Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

Do you want the Post office and public schools dead?

In the age of instant communications and reasonably and competitively priced delivery of physical goods, the only person who needs the Post Office is Obama, for campaign contribution, donated by the union and confiscated from members thereof.
They are teaching social issues like it's ok to have two mommies and daddies,instead for math, science, reading and U.S. history.fucking lie
The Constitution says what the Feds are suppose to be doing.then why are you fighting the constitution?
They are not suppose to be running the public schools.where is that in the constitution?
Ever since they did that, our education system has gone down in the you liked it when black people couldnt go to school and they taught people the world was 6000 years old?
Guess who changed that? A Repub by the name of Nixon,who was a Repub progressive.

get some facts for a change

You've got plenty of lies.
The right wing mind is a marvel. How can anyone be THAT subservient to the opulent? Toxins, carcinogens and poisons are not a danger if your beloved cartels create them, they are vitamins, right Monica for the opulent?

The truth is the right wing mind is completely controlled by FEAR. Pollution, and environmental harm MUST be denied, otherwise reality would create angst.

Hey Monica, which one is you?

Have you ever even tried thinking for yourself?

He's agin it!
But only because he's incapable.

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