Republicans are afraid to propose spending cuts!

And they were so much smarter when they elected Bush, huh? It was just a sudden virus of dumbass, huh?

Nope. Just what we in democratic republics assume is hopefully best: choice of the People.

It's obviously not best to allow numskulls like to choose how our country is run. That's the fatal flaw in democracy, not its strength. Allowing the stupid to run the country is the reason that democracies inevitably implode.

Perhaps. But our little experiment in what Cicero thought was a good idea, is still around. And whadaya know. It's a military, political and economic power the world had yet to see. Double the GDP of China, with fewer than half as many people. But they, like you, are none too keen on democracy. How's your Cantonese?

Meanwhile, what other parts of the Constitution do ya'll wish were not in it?
I never said the more taxes the better, stop putting words in my mouth.

My point is that we can easily afford to fund a proper care for seniors and disabled -- just like Canada or Germany do.

No we can't easily afford more healthcare for anyone. The reason is, healthcare isn't the only expensive issue on the table. It has been demonstrated that if you tax the rich at 100% of earned income, you can't right the fiscal situation.

Again, where are your numbers? Our current deficits are mostly cyclical -- that part appeared when the economy became severely depressed in 2008, but it will go away once the economy is recovered.

As for the structural part of the deficit, I seriously doubt that doubling taxes on 1% (about 70% top marginal rate) would not fix it. But even if it would not, than only means the middle class would have to see a small tax hike. Like it happened under Clinton -- and guess what, nobody died back then.

Again, we can easily afford the entitlement programs in they current form. Reps want you to believe otherwise only because they want to dismantle the welfare state, as they are instructed by their billionaire patrons.

Yes...the GOP wants to cater to only 1% of the electorate.

That, in itself, is moronic thinking.

Is moronic a word? I assume you would know for if it was, you likely have had it hurled toward you more often than once.
No we can't easily afford more healthcare for anyone. The reason is, healthcare isn't the only expensive issue on the table. It has been demonstrated that if you tax the rich at 100% of earned income, you can't right the fiscal situation.

Again, where are your numbers? Our current deficits are mostly cyclical -- that part appeared when the economy became severely depressed in 2008, but it will go away once the economy is recovered.

As for the structural part of the deficit, I seriously doubt that doubling taxes on 1% (about 70% top marginal rate) would not fix it. But even if it would not, than only means the middle class would have to see a small tax hike. Like it happened under Clinton -- and guess what, nobody died back then.

Again, we can easily afford the entitlement programs in they current form. Reps want you to believe otherwise only because they want to dismantle the welfare state, as they are instructed by their billionaire patrons.

Yes...the GOP wants to cater to only 1% of the electorate.

Why else would GOP lie about the entitlement programs being unsustainable unless they are cut?
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No we can't easily afford more healthcare for anyone. The reason is, healthcare isn't the only expensive issue on the table. It has been demonstrated that if you tax the rich at 100% of earned income, you can't right the fiscal situation.

Again, where are your numbers? Our current deficits are mostly cyclical -- that part appeared when the economy became severely depressed in 2008, but it will go away once the economy is recovered.

As for the structural part of the deficit, I seriously doubt that doubling taxes on 1% (about 70% top marginal rate) would not fix it. But even if it would not, than only means the middle class would have to see a small tax hike. Like it happened under Clinton -- and guess what, nobody died back then.

Again, we can easily afford the entitlement programs in they current form. Reps want you to believe otherwise only because they want to dismantle the welfare state, as they are instructed by their billionaire patrons.

Yes...the GOP wants to cater to only 1% of the electorate.

That, in itself, is moronic thinking.

Is moronic a word? I assume you would know for if it was, you likely have had it hurled toward you more often than once.

Yes. Moronic is in the dictionary and non-slang, ergo a word, so thought.
Nope. Just what we in democratic republics assume is hopefully best: choice of the People.

It's obviously not best to allow numskulls like to choose how our country is run. That's the fatal flaw in democracy, not its strength. Allowing the stupid to run the country is the reason that democracies inevitably implode.

Perhaps. But our little experiment in what Cicero thought was a good idea, is still around. And whadaya know. It's a military, political and economic power the world had yet to see. Double the GDP of China, with fewer than half as many people. But they, like you, are none too keen on democracy. How's your Cantonese?

Meanwhile, what other parts of the Constitution do ya'll wish were not in it?

Being against Democracy doesn't automatically make you for a totalitarian dictatorship. What I favor is removing government from as many spheres of society is possible. Government is always a bad way to run any sphere of human endeavor. It should be eliminated from society to the maximum extent feasible, not vastly expended until it has its tentacles into every crevice of society.
It's obviously not best to allow numskulls like to choose how our country is run. That's the fatal flaw in democracy, not its strength. Allowing the stupid to run the country is the reason that democracies inevitably implode.

Perhaps. But our little experiment in what Cicero thought was a good idea, is still around. And whadaya know. It's a military, political and economic power the world had yet to see. Double the GDP of China, with fewer than half as many people. But they, like you, are none too keen on democracy. How's your Cantonese?

Meanwhile, what other parts of the Constitution do ya'll wish were not in it?

Being against Democracy doesn't automatically make you for a totalitarian dictatorship. What I favor is removing government from as many spheres of society is possible. Government is always a bad way to run any sphere of human endeavor. It should be eliminated from society to the maximum extent feasible, not vastly expended until it has its tentacles into every crevice of society.

Monarchy? The weather in Saudi Arabia is nice currently. How's your Arabic?
It's obviously not best to allow numskulls like to choose how our country is run. That's the fatal flaw in democracy, not its strength. Allowing the stupid to run the country is the reason that democracies inevitably implode.

Perhaps. But our little experiment in what Cicero thought was a good idea, is still around. And whadaya know. It's a military, political and economic power the world had yet to see. Double the GDP of China, with fewer than half as many people. But they, like you, are none too keen on democracy. How's your Cantonese?

Meanwhile, what other parts of the Constitution do ya'll wish were not in it?

Being against Democracy doesn't automatically make you for a totalitarian dictatorship. What I favor is removing government from as many spheres of society is possible. Government is always a bad way to run any sphere of human endeavor. It should be eliminated from society to the maximum extent feasible, not vastly expended until it has its tentacles into every crevice of society.

Oops. No guvmint. Somalia it is! Enjoy the trip and keep an eye peeled for pirates.
Again, where are your numbers? Our current deficits are mostly cyclical -- that part appeared when the economy became severely depressed in 2008, but it will go away once the economy is recovered.

As for the structural part of the deficit, I seriously doubt that doubling taxes on 1% (about 70% top marginal rate) would not fix it. But even if it would not, than only means the middle class would have to see a small tax hike. Like it happened under Clinton -- and guess what, nobody died back then.

Again, we can easily afford the entitlement programs in they current form. Reps want you to believe otherwise only because they want to dismantle the welfare state, as they are instructed by their billionaire patrons.

Yes...the GOP wants to cater to only 1% of the electorate.

Why else would they lie about the entitlement programs being unsustainable unless they are cut?

Becuase in a republic designed as the United States was market capitalism....the GOP is not lying.

If you want our country to be designed differently...then can be sustained....but in will collapse...for there will be no one willing to take the chance of "risking it all" to start a business to end up paying 70% in taxes and making no more money than those that risked nothing..

And we will wind up with fewer businesses and fewer jobs...and thus less tax revenue.

Really not rocket scinece.
When have I ever claimed the Republicans had some master plan?

There are no cuts in that plan, only tax increases. The "cuts" refers to the imaginary cuts in the deficit Obama claims, not any cuts in his boondoggle spending.
youre a moron. you deride the presidents plans, but are more than willing to accept that fact the GOP doesnt have a plan at all.

wingnut logic from a wingnut.

The GOP house has presented budget after budget for 3 years with their proposed cuts in spending. The democratic senate wouldnt even vote on it.

So the GOP is saying...." know what we want to cut, you wont consider tell us what you want to cut"

You havent been paying attention for the last 4 years.
oh so your simply refering the Paul Ryan budget which has since been trashed by both sides. so what is the GOP proposing now? other than nothing? they havent put a proposal forth yet during this current debate. yet the president has. so whos at fault here?

Obama makes fresh demands on ‘fiscal cliff’ - The Washington Post

even Goldman Sachs CEO says the Obama plan is credible.

Blankfein Calls Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plan "Credible" - Business Insider
youre a moron. you deride the presidents plans, but are more than willing to accept that fact the GOP doesnt have a plan at all.

wingnut logic from a wingnut.

Sorry, but there's no logical connection between those to claims. Whether the GOP has a plan or not has no bearing on whether the president's plans are idiotic. Obama claimed he had a "balanced" plan, so he's on the hook for one. Where's the balance? Where are the spending cuts to balance his revenue increases?

The Republicans never claimed to have a plan, so they aren't on the hook for one. I know that Obama fluffers like you are wishing desperately for the Republicans to fall on their sword and offer up a pile of spending cuts that you can use to paint them as "mean" and "callous," but they just aren't going to do it.
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man oh man, the left have become nothing but a joke..they see us and our dept spiraling out of control and all they can do is laugh
Perhaps. But our little experiment in what Cicero thought was a good idea, is still around. And whadaya know. It's a military, political and economic power the world had yet to see. Double the GDP of China, with fewer than half as many people. But they, like you, are none too keen on democracy. How's your Cantonese?

Meanwhile, what other parts of the Constitution do ya'll wish were not in it?

Being against Democracy doesn't automatically make you for a totalitarian dictatorship. What I favor is removing government from as many spheres of society is possible. Government is always a bad way to run any sphere of human endeavor. It should be eliminated from society to the maximum extent feasible, not vastly expended until it has its tentacles into every crevice of society.

Oops. No guvmint. Somalia it is! Enjoy the trip and keep an eye peeled for pirates.

Somalia has plenty of government. A warlord there has absolute power over every person in his domain. He can have your throat slit just for looking at him the wrong way. He can take everything you own in the blink of an eye. That's the kind of government omnipotence that liberals dream about.

P.S. to libturds ever tire of recycling the same old exploded arguments over and over again?
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youre a moron. you deride the presidents plans, but are more than willing to accept that fact the GOP doesnt have a plan at all.

wingnut logic from a wingnut.

Sorry, but there's no logical connection between those to claims. Whether the GOP has a plan or not has no bearing on whether the president's plans are idiotic. Obama claimed he had a "balanced" plan, so he's on the hook for one. Where's the balance? Where are the spending cuts to balance his revenue increases?

The Republicans never claimed to have a plan, so they aren't on the hook for one. I know that Obama fluffers like you are wishing desperately for the Republicans to fall on their sword and offer up a pile of spending cuts that you can use to paint them as "mean" and "callous" with, but they just aren't going to do it.
the CEO of Goldman Sach calls Obama's plan credible. pretty sure he's about 1000x more intelligent than you are.

Blankfein Calls Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plan "Credible" - Business Insider

According to CNBC's Katie Little, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein characterized Obama's fiscal cliff plan as "very credible" and expressed optimism about a deal getting done.
Perhaps. But our little experiment in what Cicero thought was a good idea, is still around. And whadaya know. It's a military, political and economic power the world had yet to see. Double the GDP of China, with fewer than half as many people. But they, like you, are none too keen on democracy. How's your Cantonese?

Meanwhile, what other parts of the Constitution do ya'll wish were not in it?

Being against Democracy doesn't automatically make you for a totalitarian dictatorship. What I favor is removing government from as many spheres of society is possible. Government is always a bad way to run any sphere of human endeavor. It should be eliminated from society to the maximum extent feasible, not vastly expended until it has its tentacles into every crevice of society.

Monarchy? The weather in Saudi Arabia is nice currently. How's your Arabic?

Are you intent on proving you're a jackass?

How does Saudi Arabia fit the description of "as little government as possible?"
the CEO of Goldman Sacks..

now not only are they talking orders from billionaires (Buffet) now they are taking advice from Goldman Sacks

the Democrat party of the LITTLE hell
Being against Democracy doesn't automatically make you for a totalitarian dictatorship. What I favor is removing government from as many spheres of society is possible. Government is always a bad way to run any sphere of human endeavor. It should be eliminated from society to the maximum extent feasible, not vastly expended until it has its tentacles into every crevice of society.

Monarchy? The weather in Saudi Arabia is nice currently. How's your Arabic?

Are you intent on proving you're a jackass?

How does Saudi Arabia fit the description of "as little government as possible?"

Corrected myself. Looky up-thread.
And once again, keep clear of them pirates.
the CEO of Goldman Sach calls Obama's plan credible. pretty sure he's about 1000x more intelligent than you are.

Blankfein Calls Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plan "Credible" - Business Insider

According to CNBC's Katie Little, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein characterized Obama's fiscal cliff plan as "very credible" and expressed optimism about a deal getting done.

Yeah, right. Goldman Sachs has never received any benefits from the Obama administration, have they? What possible ulterior motive could they have for brown nosing the president?
the CEO of Goldman Sach calls Obama's plan credible. pretty sure he's about 1000x more intelligent than you are.

Blankfein Calls Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plan "Credible" - Business Insider

According to CNBC's Katie Little, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein characterized Obama's fiscal cliff plan as "very credible" and expressed optimism about a deal getting done.

Yeah, right. Goldman Sachs has never received any benefits from the Obama administration, have they? What possible ulterior motive could they have for brown nosing the president?

Sure. But only for a short while. Paulson's Treasury (the department) was a Goldman branch office.
the CEO of Goldman Sach calls Obama's plan credible. pretty sure he's about 1000x more intelligent than you are.

Blankfein Calls Obama's Fiscal Cliff Plan "Credible" - Business Insider

According to CNBC's Katie Little, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein characterized Obama's fiscal cliff plan as "very credible" and expressed optimism about a deal getting done.

Yeah, right. Goldman Sachs has never received any benefits from the Obama administration, have they? What possible ulterior motive could they have for brown nosing the president?

Sure. But only for a short while. Paulson's Treasury (the department) was a Goldman branch office.

ROFL! Aren't you forgetting that little Timothy Ghietner is a former Goldman Sachs employee? How much TARP money did Goldman Sachs receive?

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