Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

Lol sorry Ray breaking out the definition of what care means does not mean benefit isnā€™t related. If the government wants a program that benefits the people, it means they care. Again, you know what Iā€™m saying makes perfect sense. Pretending otherwise really isnā€™t fooling anyone.

Lol um yeah i get it. The fed, state, and local governments have different powers. We already established this. What still doesnā€™t make sense is why you think itā€™s relevant. Our original discussion was the government governing. It was you that started talking about the difference between the levels for no apparent reason.

Nope, sorry. I asked you an entirely different question. I asked you what specific powers the federal government provides as stated in the constitution. You are now deflecting by asking your own question. Again, Ray, you just play dumb. You understand exactly what I say to you but you say anything to stretch the discussion out.

What started the conversation about different governments is when you said the government provides our police and emergency services. I responded by saying that's local government--not federal government.

Our founders wanted our federal government to simply govern. State and local governments can do whatever the hell they like as long as they don't violate the Constitution.

Our federal government is charged with the defense of this nation against enemies foreign and domestic. They are in charge of post roads. Outside of that, the rest should have been provided by local governments if the people of those local governments chose so.
Of course if nothing is done to fix the medicare/social security problem, then everyone will lose when there is no more money or the money is so worthless that wheel barrows of cash will be needed just to buy an apple. Sorta like what happened in the 1930s with the Weimar Republic and we knew what happened after that....

many thanks to the GOP and its usual corrupt deregulation bubble and bust which caused the Great Depression, not to mention their stupid isolationism that allowed the Japanese and Russian militarists to run wild and wrecked the Treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, also the same deal in 1989 2008, a 2008 bubble was just like the 1929 bubble. And now you idiots are allowing Putin to do a Hitler impersonation and of course the Orange Clown Pandemic reaction along with fox et cetera, the worst reaction in the world and a leader in that crap... Your party is a disgrace and a catastrophe long running....
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many thanks to the GOP and its usual corrupt deregulation bubble and bust which caused the Great Depression, not to mention their stupid isolationism that allowed the Japanese and Russian militarists to run wild and wrecked the Treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, also the same deal in 1989 2008, a 2008 bubble was just like the 1929 bubble. And now you idiots are allowing Putin to do a Hitler impersonation and of course the Orange Clown Pandemic reaction along with fox et cetera, the worst reaction in the world and a leader in that crap... Your party is a disgrace and a catastrophe long running....
It was Andrew Cuomo who caused the 2008 debacle you fucking retard, here i will post it again..Dumbass..

Here's what really caused the housing crisis
ā€œUnder Clintonā€™s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ā€˜credit-deprivedā€™ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting.
Whatā€™s more, in the Clinton push to issue home loans to lower income borrowers, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made a common practice to virtually end credit documentation, low credit scores were disregarded, and income and job history was also thrown aside. The phrase ā€œsubprimeā€ became commonplace. What an understatement. ā€¦ Tragically, when prices fell, lower-income folks who really could not afford these mortgages under normal credit standards, suffered massive foreclosures and personal bankruptcies.ā€
Now go fuck yourself again, because it is people like you who vote for Andrew Cuomo...
many thanks to the GOP and its usual corrupt deregulation bubble and bust which caused the Great Depression, not to mention their stupid isolationism that allowed the Japanese and Russian militarists to run wild and wrecked the Treaty of Versailles and the league of Nations, also the same deal in 1989 2008, a 2008 bubble was just like the 1929 bubble. And now you idiots are allowing Putin to do a Hitler impersonation and of course the Orange Clown Pandemic reaction along with fox et cetera, the worst reaction in the world and a leader in that crap... Your party is a disgrace and a catastrophe long running....
Deregulation did not cause the great depression. That's an idiotic claim.
Reagan deregulated the S&L market and W deregulated the real estate market.... how did that work out?great job ! they really run a great economy LOL Then Trump decided vaccines were dangerous,,, just for the dupes
  • The deregulation of S&Ls in 1980, by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act signed by President Jimmy Carter on March 31, 1980, gave the thrifts many of the capabilities of commercial banks without the same regulations as banks, and without explicit FDIC oversight.
We are by far the richest country in the world We can handle it, Super Dupe. Everybody else does in the modern world
Until they have to fund their military by themselves. Even now many struggle to afford their nanny states, and that's with Uncle Sam watching over them.
so who were the lying scumbag GOP swine who decided it was a good idea to be able to buy at 10% margin? You don't call that deregulation? Maybe you wanna snap out of it
You tell us. Who were they?
  • The deregulation of S&Ls in 1980, by the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act signed by President Jimmy Carter on March 31, 1980, gave the thrifts many of the capabilities of commercial banks without the same regulations as banks, and without explicit FDIC oversight.
Down goes francoHFW

Bush warned about the housing crisis as far back as 2001, Simp.

Dimwingers said there was nothing to worry about.

BS. I'm guessing that's about Fanny and Freddy which Republicans are always complaining about, and which had little to do with the real estate bubble and bust until the end. It was about GOP pals like countrywide getting deregulated mortgages sent out all over the country period a total bubble brought on by total deregulation and the usual crap oversight by the GOP. which is why they have a bust every time they get eight years....
BS. I'm guessing that's about Fanny and Freddy which Republicans are always complaining about, and which had little to do with the real estate bubble and bust until the end. It was about GOP pals like countrywide getting deregulated mortgages sent out all over the country period a total bubble brought on by total deregulation and the usual crap oversight by the GOP. which is why they have a bust every time they get eight years....

It was actually about giving out loans to people that had little way to repay them:

The seeds of the mortgage meltdown were planted during Bill Clintonā€™s presidency.

Under Clintonā€™s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ā€œcredit-deprivedā€ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting. If banks didnā€™t comply with these rules, regulators reined in their ability to expand lending and deposits.

These new HUD rules lowered down payments from the traditional 20 percent to 3 percent by 1995 and zero down-payments by 2000. Whatā€™s more, in the Clinton push to issue home loans to lower income borrowers, Fannie Mae
and Freddie Mac made a common practice to virtually end credit documentation, low credit scores were disregarded, and income and job history was also thrown aside. The phrase ā€œsubprimeā€ became commonplace. What an understatement.

Now you can't bitch about the source either because it's one of your own. What Bill and then HUD secretary Andrew Cuomo did was tell banks to give loans to anybody no questions asked. If you made french fries at McDonald's part time, you still qualified for a home loan even though you had no financial ability to repay it.

The problem with that is you can't make one set of rules for minorities and another set for whites under our Equal Protection Under The Law rights of the US Constitution, so everybody jumped in and took advantage of this after 911 when the recession lifted.
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I'm not much of a fan of the fair tax, but I am a fan of everybody paying. The top 20% of wage earners in this country pay close to 90% of all collected federal income taxes. Why should they be paying the taxes the rest of us should be paying, because they have it?
Yes, that's the way the tax structures are in the rest of the world.
At the same time nearly half of our population pays no federal income taxes at all.
Well, with republicans passing tax cuts for corporations and the rich, eventually, some people are so low on the progressive income tax scale that they will pay $0 in income taxes.

Look how it was before Reagan.

The median taxpayer for 1981 had an AGI of $13,497 and owed $1,394 (10.3 percent of AGO in federal income taxes. Figure A shows the approximate effective tax rate for the average, or more specifically, the median taxpayer for selected years since 1950.

Figure A.-- Effective Tax Rates on Median AGI, All Returns, 1950 - 1981 Tax Median Adjusted Effective Year Gross Income Tax Rates
1950 $2,721 5.5%
1955 $3,528 8.1%
1960 $4,281 8.7%
1965 $5,143 8.4 1%
1970 $6,784 9.8%
1975 $8,929 8.9%
1976 $9,556 8.8%
1977 $10,222 8.5%
1978 $10,972 9.0%
1979 $11,869 9.3%
1980 $12,824 9.9%
1981 $13,497 10.3%
The following example shows how income tax' before credits was computed for 1981 for a married couple tiling a joint return, claiming four exemptions, having $4,880 in itemized deductions and with an adjusted gross income of $48,796. Joint Return with Income Subject to Tax at Regular Rates Only Derivation of Income Subject To Tax: $48,796 Adjusted Gross Income -1,480 Itemized deductions in excess of zero bracket amount -4 000 Exemption amount *43:316 Income subject to tax
And when the left wants money for their stupid projects, their solution is to increase taxes on people that are paying most all of the tax now!
And when right wants more $$$ for their stupid projects, they lower taxes on the people that came up with their stupid idea.
My idea is similar to the fair tax plan, except I think we need a national consumption tax to pay for any deficit spending and that's all it should be used for. Increase deficit spending, up goes the consumption tax.
It's ALL deficit spending.
If we all had a dog in this race, you'd see how fast people would revolt against all this unnecessary spending by the Democrats with their vote buying and pork stuffed bills.
Sure, like this?

June 11 2020
U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin told Congress Wednesday that the Trump administration intends to keep secret the names of the businesses that have received more than $500 billion in COVID-19 bailout funds through the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), claiming the information is ā€œconfidential.ā€

You want to fund the Ukraine war, the consumption tax goes from 7 cents on the dollar to 9 cents on the dollar.
You want to fund a border wall, republicans should pay for it.
You want to send Mexican immigrants further into the US, republicans should pay for it.
You want to have college loan forgiveness, then it goes from 9 cents on the dollar to 12 cents on the dollar.
Democrats should pay for it.
You'd see how fast this shit would stop in no time at all. That's kind of the idea McCarthy is proposing.
NO, he isn't.

Kevin McCarthy had a hell of a time getting elected as House speaker, and a list of all the concessions he made to the most conservative members of his party wouldnā€™t fit here. But one of the more important was a concession to hold a vote about a radical tax reform proposal known as the FairTax.

The FairTax, at its heart, is simple enough: It would take almost every federal tax and replace them with a fat 30 percent sales tax on everything. Virtually every American would get a monthly check from the government to cover the cost of paying the tax on essentials. Itā€™s a radical idea, but one which since its first introduction to Congress in 1999 has been a favorite of conservative Republicans. Rep. Buddy Carter (R-GA) already has 23 co-sponsors for the current iteration. Prominent party figures like Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, John McCain, Rick Perry, and Herman Cain have all championed the idea over the years.

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