Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Love the cartoon. Strange that Republicans on the USMB don't see anything wrong there.

Don't see anything wrong with what? The Cartoon? It's a Pack of fucking Lies. It's Propaganda that would have Made Hitlers Propaganda Machine Proud.

and you are still an idiot.

Really Charles? Which sign is not a tenet of the right?

None of it. Remember where most of Obama's campaign money originates.
He is on bed with Wall Street banks, the Hollywood elite and large corporations.
If teabaggers ever gain control, grandma won't have to be pushed. She will die from asphyxiation. And children will never live long enough to be grandmas.

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies

Industrial toxins could be leading to more childhood disease and disorders.

"We are in an epidemic of environmentally mediated disease among American children today," he said. "Rates of asthma, childhood cancers, birth defects and developmental disorders have exponentially increased, and it can't be explained by changes in the human genome. So what has changed? All the chemicals we're being exposed to."

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb

It's amazing how Americans used to survive and prosper before all that regulation was put in hey?

You're right. Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?
Ahh yes. When all else fails, you libs run to the all or nothing straw man argument.
Don't see anything wrong with what? The Cartoon? It's a Pack of fucking Lies. It's Propaganda that would have Made Hitlers Propaganda Machine Proud.

and you are still an idiot.

Really Charles? Which sign is not a tenet of the right?

None of it. Remember where most of Obama's campaign money originates.
He is on bed with Wall Street banks, the Hollywood elite and large corporations.
But that's different. Somehow. It just is.

Right, Bfgrn?
They lived short nasty painful lives.

Unless of course they had money.

Yes I know, life in the 1950's was dreadful. Americans were dropping down dead by the tens of thousands.

Depends on who you were.

It sucked to be black in the south in the 1950s.

And? So for that we here 60 years later should be made to pay for that? we should be punished for someone else's behavior?

I don't give a rats ass about the typos and my shitty spelling.

I'm much more concerned with the facts.

The real question is why do you care so little for facts?

You are the one who always quotes the Democrats political rhetoric and not facts.
Political Rhetoric-speech or discourse that pretends to significance but lacks true meaning, all the politician says is mere rhetoric.

People here put up actual facts and you treat it like it's rhetoric.
Go and actually get facts right from the source. Not lefty news and blogs, who are talking rhetoric.

There is a big difference between political talk and actual facts.

There is also a big difference what you do. You try to make a point about something and then you don't include the whole thing. You drop parts that don't fit you ideology.

I don't give a rats ass about the typos and my shitty spelling.

I'm much more concerned with the facts.

The real question is why do you care so little for facts?

You are the one who always quotes the Democrats political rhetoric and not facts.your a fucking liar
Political Rhetoric-speech or discourse that pretends to significance but lacks true meaning, all the politician says is mere rhetoric.

People here put up actual facts and you treat it like it's rhetoric.your a fucking liar
Go and actually get facts right from the source. Not lefty news and blogs, who are talking rhetoric.

There is a big difference between political talk and actual facts.

There is also a big difference what you do. You try to make a point about something and then you don't include the whole thing. You drop parts that don't fit you ideology.

Your a fucking liar

I don't give a rats ass about the typos and my shitty spelling.

I'm much more concerned with the facts.

The real question is why do you care so little for facts?

You are the one who always quotes the Democrats political rhetoric and not facts.
Political Rhetoric-speech or discourse that pretends to significance but lacks true meaning, all the politician says is mere rhetoric.

People here put up actual facts and you treat it like it's rhetoric.
Go and actually get facts right from the source. Not lefty news and blogs, who are talking rhetoric.

There is a big difference between political talk and actual facts.

There is also a big difference what you do. You try to make a point about something and then you don't include the whole thing. You drop parts that don't fit you ideology.

since when is congressional testimony rhetoric?

Since when is court documented evidence rhetoric?

I don't give a rats ass about the typos and my shitty spelling.

I'm much more concerned with the facts.

The real question is why do you care so little for facts?

You are the one who always quotes the Democrats political rhetoric and not facts.
Political Rhetoric-speech or discourse that pretends to significance but lacks true meaning, all the politician says is mere rhetoric.

People here put up actual facts and you treat it like it's rhetoric.
Go and actually get facts right from the source. Not lefty news and blogs, who are talking rhetoric.

There is a big difference between political talk and actual facts.

There is also a big difference what you do. You try to make a point about something and then you don't include the whole thing. You drop parts that don't fit you ideology.

You are the one who denies science , history, studies and court documented evidence.

I dont give a rats ass about the typos and my shitty spelling.

Im much more concerned with the facts.

The real question is why do you care so little for facts?

The fact is how one presents them self is an indication of their intelligence.
If you cannot take the time to correct your spelling and grammar, you have no credibility.
You are ridiculed and ignored.
Your inability to communicate like a person of average intelligence indicates you cannot fathom a grasp of the facts.
You are an outsider.
Isn't it funny how the truth keeps rearing it's ugly head? And does anyone find it funny that the same faux news parrots keep repeating the same denials?

And isn't hysterical that whenever hard evidence is presented, terms like cut& paste become the first line of defense?

But PLEASE stay on your mission, don't let any liberals talk you out of your social Darwinism.

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

calling the people traitors and saying they are waging a war...
what truth is in that..?
with the Progressives it's always a WAR on something..
and especially the war on the poor poor Government

it's all become a YAWN

I guess this guy is a 'progressive' too, huh Monica?

Alan Simpson Slams Fellow Republicans For Unwillingness To Compromise


Former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) lashed out at members of his party on Sunday, slamming them for their unwillingness to compromise on proposed tax increases.

In his characteristically colorful style, Simpson told CNN's Fareed Zakaria that Republicans' rigid opposition to new tax revenues has hampered productivity and diminished the chances of reaching an agreement with Democrats on debt reduction.

"You can’t cut spending your way out of this hole," Simpson, who was appointed as co-chair of President Obama's Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform in 2010, said. "You can’t grow your way out of this hole, and you can’t tax your way out of this hole. So put that in your pipe and smoke it, we tell these people. This is madness."

Simpson continued: "If you want to be a purist, go somewhere on a mountaintop and praise the east or something. But if you want to be in politics, you learn to compromise. And you learn to compromise on the issue without compromising yourself. Show me a guy who won’t compromise and I’ll show you a guy with rock for brains."

The former senator, along with debt commission co-chair Erskine Bowles, developed a plan in 2010 for bringing down the top tax rate and lowering the deficit by repealing a number of tax cuts and credits. The initial plan, commonly known as Simpson-Bowles, was mostly ignored by lawmakers. A bipartisan budget modeled after their report was rejected by the House earlier this year.

During the interview Sunday, he expressed frustration with his party's focus on social issues, as well as the ability of outspoken figures like Americans for Tax Reform head Grover Norquist to drive the conversation.

"I guess I'm known as a RINO now, which means a Republican in name only, because, I guess, of social views, perhaps, or common sense would be another one, which seems to escape members of our party," Simpson said. "For heaven’s sake, you have Grover Norquist wandering the earth in his white robes saying that if you raise taxes one penny, he’ll defeat you. He can’t murder you. He can’t burn your house. The only thing he can do to you, as an elected official, is defeat you for reelection. And if that means more to you than your country when we need patriots to come out in a situation when we’re in extremity, you shouldn’t even be in Congress."

Alan Simpson? Another friggin RINO that should have caucused with the democrats.

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