Republicans are ALWAYS wrong!


Too fucking funny, I guess he forgets the republicans embraced Powell as possible presidential material before he endorsed your dear leader. Last I saw, your dear leader and Powell have very similar complexions.


This was on the Bestsellers list. Yours, hmmmm.

Best seller list? Oh right, like Faux "News" is the highest rated network? lol

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.
If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor.
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance.
Every family will save $2,500 on healthcare.
The website works just fine!
It was a video that killed these four people.
If I had a son...
Not a smidgeon of corruption.
There were no secret emails on my account.
Climate change is the greatest threat to our nation.
The cops acted stupidly.

Eh, I can go on forever.


This was on the Bestsellers list. Yours, hmmmm.

Best seller list? Oh right, like Faux "News" is the highest rated network? lol

Why Conservatives Love Stupid People.
Facts are facts. NY times Best Sellers list. And Fox news shows are the highest rated news shows. So you've got no argument.

People have been ignoring the NY Times bestseller list for years.

This is because the books are cooked. The numbers are fudged. The fix is in. And it's not being done by the Times.

It's being done by the publishers.

Have you ever noticed that books written by conservative pundits make the bestseller list their very first week out? How books by Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reily seem to be on the bestseller list before they're even released?

In a long, long overdue move the Times has finally stood up for itself and said no, at least this one time.

What they said no to is a an old and well known method of rigging the bestseller lists by having conservative think tanks and other organizations buy up books written by conservative authors. These groups buy books by the pallet, sometimes by the truck load, in order artificially drive up the numbers, pushing books that spout conservative ideas and liberal hating hysteria to the top of the bestseller lists.

This is why conservative books and ideas seem to be so "popular"

So where do all these books go? They're given away. They're given away to donors, volunteers and anyone else who will have them, even if they only use them for doorstops.

The NY Times stops letting Conservatives cheat. Maybe Liberals will make the Bestseller List now.
You are right in your last sentence.

Your overgeneralizations and your immaturity clearly shine through in the rest.

GWB was a dumbass....but he was POTUS. The left didn't treat him any better.

Do two wrongs make a right.


Both sides are wrong.
My immaturity? Directly quoting Texas his my immaturity? I've already admitted I'm 6 years old, so i guess you're right. The left did not call GWB a dictator, a communist, a Marxist, an ape.. They didn't make up a conspiracy theory about his birth..

They called him all kinds of names including traitor and criminal. They challenged him in every way Obama has been challenged. From his drinking to his lack of service in Vietnam.

The left was just as vitrolic as the right is.
"Traitor and criminal" are a lot different from personally attacking the president based on his race or his right wing contrived political leanings, such as communist. It was pretty warranted though, given the invasion of the wrong fucking country and all. Looking at individual incidents to criticize is different also, the rw loons consistently insult Obama with no bearing, in regards to his religion, his family..

I'm sorry you're so ignorant about your dear leaders upbringing, maybe you should do a little research and educate yourself.

It's really more the indoctrination you guys keep screaming about.

I really could care less.

He's simply been one of the most detached absent leaders I've ever seen.

Intentionally so.
Social security will only end up with the government taking your money and spending it everywhere except your retirement fund and in the end you will get a pittance if there's anything left at all.

We passed civil rights. The dem's created the KKK.

Nothing is free. We can only take care of the hardest of cases. Medicare was supposed to do that but now it's the example of the healthcare we all should have. Medicare for everyone right? For free!

Healthcare reform isn't doing more stupid shit that has failed in the past. No government program is a success. Why use that as the metric for reform.

Too fucking funny, I guess he forgets the republicans embraced Powell as possible presidential material before he endorsed your dear leader. Last I saw, your dear leader and Powell have very similar complexions.

Embraced? Oh you mean like Trumpster does to Mexicans? Sure Bubs, sure...

Thanks, you just proved yourself too ignorant to be anywhere near a political message board. I'm done with you.
I enjoy Real Time and Mr. Maher's stand up but it's not like he is objective in his critiques of half the population. Even as an atheist I sometimes find his remarks about the religulous crass. He is a comedian first and foremost so I will continue watching for the laughs but take him with a grain of salt.


Intergalactic Dictionary, 2283 Milky Way Edition, distribution Core Sol-Centauri, gold plated:

religulous (adj): comes from Terra, the 3rd planet orbiting Sol, a small, unimportant G2 star. Part of the Engrish language. Means "tending to vomit after seeing horrible things on social media"

religulous (noun): comes from Centauri Prima, 6th planet of the Alpha and Beta Centauri binary system. Part of the trisköölean language. Means "living blood-pocket under the second skin for the purpose of digesting regulan bloodworms while running through the small plateau separating the two largest volcanos of Centauri Prime. Can digest up to 736 bloodworms in one setting.

religulous (verb): old Goal-uld for "to kill one's prey with a zep, then squish it with your toes, then eat it".

I love these new-fangled dictionaries!!!!

I enjoy Real Time and Mr. Maher's stand up but it's not like he is objective in his critiques of half the population. Even as an atheist I sometimes find his remarks about the religulous crass. He is a comedian first and foremost so I will continue watching for the laughs but take him with a grain of salt.

Dear Piyush Jindal:

it's not working!
He quotes individuals and tries to paint the whole party with them

True.....He only quoted LEADERS of the party and unfortunately forgot to quote the real brains of the party like that lady who told McCain that Obama was an "Arab."
September 22, 2008

RUSH: These polls on how one-third of blue-collar white Democrats won't vote for Obama because he's black, and -- but he's not black. Do you know he has not one shred of African-American blood? He doesn't have any African -- that's why when they asked whether he was authentic, whether he's down for the struggle. He's Arab. You know, he's from Africa. He's from Arab parts of Africa. He's not -- his father was -- he's not African-American. The last thing that he is is African-American.
Social security will only end up with the government taking your money and spending it everywhere except your retirement fund and in the end you will get a pittance if there's anything left at all.

We passed civil rights. The dem's created the KKK.

Nothing is free. We can only take care of the hardest of cases. Medicare was supposed to do that but now it's the example of the healthcare we all should have. Medicare for everyone right? For free!

Healthcare reform isn't doing more stupid shit that has failed in the past. No government program is a success. Why use that as the metric for reform.

SS? Oh right that INSURANCE program Ronnie Raygun increased taxes by almost $3 trillion by when he "saved" it, where ALL the money was spent to hide the REAL costs of tax cuts for the rich?

SS system that keeps almost 50% of seniors out of poverty?

SS that even if NOTHING else is done (like the dozens of tweaks since the Dems created it) would STILL pay at 78% of benefits? Althoigh it WILL get fixed

Instead of pay go, Ronnie decided to create a surplus that was spent. Nice right?

Yep the Dems/PROGRESSIVES in larger numbers passed CIVIL RIGHTS, OF COURSE IT WAS THE SOUTHERN CONservative CONfederate States of AmeriKKKKa that fought it, from BOTH parties. Which side of the political spectrum are they on again Bubs?

Medicare free? No Bubs THAT was ONLY Medicare Part D that Dubya/.GOP passed in the middle of the night that was NEVER funded that stops Gov't from negotiating prices with Pharma that was UNFUNDED yet costs as much as Obamacares this decade. Medicare was ALWAYS set up to be funded, and is considered the second best anti poverty measure created for seniors, only beaten by the Dems SS insurance system

No Gov't program is a success?

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

P. J. O'Rourke


Too fucking funny, I guess he forgets the republicans embraced Powell as possible presidential material before he endorsed your dear leader. Last I saw, your dear leader and Powell have very similar complexions.

Embraced? Oh you mean like Trumpster does to Mexicans? Sure Bubs, sure...

Thanks, you just proved yourself too ignorant to be anywhere near a political message board. I'm done with you.


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