Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

I'd be very happy to see the government cut in 1/2. I'm still looking for TDMs answer as to why that would be a bad thing?? What the heck is wrong with cutting the government in half??

Bigger Government means smaller middle class. If they're on the government dole, they have no reason to find a job and actually work for a living. People like Truthdoesn'tmatter would rather have the government take care of them and live in poverty than actually do something to better themselves. The Dems have made sure they stay just below making it on their own, give them enough to survive for "free" and you'll have their vote for ever and ever. I thought slavery ended after the Civil War.
Guys, when liberals want to meltdown and show off their laughable shrill panic over the fact they are most likely going to LOSE and LOSE BIG this election, get out of the way and LET THEM MELTDOWN.

The more hysterical and paranoid they get the better.

Don't argue with these morons. Just sit back and watch the fun!


the girls ate too young to fight any war you fuckwad

Vulgar profanity does not strengthen your argument.

Did you stand up to defend the daughters of President G. W. Bush when they were reviled by your fellow liberals and the liberal press, when they were about the same age as President Obama's daughters?

Just asking.

Asshole they were in college

I don't mind you calling me an "asshole", I take that in stride, wear it as a badge of honor, knowing where it came from.

But I am offended by your total disregard and disrespect of your native mother tongue of English. I have yet to see a post by you that adhered to the very simple rules of grammar, punctuation and spelling. Obviously, you are a product of the unionized public "education" system, populated and run by left-wing indoctrinators, formerly known as teachers, who consider their goal in life of getting the greatest amount of pay and pension for the least amount of any visible educational result, and desperately hanging on to their jobs, which, if they were really teachers, would consider as a vocation.

And I say that as a guy who taught himself to speak, write and honor the English language, which publicly educated people like you take for granted and abuse by every word you speak or peck out on your keyboard.

I dont give a rats ass about the typos and my shitty spelling.

Im much more concerned with the facts.

The real question is why do you care so little for facts?
Guys, when liberals want to meltdown and show off their laughable shrill panic over the fact they are most likely going to LOSE and LOSE BIG this election, get out of the way and LET THEM MELTDOWN.

The more hysterical and paranoid they get the better.

Don't argue with these morons. Just sit back and watch the fun!



Nothing but "your a poopy pants"

this is how you people see things.

NO facts needed
then why do you hate the countries attempts to make sure our children are fed?

Feeding children is the responsibility of the parents, not the country or government.

Of course, in the case of out-of-wedlock children nobody knows who the other parent, i.e. the father is, and nobody cares as long as the welfare checks and the food stamps keep coming in.
I still say that Rinata was merely ghost writing for TdM. You cannot look at her ridiculous thread headline and not automatically assume that TdM posted it.

May be.

I got into it once with Rinata and determined it was a demented old lady and stopped effing with her. Picking on the elderly, retarded, and stupid just ain't right.
Nahh...Rinata writes like a mid to late 30 year old self hating suburban white yuppie soccer mommy.
then why do you hate the countries attempts to make sure our children are fed?

Feeding children is the responsibility of the parents, not the country or government.

Of course, in the case of out-of-wedlock children nobody knows who the other parent, i.e. the father is, and nobody cares as long as the welfare checks and the food stamps keep coming in.

It is more than a bit horrifying to learn that there is anyone who believes it is the government's job to make sure that children are fed.
Now why do we have the feds in the school system?

So some of you crazy states wotn teach the kids LIES in place of know facts.

Based on your posts, you are, obviously, the product of your beloved public education system.

Did you atttend public schools?

I came here when I was a snot-nosed 18 year old, by myself. In my old country I attended school where the teachers TAUGHT, not indoctrinated. I fondly remember all of my NON-UNIONIZED teachers, because they taught me, along with the subjects they taught that in life you win or lose, never blame others.

Maybe you should have attended the schools I did, or something similar here.
Not a single word worth reading. Not one.

How in the hell would you know??? You know damn well you didn't read a word of it!!! The last thing you most likely read was Cinderella.

Because reading leftist trash propaganda is a waste of time and resources.
When you can provide facts from legitimate news sources, free of editorial bias, come back and see us. Until then, your so called 'sources' will be ridiculed and dismissed as fiction.
Are you kidding? Clinton abused a women young enough to be his daughter in the freaking Oval Office and had his wife and supporters ruin the lives of any other woman who came forward with testimony of Bubba Bill's abuses. Clinton was diddling Monica with a cigar while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school. Democrats authorized boots on the Ground in Iraq and then engaged in treason while they called the US Military commander "betray-us" and sat back and pretended to be bystanders while they undermined the Military mission. Maybe it's a lack of proper education or Michael Savage was right that liberalism is a mental illness.

Michael Savage is an idiot and so are you!!! All of the women BC was involved with were old enough to know better. Why are they not responsible for their own actions??? I'll bet they would have been had it been GWB they were involved with instead of Bill Clinton. You people are such hypocrites.
Ahh yes. Now we get to the real point. Non liberal speech isn't even permitted. Liberals when faced with an opposing viewpoint will immediately expose their talons and attempt to shut down debate.
Well, cookie, not on my watch.
So here's your debate manual. Now, either get into the game or go sit on the porch.
And how does the right respond?

they force all their rep to sign his pledge

We are not like the Progressive party that took over the Democrats (Nancy Pelosi with her walking through a crowd of American citizens holding he HUGH gavel ring a bell)?..we don't FORCE people to do anything..
He said it right out loud and hes your go to hero

Your boy said: Hope and Change.

Sending you and your ilk the message that you can hope for some change left in your pocket after he is through with you.

And he is your hero!
Are you kidding? Clinton abused a women young enough to be his daughter in the freaking Oval Office and had his wife and supporters ruin the lives of any other woman who came forward with testimony of Bubba Bill's abuses. Clinton was diddling Monica with a cigar while the 9-11 terrorists were going to flight school. Democrats authorized boots on the Ground in Iraq and then engaged in treason while they called the US Military commander "betray-us" and sat back and pretended to be bystanders while they undermined the Military mission. Maybe it's a lack of proper education or Michael Savage was right that liberalism is a mental illness.

Michael Savage is an idiot and so are you!!! All of the women BC was involved with were old enough to know better. Why are they not responsible for their own actions??? I'll bet they would have been had it been GWB they were involved with instead of Bill Clinton. You people are such hypocrites.
Bullshit...Marriage is a contract, a promise between a man and a woman.
NO FUCKING EXCUSES..You cheat, you break a promise. From then on, your word means nothing.
To answer you vapid question more directly, the one person who is married has the responsibility of the higher standard.
And to mention GW Bush in this is just you searching for a rationalization.
It is not our problem your guy Clinton has no moral compass.

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