Republicans Are Extremely Fearful of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Lower spending, lower taxes, a balanced budget, no debt is a stronger nation and one that is able to take care of those in need. Overspending, high taxes, high debt chokes a nation of its ability to take care of their poor. Simple economics.
end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they can't be that serious since you don't want to pay war time tax rates for them.

I have told you my stance on all these items yet you persist in your stupidity and sidetracking the conversation.
...Because you prefer to cut social spending on the Poor.

Really? Where have I stated that? Again, you are making up BS to sidetrack the issues at hand, if you aren't going to be honest then I am done.
cuts to social services is all the right wing wants to do.
Always plenty of money for war and corporate welfare, though.
If you're not working and thus not generating an income, what do you have that benefits the other guy? Have you tried paying for your pot with pocket lint?

And you clearly have no concept of what words mean.

He feels that just spending handouts makes him important to the economy.
sure; Capital must circulate not labor. Simply circulating capital is what engenders the liquidity necessary to promote a positive multiplier effect.
Good point. A strong economy needs a balance between investment capital (business) and working capital. (consumers i.e the working class) Money in the hands of the working class is what makes investments profitable. A good flow of money between business and workers makes a strong economy. If that money collects in one place, (usually at the top) it pinches off the velocity of money and the economy falters.
the right wing doesn't believe, liquidity matters.

Henry Ford, knew better.

Henry Ford was in a unique position, and I've schooled you on this before. Don't even try.

He brings out the same old tired unproven arguments all the time, ones that he has given a thousand times before and then has no way to back up his arguments and then blames us for having the same tired responses to his same tired BS.

He really needs to get his BS together because I want to retire and him and Alexandria to pay for my cruises and travel.
end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they can't be that serious since you don't want to pay war time tax rates for them.

I have told you my stance on all these items yet you persist in your stupidity and sidetracking the conversation.
...Because you prefer to cut social spending on the Poor.

Really? Where have I stated that? Again, you are making up BS to sidetrack the issues at hand, if you aren't going to be honest then I am done.
cuts to social services is all the right wing wants to do.
Always plenty of money for war and corporate welfare, though.

We need deep cuts across the board, and corporate welfare needs to be cut to nothing.
end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror; they can't be that serious since you don't want to pay war time tax rates for them.

I have told you my stance on all these items yet you persist in your stupidity and sidetracking the conversation.
...Because you prefer to cut social spending on the Poor.

Really? Where have I stated that? Again, you are making up BS to sidetrack the issues at hand, if you aren't going to be honest then I am done.
cuts to social services is all the right wing wants to do.
Always plenty of money for war and corporate welfare, though.

And that's somewhat redundant.
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts on why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?

It still tickles me to the bone that these message board wags wailed and whined endlessly about "drain the swamp" and "upset the establishment". Soon as this young lady, a real person not a well-connected attorney type, ousted an entrenched establishment type and thereby did just that, they spun a 180 on "drain the swamp" so fast it made everybody's head spin. Suddenly they were all up in here defending the entrenched Democrat, the old guy.

Having it both ways is Priceless, but doing it that fast takes a real power of self-delusion.

And needles to say, zero of these armchair critics are actually within her district anyway.
we want to drain the swamp, but replacement of the creatures must be smart enough to know what 2+2 equals. Sorry, she doesn't qualify.
how many lousy employees don't need to waste corporate space? if you are actually motivated; you should be able to do as well as you want.

I think you are a bot, you post mindless, pointless posts. No wonder no one takes you seriously.
you need valid arguments to play; you need superior arguments to win.

Already did and already won. Thank you though.
only in right wing fantasy. you need real arguments, not just gossip.

Then you need to quit gossiping and come up with valid arguments because so far you are coming up with a lot of nothing, just tired old unproven propaganda.
you are the one claiming capitalism doesn't work, regardless if everyone is getting paid.
If you're not working and thus not generating an income, what do you have that benefits the other guy? Have you tried paying for your pot with pocket lint?

And you clearly have no concept of what words mean.

He feels that just spending handouts makes him important to the economy.
sure; Capital must circulate not labor. Simply circulating capital is what engenders the liquidity necessary to promote a positive multiplier effect.
Good point. A strong economy needs a balance between investment capital (business) and working capital. (consumers i.e the working class) Money in the hands of the working class is what makes investments profitable. A good flow of money between business and workers makes a strong economy. If that money collects in one place, (usually at the top) it pinches off the velocity of money and the economy falters.
the right wing doesn't believe, liquidity matters.

Henry Ford, knew better.

Henry Ford was in a unique position, and I've schooled you on this before. Don't even try.
Not all labor is in a unique position. Hence, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.
He feels that just spending handouts makes him important to the economy.
sure; Capital must circulate not labor. Simply circulating capital is what engenders the liquidity necessary to promote a positive multiplier effect.
Good point. A strong economy needs a balance between investment capital (business) and working capital. (consumers i.e the working class) Money in the hands of the working class is what makes investments profitable. A good flow of money between business and workers makes a strong economy. If that money collects in one place, (usually at the top) it pinches off the velocity of money and the economy falters.
the right wing doesn't believe, liquidity matters.

Henry Ford, knew better.

Henry Ford was in a unique position, and I've schooled you on this before. Don't even try.

He brings out the same old tired unproven arguments all the time, ones that he has given a thousand times before and then has no way to back up his arguments and then blames us for having the same tired responses to his same tired BS.

He really needs to get his BS together because I want to retire and him and Alexandria to pay for my cruises and travel.

He'll pay for it out of that $14/hour MW he's going to earn without working. You know, that money you'll be taxed first to give him.

I think he truly believes you can fill a swimming pool by pumping water from the deep end to the shallow end.
He feels that just spending handouts makes him important to the economy.
sure; Capital must circulate not labor. Simply circulating capital is what engenders the liquidity necessary to promote a positive multiplier effect.
Good point. A strong economy needs a balance between investment capital (business) and working capital. (consumers i.e the working class) Money in the hands of the working class is what makes investments profitable. A good flow of money between business and workers makes a strong economy. If that money collects in one place, (usually at the top) it pinches off the velocity of money and the economy falters.
the right wing doesn't believe, liquidity matters.

Henry Ford, knew better.

Henry Ford was in a unique position, and I've schooled you on this before. Don't even try.
Not all labor is in a unique position. Hence, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Irrelevant. If you can work and jobs are available, you should provide value for what you receive. Stop, and I really mean stop, using words that don't mean what you say they mean.
only Capital has to circulate under Capitalism.

Doesn't matter. You don't get to redefine words to mean something else just because you want to cloak your true goals and make them sound more appealing.
employment is at the will of either party. why does the right wing prefer to use Capitalism to Punish the Poor?

They don't. And you still don't get to redefine words.
why the work ethic to punish instead of simply capital to encourage?

Capital requires work or it won't be produced. It's not punishment to require an able bodied person with available work to provide something of value in return for money that was forcibly taken from someone else. Earning something is better for the psych than simply having it given.
A positive multiplier effect means the economy will be growing. The money being circulated creates the liquidity necessary for a positive multiplier effect. Henry Ford, understood the concept.
He feels that just spending handouts makes him important to the economy.
sure; Capital must circulate not labor. Simply circulating capital is what engenders the liquidity necessary to promote a positive multiplier effect.
Good point. A strong economy needs a balance between investment capital (business) and working capital. (consumers i.e the working class) Money in the hands of the working class is what makes investments profitable. A good flow of money between business and workers makes a strong economy. If that money collects in one place, (usually at the top) it pinches off the velocity of money and the economy falters.
the right wing doesn't believe, liquidity matters.

Henry Ford, knew better.

Henry Ford was in a unique position, and I've schooled you on this before. Don't even try.

He brings out the same old tired unproven arguments all the time, ones that he has given a thousand times before and then has no way to back up his arguments and then blames us for having the same tired responses to his same tired BS.

He really needs to get his BS together because I want to retire and him and Alexandria to pay for my cruises and travel.
all you have is gossip, not valid arguments.
I have told you my stance on all these items yet you persist in your stupidity and sidetracking the conversation.
...Because you prefer to cut social spending on the Poor.

Really? Where have I stated that? Again, you are making up BS to sidetrack the issues at hand, if you aren't going to be honest then I am done.
cuts to social services is all the right wing wants to do.
Always plenty of money for war and corporate welfare, though.

We need deep cuts across the board, and corporate welfare needs to be cut to nothing.
discretionary spending should go first. That means, our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
sure; Capital must circulate not labor. Simply circulating capital is what engenders the liquidity necessary to promote a positive multiplier effect.
Good point. A strong economy needs a balance between investment capital (business) and working capital. (consumers i.e the working class) Money in the hands of the working class is what makes investments profitable. A good flow of money between business and workers makes a strong economy. If that money collects in one place, (usually at the top) it pinches off the velocity of money and the economy falters.
the right wing doesn't believe, liquidity matters.

Henry Ford, knew better.

Henry Ford was in a unique position, and I've schooled you on this before. Don't even try.
Not all labor is in a unique position. Hence, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Irrelevant. If you can work and jobs are available, you should provide value for what you receive. Stop, and I really mean stop, using words that don't mean what you say they mean.
All Capitalists should be required to make like Henry Ford and double wages.
Doesn't matter. You don't get to redefine words to mean something else just because you want to cloak your true goals and make them sound more appealing.
employment is at the will of either party. why does the right wing prefer to use Capitalism to Punish the Poor?

They don't. And you still don't get to redefine words.
why the work ethic to punish instead of simply capital to encourage?

Capital requires work or it won't be produced. It's not punishment to require an able bodied person with available work to provide something of value in return for money that was forcibly taken from someone else. Earning something is better for the psych than simply having it given.
A positive multiplier effect means the economy will be growing. The money being circulated creates the liquidity necessary for a positive multiplier effect. Henry Ford, understood the concept.

How is capital created, if not by someone with a work ethic?
They are fearful because, finally, they have to contend with an unabashed liberal progressive that's fighting for the people. Moreover, she's a woman, so they won't be able to just come out her any type of way.

And the best part is, she know exactly how to counter their foolishness.

Yes Republicans, she's coming, and HELL'S coming with her!!!


Any other thoughts one why Republicans are left quaking in their boots over this. one. little. woman?


just like Democrats were afraid of Palin in 2008
People didn't like Palin because she was entirely unfit for national office: she's of mediocre intelligence, mediocre knowledge of national and international issues; in fact, she has an all encompassing mediocre ability and intellect in general. She was a joke as a vice presidential candidate and caused McCain to lose the election---this is something we all know, especially McCain. He was painfully aware that she lost him the election. People were not 'afraid' of her other than if she were vice president, she would do a great deal of harm to the country. It's the kind of harm Drumph is doing, and you all support him like you supported Palin. Some people apparently have no idea at all what it takes to govern the greatest country in the world. No idea at all.
I have told you my stance on all these items yet you persist in your stupidity and sidetracking the conversation.
...Because you prefer to cut social spending on the Poor.

Really? Where have I stated that? Again, you are making up BS to sidetrack the issues at hand, if you aren't going to be honest then I am done.
cuts to social services is all the right wing wants to do.
Always plenty of money for war and corporate welfare, though.

We need deep cuts across the board, and corporate welfare needs to be cut to nothing.
Never ending war and foreign aid are corporate welfare.
Good point. A strong economy needs a balance between investment capital (business) and working capital. (consumers i.e the working class) Money in the hands of the working class is what makes investments profitable. A good flow of money between business and workers makes a strong economy. If that money collects in one place, (usually at the top) it pinches off the velocity of money and the economy falters.
the right wing doesn't believe, liquidity matters.

Henry Ford, knew better.

Henry Ford was in a unique position, and I've schooled you on this before. Don't even try.
Not all labor is in a unique position. Hence, unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed.

Irrelevant. If you can work and jobs are available, you should provide value for what you receive. Stop, and I really mean stop, using words that don't mean what you say they mean.
All Capitalists should be required to make like Henry Ford and double wages.

All customers should be required to be like Ford's customers and demand all products.
Has any incoming congress person ever generated so much talk among the opposing party? There are easily 5 to 6 threads a day about her on this forum alone.

She has already moved into their heads
They talked about her because she was such a sad, pathetic joke, and her antics were hilarious. She was the quintessential political buffoon.

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