Republicans are afraid to propose spending cuts!

Why is irrelevant....The mere fact that he comes out of the ground like an insomniac Punxsutawney Phil on a cocaine bender tells me that the publicity and notoriety are important to him....If it weren't, he wouldn't be seeking it out as he does.

He would, if he genuinely believes that the rich should pay a bigger share of taxes.

That is the most obvious explanation, but since you cannot accept that, you have to invent his coveting for publicity for the sake of publicity, or for some other mysterious reason. Which means you refuse to accept the obvious explanation for unknown reasons.

And you accusing me of being irrational?
Then why does he keep popping up on the usual media outlets like an insomniac Punxsutawney Phil on a cocaine bender?...Everybody who pays any attention already knows his bullshit premise, about how his secretary pays a higher tax rate on her wage income than does he on his deliberately low dividend income.

Because he craves the publicity and attention, that's why....If he didn't, he wouldn't be there.

He is just trying to get his message across. Conservatives succeeded by repeating the same zombie lies over and over again. That leaves us with no other choice than to keep killing those lies.
Let's see, if we do nothing spending cuts automatically happen and the rich pay more taxes. Seems like we just sit back and wait.

Don't get too comfortable, because Dems will keep pushing for those middle class cuts.

At this point Reps are holding the middle class households as hostages in negotiations. I would like to see Reps explaining to their voters, for how long they are planning to keep punishing them.
It was such a simple Republican plan: Make Obama a one term president and take command of the Senate. That done, cut social programs to nothing. Sure the Tea Partiers would whine about Medicare and Social Security but once the deed is done many of those people wouldn't be around for the next election. Besides a lot of Tea Partiers never seemed to connect Medicare and Social Security to the national government. Remember the signs, "KEEP GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY MEDICARE"?
That accomplished, reinstall the trickle-down and bingo watch the big boys make huge campaign contributions to the Republican party. All would be rolling in money.
It was such a simple Republican plan: Make Obama a one term president and take command of the Senate. That done, cut social programs to nothing. Sure the Tea Partiers would whine about Medicare and Social Security but once the deed is done many of those people wouldn't be around for the next election. Besides a lot of Tea Partiers never seemed to connect Medicare and Social Security to the national government. Remember the signs, "KEEP GOVERNMENT OUT OF MY MEDICARE"?
That accomplished, reinstall the trickle-down and bingo watch the big boys make huge campaign contributions to the Republican party. All would be rolling in money.

oh boy, the crystal ball talks

but not to worry your Obama will expand social programs so you have no more fears, except when the tax the rich scheme doesn't pay for it all they'll be looking your way then...

we should all give a cheer for Obama obama obama
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He is just trying to get his message across. Conservatives succeeded by repeating the same zombie lies over and over again. That leaves us with no other choice than to keep killing those lies.
He's trying to get, and getting, scads of free media exposure.

Anyone who has been paying attention has already been apprised of his disingenuous message numerous times.....Speaking of lies.
Now Obama is trying to scare all the kiddies saying they won't have happy Christmas if the big bad Republicans won't cave in to him.

the last dept ceiling debate he told seniors he might not be able to pay them unless he gets his way..

the man is as low as they get and a thug
IOW, you got nothin', as usual.

You're like a crazy bum covered in dirt and shit then you walk into McDonalds and start yelling at everyone thinking you're funny and smart.

OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.
The cuts are clearly laid out. Now the Democrats just want to play politics with who really gets the worst end of it. No thank you.
OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

When are you going to site the Democrats being afraid to pass a budget?....It's been 3 years. They have the White House, The Senate, The Court, The Media.....and they are still afraid to pass a budget.
OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

When are you going to site the Democrats being afraid to pass a budget?....It's been 3 years. They have the White House, The Senate, The Court, The Media.....and they are still afraid to pass a budget.


Here's the Democrat response to the budget question: budget? We don't need no stinkin' budget, just give us a blank check and we will make EVERYTHING better... promise.

OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

When are you going to site the Democrats being afraid to pass a budget?....It's been 3 years. They have the White House, The Senate, The Court, The Media.....and they are still afraid to pass a budget.

that stuff doesn't bother them, they can't blame it on Republicans
OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

When are you going to site the Democrats being afraid to pass a budget?....It's been 3 years. They have the White House, The Senate, The Court, The Media.....and they are still afraid to pass a budget.

Every time, when the budget put to a vote sucks. Thanks for not passing it, Reid & co!
The big lie: Obama wants to compromise with the Republicans.

Why, he was trying to compromise. Now he knows better than that.

Just what was he giving up? Name one thing.

Obama had put on the table $4 of cuts per $1 of new revenue during the debt limit negotiations. That would be a surrender -- thank God and Grover Norquis, the Reps were too stupid, too arrogant and too scared to take it.
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The big lie: Obama wants to compromise with the Republicans.

Why, he was trying to compromise. Now he knows better than that.
The sequester (i.e. "fiscal cliff") was a compromise....A compromise that your Boiking now wants to weasel out of.

You lolberals are never happy, areya? :lol:

Virtually everything Democrats do is an attempt to spend more money or an attempt to weasel around Republican attempts to limit their spending.

Anyone who can't see through their bullshit has to be a certified moron.
Why, he was trying to compromise. Now he knows better than that.

Just what was he giving up? Name one thing.

Obama had put on the table $4 of cuts per $1 of new revenue during the debt limit negotiations. That would be a surrender -- thank God and Grover Norquis, the Reps were too stupid, too arrogant and too scared to take it.

The so-called "cuts" were nothing more than bogus promises to cut spending in the future.

I don't know how anyone can be fooled by these scumbags.

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