Republicans are afraid to propose spending cuts!

I'm saying that there's most likely some big fat spending and/or special tax sops in there for a Wall Street buttboy like Blankfein, to come out in support of the alleged plan of Boiking, which nobody else seems to have seen.
historically wall street has been a mainstay of the GOP. they were the ones who came running to the Bush administration when the financial markets collapsed. the GOP also used to use the stock market as an indicator as to where the economy was growing or contracting. since Obama has taken office they have abandoned this philosophy, this is probably due to the fact the under Obama the stock market went from 6500 to 13,025 (as of today). a 100% increase aint bad.....
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

You're so full of overused clichés your eyes show the void behind them.

Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?
historically wall street has been a mainstay of the GOP. they were the ones who came running to the Bush administration when the financial markets collapsed. the GOP also used to use the stock market as an indicator as to where the economy was growing or contracting. since Obama has taken office they have abandoned this philosophy, this is probably due to the fact the under Obama the stock market went from 6500 to 13,025 (as of today). a 100% increase aint bad.....
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

You're so full of overused clichés your eyes show the void behind them.

Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?
Both of them, fool.

The federal gubmint is little more than a giant protection racket.
OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

and exactly what spending cuts has Obama and the Dems proposed?
OMG, this is getting funnier by the minute.

According to the latest accounts, Obama is pushing very hard on taxing the rich -- not only expiration of Bush tax cuts, but also rising the dividend and estate taxes. In exchange, Dems are proposing modest spending cuts, leaving it to Republicans to offer what else they see fit to axe.

Now that is where it gets comical -- Republicans refuse to detail any additional spending cuts! They say they are desperately needed, huge cuts too. But they are afraid -- and for a good reason too -- that if they themselves would put any specific proposals regarding the entitlement programs on the table, the voters would punish them.

So Republicnas are practically begging the Dems to do the honor and commit a political suicide.

Now tell me -- aren't they cute? Saying no to them is like taking a candy from a little girl -- breaks one's heart! I see John Boehner crying again.

and exactly what spending cuts has Obama and the Dems proposed?
I've heard of none...Not even Pentagon cuts.
I'm saying that there's most likely some big fat spending and/or special tax sops in there for a Wall Street buttboy like Blankfein, to come out in support of the alleged plan of Boiking, which nobody else seems to have seen.
historically wall street has been a mainstay of the GOP. they were the ones who came running to the Bush administration when the financial markets collapsed. the GOP also used to use the stock market as an indicator as to where the economy was growing or contracting. since Obama has taken office they have abandoned this philosophy, this is probably due to the fact the under Obama the stock market went from 6500 to 13,025 (as of today). a 100% increase aint bad.....
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

Oh, and I don't suppose that the Fed printing up trillions of dollars and keeping interest rates ridiculously low has had any effect on money flooding into securities, huh?...And you wonder why the GS CEO supports the mythical plan of the Boiking?

Damn, you are one naïve dude, aintcha?
wall street hates regulations. who also hates regulations.... the GOP. they pushed for the repeal of glass stegal and got it. (although Clinton signed the law and even readily admits it was now a mistake)

Wall street also fought against Dodd-Frank alongside the GOP.

Wall street also heavily backed Romney:
Wall Street overwhelmingly backs Romney - Nov. 6, 2012

got any proof of the contrary?

wow an original insult for all people with brown eyes. how juvenile. your avatar must be a self portrait.
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?

Both sides get all sorts of Attention from Lobbyists, but I don't think you even know what a lobbyist is. Because you are suggesting they make contributions to one side or another to get what they want. They Lobby them. Fool.
historically wall street has been a mainstay of the GOP. they were the ones who came running to the Bush administration when the financial markets collapsed. the GOP also used to use the stock market as an indicator as to where the economy was growing or contracting. since Obama has taken office they have abandoned this philosophy, this is probably due to the fact the under Obama the stock market went from 6500 to 13,025 (as of today). a 100% increase aint bad.....
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

Oh, and I don't suppose that the Fed printing up trillions of dollars and keeping interest rates ridiculously low has had any effect on money flooding into securities, huh?...And you wonder why the GS CEO supports the mythical plan of the Boiking?

Damn, you are one naïve dude, aintcha?
wall street hates regulations. who also hates regulations.... the GOP. they pushed for the repeal of glass stegal and got it. (although Clinton signed the law and even readily admits it was now a mistake)

Wall street also fought against Dodd-Frank alongside the GOP.

Wall street also heavily backed Romney:
Wall Street overwhelmingly backs Romney - Nov. 6, 2012

got any proof of the contrary?

wow an original insult for all people with brown eyes. how juvenile. your avatar must be a self portrait.
Wrong again.

Big bidness LOVES regulations...Makes it more expensive and onerous for the small fry upstart competitors, who might cut into their market share...See: the FDA....Why the hell do you think they spend so much money on lobbyists to get regulations written?

And Dodd-Frank was and is still a stupid fucking bill...It's nothing more than sending the arsonists in to put out the fire.
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?

Both sides get all sorts of Attention from Lobbyists, but I don't think you even know what a lobbyist is. Because you are suggesting they make contributions to one side or another to get what they want. They Lobby them. Fool.

Good to know. Did you give my question any thoughts?
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

You're so full of overused clichés your eyes show the void behind them.

Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?
Both of them, fool.

The federal gubmint is little more than a giant protection racket.

Yes. Not the question. Where does the bulk go?

If you do not know look here:
Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?

Both sides get all sorts of Attention from Lobbyists, but I don't think you even know what a lobbyist is. Because you are suggesting they make contributions to one side or another to get what they want. They Lobby them. Fool.

Good to know. Did you give my question any thoughts?

I answered your question with my thoughts. Your were trying to suggest Financial Sector lobbyist somehow Contribute (your word) more to the GOP than the Dems. That is simply false. first they don't make contributions at all, they lobby law makers to do what they want.

Second they do not favor one side more than the other, they are fully in bed with both sides.

Finally if you want to talk about contributions from the Financial Sector to Campaigns. Obama got more from Wall Street in both 2008 and 2012 than his competition in Direct Campaign Contributions.

So, in other words. You don't know what you are talking about.
Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?

Both sides get all sorts of Attention from Lobbyists, but I don't think you even know what a lobbyist is. Because you are suggesting they make contributions to one side or another to get what they want. They Lobby them. Fool.

Good to know. Did you give my question any thoughts?
A more salient question is did you give your question any thoughts.....Or are you just full of media and pop culture knee-jerk stereotypes and bigotry as to what and whom non-democratics are?
Both sides get all sorts of Attention from Lobbyists, but I don't think you even know what a lobbyist is. Because you are suggesting they make contributions to one side or another to get what they want. They Lobby them. Fool.

Good to know. Did you give my question any thoughts?

I answered your question with my thoughts. Your were trying to suggest Financial Sector lobbyist somehow Contribute (your word) more to the GOP than the Dems. That is simply false. first they don't make contributions at all, they lobby law makers to do what they want.

Second they do not favor one side more than the other, they are fully in bed with both sides.

Finally if you want to talk about contributions from the Financial Sector to Campaigns. Obama got more from Wall Street in both 2008 and 2012 than his competition in Direct Campaign Contributions.

So, in other words. You don't know what you are talking about.

Really? How do you figure that, when reliable sources say different?
I believe neither party wants to cut spending to any of their own programs.
I tell ya though, it is needed badly a spending freeze on some of the idiocy now in which goes on in our Government.. I see many things that have been built or that the government has spent money on foolishly for quite sometime now, and that were absolutely not needed. Then we have the non-productive side of the equasion, that is going on in government workforces, who have no proper incentives to get the job done in a productive manor, and it done correctly. This I also have seen on many occassions, where money is allocated for projects that are rediculous, while other more important projects or situations goes lacking... We ride daily in our jobs, and the things that we see are amazing actually. Then you think about how this nation is poised to solve problems by raisng taxes ? Give me and everyother thinking American with any sense a break right, because we ain't this stupid in life are we ?
Good to know. Did you give my question any thoughts?

I answered your question with my thoughts. Your were trying to suggest Financial Sector lobbyist somehow Contribute (your word) more to the GOP than the Dems. That is simply false. first they don't make contributions at all, they lobby law makers to do what they want.

Second they do not favor one side more than the other, they are fully in bed with both sides.

Finally if you want to talk about contributions from the Financial Sector to Campaigns. Obama got more from Wall Street in both 2008 and 2012 than his competition in Direct Campaign Contributions.

So, in other words. You don't know what you are talking about.

Really? How do you figure that, when reliable sources say different?

Finance/Insurance/Real Estate | OpenSecrets

Like I said, You don't even know what a lobbyist is.
You're so full of overused clichés your eyes show the void behind them.

Now then, financial sector. Who do you think the bulk of their lobbyists' contribs go to. Dems or Reps?
Both of them, fool.

The federal gubmint is little more than a giant protection racket.

Yes. Not the question. Where does the bulk go?

If you do not know look here: Finance/Insurance/Real Estate | OpenSecrets
I've seen the numbers, Mr. Smartypants.....The fact remains that both sides are heavily funded by the same people.....In fact, the numbers have historically generally tracked toward the people who are in and/or are expected to gain/retain power.

How old are you...Like, 17?....You do realize that history didn't begin the day you were born, don't you?
Both sides get all sorts of Attention from Lobbyists, but I don't think you even know what a lobbyist is. Because you are suggesting they make contributions to one side or another to get what they want. They Lobby them. Fool.

Good to know. Did you give my question any thoughts?
A more salient question is did you give your question any thoughts.....Or are you just full of media and pop culture knee-jerk stereotypes and bigotry as to what and whom non-democratics are?

Fair enough.

Yes; I seldom ask a question that I've yet to research the answer.

Exceptions are when genuinely wanting to know other's thoughts, which is rare.

Does that help?
Good to know. Did you give my question any thoughts?
A more salient question is did you give your question any thoughts.....Or are you just full of media and pop culture knee-jerk stereotypes and bigotry as to what and whom non-democratics are?

Fair enough.

Yes; I seldom ask a question that I've yet to research the answer.

Exceptions are when genuinely wanting to know other's thoughts, which is rare.

Does that help?
Judging by your posts, which are chock full of stale media/pop culture cliches, overgeneralizations, stereotypes and plain old bigotry, I highly doubt that.
You're so full of shit the your eyes are brown.

Wall Street has always played both sides of the fence, if for no better reason that it's good for bidness.

Oh, and I don't suppose that the Fed printing up trillions of dollars and keeping interest rates ridiculously low has had any effect on money flooding into securities, huh?...And you wonder why the GS CEO supports the mythical plan of the Boiking?

Damn, you are one naïve dude, aintcha?
wall street hates regulations. who also hates regulations.... the GOP. they pushed for the repeal of glass stegal and got it. (although Clinton signed the law and even readily admits it was now a mistake)

Wall street also fought against Dodd-Frank alongside the GOP.

Wall street also heavily backed Romney:
Wall Street overwhelmingly backs Romney - Nov. 6, 2012

got any proof of the contrary?

wow an original insult for all people with brown eyes. how juvenile. your avatar must be a self portrait.
Wrong again.

Big bidness LOVES regulations...Makes it more expensive and onerous for the small fry upstart competitors, who might cut into their market share...See: the FDA....Why the hell do you think they spend so much money on lobbyists to get regulations written?

And Dodd-Frank was and is still a stupid fucking bill...It's nothing more than sending the arsonists in to put out the fire.

wall street loves regulation? i havent laughed that hard in years.

we arent talking about big business, we are talking about wall street. try to avoid the shiny red ball and stay on topic.

so the FDA, which is a government agency has lobbyist to lobby themselves? another great wingnut argument.
wall street hates regulations. who also hates regulations.... the GOP. they pushed for the repeal of glass stegal and got it. (although Clinton signed the law and even readily admits it was now a mistake)

Wall street also fought against Dodd-Frank alongside the GOP.

Wall street also heavily backed Romney:
Wall Street overwhelmingly backs Romney - Nov. 6, 2012

got any proof of the contrary?

wow an original insult for all people with brown eyes. how juvenile. your avatar must be a self portrait.
Wrong again.

Big bidness LOVES regulations...Makes it more expensive and onerous for the small fry upstart competitors, who might cut into their market share...See: the FDA....Why the hell do you think they spend so much money on lobbyists to get regulations written?

And Dodd-Frank was and is still a stupid fucking bill...It's nothing more than sending the arsonists in to put out the fire.

wall street loves regulation? i havent laughed that hard in years.

we arent talking about big business, we are talking about wall street. try to avoid the shiny red ball and stay on topic.

so the FDA, which is a government agency has lobbyist to lobby themselves? another great wingnut argument.
Oh, and if it's one thing that big banksters like Godman Sachs, Citigroup, Chase Manhattan, AIG, GMAC, the Fed, et al are known as it's small businesses.

Come back when your nuts drop, s0n. :lol:

wall street loves regulation? i havent laughed that hard in years.

we arent talking about big business, we are talking about wall street. try to avoid the shiny red ball and stay on topic.

so the FDA, which is a government agency has lobbyist to lobby themselves? another great wingnut argument.
Oh, and if it's one thing that big banksters like Godman Sachs, Citigroup, Chase Manhattan, AIG, GMAC, the Fed, et al are known as it's small businesses.

Come back when your nuts drop, s0n. :lol:
riiiigghhhhtttt. Goldman Sach, a publicly owned company worth over $55.35B is a "small business", Citigroup worth over $101.38B is a small business, Chase worth $153.3M is a small business, GMAC worth over $540.76M is a small business.

definition of a small business by the Small Business Association:

SBA defines a small business concern as one that is independently owned and operated, is organized for profit, and is not dominant in its field. Depending on the industry, size standard eligibility is based on the average number of employees for the preceding twelve months or on sales volume averaged over a three-year period. Examples of SBA general size standards include the following:

Manufacturing: Maximum number of employees may range from 500 to 1500, depending on the type of product manufactured;
Wholesaling: Maximum number of employees may range from 100 to 500 depending on the particular product being provided;
Services: Annual receipts may not exceed $2.5 to $21.5 million, depending on the particular service being provided;
Retailing: Annual receipts may not exceed $5.0 to $21.0 million, depending on the particular product being provided;
General and Heavy Construction: General construction annual receipts may not exceed $13.5 to $17 million, depending on the type of construction;
Special Trade Construction: Annual receipts may not exceed $7 million; and
Agriculture: Annual receipts may not exceed $0.5 to $9.0 million, depending on the agricultural product.

What is SBA's definition of a small business concern? |

come back when youve achieved over a 3rd grade education.
Right....And then they can buy off insiders to let competitors, like saaaaaaay Lehman Brothers (remember them?), crash and burn, while they get the bailout loot.

You really don't pay that close attention to things, do you? :lol:

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