraud last I checked ...

i've seen dozens on these boards who say just that
try again
Sharpton also called the Central Park jogger, gang-raped and assualted til her brain matter seeped from her head, a "whore" and said her boyfriend raped her
look who you despicable idiots worship and defend

tell left-wing nutjob's hero al sharpton to pay his taxes. how come he's not in prison? while you're at it tell hhim to pay on the judgement against him for slandering a cop who later committed suicide by falsely accusing him of raping Tawan Brawley. idiots and hypocrites
well if you look at the law, then you would realize he didn't avoid paying his taxes .. his orgnazation thought being a non-profit that they wouldn't be taxed, in this case they were and they've been paying them back ... try again loser ...

Sharpton didn't do anything wrong ...the young girl did by lying ...all Sharpton did was to demanded justice ... later the girl told the truth ... that's not sharpton fault thats the girl lied and its not sharpton fault that the cop killed himself ...

so I would say to you right wing nut jod scum, know the facts first insten of coming here and making a fool of yourself, you see somer of us know the truth here

well if you wold look at the law sharpton libled and slandered an innocent man
try again loser
I think you need to look up the llibled laws ... you have to show intent ... Sharpton was going on the facts that was given to him ... thats not intent ... thats why he never libled the cop there wasn't any intent
Sharpton also called the Central Park jogger, gang-raped and assualted til her brain matter seeped from her head, a "whore" and said her boyfriend raped her
look who you despicable idiots worship and defend
you need to look at the law you have no
Idea what you're talking aboutr

tell left-wing nutjob's hero al sharpton to pay his taxes. how come he's not in prison? while you're at it tell hhim to pay on the judgement against him for slandering a cop who later committed suicide by falsely accusing him of raping Tawan Brawley. idiots and hypocrites
well if you look at the law, then you would realize he didn't avoid paying his taxes .. his orgnazation thought being a non-profit that they wouldn't be taxed, in this case they were and they've been paying them back ... try again loser ...

Sharpton didn't do anything wrong ...the young girl did by lying ...all Sharpton did was to demanded justice ... later the girl told the truth ... that's not sharpton fault thats the girl lied and its not sharpton fault that the cop killed himself ...

so I would say to you right wing nut jod scum, know the facts first insten of coming here and making a fool of yourself, you see somer of us know the truth here

well if you wold look at the law sharpton libled and slandered an innocent man
try again loser
I think you need to look up the llibled laws ... you have to show intent ... Sharpton was going on the facts that was given to him ... thats not intent ... thats why he never libled the cop there wasn't any intent

except the new york jury unanimously agreed he did

try again idiot
Sharpton also called the Central Park jogger, gang-raped and assualted til her brain matter seeped from her head, a "whore" and said her boyfriend raped her
look who you despicable idiots worship and defend
you need to look at the law you have no
Idea what you're talking aboutr

sure dummy; except you cant show me or anybody else what part i have wrong

try again
what a joke you are. i left this site for months; a year in fact. i come back and you're still making a fool of yourself

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