Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

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Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.

CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

The GOP version of Rhodes' comment, according to CBS News: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation."

The White House email: "We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation."

More: Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims - By Chris Gentilviso

If true, why would Republicans alter Benghazi emails?
if true...

lol --- OMG, the Admin. should just admit they were afraid of losing the election so they lied to America...

ZERO and Hillarity do some prison time and America can Move Forward!! hahahaha!!!
One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.

CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

The GOP version of Rhodes' comment, according to CBS News: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation."

The White House email: "We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation."

More: Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims - By Chris Gentilviso

If true, why would Republicans alter Benghazi emails?

Oh this is hysterically funny.

This is who leaked the supposed altered emails. These are the bad guys. These are the evil people. CBS has them dead to rights.

unnamed “Republicans on Capitol Hill.”


OMG too awesomely funny. What great reporting by Major Garret. :lol:

According to the report by chief White House correspondent Major Garrett, a quote leaked on May 10 attributed to then-Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes asking that talking points related to the attack “reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department” without undermining the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was put out by unnamed “Republicans on Capitol Hill.”

Report: Republicans were source of bogus Benghazi quotes | The Raw Story
I have to ask after seeing the Obama press conference today is it just me or does his hair seem a lot grayer than it did just a couple of weeks ago? Maybe multiple scandals take a toll on the hair.
CBS says Republicans altered Benghazi emails just like CBS altered Bush's National Guard records.

Seriously...CBS is blowing smoke. It's trying to kill the Benghazi story by putting out this crap posing as news.
i wish the mods would merge the dozens of threads on this

btw...can any liberal cite exactly what was altered and compare that to what was released? haven't seen it yet.
One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.

CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

The GOP version of Rhodes' comment, according to CBS News: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation."

The White House email: "We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation."

More: Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims - By Chris Gentilviso

If true, why would Republicans alter Benghazi emails?

What i find funny about the cons that have answered so far is that rather than saying "oh well maybe there is something more to this story than i thought", they automatically say "that's just typical CBS bullshit".

They dismiss the story without knowing anything about it.
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