Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims

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It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans

It's not as if we didn't know this already, but today Major Garrett made it official: last week's leaks that misquoted the Benghazi emails came directly from Republicans. Here's the report on the CBS Evening News:

On Friday, Republicans leaked what they said was a quote from Rhodes: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation. But it turns out that in the actual email, Rhodes did not mention the State Department.

....Republicans also provided what they said was a quote from an email written by State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. The Republican version quotes Nuland discussing, "The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda." The actual email from Nuland says: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."

The CIA agreed with the concerns raised by the State Department and revised the talking points to make them less specific than the CIA's original version, eliminating references to al Qaeda and affiliates and earlier security warnings. There is no evidence that the White House orchestrated the changes.
So here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits and mischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: they could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.

But it was typical GOP overreach. To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

This has always been the Republican Party's biggest risk with this stuff: that they don't know when to quit. On Benghazi, when it became obvious that they didn't have a smoking gun, they got desperate and tried to invent one. On the IRS, their problem is that Democrats are as outraged as they are. This will force them to make ever more outrageous accusations in an effort to find some way to draw a contrast. And on the AP phone records, they have to continually dance around the fact that they basically approve of subpoenas like this.

A sane party would take a deep breath and decide to move on to other things. But the tea partiers have the scent of blood now, and it's driving them crazy. Thus the spectacle of Michele Bachmann suggesting today that it's time to start impeachment proceedings.

The GOP's adults can't keep their lunatic fringe on a leash, which means it's only a matter of time until they make fools of themselves on all three of the pseudoscandals that are currently lighting up the airwaves. The Republicans have met the enemy, and it is them.

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Great paragraph:

This has always been the Republican Party's biggest risk with this stuff: that they don't know when to quit. On Benghazi, when it became obvious that they didn't have a smoking gun, they got desperate and tried to invent one. On the IRS, their problem is that Democrats are as outraged as they are. This will force them to make ever more outrageous accusations in an effort to find some way to draw a contrast. And on the AP phone records, they have to continually dance around the fact that they basically approve of subpoenas like this.
Out of all the "scandals" Republicans namely Issa, have been piling on, I believe Benghazi was their great hope for successfully taking Hillary out of the picture for 2016.

Sorry about their luck once again. :clap2:
Everyone with half a brain is fully aware that Major Garrett is no Liberal, or Liberal apologist.

Discuss. :lol:

Good story, but we already know the cons on this board are going to dismiss it completely as "liberal bullshit" without paying any attention to the merits of the story.
It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans

It's not as if we didn't know this already, but today Major Garrett made it official: last week's leaks that misquoted the Benghazi emails came directly from Republicans. Here's the report on the CBS Evening News:

On Friday, Republicans leaked what they said was a quote from Rhodes: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation. But it turns out that in the actual email, Rhodes did not mention the State Department.

....Republicans also provided what they said was a quote from an email written by State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. The Republican version quotes Nuland discussing, "The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda." The actual email from Nuland says: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."

The CIA agreed with the concerns raised by the State Department and revised the talking points to make them less specific than the CIA's original version, eliminating references to al Qaeda and affiliates and earlier security warnings. There is no evidence that the White House orchestrated the changes.
So here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits and mischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: they could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.

But it was typical GOP overreach. To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

This has always been the Republican Party's biggest risk with this stuff: that they don't know when to quit. On Benghazi, when it became obvious that they didn't have a smoking gun, they got desperate and tried to invent one. On the IRS, their problem is that Democrats are as outraged as they are. This will force them to make ever more outrageous accusations in an effort to find some way to draw a contrast. And on the AP phone records, they have to continually dance around the fact that they basically approve of subpoenas like this.

A sane party would take a deep breath and decide to move on to other things. But the tea partiers have the scent of blood now, and it's driving them crazy. Thus the spectacle of Michele Bachmann suggesting today that it's time to start impeachment proceedings.

The GOP's adults can't keep their lunatic fringe on a leash, which means it's only a matter of time until they make fools of themselves on all three of the pseudoscandals that are currently lighting up the airwaves. The Republicans have met the enemy, and it is them.


"But House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Sunday the White House has "effectively lied" to the American people in the aftermath of the attack, and pledged further investigation.

"The real truth is the people who were there in Tripoli and Benghazi knew it was a terror attack from the get-go," Issa told "Meet the Press." "When the wheels come off, when in fact people make a decision to give us something that's false and then that's shown to be false, of course we have an obligation to look at it."

Read more: White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans

It's not as if we didn't know this already, but today Major Garrett made it official: last week's leaks that misquoted the Benghazi emails came directly from Republicans. Here's the report on the CBS Evening News:

On Friday, Republicans leaked what they said was a quote from Rhodes: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation. But it turns out that in the actual email, Rhodes did not mention the State Department.

....Republicans also provided what they said was a quote from an email written by State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. The Republican version quotes Nuland discussing, "The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda." The actual email from Nuland says: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."

The CIA agreed with the concerns raised by the State Department and revised the talking points to make them less specific than the CIA's original version, eliminating references to al Qaeda and affiliates and earlier security warnings. There is no evidence that the White House orchestrated the changes.
So here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits and mischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: they could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.

But it was typical GOP overreach. To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

This has always been the Republican Party's biggest risk with this stuff: that they don't know when to quit. On Benghazi, when it became obvious that they didn't have a smoking gun, they got desperate and tried to invent one. On the IRS, their problem is that Democrats are as outraged as they are. This will force them to make ever more outrageous accusations in an effort to find some way to draw a contrast. And on the AP phone records, they have to continually dance around the fact that they basically approve of subpoenas like this.

A sane party would take a deep breath and decide to move on to other things. But the tea partiers have the scent of blood now, and it's driving them crazy. Thus the spectacle of Michele Bachmann suggesting today that it's time to start impeachment proceedings.

The GOP's adults can't keep their lunatic fringe on a leash, which means it's only a matter of time until they make fools of themselves on all three of the pseudoscandals that are currently lighting up the airwaves. The Republicans have met the enemy, and it is them.


"But House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Sunday the White House has "effectively lied" to the American people in the aftermath of the attack, and pledged further investigation.

"The real truth is the people who were there in Tripoli and Benghazi knew it was a terror attack from the get-go," Issa told "Meet the Press." "When the wheels come off, when in fact people make a decision to give us something that's false and then that's shown to be false, of course we have an obligation to look at it."

Read more: White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

I wonder how much coverage Fox News will give this new development.
It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans

It's not as if we didn't know this already, but today Major Garrett made it official: last week's leaks that misquoted the Benghazi emails came directly from Republicans. Here's the report on the CBS Evening News:

On Friday, Republicans leaked what they said was a quote from Rhodes: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation. But it turns out that in the actual email, Rhodes did not mention the State Department.

....Republicans also provided what they said was a quote from an email written by State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. The Republican version quotes Nuland discussing, "The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda." The actual email from Nuland says: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."

The CIA agreed with the concerns raised by the State Department and revised the talking points to make them less specific than the CIA's original version, eliminating references to al Qaeda and affiliates and earlier security warnings. There is no evidence that the White House orchestrated the changes.
So here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits and mischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: they could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.

But it was typical GOP overreach. To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

This has always been the Republican Party's biggest risk with this stuff: that they don't know when to quit. On Benghazi, when it became obvious that they didn't have a smoking gun, they got desperate and tried to invent one. On the IRS, their problem is that Democrats are as outraged as they are. This will force them to make ever more outrageous accusations in an effort to find some way to draw a contrast. And on the AP phone records, they have to continually dance around the fact that they basically approve of subpoenas like this.

A sane party would take a deep breath and decide to move on to other things. But the tea partiers have the scent of blood now, and it's driving them crazy. Thus the spectacle of Michele Bachmann suggesting today that it's time to start impeachment proceedings.

The GOP's adults can't keep their lunatic fringe on a leash, which means it's only a matter of time until they make fools of themselves on all three of the pseudoscandals that are currently lighting up the airwaves. The Republicans have met the enemy, and it is them.


"But House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Sunday the White House has "effectively lied" to the American people in the aftermath of the attack, and pledged further investigation.

"The real truth is the people who were there in Tripoli and Benghazi knew it was a terror attack from the get-go," Issa told "Meet the Press." "When the wheels come off, when in fact people make a decision to give us something that's false and then that's shown to be false, of course we have an obligation to look at it."

Read more: White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
Darrell Issa says a LOT of stuff that isn't true.

Interesting that you would counter this news story that has not/can not be refuted with something "Darrell Issa said". :lol:
I have to ask after seeing the Obama press conference today is it just me or does his hair seem a lot grayer than it did just a couple of weeks ago? Maybe multiple scandals take a toll on the hair.

I pointed that out to my husband too when we watched that!! He's REALLY gray!
In a couple more weeks it'll probably be all white.....unless he decides to color it :)
One day after The White House released 100 pages of Benghazi emails, a report has surfaced alleging that Republicans released a set with altered text.

CBS News reported Thursday that leaked versions sent out by the GOP last Friday had visible differences than Wednesday's official batch. Two correspondences that were singled out in the report came from National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes and State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland.

The GOP version of Rhodes' comment, according to CBS News: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation."

The White House email: "We need to resolve this in a way that respects all of the relevant equities, particularly the investigation."

More: Republicans Altered Benghazi Emails, CBS News Report Claims - By Chris Gentilviso

If true, why would Republicans alter Benghazi emails?

What i find funny about the cons that have answered so far is that rather than saying "oh well maybe there is something more to this story than i thought", they automatically say "that's just typical CBS bullshit".

They dismiss the story without knowing anything about it.

And you believe without any physical proof....where the "before" emails and the "after" emails? Wouldn't you like to see that and compare them before deciding all this is true?

What i find funny about the cons that have answered so far is that rather than saying "oh well maybe there is something more to this story than i thought", they automatically say "that's just typical CBS bullshit".

They dismiss the story without knowing anything about it.

And you believe without any physical proof....where the "before" emails and the "after" emails? Wouldn't you like to see that and compare them before deciding all this is true?

I never said it was all true. I just think all of the evidence of this story needs to be weighed to have an objective opinion about the story.
It's Official: Those Bogus Email Leaks Came From Republicans

It's not as if we didn't know this already, but today Major Garrett made it official: last week's leaks that misquoted the Benghazi emails came directly from Republicans. Here's the report on the CBS Evening News:

On Friday, Republicans leaked what they said was a quote from Rhodes: "We must make sure that the talking points reflect all agency equities, including those of the State Department, and we don't want to undermine the FBI investigation. But it turns out that in the actual email, Rhodes did not mention the State Department.

....Republicans also provided what they said was a quote from an email written by State Department spokesman Victoria Nuland. The Republican version quotes Nuland discussing, "The penultimate point is a paragraph talking about all the previous warnings provided by the Agency (CIA) about al-Qaeda's presence and activities of al-Qaeda." The actual email from Nuland says: "The penultimate point could be abused by members to beat the State Department for not paying attention to Agency warnings."

The CIA agreed with the concerns raised by the State Department and revised the talking points to make them less specific than the CIA's original version, eliminating references to al Qaeda and affiliates and earlier security warnings. There is no evidence that the White House orchestrated the changes.
So here's what happened. Republicans in Congress saw copies of these emails two months ago and did nothing with them. It was obvious that they showed little more than routine interagency haggling. Then, riding high after last week's Benghazi hearings, someone got the bright idea of leaking two isolated tidbits and mischaracterizing them in an effort to make the State Department look bad. Apparently they figured it was a twofer: they could stick a shiv into the belly of the White House and they could then badger them to release the entire email chain, knowing they never would.

But it was typical GOP overreach. To their surprise, the White House took Republicans up on their demand to make the entire email chain public, thus making it clear to the press that they had been burned. And now reporters are letting us all know who was behind it.

This has always been the Republican Party's biggest risk with this stuff: that they don't know when to quit. On Benghazi, when it became obvious that they didn't have a smoking gun, they got desperate and tried to invent one. On the IRS, their problem is that Democrats are as outraged as they are. This will force them to make ever more outrageous accusations in an effort to find some way to draw a contrast. And on the AP phone records, they have to continually dance around the fact that they basically approve of subpoenas like this.

A sane party would take a deep breath and decide to move on to other things. But the tea partiers have the scent of blood now, and it's driving them crazy. Thus the spectacle of Michele Bachmann suggesting today that it's time to start impeachment proceedings.

The GOP's adults can't keep their lunatic fringe on a leash, which means it's only a matter of time until they make fools of themselves on all three of the pseudoscandals that are currently lighting up the airwaves. The Republicans have met the enemy, and it is them.


"But House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Sunday the White House has "effectively lied" to the American people in the aftermath of the attack, and pledged further investigation.

"The real truth is the people who were there in Tripoli and Benghazi knew it was a terror attack from the get-go," Issa told "Meet the Press." "When the wheels come off, when in fact people make a decision to give us something that's false and then that's shown to be false, of course we have an obligation to look at it."

Read more: White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
Darrell Issa says a LOT of stuff that isn't true.

Interesting that you would counter this news story that has not/can not be refuted with something "Darrell Issa said". :lol:

Actually, it is true.

Your OP is an attempt to obfuscate, to cloud the issue.

Folks who have identified Obama scandals, and have suggested that Obama is Nixon-like include arch liberals Joe Klein, former New York Times general counsel James Goodale, constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald, Jonathan Turley – perhaps the top constitutional law expert in the United States,...
Top Constitutional Experts: Obama Is Worse than Nixon | Washington's Blog

....Liberal radio host Bill Press is calling for Obama to fire Eric Holder. Charley Rangel says, “No one believes that the president has given us a sufficient answer [to the IRS and DOJ scandals].”
» Stunner: who is suddenly telling liberal jackals to attack Obama? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dana Milbank puts it: “Nixon was a control freak. Obama seems to be the opposite: He wants no control over the actions of his administration. As the president distances himself from the actions of ‘independent’ figures within his administration, he’s creating a power vacuum in which lower officials behave as though anything goes.” That’s not exculpatory: a president is responsible for the abuses of his administration whether he orders them directly or simply creates the conditions in which they can happen.
Obama: Nixon in Reverse | The American Conservative

Your own kith and kin are painting you as the dim-wit you are.
"But House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) said Sunday the White House has "effectively lied" to the American people in the aftermath of the attack, and pledged further investigation.

"The real truth is the people who were there in Tripoli and Benghazi knew it was a terror attack from the get-go," Issa told "Meet the Press." "When the wheels come off, when in fact people make a decision to give us something that's false and then that's shown to be false, of course we have an obligation to look at it."

Read more: White House: GOP fabricated leaked Benghazi email - The Hill - covering Congress, Politics, Political Campaigns and Capitol Hill |
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook
Darrell Issa says a LOT of stuff that isn't true.

Interesting that you would counter this news story that has not/can not be refuted with something "Darrell Issa said". :lol:

Actually, it is true.

Your OP is an attempt to obfuscate, to cloud the issue.

Folks who have identified Obama scandals, and have suggested that Obama is Nixon-like include arch liberals Joe Klein, former New York Times general counsel James Goodale, constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald, Jonathan Turley – perhaps the top constitutional law expert in the United States,...
Top Constitutional Experts: Obama Is Worse than Nixon | Washington's Blog

....Liberal radio host Bill Press is calling for Obama to fire Eric Holder. Charley Rangel says, “No one believes that the president has given us a sufficient answer [to the IRS and DOJ scandals].”
» Stunner: who is suddenly telling liberal jackals to attack Obama? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dana Milbank puts it: “Nixon was a control freak. Obama seems to be the opposite: He wants no control over the actions of his administration. As the president distances himself from the actions of ‘independent’ figures within his administration, he’s creating a power vacuum in which lower officials behave as though anything goes.” That’s not exculpatory: a president is responsible for the abuses of his administration whether he orders them directly or simply creates the conditions in which they can happen.
Obama: Nixon in Reverse | The American Conservative

Your own kith and kin are painting you as the dim-wit you are.

Everything article you posted has a conservative bias.
Darrell Issa says a LOT of stuff that isn't true.

Interesting that you would counter this news story that has not/can not be refuted with something "Darrell Issa said". :lol:

Actually, it is true.

Your OP is an attempt to obfuscate, to cloud the issue.

Folks who have identified Obama scandals, and have suggested that Obama is Nixon-like include arch liberals Joe Klein, former New York Times general counsel James Goodale, constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald, Jonathan Turley – perhaps the top constitutional law expert in the United States,...
Top Constitutional Experts: Obama Is Worse than Nixon | Washington's Blog

....Liberal radio host Bill Press is calling for Obama to fire Eric Holder. Charley Rangel says, “No one believes that the president has given us a sufficient answer [to the IRS and DOJ scandals].”
» Stunner: who is suddenly telling liberal jackals to attack Obama? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dana Milbank puts it: “Nixon was a control freak. Obama seems to be the opposite: He wants no control over the actions of his administration. As the president distances himself from the actions of ‘independent’ figures within his administration, he’s creating a power vacuum in which lower officials behave as though anything goes.” That’s not exculpatory: a president is responsible for the abuses of his administration whether he orders them directly or simply creates the conditions in which they can happen.
Obama: Nixon in Reverse | The American Conservative

Your own kith and kin are painting you as the dim-wit you are.

Everything article you posted has a conservative bias.

As does everything posted that is truthful, logical and good for the country. I am sure PC is happy you noticed.
Out of all the "scandals" Republicans namely Issa, have been piling on, I believe Benghazi was their great hope for successfully taking Hillary out of the picture for 2016.

Sorry about their luck once again. :clap2:

People on the right say that they do not like Obama because he is inept. Look at how inept the Republicans are in their attempt to get Obama.
Actually, it is true.

Your OP is an attempt to obfuscate, to cloud the issue.

Folks who have identified Obama scandals, and have suggested that Obama is Nixon-like include arch liberals Joe Klein, former New York Times general counsel James Goodale, constitutional lawyer Glenn Greenwald, Jonathan Turley – perhaps the top constitutional law expert in the United States,...
Top Constitutional Experts: Obama Is Worse than Nixon | Washington's Blog

....Liberal radio host Bill Press is calling for Obama to fire Eric Holder. Charley Rangel says, “No one believes that the president has given us a sufficient answer [to the IRS and DOJ scandals].”
» Stunner: who is suddenly telling liberal jackals to attack Obama? Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

Dana Milbank puts it: “Nixon was a control freak. Obama seems to be the opposite: He wants no control over the actions of his administration. As the president distances himself from the actions of ‘independent’ figures within his administration, he’s creating a power vacuum in which lower officials behave as though anything goes.” That’s not exculpatory: a president is responsible for the abuses of his administration whether he orders them directly or simply creates the conditions in which they can happen.
Obama: Nixon in Reverse | The American Conservative

Your own kith and kin are painting you as the dim-wit you are.

Everything article you posted has a conservative bias.

As does everything posted that is truthful, logical and good for the country. I am sure PC is happy you noticed.

Oh, man I really feel sorry for you.
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