Republicans are on edge about the economy.

Turn about is fair play Russia and Putin got their man as President and we can all see ,,except blind republicans how trump pays him back

Trump hasn't given Russia diddly! What payback are you talking about?

China is blatantly trying to influence our election so that they can get someone in office who won't play hard ball with them and you describe that as "fair play"?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Turn about is fair play Russia and Putin got their man as President and we can all see ,,except blind republicans how trump pays him back

Trump hasn't given Russia diddly! What payback are you talking about?

China is blatantly trying to influence our election so that they can get someone in office who won't play hard ball with them and you describe that as "fair play"?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the strength of the economy and downplay/dismiss any weakness when their guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly overstate the weakness of the economy and downplay/dismiss any strength when the other guy is in the White House.

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!

McConnell is an asshole who denies even his own party members requests to consider bills before the Senate.

Which ones?

The GOP lawmakers that have self-respect and a conscience. Not the oxygen-deprived GOP losers who jostle each other for the position closest to Trump's anus at photo opportunities.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!

McConnell is an asshole who denies even his own party members requests to consider bills before the Senate.

Which ones?
How about interference with our elections ?Moscow mitch the sob says states not gov't should be responsible ???He is a prick of misery

Interference in our elections? Ah, you mean like China targeting specific parts of our economy trying to cost Trump the election in 2020? So they can have another Democrat in office who will let them go right on screwing the US over? Why is it that you on the left don't care about THAT interference?

That's comrade Trump doing that. The First Commie has clouded your mind.

The first step in your cure is for you to stop attending Trump rallies.
Trump hasn't given Russia diddly! What payback are you talking about?

China is blatantly trying to influence our election so that they can get someone in office who won't play hard ball with them and you describe that as "fair play"?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Trump hasn't given Russia diddly! What payback are you talking about?

China is blatantly trying to influence our election so that they can get someone in office who won't play hard ball with them and you describe that as "fair play"?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

How does asking for help getting emails that Hillary destroyed to hide her criminal activity so that the American people have a full understanding of just how corrupt she was...equate with you wanting China to selectively target farmers in the Midwest with tariffs to undermine their support for Trump, Eddie? Do you really not see the HUGE difference between the two?
Hardcore partisan ideologues regularly demean our country, our Prez, and this economy, and set their hair aflame while screaming "recession, recession" (not to be confused with "Russia, Russia" or "racist, racist").

Hardcore partisan ideologues: Party over country, zero credibility.
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!

McConnell is an asshole who denies even his own party members requests to consider bills before the Senate.

Which ones?

The GOP lawmakers that have self-respect and a conscience. Not the oxygen-deprived GOP losers who jostle each other for the position closest to Trump's anus at photo opportunities.

You didn't answer the question.
You WANT China to undermine our economy! You're more than happy to gleefully watch people in the US suffer economic hardship if you think it will mean a Trump loss next year. At a time when Americans SHOULD be united in seeing that China does play on the left are taking their side simply because you think it will hurt Trump. That's pathetic...
Of course your republican friends including the McConnell scum treated our great president Obama with kid gloves

Mitch McConnell took the gloves OFF after Barry made it quite clear that he wasn't going to work with Republicans with his "Elections have consequences...I won!" speech. Funny how Obama changed his tune on that whole elections have consequences narrative as soon as the Democrats got "shellacked" in the first mid-term elections! Then his new speech was "I have a pen and a phone!" and the elections DIDN'T mean a thing! Then you wonder why the GOP didn't want to work with him? Obama got what he deserved. He played "fuck you!" politics when he had control of the House and Senate and then ignored the will of the voters when they responded to his agenda!

McConnell is an asshole who denies even his own party members requests to consider bills before the Senate.

Which ones?

The GOP lawmakers that have self-respect and a conscience. Not the oxygen-deprived GOP losers who jostle each other for the position closest to Trump's anus at photo opportunities.

You didn't answer the question.

Here's a mug shot:

You WANT China to undermine our economy! You're more than happy to gleefully watch people in the US suffer economic hardship if you think it will mean a Trump loss next year. At a time when Americans SHOULD be united in seeing that China does play on the left are taking their side simply because you think it will hurt Trump. That's pathetic...

Donald Trump is the person undermining the US economy.

Donald Trump hate speech diverts and distracts the howling Trump mob from reality.
Trump hasn't given Russia diddly! What payback are you talking about?

China is blatantly trying to influence our election so that they can get someone in office who won't play hard ball with them and you describe that as "fair play"?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Trump hasn't given Russia diddly! What payback are you talking about?

China is blatantly trying to influence our election so that they can get someone in office who won't play hard ball with them and you describe that as "fair play"?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.

Donald Trump is a Russian chattel.
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Just recently ,,,Trying to get the murderers back into G7 Believing russian scum over our FBI Doing NOTHING about russian influencing our elections etc etc etc

Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??
Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

Trump's dumb family would homeless and jobless if Trump was broke and lost the presidency.

Trump even publicly called both of his oldest sons stupid.

The whole family of grifters couldn't survive without Russian mob money.
Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

The answer would be "D". All of the above referenced stories would be fake. Since Presidents all get paid they ALL make money off their Presidency. But Trump isn't even taking a salary.
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

The answer would be "D". All of the above referenced stories would be fake. Since Presidents all get paid they ALL make money off their Presidency. But Trump isn't even taking a salary.

Black plastic bags full in undisclosed locations? Trump is filling his pockets.

Why is his loser family on the payroll?

Even Melania has been implicated in $ 30 million missing from the inauguration donation fund.

Donald Trump's favorite charity is Donald Trump.
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

The answer would be "D". All of the above referenced stories would be fake. Since Presidents all get paid they ALL make money off their Presidency. But Trump isn't even taking a salary.
Big deal He's probably taking double of his taxes This is a guy who had his BS charity fund taken away because he was stealing from it ,,and you remember Trump U?/
Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Funny how Barack Obama was stating that he wasn't worried about Russian meddling in our election right up to the point where Hillary Clinton LOST the election and THEN it became a crisis to you on the left, Ed! It's obvious that Russians helping Glenn Simpson and Richard Steele fabricate and put out those phony dossiers on Trump wasn't a problem with the Obama White House! Amazing how that works with you on the left!

Now China is blatantly targeting specific parts of our economy with their tariffs in an attempt to replace Donald Trump with someone who will let them continue to screw over the US...and you have ZERO problem with that happening!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

Donald Trump will be remarkable in that he's probably the first President who will be worth less upon LEAVING office then when he ENTERED office! It was never about the money with him...he simply wanted to try and fix something that he saw as broken. Politics isn't his "career" like it was with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton!
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
None at all Evidently you didn't hear the garbage in our WH say there's nothing wrong with taking help from foreign countries

So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

Donald Trump will be remarkable in that he's probably the first President who will be worth less upon LEAVING office then when he ENTERED office! It was never about the money with him...he simply wanted to try and fix something that he saw as broken. Politics isn't his "career" like it was with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton!

Trump is evidently unaware of the maxim 'if it aint broke, don't fix it. Trump is breaking the US economy and the world economy.

Trump is using the carrot and stick approach, however, he is using the carrot as an anal suppository.
So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
So you admit that China IS working to undermine our elections to put someone into office that they think will let them keep abusing the US through trade but you're OK with that? Why is that OK, Eddie? You're triggered because you think Russia might be influencing our elections but don't care about China doing exactly that?
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

Donald Trump will be remarkable in that he's probably the first President who will be worth less upon LEAVING office then when he ENTERED office! It was never about the money with him...he simply wanted to try and fix something that he saw as broken. Politics isn't his "career" like it was with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton!

Trump is evidently unaware of the maxim 'if it aint broke, don't fix it. Trump is breaking the US economy and the world economy.

Trump is using the carrot and stick approach, however, he is using the carrot as an anal suppository.

Yeah, up yer ass. :auiqs.jpg:
Whether or not Trump wins the 2020 POTUS election, the Republicans fear being led into the wilderness by Donald Trump as their control of the senate is under threat in 2020.

The GOP lawmakers have nothing to show after 2+ years of Donald Trump and in fact, the GOP lawmakers have been marginalized and have become invisible under Trump's media blitzkrieg which has stolen their oxygen.

If in 2021 the GOP does not have the Senate, does not have the House and doesn't have their demagog Trump they will be left with nothing.

Donald Trump will have erased the GOP from the minds of the public with his Donald Trump First policy.

Republicans are on edge about the economy. Any slowdown from Trump’s trade wars could cost them the Senate

Republicans are on edge about the economy. Any slowdown from Trump’s trade wars could cost them the Senate
Joseph Zeballos-Roig

Republicans have weathered President Donald Trump's trade war against China with some unease, but their patience is starting to wear thin and their frustration is spilling out publicly.

Recently, Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania told Politico, "there's no question that trade uncertainty is contributing to the slowdown."

But Trump has showed that he cares little for the collateral damage his trade war inflicts on the American economy, which is showing signs of slowing down after its longest expansion in the nation's history.
As next year's election cycle starts heating up, Republicans are beginning to look increasingly vulnerable on Trump's signature issue: the economy.

It could threaten their control of the White House and cost them the Senate.

Republicans have weathered President Donald Trump's trade war against China with some unease, but their patience starting to wear thin and their frustration is spilling out publicly.

Republican Sen. Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania — a leading free-trader — recently told Politico, "there's no question that trade uncertainty is contributing to the slowdown."
"We're in a very good place," he added. "The danger is: Where are we going to be a year from now if concerns about trade continue to be an irritant to growth." ...

Haha..,that’s funny shit...Weird that you people still think Trumps presidency is tied to economics, foreign relations, trade...etc
In 2016, 30 states and 2,623 counties voted on FEELZ just like you Lefties always do....they issued Trump the keys to the Oval Office on two platforms and two platforms alone....”FUCK WETBACKS” and “AMERICANS FIRST” people underestimate the value of those sentiments for good, real Americans. For legit citizens those sentiments TRUMP economics, trade, foreign relations and the like. This guy did not get elected for what he could or would do from a ‘traditional’ presidents perspective...He got elected to fuck wetbacks over and to squash the Democrat Left. You know, the shit he spends his days doing.

Trump spends his days inciting you and your ilk to do his dirty work.

And what is his dirty work? The fricken mess you idiots left behind?
What mess? Trump inherited a healthy economy, pulled out of the worst recession since the Great Depression, in which all indicators were trending steadily up and a period of expansion longer than any before.
Since you might not have heard trump say he welcomes help from russia perhaps you've heard "if it's good enough for the goose it's good enough for the gander?"

Poor deluded Eddie. Still beating that Russia horse long after its dead, buried, and decomposed. Russia didn't get Trump elected, and it won't be Russia that gets him re-elected. It'll be morons like you who bite on EVERY fake story about Trump and upset more and more people every day.
What's fake? That he's a shyster a crook making money off his presidency? That Putin has him in his pocket??

Donald Trump will be remarkable in that he's probably the first President who will be worth less upon LEAVING office then when he ENTERED office! It was never about the money with him...he simply wanted to try and fix something that he saw as broken. Politics isn't his "career" like it was with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton!

Trump is evidently unaware of the maxim 'if it aint broke, don't fix it. Trump is breaking the US economy and the world economy.

Trump is using the carrot and stick approach, however, he is using the carrot as an anal suppository.

Yeah, up yer ass. :auiqs.jpg:

You appear to be aroused by anal penetration. Is that a carrot in your pocket?

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