Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

he could have fought then in his thirties.

Now what war is it you wanted him to fight in?

After vietman was over the American people desided to not do big wars.

That worked out really well right up until your fucking party lied us into Iraq.

Then your party got what it always seems to love decade long wars that make corporations like Haliburton even more wealthy

It does not take war to join and put on the uniform of one of the branches of the Armed Forces. Just patriotism.

Of course, being a communist agitator, aka community organizer appeared to be more lucrative. And better qualifier for the presidency, after all, what kind of business former members of the military, like George Washington and Dwight Eisenhower have to be president? They were never community organizers! Shame on them!!!

You are a brain washed idiot.

more lucrative to be a community organizer.

Jesus you fool your guy was a corporate raider and Did NOT serve

I like the title of this thread. It's about time.

So far, the Democrats have accused the GOP of waging "a war on" women, blacks, students, workers, Martians -- um, I'm sure I'm missing some. They've so badly overused this hyperbolic term that it's good to see them just go with "Americans". A nice, blanket word.


Who waged the war on the following women:

Sarah Palin
Condolleeza Rice
Michelle Bachmann
Laura Ingraham
Michelle Malkin
Ann Coulter
Anne Romney

just to mention a few...
If teabaggers ever gain control, grandma won't have to be pushed. She will die from asphyxiation. And children will never live long enough to be grandmas.

House Republican leaders have pushed through an astonishing 191 votes to weaken environmental protections.

Tests reveal high chemical levels in kids' bodies

Industrial toxins could be leading to more childhood disease and disorders.

"We are in an epidemic of environmentally mediated disease among American children today," he said. "Rates of asthma, childhood cancers, birth defects and developmental disorders have exponentially increased, and it can't be explained by changes in the human genome. So what has changed? All the chemicals we're being exposed to."

"We didn't inherit this land from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children."
Lakota Sioux Proverb

bfgrn doesn't see how his lame hyperbole has revealed him to be just another moron like rderp and TdM. Brainless twats, all three of them.

The right wing mind is a marvel. How can anyone be THAT subservient to the opulent? Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?

The truth is the right wing mind is completely controlled by FEAR. Pollution, and environmental harm MUST be denied, otherwise reality would create angst.

Hey Monica, which one is you?

Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself?
bfgrn doesn't see how his lame hyperbole has revealed him to be just another moron like rderp and TdM. Brainless twats, all three of them.

The right wing mind is a marvel. How can anyone be THAT subservient to the opulent? Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?

The truth is the right wing mind is completely controlled by FEAR. Pollution, and environmental harm MUST be denied, otherwise reality would create angst.

Hey Monica, which one is you?

Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself?

He's agin it!
the girls ate too young to fight any war you fuckwad
I presume you're responding to my question about Obama.

Yes, I know, it's different with Obama. Somehow. It just is. It ALWAYS is.

You refuse to hold him to the same standards you hold conservatives to.
Never in my life have I heard the shit like you people say about a first lady.

Not even Clinton was treated worse by you assholes
Depends on who you were.

It sucked to be black in the south in the 1950s.

You're having a bit of difficulty finding evidence for those mass deaths in the 1950's due to less environmental laws? That's why you change the subject?

The Clean Air Act

The Clean Air Act has a 40-year track record of cutting dangerous pollution to protect human health and the environment. Administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this legislation has prevented thousands of premature deaths and hundreds of millions of cases of respiratory and cardiovascular disease.

Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), the EPA is required to regulate emissions that are considered to be pollution and that "endanger public health and welfare." State governments also have a significant role to play in carrying out CAA regulations, with oversight by the EPA.

The UCS Clean Air Act "Ticker"

The UCS Clean Air Act ticker shows the net benefits of the CAA from the law’s passage in 1970 through the present. According to the EPA:

"Most of these benefits (about 85 percent) are attributable to reductions in premature mortality associated with reductions in ambient particulate matter; as a result, we estimate that cleaner air will, by 2020, prevent 230,000 cases of premature mortality in that year.

The remaining benefits are roughly equally divided among three categories of human health and environmental improvement:

  • preventing premature mortality associated with ozone exposure;

  • preventing morbidity, including heart attacks and chronic bronchitis;

  • and improving the quality of ecological resources and other aspects of the environment, the largest component of which is improved visibility.”

EPA, The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act from 1990 to 2020: Final Report, March 2011, Abstract.

The estimated costs of compliance with CAA regulations are subtracted from gross benefits associated with improvements to human health and the environment to get the net benefits displayed in the ticker.

Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Richard Nixon was President in 1970 and he was a Republican. He supported and signed the CAA. So much for the Republican War on the American people BS.
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Depends on who you were.

It sucked to be black in the south in the 1950s.

You're having a bit of difficulty finding evidence for those mass deaths in the 1950's due to less environmental laws? That's why you change the subject?

Black Lung Disease: Coalworker's Pneumoconiosis |

When I was young and long before I divested myself of blood-sucking unions, I worked in a mine, where Diesel trucks spewed out smoke to accompany all the rock dust that drilling in hard rock could provide. At the end of each shift, I spat black crap the size of a gramophone record.

Luckily, I never got a lung disease, although at age 73 I get winded climbing the stairs, from time to time. Mind you, nobody forced me to work there, either, just as nobody forced anybody else. If my lungs were black I would have the decency of blaming myself, not the company that gave me a job, and never forced me into working for them. But then again, I am a conservative and I seek no recognition from others when I succeed and lay no blame on others when I fail.

I leave that to the experts of the art: Democrats (see the current president) and Unions (see the President most frequent visitors).
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Depends on who you were.

It sucked to be black in the south in the 1950s.

You're having a bit of difficulty finding evidence for those mass deaths in the 1950's due to less environmental laws? That's why you change the subject?

What the fuck are you talking about?

The 1950s gave rise to a real middle class in this country. But it wasn't all peachy keen for everyone.

And you guys seem to forget the effects of pollution and unregulated use of carcinogens around the country.

People are living longer healthier lives thanks to regulations.

That you hate so much.

So you entered a discussion without knowing what it was about? How stupid.
Depends on who you were.

It sucked to be black in the south in the 1950s.

You're having a bit of difficulty finding evidence for those mass deaths in the 1950's due to less environmental laws? That's why you change the subject?

The Clean Air Act

The Clean Air Act has a 40-year track record of cutting dangerous pollution to protect human health and the environment. Administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this legislation has prevented thousands of premature deaths and hundreds of millions of cases of respiratory and cardiovascular disease.

Under the Clean Air Act (CAA), the EPA is required to regulate emissions that are considered to be pollution and that "endanger public health and welfare." State governments also have a significant role to play in carrying out CAA regulations, with oversight by the EPA.

The UCS Clean Air Act "Ticker"

The UCS Clean Air Act ticker shows the net benefits of the CAA from the law’s passage in 1970 through the present. According to the EPA:

"Most of these benefits (about 85 percent) are attributable to reductions in premature mortality associated with reductions in ambient particulate matter; as a result, we estimate that cleaner air will, by 2020, prevent 230,000 cases of premature mortality in that year.

The remaining benefits are roughly equally divided among three categories of human health and environmental improvement:

  • preventing premature mortality associated with ozone exposure;

  • preventing morbidity, including heart attacks and chronic bronchitis;

  • and improving the quality of ecological resources and other aspects of the environment, the largest component of which is improved visibility.”

EPA, The Benefits and Costs of the Clean Air Act from 1990 to 2020: Final Report, March 2011, Abstract.

The estimated costs of compliance with CAA regulations are subtracted from gross benefits associated with improvements to human health and the environment to get the net benefits displayed in the ticker.

We were talking about real deaths, not made-up ones.

You fail to make any distiction between limited and necessary regulation and overregulation.
Isn't it funny how the truth keeps rearing it's ugly head? And does anyone find it funny that the same faux news parrots keep repeating the same denials?

And isn't hysterical that whenever hard evidence is presented, terms like cut& paste become the first line of defense?

But PLEASE stay on your mission, don't let any liberals talk you out of your social Darwinism.

"Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history."
President Dwight D. Eisenhower

This thread was started by cut and paste, by a liberal/Democrat/progressive.

If Darwinism is OK in Nature it should be OK in society. Let the strong, the productive and the diligent survive, they will always have the compassion to help those who can not help themselves, but also have the courage to tell the able-bodied free-loaders to get lost or get a job.

Nobody wants to abolish Social Security or Medicare or Unemployment Insurance. But with today's life expectancy, the age to qualify should be at least 72 years. Many people who were mandated to retire at 65 would have been happy to keep on working, because they loved their jobs. I am being one of them, but of course, I belonged to a union only for a short time, so I never learned the fine art of getting/demanding more for less and I earned my pay, which I negotiated with my employer, myself, rather than some thug, whose ego would rather see jobs going overseas, and see plants close, than realize their own worth on the labor market.

dear complete fool the republican party DOES want to end SS and medicare.

jesus you dont even understand that one?

Since these programs are unsustainable they need to be replaced with programs that will not bankrupt the US and result in NO SS and Medicare.
The GOP’s war on Americans has been going on for some time, but it started in earnest in January 2011 when Republicans assumed control of the House of Representatives and several state legislatures. First it must be emphasized that in recent memory there are no instances of Republicans passing any legislation that helps the American people, but they have worked tirelessly to help the wealthiest one percent. It is expected that during a normal campaign season, candidates and political parties would promote their agendas by stressing what they will do for the people, but Republicans have abandoned any pretext of helping Americans and are blatantly campaigning on enriching the wealthy and corporations.

Shortly after taking their oath of office, Republicans immediately singled out women for their initial assault, and then set out to increase hunger and poverty with vicious spending cuts affecting the poor, children, and elderly Americans. They used the deficit, budget, and religion to garner support for their assaults and have been unrelenting in pushing austerity measures on the 99%, and they found willing advocates among racists, teabaggers, and religious fanatics. The tragedy the GOP’s supporters will never comprehend until it is too late is that they will suffer as much as the poor people, minorities, and women they hate.

In both versions of Paul Ryan’s Path to Prosperity budget, the level of cuts to social safety nets is only matched in severity by the plan to privatize Medicare that not only decimates the elderly, but restricts uninsured Americans from receiving health care.

Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Great article!!! Hope you all will check it out.
And you got this from some liberal blog.
Damn you are stupid.
The Congress is not there to "help" you. Their job is pass legislation. Not to offer you fucking parasites more free shit.
Government does not exist to create jobs or offer you benefits.
Half the country is drunk on social safety nets. These entitlements are no longer sustainable.
Government needs to get out of the way of the private sector so investment in existing and new business can take place. It is only after this can our economy improve. A growing economy feeds MORE revenue not less of it to government.
If you really had a functioning brain cell that resided in the logic section of that cauliflower between your ears, you take note of the disaster that is the Euro Zone. None of those nations can sustain their (snide) social safety nets. Some of those countries are on the verge of financial collapse.
"Ask NOT what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country"....

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