Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Yes I know, life in the 1950's was dreadful. Americans were dropping down dead by the tens of thousands.

Actually, in the 1950's, 33% of American workers belonged to a union, had good health insurance and decent wages.

Now, if you want to go back to the 1920's, yeah, things kind of sucked, the average life expectency was 59...

Yes, organized labor played an important role in the general properity of the 1950's. Now how about that mass death because there were fewer environmental laws?

Again. Average life expectency was only 59...
Now why do we have the feds in the school system?

So some of you crazy states wotn teach the kids LIES in place of know facts.

Based on your posts, you are, obviously, the product of your beloved public education system.

My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.
Grover Norquist

Read more at Grover Norquist Quotes - BrainyQuote

Why do you insist on spamming the board with the same link all the time??
He said it out loud and your party supports him
Every time you post that quote, you demonstrate that you don't understand it.

Question for you: What's wrong with smaller government? Why are you so opposed to limiting it?
bfgrn doesn't see how his lame hyperbole has revealed him to be just another moron like rderp and TdM. Brainless twats, all three of them.

The right wing mind is a marvel. How can anyone be THAT subservient to the opulent? Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?

The truth is the right wing mind is completely controlled by FEAR. Pollution, and environmental harm MUST be denied, otherwise reality would create angst.

Hey Monica, which one is you?


I may have to reconsider. You may actually be even dumber than rderp. Hard to believe, I know.

Once again, you have no clue what a complete fool you keep making of yourself.

Just to help straighten out your tiny little mind, you fucking pinhead, I was referencing your opening lines. You know. That was where you ignorantly, unoriginally and dishonestly refer to tea party-ers as tea baggers. Where you suggested that Tea Party-ers have ANY inclination to have grandma asphyxiated. Where you suggested (like the asshole you always are) that because of Tea Party-ers, children will die before they can be grandparents.

I wasn't even addressing your generally dishonest spin on the problem of toxins. Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies - Page 3 - CNN points to the failure of your beloved EPA to do its fucking job, by the way. But go ahead and blame Republicans, you dishonest tool.

It's not like a jerkoff like you needs to worry about losing credibility. You cannot lose what you don't have.

And don't talk about folks who give liberal Democrap Presidents blow jobs. That would be more your style, sparky.

The TEABAGGERS in Congress and House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections. You CAN'T destroy the environment and not expect deaths and asphyxiations to follow Einstein. This not pragmatism or moderation, it is a radical agenda and an attack on the American people.

War On The EPA: Republican Bills Would Erase Decades Of Protection

WASHINGTON -- America's environmental protections are under a sweeping, concerted assault in Congress that could effectively roll back the federal government's ability to safeguard air and water more than 100 years, Democrats and advocates say.

The headlines have not been dramatic, and the individual attacks on relatively obscure rules seldom generate much attention beyond those who are most intently focused on environmental regulation.

But taken together, the separate moves -- led by House Republicans -- add up to a stunning campaign against governmental regulatory authority that is now surprisingly close to succeeding.

In just the year since the GOP took control of the House, there have been at least 159 votes held against environmental protections -- including 83 targeting the Environmental Protection Agency -- on the House floor alone, according to a list compiled by Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

"Republicans have made an assault on all environmental issues," said Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the committee. "This is, without doubt, the most anti-environmental Congress in history."

Tea Party Brings Environmental Meltdown to America

For Tea Party zealots it is impossible to utter, hear, read or write the words "freedom" and "liberty" too many times. And, of course, to them, the antithesis of freedom and liberty is the federal government, which they swear they will "take back."

For them, taking back the government means restoring the freedom to not be able to afford health care, restoring the freedom to be unemployed without any unemployment insurance, restoring the freedom to lose your home to mortgage fraud and your pension to criminal Wall Street bankers. That doesn't sound much like a "Party" to me; that sounds more like a nightmare.

Even though many of their devotees don't realize it themselves, what the Tea Party Nightmare is actually selling is not freedom for you, but more freedom for corporate America to deny your freedom. And, this year, no freedom is more important to the Tea Party Nightmare than the freedom for corporations to make you sick by polluting our air and water. Every Republican presidential candidate and virtually every Republican Congressperson has joined the Tea Party Nightmare chorus in ranting against the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and not just the EPA regulating greenhouse gases, but against everything the EPA does. Michelle Bachmann, the Tea Party Nightmare's charmingly oblivious and truly frightening presidential pinup girl, proudly wants to abolish the EPA. Not to be out done, pistol packin' Rick Perry sounds like he wants to torture everyone who works there and shoot it with his gun before he abolishes it.

The 1979 movie "China Syndrome" brought to life the danger of a nuclear reactor meltdown. Within weeks, the first of real-life meltdowns occurred at Three Mile Island, then Chernobyl, then Fukushima. China is now in total environmental "meltdown," a new version of the China Syndrome if you will. With a political posture smothered in irony, the party that worships freedom wants the US to mimic China, the most repressive of major governments, in turning this country into a corporate-caused environmental meltdown. Call it the Tea Party Nightmare version of the China Syndrome.

Most Westerners have read about or seen pictures of the environmental catastrophe that is now China. If you haven't, go here. China actually has fairly strict environmental laws, but they are not enforced. Businessmen there are all too often free to do as they please, a core Tea Party Nightmare tenet.

So, how well is this Tea Party Nightmare brand of environmental protection working out in China? Chinese authorities admit that, every year, 750,000 thousand of their citizens die from air pollution and 60,000 from water pollution.(1) Outside organizations think that is a gross underestimation. According to the Chinese Ministry of Health, pollution has made cancer the leading cause of death in China, followed by respiratory and heart diseases also related to their air pollution. Only 1 percent of the country's 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the European Union, because all of China's major cities are constantly covered in a toxic, gray shroud.(2) In 2008, I inhaled the gray shroud smothering Beijing for two weeks. I've never been the same since.

Chinese citizens are becoming increasingly aware of how the China Syndrome is affecting their health, longevity and livelihoods. In 2009, China had almost 90,000 incidents of riots, mass protests, petitions, and other acts of civil unrest, most of them triggered by outrage over chronic or acute pollution episodes.(3) Some of these demonstrations and riots involved at least 15,000 people willing to risk arrest, beatings and even their lives.(4)

After an extensive investigation in 2007, The New York Times wrote, "Environmental degradation is now so severe, with such stark domestic and international repercussions, that pollution poses not only a major long-term burden on the Chinese public, but also an acute political challenge to the ruling Communist Party."(5)

Not only is pollution causing massive civil unrest in China, it is also a severe economic liability. Our own State Department estimates that pollution costs the Chinese between 7 and 10 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP).(6) That virtually eliminates all of their growth in GDP. In other words, this is not only an environmental, aesthetic and public health disaster; it is an economic disaster as well. And the Tea Party Nightmare wants this China Syndrome to come to America. Actually, some of it already has.
The GOP’s war on Americans has been going on for some time, but it started in earnest in January 2011 when Republicans assumed control of the House of Representatives and several state legislatures. First it must be emphasized that in recent memory there are no instances of Republicans passing any legislation that helps the American people, but they have worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest one percent. It is expected that during a normal campaign season, candidates and political parties would promote their agendas by stressing what they will do for the people, but Republicans have abandoned any pretext of helping Americans and are blatantly campaigning on enriching the wealthy and corporations.

Shortly after taking their oath of office, Republicans immediately singled out women for their initial assault, and then set out to increase hunger and poverty with vicious spending cuts affecting the poor, children, and elderly Americans. They used the deficit, budget, and religion to garner support for their assaults and have been unrelenting in pushing austerity measures on the 99%, and they found willing advocates among racists, teabaggers, and religious fanatics. The tragedy the GOP’s supporters will never comprehend until it is too late is that they will suffer as much as the poor people, minorities, and women they hate.

In both versions of Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity budget, the level of cuts to social safety nets is only matched in severity by the plan to privatize Medicare that not only decimates the elderly, but restricts uninsured Americans from receiving health care.

Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Great article!!! Hope you all will check it out.

love it!

when the dems are in or come to power, they are earnest, careful stewards of the people and gov........when reps are in power or come to power, they are scorched earth heathens feeding folks into a sausage machine...or throwing people over cliffs as OB, s wonderful, so whats the talking point tomorrow?

and your OP is PPPoop light, throw it against the wall, label it 'great'!!! and away you go......:clap2:
The right wing mind is a marvel. How can anyone be THAT subservient to the opulent? Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?

The truth is the right wing mind is completely controlled by FEAR. Pollution, and environmental harm MUST be denied, otherwise reality would create angst.

Hey Monica, which one is you?


I may have to reconsider. You may actually be even dumber than rderp. Hard to believe, I know.

Once again, you have no clue what a complete fool you keep making of yourself.

Just to help straighten out your tiny little mind, you fucking pinhead, I was referencing your opening lines. You know. That was where you ignorantly, unoriginally and dishonestly refer to tea party-ers as tea baggers. Where you suggested that Tea Party-ers have ANY inclination to have grandma asphyxiated. Where you suggested (like the asshole you always are) that because of Tea Party-ers, children will die before they can be grandparents.

I wasn't even addressing your generally dishonest spin on the problem of toxins. Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies - Page 3 - CNN points to the failure of your beloved EPA to do its fucking job, by the way. But go ahead and blame Republicans, you dishonest tool.

It's not like a jerkoff like you needs to worry about losing credibility. You cannot lose what you don't have.

And don't talk about folks who give liberal Democrap Presidents blow jobs. That would be more your style, sparky.

The TEABAGGERS in Congress and House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections. You CAN'T destroy the environment and not expect deaths and asphyxiations to follow Einstein. This not pragmatism or moderation, it is a radical agenda and an attack on the American people.

War On The EPA: Republican Bills Would Erase Decades Of Protection

WASHINGTON -- America's environmental protections are under a sweeping, concerted assault in Congress that could effectively roll back the federal government's ability to safeguard air and water more than 100 years, Democrats and advocates say.

The headlines have not been dramatic, and the individual attacks on relatively obscure rules seldom generate much attention beyond those who are most intently focused on environmental regulation.

But taken together, the separate moves -- led by House Republicans -- add up to a stunning campaign against governmental regulatory authority that is now surprisingly close to succeeding.

In just the year since the GOP took control of the House, there have been at least 159 votes held against environmental protections -- including 83 targeting the Environmental Protection Agency -- on the House floor alone, according to a list compiled by Democrats on the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

"Republicans have made an assault on all environmental issues," said Rep. Henry Waxman (D-Calif.), the top Democrat on the committee. "This is, without doubt, the most anti-environmental Congress in history."

Tea Party Brings Environmental Meltdown to America

For Tea Party zealots it is impossible to utter, hear, read or write the words "freedom" and "liberty" too many times. And, of course, to them, the antithesis of freedom and liberty is the federal government, which they swear they will "take back."

For them, taking back the government means restoring the freedom to not be able to afford health care, restoring the freedom to be unemployed without any unemployment insurance, restoring the freedom to lose your home to mortgage fraud and your pension to criminal Wall Street bankers. That doesn't sound much like a "Party" to me; that sounds more like a nightmare.

Even though many of their devotees don't realize it themselves, what the Tea Party Nightmare is actually selling is not freedom for you, but more freedom for corporate America to deny your freedom. And, this year, no freedom is more important to the Tea Party Nightmare than the freedom for corporations to make you sick by polluting our air and water. Every Republican presidential candidate and virtually every Republican Congressperson has joined the Tea Party Nightmare chorus in ranting against the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) and not just the EPA regulating greenhouse gases, but against everything the EPA does. Michelle Bachmann, the Tea Party Nightmare's charmingly oblivious and truly frightening presidential pinup girl, proudly wants to abolish the EPA. Not to be out done, pistol packin' Rick Perry sounds like he wants to torture everyone who works there and shoot it with his gun before he abolishes it.

The 1979 movie "China Syndrome" brought to life the danger of a nuclear reactor meltdown. Within weeks, the first of real-life meltdowns occurred at Three Mile Island, then Chernobyl, then Fukushima. China is now in total environmental "meltdown," a new version of the China Syndrome if you will. With a political posture smothered in irony, the party that worships freedom wants the US to mimic China, the most repressive of major governments, in turning this country into a corporate-caused environmental meltdown. Call it the Tea Party Nightmare version of the China Syndrome.

Most Westerners have read about or seen pictures of the environmental catastrophe that is now China. If you haven't, go here. China actually has fairly strict environmental laws, but they are not enforced. Businessmen there are all too often free to do as they please, a core Tea Party Nightmare tenet.

So, how well is this Tea Party Nightmare brand of environmental protection working out in China? Chinese authorities admit that, every year, 750,000 thousand of their citizens die from air pollution and 60,000 from water pollution.(1) Outside organizations think that is a gross underestimation. According to the Chinese Ministry of Health, pollution has made cancer the leading cause of death in China, followed by respiratory and heart diseases also related to their air pollution. Only 1 percent of the country's 560 million city dwellers breathe air considered safe by the European Union, because all of China's major cities are constantly covered in a toxic, gray shroud.(2) In 2008, I inhaled the gray shroud smothering Beijing for two weeks. I've never been the same since.

Chinese citizens are becoming increasingly aware of how the China Syndrome is affecting their health, longevity and livelihoods. In 2009, China had almost 90,000 incidents of riots, mass protests, petitions, and other acts of civil unrest, most of them triggered by outrage over chronic or acute pollution episodes.(3) Some of these demonstrations and riots involved at least 15,000 people willing to risk arrest, beatings and even their lives.(4)

After an extensive investigation in 2007, The New York Times wrote, "Environmental degradation is now so severe, with such stark domestic and international repercussions, that pollution poses not only a major long-term burden on the Chinese public, but also an acute political challenge to the ruling Communist Party."(5)

Not only is pollution causing massive civil unrest in China, it is also a severe economic liability. Our own State Department estimates that pollution costs the Chinese between 7 and 10 percent of their gross domestic product (GDP).(6) That virtually eliminates all of their growth in GDP. In other words, this is not only an environmental, aesthetic and public health disaster; it is an economic disaster as well. And the Tea Party Nightmare wants this China Syndrome to come to America. Actually, some of it already has.


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